Two hotels have been killed in a row.

So here comes the question.

The video has been shot almost the same, should I post it or not?

If I post it, I feel embarrassed.

If I don’t post it.

I don’t give up.

What if successful people just don’t like to watch the videos of the Spring Hotel and the Baihao Hotel?

Finally, I thought about it, and the fluke mentality defeated reason.

The hotels are very tacit.

The data is already so bleak, there is no need to post it together.

The data is not much to mix, if it is posted together, it may be hand in hand to die together.

So everyone just takes turns.

It was ten o'clock in the evening again, and the Magic City Xintiandi Hotel released a video.

The theme of Xintiandi Hotel's video is that at the beginning of the business, the family still helped to work together, and even the children came to help after finishing their studies, which seemed very sensible and did not care about their father because his father was too busy.

Under normal circumstances, parents would definitely not let their children affect their studies to help.

Although in order to highlight the concerted efforts of the family.

But obviously, things that have never happened cannot make many people like them.

As a result, the next morning, it was not much better, with 1,200 likes, still not more than Xia Linxin's video.

Others who did not post videos saw that the third hotel was killed, and they felt cold in their hearts.

However, the people of Bali Spring Hotel and Baihao Hotel felt a little relieved: "No data is right!"

It was night again, and Modu Beach Yuerong Hotel released a video.

This video flattered even more.

The theme is that successful people left some injuries in order to make their families live better and to fight for their careers.

Most successful people still hope to be healthy.

This last one is not healthy, so I don’t want to like it anymore, I always feel bad.

On the morning of the third day, the number of likes of the Beach Yuerong Hotel was less than 1,000, just over 900.

“There is not even one that has over 2,000 likes, is it really that outrageous?”

The hotels that did not post videos felt even more depressed and unconfident.

However, the Beach Banyan Tree Hotel joined the ranks of the dead, which made the already dead Bali Spring Hotel, Baihao Hotel and Xintiandi Hotel feel relieved.

“It died beautifully.”

In the next few days, various high-end hotels continued to post their own videos.

However, in the videos, these successful people were photographed too perfectly, making these successful people feel ashamed.

In addition, the price is not much better than eating in the store.

So there is basically no sales on the takeaway app.

Time has come to the 9th day.

Seeing that all the videos with the theme of family and food in the previous 8 days were dead, Lu Tianqi still had a fluke mentality in his heart.

That night, in the office, Lu Tianqi checked the videos shot in his hotel, hoping that he might be the son of luck and the result would be different from others.

"This love-themed video should make those successful people's eyes light up. Who doesn't have a beautiful love?"

Lu Tianqi began to convince himself and give himself some confidence.

At 9:30, Lu Tianqi sent out the video carefully prepared by his hotel.

It is really not an exaggeration to say that this video is carefully prepared.

Because after several hotels died in the past few days, Lu Tianqi made some adjustments to the video.

Qin Shuyang was lying on the bed and browsing his phone before going to bed.

At 10 o'clock, Qin Shuyang swiped a video with an ID called [Beach Maoyue Restaurant].

Qin Shuyang has recently become accustomed to these five-star hotels in the Magic City imitating himself.

Although these hotels have suffered a lot recently, Qin Shuyang still watched the video patiently.

This video is a little different from the videos of the previous few days.

The protagonists in the video are still two Australian dragons, marked as [Xiaoqing] and [Xiaochun].

When [Xiaoqing] was busy working hard for her career, she naturally couldn't take care of love, so her relationship with [Xiaochun] went through twists and turns before they were finally together.

It was shot a little more realistically, unlike the previous few days, making successful people look perfect.

After all, Qin Shuyang has never been in love, so Qin Shuyang doesn't have too many feelings.

But for many successful people, this is still a science fiction movie.

For example, Zhao Tianlei.

Zhao Tianlei was also lying on the bed and saw this


After watching this video, Zhao Tianlei directly chose to block it: "All the romantic science fiction movies are here, it's really outrageous."

When watching those family science fiction movies a few days ago, Zhao Tianlei could still tolerate it.

This romantic science fiction movie is really intolerable.

Zhao Tianlei failed to be with his first love girlfriend because his father did not agree.

In the video, there are twists and turns, and finally love and career are both successful, which seems to have nothing to do with successful people like Zhao Tianlei.

First love is an emotional scar in the hearts of many successful people.

Not to mention that Lu Tianqi's video is deliberately ironic.

At least many successful people who have not experienced such love feel that they are not qualified to like it.

So let the successful people who have experienced such love like it.

There are few successful people.

Not to mention those who have successfully walked into the palace of marriage with their first love, that is even rarer.

Qin Shuyang clicked a like and left a footprint before going to bed as usual.

As a result, when he woke up the next day and saw that the number of likes was less than 100, Qin Shuyang suspected that he had not woken up.

After confirming that he was not mistaken, Qin Shuyang was really amused: "One is worse than the other. Are there no high-end hotels in Shanghai that can compete?"

Such funny things happen every morning, which makes Qin Shuyang go to work in a good mood. It's really unique.

When Qin Shuyang was happy, other colleagues were the same.

Xia Linxin woke up at 8 o'clock, opened Douyin, and looked at Lu Tianqi's short video account.

Seeing Lu Tianqi's data, Xia Linxin laughed so hard that her stomach hurt: "Hahahaha."

"It's not even 100 likes, and you have the nerve to post it. If it were me, I would delete it quickly."

This is the worst thing Xia Linxin has seen so far.

Xia Linxin thinks that as a colleague, she should show her support, so Xia Linxin wants to write a comment to show her support.

Xia Linxin started editing messages with her own Douyin account.

[Time is Not Old]: [Very good, please keep up the good work.]

Just when Xia Linxin clicked to send a comment, she got a prompt: [Sorry, the work is gone.]

After a pause, Xia Linxin smiled: "It seems that the video should be deleted."

"There is no one who can beat it, it seems that I have to stand up again."

Xia Linxin didn't expect that the video she posted before had the highest number of likes.

If Xia Linxin hadn't deleted the video, Xia Linxin would have wanted to release it again.

But there is no need to release it, Xia Linxin still puts her hope on the new video she is preparing.

At the same time, in the luxurious master bedroom of the large flat, Lu Tianqi was hugging the pillow and feeling uncomfortable, and he didn't want to get up to work.

"I actually became the worst one, it's ridiculous."

Lu Tianqi really couldn't accept this result.

Guessed that others would take the family route, so Lu Tianqi took the love route.

The result was so miserable that it was unbearable to look at.

Lu Tianqi didn't know how to face his employees when he returned.

In the end, Lu Tianqi decided not to go to work and figure out how to successfully get traffic at home. He couldn't be so miserable anymore.

This thought lasted for a whole day.

At 9 o'clock in the evening, sitting on the sofa in the luxurious living room, a 100-inch TV was playing a TV series.

Lu Tianqi just turned on the TV to listen to the sound, and he himself lay on the sofa, repeatedly watching several videos of Qin Shuyang with a tablet computer, trying to find inspiration.

At this time, Douyin suddenly gave a prompt: [The latest video of [No Worry Restaurant] you follow has been released. ]

"He posted a video again?"

Lu Tianqi immediately sat up from the sofa and quickly refreshed Qin Shuyang's work area to see what videos Qin Shuyang posted.

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