The price of the crab is the same as that of the Australian lobster, but the price of the crab is obviously cheaper than that of the Australian lobster.

When Xia Linxin was considering whether the white-cut duck could be copied, she heard Zheng Manpeng's question: "Mr. Xia, how much is this king crab?"

"This king crab weighs 5 jin and costs 10,000 yuan."

"2,000 yuan per jin, the same as the price of Australian lobster, but the price of the crab is obviously cheaper than that of the Australian lobster."

Generally speaking, the price of the crab is about 300 yuan per jin.

The Australian lobster costs 450 yuan, or the higher quality ones may cost close to 500 yuan.

"It's probably because the cooking of king crab is more complicated than that of lobster, so the price is higher."

"That's true."

When several chefs were arguing about the fact that king crab is cheaper than lobster, but it is sold at the same price as lobster, Xia Linxin felt that money was not an important thing at all.

This is a delicacy consumed by those who are willing to spend money.

Whether it is 2,000 yuan per catty or Qin Shuyang sells it for 1,500 yuan per catty, for those people, it doesn't matter a little bit.

As long as it tastes good, it's enough.

If you care about the price, you can go to those cheaper restaurants to eat king crab or lobster.

So Xia Linxin felt that Zheng Manpeng and the other seven people should focus on whether they can replicate the dish.

Xia Linxin could only remind them: "Seven chefs, let's not pay attention to the price of king crab for now, let's try this white-cut duck."

In order to avoid several people arguing about the price, Xia Linxin took the initiative to tell the price this time.

"This boiled duck is not cheap either, it's sold for 300 yuan per pound."

Compared to Qin Shuyang's braised chicken, crayfish, and pickled fish, these are normal prices, so Zheng Manpeng and the other seven people didn't hesitate.

The seven people picked up a piece of duck meat.

The boiled duck was cold, so they didn't care about the aroma, they just ate it directly.

Zheng Manpeng and the other seven people didn't choose to dip it in the secret sauce.

After dipping it in the secret sauce, the taste will become better.

But first they wanted to taste what the texture of the boiled duck was like.

Without dipping it in the sauce, you can eat it more authentically.

To be honest, the seven people are also under pressure now.

The hotel business has deteriorated, and their wages have decreased.

When people reach middle age, they have old people above and young children below!

When the duck meat was eaten, the seven people tasted it carefully again.

Qin Shuyang has shown in the video that when cooking duck, Qin Shuyang used duck soup to stew it.

So when you put it in your mouth, you can feel that there is still some delicious soup on the duck meat.

Although not much, the taste released by these few soups makes people feel very delicious.

The taste of this soup can still be imitated, and the seven people feel that this problem is not difficult.

After that, the seven people began to chew the duck meat.

When the duck meat was bitten, the soup contained in the duck meat was squeezed out again.

The taste of the soup is very fresh and mellow.

And the soup overflowed a lot, which made the taste buds feel very enjoyable.

Locking so much juice, the seven people felt that this white-cut duck was very delicious even without dipping sauce.

What made the seven people feel most incredible was that the taste of this duck meat was unique.

It was completely different from the white-cut duck that the seven people had made before, or the white-cut duck that they had eaten from others.

Because boiled duck is eaten cold, it should taste similar to the meat of braised duck on the street, and the meat is relatively firm.

But Qin Shuyang's duck tastes very soft.

You don't need to bite it hard with your teeth, the duck meat is strands, and it seems to fall apart easily.

It gives people a soft and rotten feeling in the mouth, and it is very easy to chew.

This taste is different from the very soft and rotten stewed braised pork, which melts in the mouth.

Qin Shuyang's melts in the mouth, all thanks to the easy disintegration of the duck meat, which is equivalent to becoming meat floss.

It is naturally easier to chew, so it feels easy to bite.

And this looseness is different from those duck meats that have been frozen for a long time.

The frozen duck meat has no seasoning to suppress the taste, and it is completely inedible.

Unlike Qin Shuyang's duck, the boiled duck tastes delicious even without any seasoning. The duck meat is absolutely fresh, so it all depends on Qin Shuyang's cooking time.

Master it well.

Zheng Manpeng and the other seven looked at each other and knew that everyone had the same idea, that is, they were helpless.

Zheng Manpeng sighed: "Boss Xia, I'm afraid I will disappoint you today."

When Xia Linxin heard what Zheng Manpeng said, she immediately looked at the seven people and was a little bit unacceptable: "Seven masters, this white-cut duck can't be copied."

The other six people also showed a bitter smile on their faces.

"Boss Xia, this boiled duck is really impossible to copy, because the heat is so important."

"You have to know that for any meat ingredient, whether it is pork, chicken, duck, beef or mutton, during the steaming process, as the meat is heated, its muscle fibers will begin to shrink."

"This is mainly because the high temperature denatures and coagulates the protein in the muscle fibers, making the muscle contraction tighter."

"So if we want a dish to be soft and rotten, we can only stew it very hard, and many times we even use a pressure cooker to make the meat soft and rotten."

"But after you taste this boiled duck, you should feel that it has a relatively soft texture, and it melts in your mouth."

"Its principle is different from the principle of our usual stewing."

"It should rely directly on the heat, so that the duck meat can be cooked as much as possible after it is cooked. "

"In this way, if the meat is not overheated and the muscle contraction is not particularly strong, the meat will not be so firm as a whole."

"So when we eat it, the meat will be loose because the heat is not too strong and the meat is not so firm. "

"It's like a pair of chopsticks. We may not be able to break it, but can we break a pair of chopsticks?"

"So the duck meat is easy to chew and melts in the mouth."

"Then with the delicious soup, the white-cut duck almost has the taste of braised pork, but it is not as greasy as braised pork."

"And we obviously can't do this."

"Not to mention that the thickness of the meat of each duck is different, and we can't summarize the experience of this heat."

If we can't summarize the heat, it will be completely useless.

And the white-cut duck is mainly eaten for duck meat, and no soup is drunk.

So even if Zheng Manpeng and his seven companions could imitate the taste of the white boiled duck soup, what good would it do?

If the king crab and the boiled cabbage just now could be imitated halfway.

Then the half of the white-cut duck soup cannot be served to the guests, which is equivalent to not imitating it.

So this dish can basically not be imitated at all.

Hearing this, Xia Linxin felt uncomfortable.

Today, I specially invited seven people to come and taste the taste of Qin Shuyang's dish just out of the pot, but it turned out to be useless.

So Xia Linxin just sat in line at the door for almost an hour, wasn't it a waste of effort?

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