After watching Qin Shuyang's video, Lu Tianqi was in a bad mood.

And Lu Tianqi was still discussing methods and thinking about how to compete with other colleagues.

Now Qin Shuyang's video has broken Lu Tianqi's plan.

After all, Qin Shuyang has launched the hard dish of king crab.

Maybe many rich people are tired of eating Australian dragons recently, and they may like king crabs.

So now Lu Tianqi still needs to see the situation.

However, Lu Tianqi thought this was a good idea: "We haven't fully discussed how to prevent these colleagues from imitating. Now that Qin Shuyang has suddenly appeared, Xia Linxin and her gang will definitely take action. This time, I must give Xia Linxin a taste of my own medicine."

Lu Tianqi swore fiercely. He was very angry about Xia Linxin's complete imitation of his behavior last time. It was impossible for him to pretend that nothing had happened.

So Lu Tianqi planned to see what action Xia Linxin would take this time. This time, it was Lu Tianqi's turn to pay tribute to Xia Linxin.

After Lu Tianqi had this idea in his mind, he was no longer in a hurry, and then he began to open the comment area, intending to curse a few words to express his anger at Qin Shuyang's video.

Of course, Lu Tianqi knew that Qin Shuyang might not change his bad habits and would still choose to continue posting videos like this.

But whether Qin Shuyang changed or not, Lu Tianqi would definitely scold him.

Clicking on the comment area, as expected, saw a lot of negative reviews.

[I feel like you are getting more and more explicit in your videos now. Can you be a little more reserved? My friend is really furious right now and wants to rush over to hit you. I tried to stop him, you know?]

[A licker is also a human being. You made my classmate feel ashamed in front of me. I think you should stop shooting videos like this in the future. Just go back to your previous style and don't be so straightforward.]

[To be honest, if you change the style of your videos back to the past, my classmate will choose to forgive you. You can do whatever you want. If you don't change your video style, it will really anger everyone. You'd better think it through.]

People in the comment area began to miss Qin Shuyang's previous video style.

Originally, I thought Qin Shuyang's previous video style was already very bold.

Now I didn't expect that the previous video style was Qin Shuyang's most restrained state.

If I had known this, I would have praised Qin Shuyang directly at that time. Why did Qin Shuyang choose the style of breaking the jar?

If he had stabbed her with a knife before, she would have been cut into pieces by now.

Looking at the comments below the comment area, Lu Tianqi still agreed.

Because Lu Tianqi also felt that compared with Qin Shuyang's current video style, the previous video style was simple, kind, and plain.

It's like a simple and plain college student who, after entering the workplace, was exploited by an unscrupulous boss and turned evil.

But the problem is that Qin Shuyang is making a fortune every day, who exploited Qin Shuyang?

The reason for Qin Shuyang's evil transformation is completely non-existent.

Lu Tianqi also made his own comments at this time.

[Free and Alone]: [I actually always appreciate your video style, but I think your video style should not become more and more exaggerated and outrageous. Before, you only stabbed one wave of fans, and now you stab two waves of fans at the same time. If you can't get the love you want, do you have to stab them continuously? At least stab them after a while. It's just a jerk. ]

Lu Tianqi felt that what he said was absolutely reasonable.

After all, Qin Shuyang really only stabbed a group of fans before.

And in this video tonight, all those who can't forget their exes will be stabbed.

Is this reasonable?

Is this appropriate?

Although Lu Tianqi thinks that Qin Shuyang must be a dog who can't change his character, and he doesn't care about the opinions of those people in the comment area.

But Lu Tianqi feels that he is not asking Qin Shuyang to change his style, but just asking Qin Shuyang to stab a group of people in one video.

It can't be said that he was just stabbed today and stabbed again in the next video.

At least give people a few days of buffer.

After cursing twice, Lu Tianqi didn't want to watch Qin Shuyang's video, and then watched other short videos to relax a little.

But after being stabbed by Qin Shuyang's video, Lu Tianqi found that he didn't have any mood to watch other videos.

At this moment, his whole mood was completely affected.

"Asshole, can you shoot videos in the future

Restrain your style, it's really damn terrible. "

After Lu Tianqi cursed, he turned off the lights in the living room, went to wash up and go to bed.

However, when Lu Tianqi lay on the bed and closed his eyes, some words in Qin Shuyang's video always popped up in his mind unconsciously.

Especially the last sentence in Qin Shuyang's video: [It was obviously me who licked it first].

This sentence kept replaying in Lu Tianqi's mind, as if it was magical.

"Why do you have to say this at the end of the video? "

Lu Tianqi felt that this sentence was more upsetting than other copywriting.

This sentence kept playing in his mind. The more Lu Tianqi thought about it, the angrier he became, and the more he couldn't sleep.

Of course, on the one hand, he was angry with Qin Shuyang, and on the other hand, Lu Tianqi was really unwilling to accept it. After all, Lu Tianqi did chase Li Xiaoxue first, so how could he lose to her?

This sentence kept bothering Lu Tianqi until he fell asleep at 3 o'clock in the morning.

"I hope this kid will get his comeuppance tomorrow and no one will buy anything in the store. "

Lu Tianqi fell asleep while cursing Qin Shuyang in his heart.

But Qin Shuyang himself fell asleep early, and Qin Shuyang was in a good mood.

Because the recent increase in good reviews is quite satisfactory.

Now the store is about to open.

Today, Qin Shuyang launched three dishes in the video. He also thought about it carefully and made sure that he could handle it before he dared to do so.

Good things are about to happen, so Qin Shuyang naturally slept very soundly.

At 6 o'clock in the morning, Qin Shuyang got up early as usual, and the first thing he did when he woke up was Time, Qin Shuyang looked at his system interface.

[Name: Qin Shuyang]

[Good reviews: 793948]

Every day, there are about 50,000 good reviews.

After this period of accumulation, Qin Shuyang's good reviews are now close to 800,000.

This can temporarily alleviate Qin Shuyang's urgent needs.

Qin Shuyang looked at the comment area.

I found that many people asked Qin Shuyang to change the style of the video. Qin Shuyang was also helpless: "It has always been this style, but the content of my videos cannot be repeated, I have to keep innovating! ”

After washing up, Qin Shuyang went for a run as usual, and then returned to the temporarily borrowed shop.

Qin Shuyang's shop has been renovated. Now he ventilates it every day and turns on the indoor fresh air system to try to remove formaldehyde as soon as possible so that formaldehyde meets safety standards.

It is expected that the opening will be in about five days, and there will be no big problems.

Qin Shuyang chose August 3rd to open the shop because it was Saturday.

On Saturdays, many customers can come to the shop to check in and eat conveniently.

At 10 o'clock, Qin Shuyang started business normally.

Lu Tianqi has already opened the takeaway app in the office.

The red eyes mean that Lu Tianqi did not sleep well last night.

Because he did not sleep well, Lu Tianqi's actions of grabbing takeaways became slower, and he didn't even grab vegetables.

"Sure enough, there is no miracle. This kid is so sharp, aren't these people who buy takeaways angry? "

Lu Tianqi was so angry that he slammed his phone on the table.

When Lu Tianqi reacted, the screen of his Apple phone was broken.

"Damn it, why is everything so unsuccessful?"

Lu Tianqi had no choice but to get up and leave, go to the nearby Apple store, and buy a new phone.

Another day of spending money to avoid disaster!

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