The two of them were in a state of panic, and the two sides were in a state of panic.

At this moment, Zhuang Yan, who had been silent, suddenly spoke:

"Teacher Liu, I think this matter may not be so simple... He should have thought of what we can think of. Since everyone knows what the other party is thinking, as the party being pursued, he will definitely not continue to take risks knowing that he is at a disadvantage. Even if he insists on doing so, he must have thought of a way out, just like the last time he was born in the sky..."

Liu Xuemin naturally knew what Zhuang Yan said.

Last time, when Chu Chen was performing the birth of the sky, they did not expect Chu Chen to make such an amazing move on the highest peak in the world, so they let him escape to Nibel.

The next second, he said:

"We have also considered the problem you mentioned. That is why we have to learn from the last experience and take all possibilities and impossibilities into consideration!"

All possibilities and impossibilities!

Liu Xuemin's words were particularly powerful!

It can be seen that he and the expert group should have made a great determination this time!

Then, he continued:

"Just now, the program team has received a response from the Congolese military. They are very willing to cooperate with our operation."

Chen Xiong: "Congolese military?"

Liu Xuemin nodded: "Yes, if you want to keep him in Africa, it is not enough to rely on the 6,000 pursuit team members under your command. We must cooperate with the military."

"Have you discussed any specific plans?" Zhou Yun asked.

"The specific plan will be sent to you by Lin Xu later. You can take a look at it at that time. If there are any problems, we will negotiate again."

Hearing this, the six captains nodded.

"After arriving in Kinshasa, you will immediately hand over to the military leader, and then we will contact each other."

"Okay, no problem!"

Huaxia still has a lot of say in African countries.

Whether it is a big country or a small country, they will give some face.

In order to cooperate with the pursuit team's operation, the Congolese military also directly spent a lot of money.

All of its only ten warships and ten submarines were taken out, and the estuary of Kinshasa was surrounded!

The estuary of Kinshasa is the end of the Congo River.

Located on the Atlantic Ocean.

This city and its neighbor Brazzaville are located on both sides of the Congo River, forming a very rare "one water, two cities" layout!

The two cities are on both sides of the river, facing each other from a distance.

Due to the impact of the Congo River, the Atlantic seabed at the river estuary was forcibly washed out with a large rift valley several kilometers wide, 150 kilometers long, and thousands of meters deep!

The terrain in the Great Rift Valley is very complex, with all kinds of undercurrents and whirlpools everywhere, and the narrowest place is less than one meter wide.

Even the underwater detectors can't go deeper!

In order to catch Chu Chen, in addition to the wire mesh that had been set up long ago, the pursuit personnel also set up a giant scoop net with a diameter as large as an entire football field on the seabed of the Great Rift Valley!

The entire scoop net is controlled by more than 20 giant excavators.

At that time, as long as the target is found, the relevant staff will tighten it immediately under the operation!

In addition to these basic prevention and control measures, at the request of the pursuit team, the relevant departments of the Congolese government have installed countless smart high-definition cameras on both sides of the estuary!

These cameras all have far-infrared face recognition functions. As long as Chu Chen enters their monitoring range, he will be locked immediately and an alarm will be issued!

This time, the movement was a bit big.

In addition, it is in cooperation with the Congolese government.

In the past two days, we can often see some local Congolese audiences and audiences from some neighboring countries coming to the estuary to take photos and check in at the arrest site!

Some even flew here!

The purpose is to see with their own eyes the direct confrontation between Chu Chen and the pursuit team this time!

For this reason, the prices of hotels nearby have increased several times. Some rooms that usually cost only 100,000 Congolese francs have increased more than 20 times in the past few days!

At a glance, there are countless foreign tourists of all colors on the street!

Hotels are full, restaurants are full!

All tourist attractions are full!

There are people everywhere!

And these people, almost without exception, all came to Kinshasa to watch this chase drama live!

Congo's economic level was not very good originally.

But after this incident, only Kinshasa's GDP

, it has increased by more than 100 times...

This has directly led to the GDP of the entire country rising by 0.5 percentage points... It has made several poor neighboring countries envious and cry!

In order to thank Chu Chen for these "contributions", the President of Congo directly sent a tweet on his official Twitter account and decided to restart the honor of the Knight of the Star of Africa:

"Thank you to this friend who came all the way from China. Because of his arrival, our entire country is honored! Today, on behalf of all the Congolese people, I will award him the Knight of the Star of Africa to record everything he has brought to this country!"

The Knight of the Star of Africa is the most valuable honorary medal in Africa.

Previously, this medal had been stopped after Congo's independence.

But today, in order to honor Chu Chen, they directly chose to restart this medal to thank him for coming!




At the same time!

On the other side!

After two days of sailing, Chu Chen also successfully walked out of the middle section of the Congo River and was heading towards the Livingstone Falls and the most dangerous Inga River section!

Livingstone Falls!

The waterfall with the largest drop in the entire Congo River Basin!

The huge drop is more than 200 meters!

From ancient times to the present, no one has been able to rush down this waterfall alive!

And just behind the Livingstone Falls, it is the most dangerous Inga River section in the entire Congo River Basin!

The Inga River section of the Congo River, although less than 300 kilometers long, has a rapids of 71,000 cubic meters per second, which is definitely the deepest, fastest, and most powerful river section in the world!

Its real-time flow is 35 times that of the Nile River!

The flow rate exceeds 100 kilometers per hour!

With a drop of hundreds of meters in the river channel, all the fish said they didn't want to go there even if they were paid. The impact of the river water prevented the fish from gathering in groups!

Not to mention humans!

In the previous life on Earth, many extreme athletes who challenged the Congo River failed in such places!

In 2010, a Red Bull-sponsored extreme abyss rafting team was killed while trying to enter the Atlantic Ocean through the Inga River section, and no one survived!

This incident shows that this section of the river is by no means easy to conquer!

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