The soup was so delicious.

Zheng Manpeng and the other seven saw the disappointment on Xia Linxin's face.

But the seven people had to tell the truth. The cabbage in boiled water was indeed out of control.

"Boss Xia, how much does this boiled cabbage cost?"

"300 yuan."

Hearing the price, the seven people couldn't help but secretly exclaimed: "It's really not cheap!"

Even such a small bowl of boiled cabbage is so expensive.

It cost 2,400 yuan for the eight of them to drink soup.

To be honest, in their hotel, 2,400 yuan can be used to eat a full table of sumptuous dishes if you don't order special dishes.

"Seven chefs, let's try this king crab again."

Xia Linxin was still quite interested in this king crab.

Because king crab, like Australian lobster, is only ordered by those who are relatively wealthy.

As long as this king crab can replicate the Australian lobster in about 70% of its appearance in today's meal, it will basically be considered a success and can be forced to compete.

After Xia Linxin said this, the seven people's eyes were first placed on the steamed king crab with lotus leaves on the plate.

The seven people scooped a spoonful of egg custard with a spoon.

Just like before, first smell the fragrance of the egg custard.

The egg custard is added with crab roe, but when it smells, the taste of crab roe is not so strong, and it mixes very well with the taste of eggs.

The overall smell is very plain and elegant, which makes people feel comfortable.

There is nothing to pick on the taste, and the seven people tasted it carefully.

When the crab roe and egg custard enters the mouth, smooth and tender are the first reactions.

The next second, the taste of crab roe immediately stimulated the taste buds, and saliva kept secreting.

Because of the saliva secretion, I swallowed it subconsciously.

As a result, I swallowed a lot of crab roe egg custard in my mouth, and I didn't react at all.

"Isn't this egg custard too smooth?"

The seven people wanted to taste it carefully, but they just moved their tongues slightly and swallowed their saliva, and the egg custard was swallowed completely uncontrollably. This smoothness was really unexpected.

It's smoother than Dove!

The seven people didn't know how to describe this taste, they could only say it was amazing.

Then, the seven people picked up a crab leg to taste.

The seven people have cooked many king crabs.

The crab meat of the king crab is firm and elastic.

When eating it, you can clearly feel that its meat is delicate and tender.

But the problem is that when Qin Shuyang's king crabs are eaten, the meat is not as firm as the king crabs they have eaten before. They can't taste firm at all, but only taste the elasticity.

The meat tastes very tender, smooth and fresh.

It completely avoids the disadvantage that the king crab meat loses water during the cooking process, causing the meat to become firm.

And when it is eaten, there is the aroma of crab roe as an embellishment, which makes people feel delicious.

After swallowing the crab meat, Zheng Manpeng sighed: "Mr. Xia, this lotus steamed king crab is probably not replicable."

"King crab can't be replicated? No way?"

Xia Linxin looked at the other six people, hoping that the other six people could give a different opinion from Zheng Manpeng.

Xia Linxin, who was originally a little satisfied because the king crab was delicious, suddenly felt uncomfortable.

If the king crab cannot be replicated for this meal today, it can be said that it is a waste of time.

But the other six people were destined to disappoint Xia Linxin.

"Boss Xia, we agree with Lao Zheng. This king crab really can't be replicated."

"No way, will it be different from Australian lobster?"

How could Xia Linxin accept this?

Zheng Manpeng sighed and said, "Boss Xia, listen to our reasons. The difference is really big."

"Just after eating this egg custard, you should be able to clearly feel that the taste of crab roe and egg is very well mixed."

"There is no crab roe covering the taste of egg, nor is there too much egg covering the taste of crab roe."

"Instead, crab roe is the main ingredient and egg is the auxiliary ingredient, which makes this taste very good."

"If it's just the ratio of crab roe to egg, we can definitely find a way to study it."

"Then how much proportion of water to add, or how much time to steam, we can do a lot of experiments to study it."

"Then there is a chance to replicate it.


“But the key problem lies in the crab meat.”

“According to the shooting method in his video, the crab meat is directly put on and steamed together at the beginning.”

“So think about it, if a king crab has more crab roe, we add a little more eggs, and then add a little more water, will it take longer to steam the egg custard?”

“Then how do we control the heat of the crab meat?”

“Every king crab is different, which is very difficult to grasp.”

Xia Linxin said unwillingly: “If we just want to achieve such an effect and don’t pursue the same process as him, do you think it will work?”

“For example, if we want to make a king crab, the egg custard is easy to steam, and the crab legs need to take longer, then we steam the crab legs first, steam the crab legs to a certain degree of doneness, and then put them on the egg custard and steam them again.”

“Mr. Xia, this is not realistic. ”

“To steam the crab meat until it is just cooked and not firm, and put it in a pot, maybe we can summarize some experience in the heat.”

“You have to do it in two steps now, which is much more difficult.”

“We don’t have the boss’s talent for heat.”

“So if we replicate the king crab, we can only make the crab roe and egg custard similar to his, but the crab meat cannot be guaranteed.”

This made Xia Linxin feel like it was the case.

If the chef of her own hotel could control this complex heat, then the dishes that Qin Shuyang had made before would have been completely replicated long ago.

Just like the boiled cabbage just now, only half of it could be replicated.

Xia Linxin felt uncomfortable.

At this time, Xia Linxin couldn’t help but have a thought in her mind: “Could it be that he knew that our hotel colleagues were replicating his dishes, so he specially made this dish that people couldn’t replicate? "

Xia Linxin couldn't help but be suspicious.

When the hotels posted videos imitating Qin Shuyang's video style, Qin Shuyang didn't react.

When they began to force Qin Shuyang to compete, Qin Shuyang didn't react either.

Xia Linxin thought Qin Shuyang was just a simple vision.

Now it seems that Qin Shuyang may have a vision.

But Qin Shuyang is not without a fight.

Qin Shuyang's biggest fightback is to not give them the opportunity to copy the dishes.

In other words, directly help them The intensity was increased, and the difficulty of reproducing was raised.

However, as soon as the intensity was raised, the seven senior chefs of Xia Linxin Hotel began to raise the white flag directly.

The difficulty was too great.

In this way, the last hope seemed to be white-cut duck.

After all, steamed king crab with lotus leaves cannot be reproduced, and king crab is mainly eaten for its crab legs.

Then reproducing spicy fried king crab would be a waste.

Customers would definitely not order king crab.

However, Qin Shuyang has increased the intensity this time. Will white-cut duck really leave a chance for his peers?

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