Just like what the man in the black mantle said, the courtyard was indeed very big. Lin Nian was carried by Li Hueyue through an unassuming small door in the alley. He originally thought he would enter some big courtyard, but instead he walked into the seven-door courtyard. The alleys with twists and turns are filled with the clutter of life.

These alleys are separated by bungalows. Occasionally, you can see red walls and cornices, and even stone tablets left over from the Ming and Qing Dynasties fell into the open space, but the words on them have been blurred. The entrance to the small door Dozens of distribution boxes hanging on the walls can tell how many households there are.

"There are at least 50 families living here?" Lin Nian looked around and observed the curved terrain, which was more complicated than street fighting in Afghanistan.

"About 300 households." Li Huanyue said. She took Lin Nian through the yard with ease. Occasionally, children would chase them and run past them against the wall. When they reached the end of the alley, they would hide and reveal themselves. Half a brain peeked at them.

"Did you really grow up here when you were a child?" Lin Nian looked at Li Hueyue beside him and finally asked the question just now.

He was already prepared for the other party to look at him, or simply ignore him, but what he didn't expect was that he got the answer from the other party in a quite calm tone, "Lived there for a while."

"So what the old man said is true? You were originally with your mother and were later found by Zhengtong?"

Li Huoyue didn't answer this question, maybe she was acquiescing to it. Anyway, to Lin Nian, if she didn't deny it, it was considered as her acquiescence.

Lin Nian looked at the environment of this large courtyard while walking. Although the old man mentioned before that this courtyard has been renovated once, it is still too old from the current point of view. Except for the basic infrastructure, the other Everything has aged with time and it's hard to imagine how bad the environment must have been before the renovation.

"I can't tell you have run away from home before."

"Do you have any opinions?" Li Huoyue asked.

Although she spoke calmly, the words seemed a little aggressive. Lin Nian said naturally, "No objection. After all, everyone does stupid things sometimes."

"Don't casually define something you don't understand." Li Huanyue said slowly, "This is a truly stupid thing."

"I really don't understand. If there's anything offensive, you can tell me where I offended, and I won't do it next time."

"This cliche approach doesn't work for me."

"But it's very useful for ordinary people. I originally thought you would interrupt my chat with that nice old man, but you still let me finish what I wanted to say with him. I can understand that you don't refuse my temptation. What’s your past?”

"You seem to have misunderstood something." Li Huoyue said, "Testing each other is a common thing between people like us. I have dug into your past, and it is natural that you will try to investigate mine. , you have not expressed any protest opinions on this, which means you have acquiesced that this kind of thing will always happen to you. Why do you think that I will be special and will do the same thing to you that I did to you? And feel uncomfortable and disgusted?”

Lin Nian understood the logic in Li Hueyue's words and felt that there was really no problem, so he stopped testing and said flatly, "You didn't say that your mother would be there for afternoon tea this time, Zian Man. Is your aunt's name like this? The old man mentioned it just now."

Li Huanyue paused for a moment, then turned to look at Lin Nian. The light in the alley was not so bright, and the girl with some gloom was still beautiful. Her slightly golden eyes looked at the boy who also stopped next to her, a little... After a while, he opened his lips and said, "Yes, you will see my mother later."

This was not some suggestive and ambiguous words, nor was it the nervousness and embarrassment before meeting the parents. Li Huoyue admitted that the timing and tone of these words coincided with some of Lin Nian's thoughts.

"Some things between you and Orthodoxy may be more messy than I thought, but it does make some things more reasonable. I hope this is not a conspiracy." He said.

"People like you are used to working with conspiracies, so I don't expect to gain your trust completely. The so-called cooperation and covenant have never been 100% trustworthy." Li Huanyue said, "Today's protagonist is not me. , nor my family members. You can completely ignore these factors at the negotiation table and talk to the people who really have the right to speak. That is today’s topic.”

"I don't think there will be any redundant people at the negotiating table today. I don't know what the habits of the orthodox side are, but no matter where the situation is, irrelevant people should be eliminated." Lin Nian said, "Your family member, and the only family member, will appear on such an occasion. It's hard for me not to think about what this means, and what message the real speaker is conveying to me through this."

"I told you, this is none of your business."

"It's up to you whether it's none of my business. If someone wants to bring my family members to the negotiating table, I will put his family members on the table first," Lin Nian said.

Like a piece of advice, but also like an unintentional remark.

Li Huanyue glanced at Lin Nian, wondering if he was joking when he said this. Based on her investigation and understanding of Lin Nian, this guy's character has always been ignited in certain places. Sometimes he is particularly capable. He endures external malice and exploitation, but after touching that point called "Lin Xian" he becomes particularly flammable and explosive.

This is not a good thing.

Li Huoyue's evaluation of Lin Nian's character is that this is a complete disadvantage. If you appear to care too much, then the enemy will use all means to attack your weakness. People like them should deeply understand their weaknesses. Ji Zang is hiding, and if he is discovered one day, then that will be the day they are completely defeated.

But now it seems that Lin Nian is still alive and well, and there has never been a situation where his sister was kidnapped or used as a means of blackmail. This makes it difficult for Li Huanyue to understand that he can't always do what the other party does. correct? Connect your weaknesses with your own crazy wires, put a nuclear explosion button that can overturn the chessboard openly on the table, and threaten your enemies with terrible consequences that are unacceptable to everyone to protect what you care about.

Everyone knows that the ace of the secret party has a family member who is powerless, but no one has ever tried to take action in this regard. Orthodox research has been done on this matter, but in the end no results have been obtained at all. This is also a problem. The unsolved mysteries about Lin Nian.

Lin Nian and Li Hueyue walked out of the alley and stopped in front of a long red wall. The red wall stretched infinitely to the left and right and seemed to have reached the boundary of the courtyard. On the other side of the red wall, the red leaves were all over the wall. They were blooming in advance. The road is covered with golden ginkgo trees, and the ground in front of the red wall is covered with golden ginkgo leaves. It’s not even early autumn yet, but the ginkgo trees here are already blooming so brilliantly. The branches sticking out of the wall cover the yellow tiles and are bearing fruits, like a wall. That side and this side of the wall are two different worlds.

"On the other side of the wall is the Dragon and Phoenix Garden." Li Chengyue said, "Since its construction, the Dragon and Phoenix Garden has always been an important place for orthodox clan chiefs to discuss important matters or conduct abdication ceremonies. Non-orthodox confidential members are not allowed to approach. Five hundred meters away, this place is often used as a pure land for clan elders to repair and cultivate themselves. You are not allowed to trespass unless necessary, otherwise you will be regarded as a mortal enemy by the orthodox."

It was more of a warning than an introduction. Li Huoyue took Lin Nian this time but did not adopt any secret method of blindfolding and driving around in a circle. He drove over from Beichizi Street in an open manner. As long as Lin Nian was not a road addict, the route would be unreasonable. Can recite clearly.

Lin Nian was led by Li Hueyue to walk on the ginkgo leaves on the ground, leaning against the vermilion wall and the beautiful girl tightly wrapped in a white windbreaker. It was not like they were going to talk about something that concerned countless people in the sunny weather. It is a matter of life, death and the future pattern, but I am simply picking green flowers and taking a walk in the deep courtyard of BJ in the late autumn.

In addition to Lin Nian, other people who saw this scene may also think so, such as the boy with a wolf tail standing at the main entrance of the compound not far away, "This way! This way!"

Lin Nian could see the boy leaning out in front of the porch and waving here from a long distance away. The T-shirt, the handsome wolf tail on the back of his head, and the cheerful expression made him recognize him at a glance. The identity of the other party, Sima Xuxu, did not expect that the other party would appear here. This made him glance sideways at Li Hueyue, only to find that Li Hueyue frowned slightly without leaving any trace, and then maintained his original indifference. The appearance continued to walk.

It seemed that she didn't know that Sima Xuxu would be here.

When they got closer, they saw another man. He stood upright behind Sima Xuxu. He was wearing a black Hanfu cardigan, a cotton blended black jacket without any unnecessary patterns, and a formal white lining. Wearing a middle coat, a ruby ​​bead chain, black cotton and linen trousers and a pair of black cloth shoes.

Lin Nian and the man looked at each other. After making eye contact, the man nodded politely to him. He was neither humble nor arrogant. His status and purpose could not be seen at a glance. The only thing he could feel was the strong aura on the other man's body. The smell of books, the fragrance of ancient ink and tea, Zhongyong Wuwei may be what it means.

"Historian." Lin Nian heard Li Huoyue beside him mutter in a low voice.

Before asking the historian what he meant, Sima Xuxu had already glanced left at Lin Nian and then at Li Hueyue. When he saw Li Hueyue, he was instantly shocked by the well-groomed girl and did not open his mouth. After making any noise, he looked at Lin Nian again, as if he had guessed what was possible. His expression suddenly became slightly fierce but uncertain, so he looked at Li Hueyue and asked hesitantly, "Sister Huoyue, if you are threatened, Just wink at me.”

Isn't this guy too imaginative? Would you mind reading less unrealistic books? (You are talking about yourself.) Lin Nian raised his hand and pinched the bridge of his nose, and said calmly, "No one can threaten her. It's none of my business that she is like this, and she didn't come here specially to see me. Maybe she is Weared specially to see you?"

Sima Xuxu was stunned and shook his head for a moment. He seemed to have a very clear self-positioning. "How is it possible? It's impossible to come to see me anyway, unless I didn't wake up." He suddenly paused and looked back at the big man. He hesitated at the courtyard door, "Wait a minute. Is Aunt Yanman inside?"

It should be said that he was Li Huoyue's little follower. He guessed the reason for Li Huoyue's outfit almost instantly.

"Xuxu, why are you here, where is Xiaosheng? She didn't follow you?" Li Huanyue stared at Sima Xuxu and asked directly.

"I don't know." Sima Xuxu also shook his head in confusion, "I was still working in the field with Xiao Sheng, going back and forth to the train station and the airport to investigate suspicious people, etc., but suddenly I got a call from Sister Qiu Luo. They asked me to take a break this afternoon and come to Longfeng Garden. They didn’t tell me why, and they specifically told me to come alone and not to tell anyone that I was here. I even hid her presence from Xiaosheng.”

Li Huoyue thought silently for a moment, looked up at him and said lightly, "The clan leader is hosting a banquet in the garden."

Sima Xuxu suddenly froze, his pupils tightened, "Which clan leader is this?"

Li Hueyue didn't answer, but he almost did.

Sima Xuxu's face changed at that time, and he started to get stuck in his speech. He looked around and said, "Sister Huoyue, what? I really can't worry about Xiaosheng alone at the airport. The group of guys we are chasing are definitely all Qin. The life-long inmates of Chernobyl Prison are extremely vicious. I don’t want anything to happen to Xiaosheng alone, otherwise it will be too late to regret it by then, so I will..."

"Perhaps you should have expressed your concern to Xuan Sheng earlier. The head of the Sima clan and Li Si would feel more at ease with you." Li Huanyue blocked Sima Xuxu's excuse.

"No, I really have something to do." Sima Xuxu said and took a few steps forward. The door into the compound behind him was like a gate to hell, making him feel uncomfortable all over.

He passed by Li Hueyue, who didn't stop him. When he walked out of the porch and stepped into the sunshine covered with golden leaves outside, his speaking speed suddenly increased several times, as if he was squeezed into a compressor. A tube erupted at high speed, "I'm sorry, I won't pass you by this time, Sister Huoyue. Your dress looks really nice today and it suits you very well. Please go in and meet the clan leader and say hello to me. By the way, there's also Aunt Qianman." Tell her that the imperial concubine cake she gave me last time was super delicious. I will definitely bring a gift to visit her next time. If I have something to do, I will leave first. Sheng is still waiting for me over there, hahaha. She really can’t live without me. Bye bye. See you next time, Sister Yue."

The autumn leaves on the ground blew away in all directions for no reason, as if invisible wind was blowing in all directions. It was a field that opened up quickly and quietly.

Lin Nian glanced at Sima Xuxu who was bending down and preparing to run away. His nervous face was full of dazzling golden pupils. It looked like he was really frightened by the child. The wolf tail on his back was raised. Seems ready to take off at any moment.

The second before Sima Xuxu was about to "disappear", Li Huanyue turned to Lin Nian and said calmly, "Help me stop him."

Lin Nian turned to her, glanced at her, opened his mouth, and then seemed to realize that he had no time to speak, so he closed it again - he was a little surprised, the child beside him seemed to be quite fast.

The next moment, the two people around Li Hueyue disappeared.

Just like a frame was taken out of the picture, the traces of the two living big boys on the scene in front of the courtyard were instantly "erased". Just one frame later, Lin Nian and Sima Xuxu reappeared half way behind Li Hueyue. The location of rice appears! The scene that appeared seemed extremely weird. Lin Nian, the former, firmly grabbed the collar of Sima Xuxu's T-shirt with his right hand, and forcefully "pushed" the opponent back from the rushing position, and brought him with him as soon as he squatted. He fell flat on the ground, crushing large pieces of golden ginkgo leaves and scattering them all over the sky!

Amidst the flying ginkgo leaves, the man in Tang suit in front of the courtyard looked at this scene with his hands in his sleeves in surprise, while Li Huanyue silently turned her head to look at Sima Xuxu on the ground behind her, who was lying on the ground. He stared blankly at the eaves of the porch among a pile of ginkgo leaves, and the scattered gold leaves falling on his chest and forehead, as if he hadn't yet realized why his perspective had changed.

So fast. He never thought that he would have the chance to subconsciously reflect these two words in his mind.

Lin Nian, who was squatting on the ground, slowly let go of his hand, stood up and turned his head to look at Li Hueyue expressionlessly. His meaning was very simple: Can you not let me, an outsider, interfere with the internal affairs of your orthodoxy?

"It's just a piece of cake for you. If the head of the Sima clan wants to see him, it means that the meeting cannot start normally without him. Otherwise, we will just go to waste each other's time." Li Huoyue said lightly.

Lin Nian frowned, but decided to forget it, because just like Li Hueyue said, stopping Sima Xuxu was really just a piece of cake.

When the silent realm expanded, Lin Nian reflexively accelerated himself. This was almost the knee-jerk reaction of users of 'Instant' and 'Time Zero' - when the same type of speech spirit appeared, They will always speed up involuntarily. This is a kind of protection for themselves by the bloodline itself. After all, if they are slower, it means putting their lives in the hands of the other party.

It was obvious that this time, the Secret Party and the Orthodox two speed speaking spirit users took action under unexpected circumstances, and the final result was that the Secret Party was slightly better.

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