The more he climbed, the harder it was.

At this moment, the increasing difficulty was exacerbating Chu Chen's physical energy consumption!

From yesterday to now, he only ate a few energy gels before entering the Kisangani River section, and simply replenished himself.

In addition, he didn't drink a drop of water throughout the whole process!

If it were an ordinary person, he might not be able to bear such exercise intensity.

Even if there were reasonable supplies along the way, his limited physical strength would probably not allow him to do so!

Because Jiyuan kayaking itself is a very physically demanding water sport!

Without strong physical fitness, one charge may fail, let alone complete the entire Congo River...

In the previous life on Earth, even the most experienced kayakers, the longest solo drift record was only more than 3,000 kilometers!

This record was set by a kayaker from Denmark in the mid-1990s on the Yenisei River.

The Yenisei River is also one of the world's largest rivers, located in Siberia. It is a little shorter than the Mississippi River, but its flow is more than double that of the Mississippi River, and it is also a rafting paradise!

But compared with the Congo River, it is much inferior.

These two rivers are not at the same level at all.

The Yenisei River has been conquered by many rafting masters.

But no one has ever completed the entire Congo River!

To this day, it is a gap that all kayakers cannot cross!

All those who tried to challenge it ended in failure.

As for the reason for the failure of the challenge, the complexity of the water conditions is of course one aspect, but more importantly, it is the physical limit of human beings, which is simply unable to complete such high-intensity exercise!

Such a challenge, let alone in this world.

Even if it is placed on the earth, it is enough to cause an earthquake!

At present, the increase in physical energy consumption has not caused Chu Chen's mobility to show a significant decline.

But no matter what, he has also experienced a long journey of hundreds of kilometers.

Long-term high-intensity exercise once caused a very serious deficit of glycogen in his body.

Affected by it.

Muscle endurance is also much worse than before.

However, these problems are still within the controllable range.

At this moment, he has just stepped into the middle section of the river, and there is at least 2,000 kilometers away from the last Livingstone!

Before officially arriving at the Inca River section, Chu Chen has enough time to adjust his body and prepare for the final decisive battle!

Thinking of this, Chu Chen ate two energy gels in a row to replenish his body with a wave of calories.

Energy gel is a very high-quality fast carbon.

After eating, the glycogen deficiency in the muscles and liver can be immediately filled up to prepare for emergencies.

At this moment, in the live broadcast room!

Seeing this scene, many viewers were also quite shocked by Chu Chen's physical fitness, and they launched barrages:

[Chu Shen's physical fitness is really invincible! ]

[After not sleeping for a day and a night, he is still so energetic! ]

[What did he eat? ]

[Energy gel, to replenish energy! ]

[This challenge is really not something that ordinary people can play! ]

[Indeed! ]

At the same time.

On the helicopter!

The six pursuit captains had just set off before they succeeded, and Liu Xuemin's video call was made to Zhou Yun's mobile phone.

The purpose of his call this time was to discuss the next arrest work with the six captains and convey the meaning of the expert group to them.

After the call was connected, Zhou Yun was about to report what happened just now to him, but was stopped by Liu Xuemin: "We all know what happened just now..."

Speaking of this, he seemed to remember the previous scenes again, and couldn't help but let out a long breath:

"Huh... This matter is actually not your fault. It's our fault that we don't have a clear understanding of him, so we made a wrong arrest plan..."

"However, no matter what, this time, we still have something to gain. At least we accurately predicted his actions. You guys, especially the four new pursuit captains, don't let this failure affect your mentality. As long as our investigation direction is correct, it's only a matter of time before we catch him."

Hearing this, the four new pursuit captains who joined the case nodded with their own thoughts.

Then, Liu Xuemin continued:

"Just now, I talked to a few teachers, and everyone felt that the next arrest focus should be placed on Kinshasa.

If nothing unexpected happens, this should be the end of his challenge. Based on our understanding of Chu Chen, if he really wants to complete this challenge, he will definitely take risks. "

"His obsession may become the key to our breakthrough... If we can lay out in Kinshasa in advance, there is definitely hope to catch him. What do you think?"

After Liu Xuemin finished speaking, Zhou Yun, who had been frowning, said thoughtfully: "You mean, this time, he is likely to go head-to-head with us? "

During the entire competition, whether it was the two previous crimes or this time, Chu Chen has always been the passive party!

Because criminals are criminals after all!

Although he had the upper hand in the previous fights with the pursuit team, it is not certain what will happen if they really fight head-on.

No matter how powerful a person is, he will not have a great chance of winning if he faces thousands of people head-on!

Even the simplest blocking and encirclement will be enough to make him suffer!

However, what Liu Xuemin said is indeed very reasonable. Criminals like Chu Chen will definitely take risks.

Because in his eyes, his crime plan is more important than anything else!

From the extreme eight items he proposed, it can be seen that in order to complete this great crime, he has already put life and death aside!

If he had not been determined to die, he would never have been able to complete the first two challenges!

But Zhou Yun still couldn't believe it. , a fugitive will confront the entire arrest team head-on!

Isn't this just delivering himself to the door?

Secondly, after this arrest, he should have predicted the next move of the pursuit team.

Both sides are basically playing an open card now.

In this case, if he still insists on completing his criminal plan, unless he is absolutely sure that he can win in this confrontation!

Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to do so!

At this moment, in the live broadcast room.

After listening to their conversation, many viewers also realized the seriousness of the problem and launched barrages:

[Fuck, Chu Shen wants to confront the pursuit team head-on? ]

[Support Chu Shen, kill the pursuit team! ]

[You really like to watch the fun and don't mind the trouble! ]

[Program team: Can you not be so arrogant? This is a legal education program, not a crime promotion program! ]

[Haha! The program team is panicking again! ]

[Awesome! There's a good show to watch now! ]

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