The first time I landed, I was able to get a lot of money.

As early as the moment I completed the landing, the relevant task rewards had already arrived!

Since it was a main task, the rewards this time were also very rich. The moment I opened the backpack, various prompts sounded again:

[Congratulations to the host, got a reward, God-level diving! ]

[Congratulations to the host, got a reward, God-level kayaking! ]

[Congratulations to the host, got a reward, God-level wing suit flying! ]

[Congratulations to the host, got a reward, attribute points × 10! ]

[Congratulations to the host, got a reward, skill points × 20! ]

It is worthy of being a main task, and I got three god-level skills at once!

There is nothing to say about wing suit flying and kayaking.

These two magical skills are the skills that must be mastered to challenge the eight extremes!

The challenge corresponding to kayaking is the emergence of power.

The corresponding challenge for wing suit flying is the surge of wind!

At present, although the new main quest has not been updated, based on these two rewards, it is estimated that the next challenge should be one of these two sports.

As for what it is specifically, it depends on how the system arranges it at that time!

In addition to these two skills related to the challenge, the remaining god-level diving is also very practical.

God-level diving, as the name suggests, is a skill that can extend the time a person spends underwater. It takes effect automatically and does not need to be activated actively.

According to the introduction of the system.

The length of diving time is positively correlated with physical fitness.

It is also based on the environment at the time. If the situation is critical, it will be extended within a reasonable range.

There is no fixed value.

The system also said that the fundamental meaning of this skill is to enable the host to adapt to various underwater environments and ensure that the various functions of the body are not affected.

Of course, if the time is too long and exceeds the range that the physical fitness can bear, it will not work.

But no matter what, when doing some water challenges, having such a life-saving skill can really save a lot of worries!

In a critical moment, it can even save your life!

Thinking of this, Chu Chen did not hesitate at all, and directly clicked on the skill icon, turning it into his innate instinct!

Not long after, after learning the skills, Chu Chen still followed the old rules and made a simple allocation of attribute points!

Considering that the physique should be improved first, he directly allocated five points to the physique.

For other attributes, one point was added to each, and the main focus was on balanced development!

As for the remaining skill points, since they were not yet 100 points and the skills could not be upgraded, they could only be thrown aside.

Soon, after a series of operations, the system panel was refreshed in the first time and reappeared in front of Chu Chen!

[System Name]: God-level Criminal Master System

[Name]: Chu Chen

[Age]: 19

[Height]: 177cm

[Weight]: 73kg

[IQ]: 260

[Constitution]: 20 (10)

[Strength]: 15 (10)

[Endurance]: 15 (10)

[Speed]: 15 (10)

[Reaction]: 15 (10)

[Burst]: 15 (10)

(Note: The average value of each attribute for normal adult males is 10)

[Status]: Rampage state (ready), Gaoxue bloodline (ready)!

[Talent]: God-level criminal talent, God-level extreme sports talent!

[Skills]: God-level anti-reconnaissance, God-level Black Dragon Eighteen Hands, God-level forgery, God-level mountaineering, God-level camouflage, God-level driving, God-level cross-dressing, God-level parachuting, God-level diving, God-level kayaking, God-level wing suit flying!

[Available attribute points]: 0

[Available skill points]: 30

[Shock value]: 35 million!

(Note: For the specific calculation rules of the shock value, please refer to the system instructions! The shock value can be used to purchase items in the system mall!)


After the panel was updated, Chu Chen took a general look at the various data inside.

Everything else was fine.

The only thing that surprised him was the amount of shock value!

After this live broadcast, the shock value in the system has far exceeded the 10 million required by the task, and directly reached 35 million!

Looking at this number, Chu Chen couldn't believe his eyes. He never dreamed that his crime would attract so much attention!

35 million shock value!

It is definitely an astronomical number


It's time to spend some money!

Thinking of this, he decisively opened the system mall and checked it carefully.

The things in the system mall are all-encompassing, and there is everything.

Including the skills rewarded by the system, they can all be purchased.

But the price is very expensive.

Take the newly obtained God-level diving as an example, one skill is worth 30 million shock value.

At present, within the scope of his ability, the most popular commodity that can be purchased should be life.

1 million a year.

The rest, such as skills and some special medicines, although they are also useful, are not cost-effective at present, and some even require hundreds of millions of shock value!

This kind of thing can only be considered after accumulating more shock value in the future.

At present, Chu Chen has a total of 35 million shock value on hand.

Considering that the subsequent challenges might cost part of the money, and he needed to exchange some cash and necessary equipment, etc., this time he only spent 10 million to buy 10 years of life.

The remaining 25 million were all placed in the system in case of emergency!

Soon, after completing this wave of upgrades, Chu Chen let out a long breath, looked at the open wasteland, and was in a good mood.

The next second, he asked:

"How long will it take?"

The young Sherpa pointed to a small village not far ahead, turned back and said to him loudly: "We're almost there!"

Following the direction of his finger, Chu Chen saw a very dilapidated small village.

It's better to say that it's a gathering place for herdsmen than a village.

No trace of modern civilization can be seen wherever he looks.

After arriving at the place, the two got off the horse one after another.

At this time, the young Sherpa said to him: "The people here have carriages, they may be able to take you to Jiaman."

"Okay, thank you. My name is Chu Chen, nice to meet you."

"My name is Tenzing Norgay!"

"Tenzing Norgay?"

"Yes! Any questions?"

Chu Chen smiled: "Nothing, just a name similar to a friend I know!"

"Oh? Is he also a Sherpa?"

Chu Chen nodded: "Yes, yes."

"Okay, I hope he is as lucky as me, I'm leaving first, I wish you a safe journey!"

As he said, Tenzing Norgay jumped on the horse, and then galloped across the wilderness without looking back.

Looking at his back as he went away, Chu Chen smiled and shook his head, not knowing whether it was a coincidence or something else.

He let out a long breath, and he no longer struggled, turned around and walked into the village, ready to embark on the next journey.

But at this moment, the familiar prompt sound rang...


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