The more you look at the video, the more you will see it.

Lu Tianqi can ignore other people's videos.

After all, in the past few days, Lu Tianqi has been meeting with people in the company every day, and has discussed some plans to prevent others from imitating.

Lu Tianqi is afraid that Qin Shuyang will post a video.

"I hope the video he posts is just a video of launching new dishes."

Lu Tianqi thinks that if he were Qin Shuyang, he would have been unable to bear seeing these colleagues in the Magic City shamelessly looking for Internet celebrities to post videos to compete with him every day.

After so many days, Qin Shuyang has not made any moves, which Lu Tianqi thinks is particularly precious.

The more he forbeared, the more Lu Tianqi felt that there was something wrong when Qin Shuyang suddenly posted a video, so Lu Tianqi was very nervous at this moment.

After closing the door and turning on the light, Lu Tianqi immediately sat on the sofa and opened Qin Shuyang's video to see the situation.

At the beginning of the video, the screen was dark and a text appeared: [The reason why I can't forget you is that you once scored full marks in my impression. ]

It was a familiar taste again.

And at the beginning of this video, Lu Tianqi felt that his heart was stabbed.

In the previous video, Qin Shuyang had just stabbed his first love.

As the person who was stabbed, Lu Tianqi couldn't forget his first love, of course, because his first love scored full marks in his impression.

So Lu Tianqi naturally felt offended by the text of this video.

But in this way, Lu Tianqi was a little relieved.

That means Qin Shuyang didn't take the benchmark videos posted by their catering colleagues in the Magic City to heart.

"This boss Qin has a big vision."

Lu Tianqi praised Qin Shuyang a little.

Qin Shuyang has such a big vision, as a competitor, Lu Tianqi still sincerely admires him.

"If Xia Linxin's vision is half as big as this boss Qin's, it will be great."

Lu Tianqi once again despised Xia Linxin.

As long as Qin Shuyang's video is not a counterattack, Lu Tianqi will be relieved.

Lu Tianqi relaxed a little and continued to watch.

Last time, his first love was stabbed. Lu Tianqi thought that Qin Shuyang should not continue to worry about the first love this time, right?

Looking at Qin Shuyang's videos so far, the subject matter has never been repeated.

Although I don't know why Qin Shuyang's video starts with this copy, Lu Tianqi still chooses to relax and watch it to see what kind of people will be stabbed by Qin Shuyang's video tonight.

After the copy disappeared, two dogs appeared at the beginning of the video.

The name marks appeared on his head again, marked as [Dou Dou] and [Hua Hua].

"He actually used dogs to shoot videos again, isn't that too insulting?"

Lu Tianqi's expression immediately became serious.

Just now he praised Qin Shuyang for his broad vision, but now Lu Tianqi felt that Qin Shuyang had no vision at all.

Why do you have to use dogs to shoot videos?

Using dogs to shoot videos, it feels like a subtle satire on others being licking dogs, which is too insulting.

As for why the names of these two dogs are different from last time, Lu Tianqi thinks that Qin Shuyang may want to change the names to avoid the audience being too impressed by the content of the last video and not feeling involved in the video.

After all, Qin Shuyang's story this time is definitely different from the content of the last story.

However, Lu Tianqi is sure that [Dou Dou] and [Hua Hua] in Qin Shuyang's video are definitely [Dudu] and [Mi Qiu] from last time.

Lu Tianqi was too lazy to delve into the details, so he continued to watch what was said in the video.

After [Dou Dou] and [Hua Hua] appeared, the two dogs snuggled together and looked very intimate.

Especially [Dou Dou], Qin Shuyang also gave a close-up shot, the dog's mouth was grinning, and it can be seen that he was very happy.

At this time, the copy of the video appeared: [When you are ambiguous, you think this is true love! ]

Seeing this, Lu Tianqi frowned again: "What do you mean? You can't get along with people, right?"

Lu Tianqi felt that this copy was so heartbreaking.

When you are ambiguous, you think it is true love, right?

Just when Lu Tianqi felt unhappy, he saw [Dou Dou] and [Hua Hua] began to appear on a piece of grass in the video.

There were no toys on the grass, and two dogs were seen running around on the grass

Go, run happily.

At this time, in the middle of the video, artistic words appeared: [With you, boredom also seems interesting. ]

Then, the screen switched.

In the video, [Dou Dou] and [Hua Hua] went to Qin Shuyang's room together.

In the video, Qin Shuyang was photographed from the back, and now he was sitting in the room watching a movie.

[Dou Dou] and [Hua Hua] sat at the door and watched the movie together.

Art words appeared in the middle of the video: [With you, this is the ideal viewing experience. ]

The screen switched again, [Dou Dou] and [Hua Hua] were in a small nest together, eating dog food together.

In the middle of the video, artistic words appeared again: [Having a meal partner together is the happiest thing. ]

Qin Shuyang had used this editing technique before, but there were only three or four scenes, so Lu Tianqi thought it was over.

However, this time, the content in the video may not end here.

The screen changed again, and [Huahua] was seen sitting under the night sky unhappily, while [Doudou] was circling around [Huahua].

When [Doudou] came to the left of [Huahua], [Huahua] deliberately turned her head to the right, which was originally facing the left.

When [Doudou] came to the right of [Huahua], [Huahua] deliberately turned her head to the left.

It was obvious that she was irritated by [Huahua].

At this time, a dialog box appeared.

[Doudou]: [Don't be angry, okay? I know I was wrong. ]

[Huahua]: [You are not wrong, it's all my fault! ]

[Doudou]: [Baby, I really know I was wrong, can you forgive me? ]

In order to make [Huahua] forgive him, [Doudou] kept pushing [Huahua]'s body with both hands in the video, as if asking [Huahua] to do him a favor.

[Huahua], who was originally very angry, became less arrogant when facing [Doudou]'s coquettish attitude.

[Huahua]: [Do you really know you are wrong? ]

[Doudou]: [I really know I am wrong. I swear, I will never make you angry again. ]

Seeing this, Lu Tianqi's forehead was already bulging with anger: "What does this mean? Who is he trying to hurt by making this video!"

When Lu Tianqi made Li Xiaoxue angry, he was the first to admit his fault in order to win her back.

Li Xiaoxue looked very angry and could not forgive her.

In the end, Lu Tianqi had no choice but to grab Li Xiaoxue's arm and start to apologize to her in a coquettish way.

Even the words he said were exactly the same as what [Doudou] said in Qin Shuyang's video: "I swear, I will never make you angry again."

Lu Tianqi thinks that boys and girls should apologize in this way.

So the question is, what type of fans does Qin Shuyang want to hurt by making such a video?

Are they fans who were unable to get their first love, like Lu Tianqi?

Or are they fans who were in a relationship but didn't end up together, broke up, and can't forget their ex?

It's not like these two groups of fans would attack at the same time, right?

If Qin Shuyang really dared to do this, would Lu Tianqi think it was too cruel?

Qin Shuyang's videos have never seen a precedent of attacking two groups of fans at once.

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