The truth is, the truth is that the truth is not true.

It seems that it is not convincing enough to interview only one successful person, so in the video, [Xiao Ya] interviewed three more successful people in succession.

In the video, the statements of these successful people are similar.

The implication is that other hotels are not as good as the Spring Hotel.

Although the video does not belittle the Hyatt Beach Hotel or other hotels, Lu Tianqi felt goose bumps when he heard the self-praising words in the video.

After interviewing several successful people, [Xiao Ya] came to the box.

When she came to the box, [Xiao Ya] first boasted about the night view that can be seen in the box.

Then when tasting the Australian dragon, he also praised the Australian dragon for being well made, saying that it was of the same grade as the one at the Hyatt Beach Hotel, and was not inferior to the No Worries Restaurant.

And when Xiaoya was eating, the hotel still sent a fruit plate.

The fruit plate was almost the same as the one at Lu Tianqi's hotel.

Seeing this, Lu Tianqi's expression was a little better: "It seems that Xia Linxin, this bastard woman, still knows a little bit of propriety."

Lu Tianqi was afraid that Xia Linxin would compete with him for service.

If everyone competed for service, then it would be endless!

Xia Linxin knew the propriety, so Lu Tianqi was not so angry.

But Lu Tianqi obviously thought it was too simple.

In the video, Xiaoya went to pay the bill after finishing her meal.

When checking out, the cashier said to [Xiao Ya]: "Miss, this is your receipt, please keep it."

"In addition, if you spend more than 10,000 yuan today, you can get temporary VIP qualification."

"If you plan to shop, I can apply for a temporary VIP card for you for free, valid for 24 hours."

"Within these 24 hours, if you shop in our hotel, you can enjoy a 95% discount on all your purchases."

After hearing what the cashier said, [Xiao Ya] was immediately surprised and said: "Your hotel actually has such a service, which is quite good."

"Then apply for one for me."


The cashier immediately applied for one for [Xiao Ya], and then [Xiao Ya] went to visit the mall in the hotel.

[Xiao Ya] didn't really want to buy anything, she just promoted the Bali Spring Hotel in the video.

So when she was visiting the hotel shopping area, she was also bragging.

"Xia Linxin is such a bad woman."

Although rich people have money, if there is a discount and they like something, they may buy it.

And if it's not too late after dinner, it's actually a good idea to go shopping in the hotel.

Lu Tianqi knows that Xia Linxin's approach can definitely help the hotel increase its turnover.

However, Lu Tianqi's hotel does not have shopping services, so Lu Tianqi can't say anything.

After watching [Xiao Ya]'s video, Lu Tianqi continued to eat and watch short videos.

After watching a few short videos, Lu Tianqi saw another internet celebrity blogger posting a video.

This is a video posted by an internet celebrity found by other hotels.

"I knew these colleagues in the Magic City would take action."

Lu Tianqi was not too surprised.

These colleagues are the same. In the video, they also pretended to take advantage of [Xiao Ya]'s popularity, and then forcibly used their own hotel's Australian dragons to benchmark the Australian dragons of the Beach Hyatt Hotel, and then used this to achieve the purpose of benchmarking with Qin Shuyang.

Seeing that all his peers learned marketing methods from Lu Tianqi, Lu Tianqi was furious.

"These bastards, although they didn't directly contact [Xiao Ya], are just as excessive as that woman Xia Linxin."

"But don't these people have their own publicity strategy? They are all shamelessly imitating me, right?"

With anger, Lu Tianqi began to observe the situation of Australian dragons in his hotel today.

Because these Internet celebrities posted videos in the afternoon, many successful people are busy with work, so how can they have time to watch videos at this time.

Therefore, Lu Tianqi's takeaway app for dinner tonight and the hotel's Australian dragon sales have increased slightly compared to yesterday.

It's just that so many people imitated it, which made Lu Tianqi feel that tomorrow would be difficult.


In a blink of an eye, it was the next day.

When it was almost 10 o'clock, Lu Tianqi opened Qin Shuyang's takeaway app again.

"I don't know if the sales of [No Worries Restaurant] will be affected after so many peers posted videos yesterday.

Impact. "

Two minutes later, at 10 o'clock, Lu Tianqi refreshed Qin Shuyang's applet, thinking of grabbing a business package to continue to facilitate the chefs' research.

However, when paying, Lu Tianqi found that it was still sold out quickly.

"Sure enough, it is still popular, and there is no impact at all."

Lu Tianqi's tone was a little jealous.

There was no choice, Lu Tianqi bought vegetables to facilitate the research of his own hotel chefs.

Then, Lu Tianqi looked back at the sales on his applet.

"There is only one, these people are really damned. In the end, I was the one who got hurt. ”

Generally speaking, in addition to the customers who come to eat in the restaurant, Lu Tianqi's hotel can sell more than 20 takeouts during the whole lunch.

Even if it is not the real meal time yet, based on the experience of the past two days, 3 to 5 can be sold.

Now that Xia Linxin and others have posted the video, many customers may choose the principle of proximity after they cannot grab the business package of Qin Shuyang Restaurant.

Therefore, the sales of Australian dragons in Lu Tianqi's hotel naturally decreased.

Only he was hurt, Lu Tianqi was really depressed: "It was said in the video that the Australian dragons of [No Worries Restaurant] are not much better than ours, but it is not affected at all."

"[No Worries Restaurant] is really as stable as an old dog. "

Lu Tianqi was so envious that his back teeth were almost broken.

In the afternoon, Lu Tianqi saw videos posted by internet celebrities found by other colleagues.

Lu Tianqi knew that these people's publicity strategies were the same as his, so he was not surprised.

But Lu Tianqi was definitely surprised by Xia Linxin's behavior.

And the internet celebrity Xia Linxin found was also an internet celebrity Lu Tianqi had found before, which made Lu Tianqi particularly angry.

"Xia Linxin is a person who can't afford to live, right?"

"She finds the same internet celebrity I find. Is there something wrong with her?"

"I must make this woman look good. "

Lu Tianqi gnashed his teeth and would never allow Xia Linxin to win so easily.

Xia Linxin took advantage of the strategy he racked his brains to come up with. What a wishful thinking!

However, Lu Tianqi knew that if he thought of a way to fight back, Xia Linxin would definitely imitate it again.

So Lu Tianqi hoped to think of a way that would not be imitated.

However, it would be difficult to avoid being imitated.

This problem made Lu Tianqi very distressed.

A week passed unknowingly, and Lu Tianqi still couldn't think of any good solution.

These days, after the takeaway sales of Lu Tianqi's hotel were imitated by these peers, the daily meal volume was only about ten.

At 11 o'clock that night, Lu Tianqi had just finished a meeting and returned home.

As soon as he opened the door, Lu Tianqi's mobile phone rang.

Lu Tianqi clicked it and found that it was pushed by Douyin: [The [No Worry Restaurant] you follow has released the latest work].

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