The two sides of the river are still in a state of chaos.

It is normal for peers to be enemies, to be jealous, and to be scheming.

In addition to the Beach Hyatt Hotel, many high-end hotels in Shanghai have begun to pay attention to Qin Shuyang, a rising star.

Lu Tianqi has just asked the hotel manager Qi Xiaoyue to deal with this matter. In fact, some people are faster than Lu Tianqi.

However, although Lu Tianqi was a beat slower, he was very smart and guessed that other peers like to analyze data.

In the Bali Spring Hotel in Shanghai.

In the hotel's large conference room, a 28-year-old woman with neat hair and exquisite makeup has called all the people in the company's public relations department for a meeting.

The woman's name is Xia Linxin, and she is the general manager of the Bali Spring Hotel.

Xia Linxin naturally had to personally convene such an important strategic meeting.

On the projector in the conference room, Xia Linxin began to analyze the four short videos of Qin Shuyang's store from its opening to the present.

"Currently, the owner of this [No Worries Restaurant] has four videos, two of which are about love and two about family."

"The comparison result is obvious. Videos with family themes are more likely to attract high-end customers."

"In middle age, many successful people may begin to like sentimentality, so shooting some short videos that can reflect the families of successful people can gain their favor."

"Our hotel currently does not have a professional video team, so I hope that the public relations department can form a team as soon as possible and then shoot some food videos that can promote our hotel."


Ding Yiyou, director of the public relations department, immediately agreed.

"But Mr. Xia, should we imitate the style of [No Worries Restaurant] in our video creation?"

"If we do this, we may be scolded. Will this damage the image of our hotel?"

Bali Spring Hotel is a comprehensive hotel in Shanghai that provides leisure shopping, food and accommodation, and is also one of the most high-end hotels in Shanghai.

If the official short video account of the hotel is full of scolding, it will not feel appropriate.

Xia Linxin certainly knows this.

Qin Shuyang started his business as a takeaway restaurant, so Qin Shuyang can not care about the image.

Xia Linxin still has to care about the image.

If the image of the hotel is damaged, her parents will scold her to death when she returns home.

Xia Linxin immediately said: "Of course we don't need to shoot something that will be criticized."

"I have such a theme in mind, everyone listen to it and see what you think."

"Starting a business is never that easy, so those successful people must have experienced a lot of hardships, and in their careers, they have made many choices that cannot take care of their families."

"We mainly express that it is not easy for these successful people to start their own businesses, which is to some extent flattering."

"I believe that after watching this video, those successful people will definitely be very happy."

"We shoot videos for these successful people The successful people flattered the people, while the [No Worries Restaurant] liked to stab people in the heart when shooting videos. In this comparison, why don't these successful people choose our hotel, which is more friendly to them, to consume? "

Ding Yiyou nodded immediately and said, "Mr. Xia, what you said makes sense. If we shoot videos according to this theme, these successful people will definitely feel the same and think we are confidants."

"Right, I also think that the effect of such publicity is absolutely unbeatable."

Xia Linxin had a confident smile on her face. There is no doubt that she, like Lu Tianqi, has never tasted the dishes of Qin Shuyang Restaurant.

But this is normal, successful people often don't pay attention to small people.

Bali Spring Hotel is already the top hotel in the industry. How could it look down on a takeaway restaurant that succeeded through Internet marketing and took shortcuts!

At the same time, many hotels are also holding meetings to discuss the content of the videos they want to shoot. They all want to attract more customers to their hotels by copying the high popularity of Qin Shuyang's store.

But no one wants to be scolded, so they all choose to go the route of blowing rainbow farts.

Qin Shuyang didn't know what other hotels were thinking at the moment, and was still busy making preparations.

At 5:20, Qin Shuyang's store opened as usual.

In the evening, Qin Shuyang prepared more than 1,500 kilograms of Australian lobsters, which is 300 lobsters.

There were 100 more than the supply at noon, but it was still sold out in seconds.

Qin Shuyang's limit in one hour was cooking

96 Australian lobsters, so it was 8 o'clock when Qin Shuyang finished his work.

Qin Shuyang rested for half an hour, and the takeaway of the best-selling crayfish was also finished.

After the store finished serving, Qin Shuyang sent a message to Zhao Xinwen, and Zhao Xinwen ordered the mall manager to bring 10 workers to help work the night shift and break the wall.

Originally, Qin Shuyang was thinking of contacting Zhao Xinwen after the work was done and breaking the wall tomorrow morning.

However, Qin Shuyang sent a video in the afternoon saying that he needed more stoves and hoped to use the kitchen next door.

After watching the video, Zhao Xinwen took the initiative to contact Qin Shuyang before Qin Shuyang called.

The better Qin Shuyang's business is, the higher the customer flow he can bring to the mall, so Zhao Xinwen is naturally happy to meet some of Qin Shuyang's small business requirements.

It would be bad if it was too late to break the wall early in the morning, so Zhao Xinwen arranged for the workers to come over to work overtime at night for the sake of safety.

After all, the mall was still open, so the noise of knocking down the wall couldn't be too loud, so it took a lot of time.

Originally, it would take 10 workers half an hour to knock down the wall, but it took an hour.

In addition, they had to clean up the construction waste.

When they were done, it was already 10 o'clock.

After the workers were done, Qin Shuyang also gave each worker and the mall manager a takeaway of crayfish to express his gratitude. He still knew how to handle the human relations.

After sending the workers away, Wu Yongfeng and others began to clean up.

Because the wall had just been knocked down, although the construction waste had been moved away, there was a lot of dust left in the store, so it was naturally impossible to clean up when the wall was knocked down.

After all the things were done, Qin Shuyang didn't get home until 11 o'clock.

After taking a shower, it was already 11:30.

Lying on the bed tiredly, Qin Shuyang looked at the system interface before going to bed.

Qin Shuyang was shocked when he saw it.

[Name: Qin Shuyang]

[Good review points: 71301 points. ]

"After posting the video in the afternoon, I got 40,000 good review points. Even if they are not loyal fans, they are passers-by fans."

"Why don't these people talk? If they give more good reviews, I won't have to work so hard."

Qin Shuyang sighed for a long time.

In fact, this is the effect Qin Shuyang wanted at first.

After all, with the cooking skills given by the system, Qin Shuyang thought that earning good review points should be as easy as drinking water, and he could quickly unlock the mall function and then unlock various machines.

So Qin Shuyang only needs to be responsible for shooting short videos and exerting his artistic talent on a daily basis.

As a result, it is extremely difficult to get good review points, and the increase is very slow.

Today, I finally used a significant increase in supply and moved the fans with my sincerity to get good review points. It feels too difficult.

"It would be nice if there were more fans of my art."

Qin Shuyang's current fans are basically fans of his cooking skills, fans of his appearance, and a lot of haters, but there are no fans of his art.

Qin Shuyang feels it's a pity that no one appreciates his artistic talent.

However, with so many positive reviews, his points may be more abundant, so Qin Shuyang was still very happy when he fell asleep.

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