The new system task has been issued, please check it!

[Ding! ]

[A new system task has been issued, please check it! ]

After hearing the prompt sound, Chu Chen didn't think much about it, and subconsciously opened the task bar of the system panel and checked it.

Originally, he thought it was just a small task, but after clicking it, he found that it was actually a main task!

[Task Name]: Emergence of Power

[Task Time Limit]: 20 days!

[Task Type]: Main Task!

[Task Content]:

1. Within the task time limit, randomly rob a South African diamond mine, and the amount of robbery must not be less than 100 billion Chinese Yuan!

2. Within the mission time limit, drive a rapids kayak by yourself, starting from the source of the Chambishi River, completing the entire Congo River, and reaching the North Atlantic Ocean!

3. Within the mission time limit, gain 30 million shock points!

[Mission Reward]: Unknown!

[Failure Penalty]: Unknown!

… … … … … … … … Diamond Mine!


Congo River!

Looking at these keywords in the mission details, Chu Chen's heart, which had just settled down, was instantly lifted up again!

The challenge of Emergence of Power is the first of the eight challenges in the movie "The Thief".

According to the setting of the movie, "Emergence of Power" is not limited to a specific extreme sport!

As long as it is the first time to participate in and complete an extreme challenge, it can be regarded as "Emergence of Power".

It can be an off-road motorcycle, a rapids kayak, or even a parkour, no problem!

As the beginning of the eight challenges, "Power Emergence" is usually seen as a beginning for challengers to pay tribute to the power of nature with their bodies!

At that time, the reason why the protagonist group accepted the male protagonist to participate in the Wind Surge and Ice Solidification was because he had completed an extreme motorcycle off-road at the beginning of the film, which met the conditions for opening the eight challenges!

According to this setting, "Power Emergence" is mostly the sport that every extreme athlete is best at.

Because it is a good sport, this challenge is mostly the most completed!

Almost no one will fall on this challenge!

But this time, the main task, the system did not strictly follow the setting in the movie, but directly raised the intensity of the challenge to the maximum!

Not only do you have to rob a diamond mine worth hundreds of billions, but you also have to drive a kayak to complete the entire Congo River by yourself?

The Congo River is more than 4,600 kilometers long!

The basin area is more than three million square kilometers!

Even the world-renowned Amazon River dare not claim to be the first in front of it!

In addition to the basin area, the Congo River is also unparalleled in its danger!

This violent river originates from the Shaba Plateau in Zaire, and has dozens of large waterfalls along its entire basin!

Including the Hell's Gate Falls, Kisangani Falls, Stanley Falls, Livingstone Falls, etc., which make many extreme drifting enthusiasts crazy!

The total drop of these waterfalls is several thousand meters!

There are countless river sections with speeds exceeding 50 kilometers per hour!

Regarding the Congo River, there was a local saying in Africa: "No fish can swim the entire Congo River intact!"

This shows how dangerous this river is!

Even fish are like this.

Not to mention people!

Driving a kayak, completing thousands of kilometers of non-powered rapids rafting in one breath, passing through dozens of world-class super-large waterfalls!

Such a challenge is definitely worthy of the title of extreme eight events!


The error tolerance rate is low!

Without extraordinary physical strength and rafting skills, it is not easy to complete this challenge!

Even in the previous life when extreme sports were popular all over the world, the Congo River was a holy place for extreme rafting, without a doubt.

According to statistics from relevant departments, this river takes the lives of tens of thousands of extreme rafting enthusiasts every year!

Even now, Chu Chen couldn't help but frown when he saw this task!

But soon, he adjusted his mentality and decided to take on this challenge!

For a moment, the worries were swept away.

Instead, they were replaced by excitement and excitement!

Apart from anything else, if he could really complete this challenge this time, it would definitely shock the whole world!

Thinking of this, Chu Chen suppressed his excitement and decided to leave Nepal as soon as possible and go to South Africa as soon as possible!




At the same time!

On the Internet!

The successful completion of the Heaven's Birth Challenge caused an uproar around the world!

During this period, the homepages of major video platforms are almost completely occupied by Chu Chen's edited videos!

Click on any video and the popularity starts at millions.

A sure traffic password!

On Bilibili, many UP hosts who edited Chu Chen's live clips emerged overnight.

So far, some of these UP hosts have already had millions of fans!

The speed of increasing fans is visible to the naked eye!

In addition to video websites, the major social media platforms are not spared!

Twitter, Weibo, and Douyin are all hot searches and news about Chu Chen!

The so-called hot network is just like this!

At present, after a few days of live broadcasts, the hundreds of network lines in the official live broadcast room are basically full.

Because the popularity is too explosive.

The "Simulated Crime" program team has specially launched a derivative program "The Art of Crime" for him to divert traffic!

The focus of this derivative program is to focus on discussing Chu Chen's eight extreme items and predict his next challenge!

As long as there is no footage of Chu Chen in the official live broadcast room, some fans will flock to this live broadcast room, greatly alleviating the traffic pressure of the official live broadcast room!

At this moment, the host and experts in the program are predicting Chu Chen's next challenge!

A meteorological professor from Tsinghua University believes that his next challenge is likely to be the surge of wind, and the specific challenge is cliff parachuting on a typhoon day.

Because in a few days, a typhoon will land in southern China!

In the live broadcast room, there are many viewers who support this professor!

Everyone thinks that what he said makes sense.

But some people think that this challenge does not meet the core elements of the extreme eight events. There are only a few cliffs in southern China where you can parachute, and it is not ranked in the world.

The core element of the extreme eight events is to challenge various world records.

It is too arbitrary to draw a conclusion based on just one weather.

[I don't quite agree with this expert's point of view! ]

[Me too! ]

[Cliff parachuting on a typhoon day? Don't say, it really tastes like that! But I think even if there is such a challenge, the challenge location cannot be in China! ]

[Yes, the cliff is not extreme enough! ]

[I have already jumped twice in the two challenges of heaven and earth. Will I jump again? The surge of wind must be another challenge. Let's wait and see! ]

[Hurry up and start the next challenge! Can't wait! ]

[Look forward to the return of the king of Chu Shen! ]

[The expert group needs a bigger surprise! ]

[Ten thousand people signed in blood, Chu Shen returns! ]

In the live broadcast room, there was a lot of discussion!

Various barrages have never stopped since the beginning!

As the popularity of the program rose, related topics quickly became popular!

For a time, many people participated in the discussion about Chu Chen's next challenge!

And his next challenge has also become the focus of attention of countless netizens!

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