Before he opened the door of the compound and walked inside, the golden and red color of the garden could not wait to be swept into his eyes by the sunshine. It was not until he was admitted to the hospital that Lin Nian realized that the ginkgo and maple leaves outside the red wall were just a false reflection. Jing'er, those flaming red branches sticking out of the yellow tiles are warning passers-by not to stray into them, otherwise they will fall into the blazing golden and red garden.

There is no screen behind the courtyard door like a normal entrance. When you push open the door made of gold nails, your eyes are unprepared to be embraced and burned by the wide, burning red courtyard, which makes your breath stagnant and your whole body. There was an indescribable heat in them all. Exhale, exhale again, the nose is filled with the smell of fire that is stronger than the peak of autumn!

Fire fire fire fire fire.

Lin Nian felt a heat wave lift his hair, and everything in front of him was distorted by the high temperature.

Everyone who entered the courtyard seemed to see a downpour of burning maple leaves and ginkgo trees. Gold and red sky fire covered the sky and the sun and surged down, submerging the earth and reaching their mouths and noses. , the golden and red fallen leaves that are so majestic and gorgeous that people can’t bear to look directly but cannot avoid them are filled in every corner of the yard. A prairie fire burns the entire world red, scorching every angle of view. A narrow point. If a person is drowning, he will come up to the surface to find room to breathe. Naturally, everyone who enters the hospital does the same thing - raise his head and move his gaze to the blue sky without any residue, so that his eyes can be greedily washed by the water. Take a breath of oxygen and rest for a while in the blue.

The huge courtyard has no obstructions. Only the ginkgo and maple trees that bloom romantically and redly out of season fill the entire courtyard. The spacing and placement of each tree are carefully arranged, seemingly everywhere. It is not obvious, but it is in line with the wonderful theories of Feng Shui and landscape theory. It is neither crowded nor scattered, and perfectly surrounds the empty courtyard, just like a bonfire structure of stacked wood. The high temperature of the flames burns the surroundings of the bonfire to ashes, but Leave the indispensable bit of "empty" in the center.

The "empty" place is naturally the center of the courtyard, where there is a white stone table. Lin Nian, who has visited some well-known attractions in BJ these days, such as the Forbidden City, Old Summer Palace and other places, recognized it as a white marble table. Stone table. The so-called "jade and vermilion railing" refers to this kind of stone. It is so white and flawless that it makes people feel calm. Standing in the burning courtyard, it becomes a sudden white spot among the fiery red. It can't help but attract people to come and hide in the only place in the scorching heat. 's safe haven.

As they approached, the autumn leaves under their feet broke into fine golden autumn leaves. They jumped over the golden sea of ​​fire and approached the snow-white circle of An Ning Harbor.

There were two people sitting on the white marble table, an old man and a woman.

The old man is very old, old to the bone. The older a person gets, the emptier they become. When the years have eaten away the weight in the bone marrow, they will naturally appear lighter. Even the wide clothes and belts cannot cover the paper-light body and bones, as if in the courtyard. A random red leaf has no roots and no support. The wind blows into the shirt with long sleeves and gathers holes.

Women are beautiful, right down to their bones.

Lin Nian had heard this sentence many times, mostly when others praised his talent. But now, although it was different at the same time and in different circumstances, he was willing to give this sentence intact to the person sitting on the white marble table. This woman is wearing a snow-white jacquard dress.

With thin cloud clothes and a slim waist, all Li Hueyue's previous efforts turned out to be horizontal imitations of each other. She was just worried that her unkempt self would look embarrassing when sitting next to her, but the so-called shame was not about her. People are afraid of losing a woman's face. The greatest humiliation to a mother is that her daughter's color is not as good as her mother's.

The woman sat at the white marble table, her hands placed neatly on her knees, her head slightly tilted to the side, and her face looked at the few people walking through the red autumn leaves with a smile that didn't seem fake. She was filled with pure joy. Her beautiful emotions are as tender and "real" as her appearance.

"Wow, what an ancestor. Ah, Aunt Qian Man is really bad too." Lin Nian heard Sima Xuxu mutter quietly.

"What do you mean?" Lin Nian asked equally quietly.

Sima Xuxu, who was forced to follow the courtyard, lowered his head numbly and said, "Aunt Yanman is very difficult. You will know when the time comes."

Lin Nian still didn't understand what Sima Xuxu meant, but he could see that the other party's reluctance to come was true.

After entering the hospital, Sima Xuxu, who had been reluctant in every possible way behind Lin Nian, calmed down silently. His out-of-touch temperament disappeared in an instant. His head was slightly raised, his back straight, and his hands hanging naturally. With steady and slow steps, he stopped together with Li Hueyue and the man in Tang suit after approaching the white marble table, and bowed three times.

Be dignified, respectful, and know the other person’s identity without guessing.

"Here we come." The old man on the white marble table said with his hands slightly clasped as he looked at Lin Nian and the others who were approaching.

His voice was slightly muddy, but it did not prevent him from hearing clearly.

Lin Nian didn't understand some orthodox etiquette, so he maintained the most basic politeness and bowed slightly to the old man of unknown age and the woman who was sitting quietly and looking at Li Chengyue with a smile on her face, "Commissioner of the Secret Party Execution Department" , Lin Nian." On this occasion, he no longer introduced himself as a student of Cassel College. His identity as secret party commissioner should have more weight and be more suitable for the current situation.

The old man looked at Lin Nian. His eye sockets were so deep that it was almost impossible to miss them. Lin Nian stared at the sockets, which seemed to be dark abyss. Only when you look deeper can you see the glimmer of light hidden deepest. , dazzling and uncomfortable.

The old man didn't speak, and other people present waited. After a while, the young man heard the voice of the old man say with emotion, "Young hero, this is an extraordinary person."

If Lin Nian turned around, he would be able to see the surprise on Sima Xuxu's face and the shock on the look of the man in Tang suit whom Li Huoyue called the historian. Li Huoyue did not react much, as if he had expected this scene. 's appearance.

"Let's get started." The old man looked at the man in Tang suit behind Lin Nian and nodded slightly.

The man in Tang suit saluted, then walked straight to the side of the white marble table, found the stone pier and sat down. He took out a turquoise pattern book from his arms, opened it and spread it flat on the edge of the stone table, and took out a particularly retro wolf hair. Use a writing brush and a portable inkstone to grind ink on site and write on the book with the pen.

[Xinmao year, Yiwei month, Bingxu day. The Sima clan elders gathered with the secret party hero Lin Nian Longfeng Yuan, and they happily praised him and said: "Young hero, this is an extraordinary person.\

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