The food was not good, but the taste was good.

Xia Linxin is not a professional chef, and she is not as sensitive to taste as Zheng Manpeng and the other seven people.

Xia Linxin was surprised to see that the seven people only smelled the food but did not drink it, saying, "Seven chefs, why don't you taste it?"

"There are so many people around taking short videos. If we just smell the food, if we are filmed, people who don't know us will think we have never seen the world."

After all, the place where Xia Linxin and the other eight people are sitting is not a private room, so Xia Linxin thinks she should pay attention to her image.

When the seven people heard this, they found that there were really many people taking videos or taking photos around them.

If they were accidentally filmed as a background wall, they might really think that they had never eaten good food, which is not a joke.

The seven people stopped smelling the soup and drank it slowly, savoring the taste.

The first thing you feel when you drink it is the freshness of the soup.

The boiled cabbage soup is made clear, and freshness is definitely the first thing.

The seven people are all senior chefs in the industry. This time they came to taste and analyze the method of Qin Shuyang's soup.

And they came here in the hope of replicating it successfully.

The seven people tasted the soup with the most stringent requirements.

However, when they drank it, in addition to being refreshing, a layered taste spread in their mouths.

The aroma of chicken, duck, pork bones, and beef, these complex flavors are blended together, and the taste is rich.

The key is that the taste is very balanced.

There will be no situation where the taste of one soup overshadows the taste of another soup.

The seven people couldn't help but compare the boiled cabbage they usually make with the boiled cabbage made by Qin Shuyang.

But after such a comparison, the seven people inexplicably felt a little depressed.

Because the boiled cabbage soup they made was very refreshing when they drank it.

But from the perspective of professional chefs, they could not make the taste of the soup have layers and balance like Qin Shuyang.

Zheng Manpeng has made boiled cabbage countless times and tasted it countless times.

Anyway, when Zheng Manpeng made it himself, although the ingredients he added were basically the same as Qin Shuyang, the soup he made was often dominated by a certain ingredient.

For example, sometimes the taste of chicken soup will occupy the main theme of the whole soup.

The soup stewed with duck meat, pork bones, and beef only played a role in setting off, making the whole chicken soup taste better.

This is like a round cake, Qin Shuyang can divide this round cake into several sectors evenly.

When Zheng Manpeng cooked boiled cabbage soup, it was equivalent to chicken soup occupying half.

Then the remaining half became divided by beef, pork bones, and duck meat.

Even so, the other half tasted unbalanced.

Not only Zheng Manpeng, the other six people also had this idea.

Comparing the soup they made, it was similar to Qin Shuyang's soup except for the refreshing taste.

The boiled cabbage they made might be more suitable to be named chicken soup cabbage or bone soup cabbage.

Generally speaking, many people who taste boiled cabbage may think that it is mainly to drink the soup.

But in fact, the key to boiled cabbage is whether the cabbage is good or not.

Otherwise, the word boiled water would not be used to replace the soup, thus weakening the dominant position of the soup in this dish.

Then, Zheng Manpeng and the seven chefs picked up the cabbage lotus in the soup.

The seven people bit off a leaf of the cabbage lotus.

When they put it in their mouths, the cabbage soup was very full.

After swallowing the soup on the surface of the cabbage, the seven people chewed the cabbage and tasted the taste of the cabbage carefully.

After taking a bite, the seven people actually found that they heard a "crackling" sound.

"It's so crispy!"

This crispy taste is definitely different from the crispy taste of simply pickled kimchi, which can't be as crispy as kimchi.

But after blanching, it can still taste this crispy taste. Qin Shuyang almost cooked the cabbage and maintained its taste to the greatest extent.

This is entirely based on the control of the heat.

The seven people knew that Qin Shuyang's control of the heat for any dish was very good.

But it was really a bit jaw-dropping to be so good.

Zheng Manpeng couldn't help but look at the other six people: "This cabbage tastes a little crispy, do you feel that way?"


The six people nodded solemnly, their expressions were extremely serious.

Seeing that the seven people looked a little serious, Xia Linxin asked curiously: "Masters, is there a problem with this?"

Xia Linxin also ate the boiled cabbage.

This cabbage tasted really crispy.

And the cabbage can be said to have completely absorbed the chicken soup, and it was not affected by the water in the cabbage itself.

It was definitely the best boiled cabbage Xia Linxin had ever eaten.

But even if it was so delicious, the seven people looked so serious that Xia Linxin was very panicked!

Zheng Manpeng explained: "Boss Xia, it is difficult to control the heat of vegetables like cabbage."

"When you blanch them in water, sometimes the taste of the vegetables will change dramatically if the heat is off by one second."

"Not to mention that this boss is so busy, but every cabbage he cooks can have such a crisp taste."

The other six chefs also spoke up.

"His talent for managing heat is really enviable. This is not a matter of how many years he has been immersed in cooking."

"I think so too. I feel that this boss relies entirely on talent. This kind of heat management really doesn't seem to be something that can be practiced."

"Even if it's a machine, it won't work. After all, the thickness of each cabbage leaf is different."

"Boss Xia, if other meat dishes may still be replicated, I think this boiled cabbage is completely impossible to replicate."

"At most, we can find a way to replicate the taste of the soup, but it is absolutely impossible for cabbage."

The words of several people made Xia Linxin a little depressed.

Bringing seven people here is just to replicate Qin Shuyang's dishes.

As a result, the first dish was said to be impossible to replicate, which was a blow to the head.

What a bad start!

However, Xia Linxin can understand that it is really not easy to maintain this taste after blanching the cabbage.

When replicating Qin Shuyang's dishes before, they did a lot of practice, and then they were lucky to have a dish that tasted close to Qin Shuyang's.

Then they improved their cooking skills based on the method that was closest to Qin Shuyang's dish.

Even so, there is no guarantee that the level of the dishes replicated later will be exactly the same.

And the boiled cabbage must be served to the guests in small bowls like this, otherwise how can it meet the level of state banquet-level dishes.

If the guests eat the same batch of dishes, everyone tastes different, it will definitely ruin the reputation.

This is completely different from the same dish that tastes slightly different when you eat it today and tomorrow.

Of course, it is not impossible to make boiled cabbage.

That means the cabbage should still be cooked in the original way.

But the taste difference is too obvious, and there is no way to compare them against one's conscience!

Rich people are just rich, not really stupid!

It is impossible not to taste such a clear difference!

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