The food was very delicious, but the food was very delicious.

At noon, Qin Shuyang only served 1,000 kilograms of pickled fish and crayfish.

At 1 p.m., Qin Shuyang was done.

When he sat down to rest, Qin Shuyang habitually opened the system interface and took a look.

[Name: Qin Shuyang]

[Good reviews: 61,707 points. ]

From morning to now, there have been about 500 good reviews.

Among them, the number of good reviews on the takeaway platform has increased by more than 20.

In addition to the 10 contributions from Li Mengrou's employees, there are also good reviews from a few iron fans like Liu Fuyan.

Last time Qin Shuyang posted a video of the black fish love story, on the first day of opening, 390 of them were all bad reviews.

The number of negative reviews for the crayfish love story released last night was even more exaggerated than the last time.

As a result, Qin Shuyang was very happy that he sold so many takeouts today and there were still a few good reviews.

"I told you, my cooking skills are so good, how could I not have loyal fans."

Qin Shuyang immediately opened the takeout applet to see what the loyal fans' comments were like.

As a result, he was shocked by the negative reviews of the black fans.

"Is the crayfish frozen or fresh? Can't you tell the taste when you eat it?"

"Are the black fans doing it on purpose, or are they simply uneducated?"

Qin Shuyang felt that if the black fans were unwilling to give good reviews after watching his crayfish love video, Qin Shuyang could not force them.

But he couldn't spread rumors that the quality of the ingredients in Qin Shuyang's store was not good.

As for why Qin Shuyang's crayfish was so easy to shed, it was naturally due to Qin Shuyang's crayfish cleaning machine.

When cleaning, this machine mainly uses the principle of ultrasonic waves.

In addition to cleaning the dirt on the crayfish, ultrasonic waves can also separate the crayfish meat and shell to a certain extent.

This is a bit like the principle of teeth cleaning, which allows tartar to fall off the teeth.

After the shrimp meat and shrimp shell are separated to a certain extent, when cooking, the shrimp meat will become firmer when it changes from a raw state to a mature state.

This will make the shrimp meat and shrimp shell separated more thoroughly.

So after Qin Shuyang's crayfish is done, the shrimp meat can be pulled out.

Originally, it was convenient for customers to eat crayfish, which should have been well received. As a result, these black fans raised doubts and even led the rhythm in the comment area. This cannot be tolerated.

Qin Shuyang doesn't care whether these black fans are intentional or uneducated. Anyway, Qin Shuyang can't let the iron fans who believe in him worry about the food.

It's still very simple to dispel rumors.

Qin Shuyang immediately picked up his phone and filmed a video of the nearly 1,000 kilograms of crayfish that had not yet been processed. He also filmed a video of the fresh appearance of the black fish in the fish tank.

Qin Shuyang simply edited the video and sent it out at 1:30. Many people quickly saw Qin Shuyang's video.

After seeing off Xia Jianhao, Li Mengrou rested in the office.

Obviously, she didn't sleep well last night, and she couldn't sleep at noon, so she took her phone to watch short videos.

At 1:40, Li Mengrou saw the video of [No Worries Restaurant].

"It's the boss's video again."

Fortunately, the beginning of the video was a cartoon avatar with a pig's face, not a video that would make people angry, so Li Mengrou didn't choose to swipe away.

At the beginning of the video, Qin Shuyang simply greeted: "Hello, everyone, I am the owner of [No Worries Restaurant]."

"After the crayfish was launched at noon today, it was very popular. Thank you for your support."

"Thanks are from the heart, including the black fans who placed orders to support crayfish."

"But here, I hope the black fans will be more rational."

"You can give me bad reviews because you don't like my videos, but don't question the freshness of the ingredients."

"I'll show you."

While speaking, baskets of lobsters appeared in the video.

The crayfish kept crawling in the basket.

"My crayfish are freshly purchased every day, how can I use frozen goods."

"I sold 1,000 kilograms of crayfish in the morning, and now the store has these five baskets left to sell in the evening, which is also about 1,000 kilograms."

"And there are black fish."

The video camera showed many fish tanks, and there were many black fish in the fish tanks.

“The pickled fish is also freshly killed.

“To be honest, the dishes in my shop are so expensive, I really don’t need to use frozen ingredients just to save a little bit of cost.”

“If I really want to make money, I can just raise the price, right?”

“I’ll still sell well even if I raise the price.”

“If you don’t believe me, I’ll prove it to you.”

“The price of crayfish will increase to 200 yuan per catty and 100 yuan for half a catty tomorrow. Black fans, open your eyes and see if I can sell them.”

The video ends here.

The screen turns black at the end, and a text appears: [Questioning voices may affect my mood, but they won’t affect my pace of progress. Black fans, just wait and see!]

After watching the video, Li Mengrou was speechless: “Isn’t this just an excuse to raise the price? ”

Even as a black fan, Li Mengrou has no doubt that Qin Shuyang’s crayfish is so delicious that it can still be sold out even if the price is raised.

So Qin Shuyang really doesn’t need to use the excuse of proving sales to black fans to raise prices.

Li Mengrou clicked on the comment area and found that many people had similar ideas.

[Raise the price if you want to, don’t blame the black fans, okay? (Contemptuous expression)]

[In the end, the black fans took it all, right? (Bomb expression)]

[Bullshit, the loyal fans took it all with you guys! It was originally said that there might be another day of discount, but you black fans have no taste and can’t even tell whether the shrimp is fresh or frozen, giving the boss an excuse to raise the price.]

Seeing that a loyal fan came out to complain, Li Mengrou was amused: "It seems to be true. "

The die-hard fans said nothing. Every time the price increases, they are the same as the haters. They need to pay more.

Just when Li Mengrou was browsing the comment area, she found that a comment was replied by Qin Shuyang.

[Telepathy]: [You raise the price like a rocket. I'm used to it. The question is, while you raise the price, can you increase the supply of crayfish? Crayfish are already very popular in summer. You only sell 1,000 kilograms of crayfish at night. Is it justified? Who will eat it!]

This comment was left 8 minutes ago.

Qin Shuyang's reply was also 8 minutes ago, which is basically equivalent to an instant reply.

[No Worries Restaurant]: [I ordered crayfish a little late yesterday, so I didn't get much. Today, less was delivered. The supply of crayfish will increase tomorrow, please rest assured.]

When Qin Shuyang gave his reply, two fans replied to Qin Shuyang's reply.

[In terms of supply, you are still very obedient. If you are in terms of video style, you It would be better if you could listen to advice more. 】

【To be honest, if you can listen to advice on the video style, your fans will definitely increase dramatically. 】

These two comments were replied to Qin Shuyang 7 minutes ago, which was basically an instant reply.

As a result, Qin Shuyang pretended not to see it and did not reply directly.

Even 3 minutes ago, Qin Shuyang replied to two other comments from his loyal fans.

This made many black fans very angry, and they directly commented under Qin Shuyang's reply to denounce Qin Shuyang.

【Let you Changing the video style means you are either pretending to be dead or pretending to be blind, right? (Disdainful expression)]

[You are definitely the most arrogant blogger on the Internet. You don't take haters seriously at all. Is it so difficult to change the video style? (Bomb expression)]

[You dare to do whatever you want if you don't lack sales, right? Remember this! (Picking nose expression*3)]

Seeing Qin Shuyang pretending to be dead, Li Mengrou also complained through the screen: "The boss can listen to other suggestions, but just pretends not to hear this one. I am really impressed."

But this is natural.

This video style is Qin Shuyang's artistic pursuit and it must not be changed.

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