"Are you alone?"

Chen Wenwen was sitting in front of the computer waiting for Lu Mingfei to come back. A polite inquiry sounded from behind her. She turned around and saw a man wearing a bomber jacket and sunglasses standing next to her chair with his hands in his pockets.

"I was with my friend, and he went to the bathroom." Chen Wenwen almost reflexively rejected this not-so-original approach.

I don’t want to be too rude, but girls have encountered similar situations too many times. In coffee shops, milk tea shops, and even shopping streets, there are always bold boys with smiles that can warm geraniums to death. Come up and strike up a conversation, and the techniques for striking up a conversation are also all kinds of weird, including the classic "Long time no see, ah! I'm sorry I got the wrong person", and "I'm sorry, did you drop something?" There are also some little tricks and novelties, such as "This Miss, your lipstick color is really beautiful, can I ask for my friend what brand it is?"

Chen Wenwen was also deceived at first and had her phone number tricked several times. It was not until she received a steady stream of text messages and phone calls from the other party after returning home that she realized belatedly that she had been tricked. After that, everyone who met me in conversation used the same words.

"Sorry, I don't really like chatting with strangers." Chen Wenwen declined first. According to normal development, the other party would have to start asking for his number in the next sentence.

Normally, anyone who strikes up a conversation would leave without hesitation, but the man wearing a flight jacket and sunglasses in front of him seemed to be thicker-skinned than expected, or he had another purpose. He was not ashamed, but instead took a step closer, bending slightly from Chen Wenwen's side and leaning his head closer to the computer screen in front of her.

Chen Wenwen subconsciously shrank to the left to avoid some distance. She also found that the man's eyes were not on her at all, but on her screen - the uncrossed white pop-up on the dark game official website. Notification bar.

"Have you qualified for the game? It's so rare. I don't think anyone in the Internet cafe has successfully qualified for this game. You are so lucky!" the man said curiously.

"Well, I just smoked it casually. My friend will be back soon, can you please"


"What?" Chen Wenwen was stunned for a moment.

"Are you selling the game qualification? A friend of mine is very interested in this game, but neither he nor I can get the game qualification, so we want to buy one from someone else." The man straightened up and raised his hand to pluck it. The sunglasses went up to his forehead, revealing his eyes. From this look, he looked really good. His nose was high and he seemed to be of foreign origin, and his eyebrows were straight. At first glance, he looked a bit like the protagonist in "Top Gun."

"I'm sorry, my friend also likes this game, and I don't want to sell it." Chen Wenwen refused immediately.

"The price is negotiable. How about this number?" The man opened the palm of his right hand. "You name a number. As long as it's reasonable, I can add a zero after the number."

What is reasonable? Normally, a game that has never been tested can be sold for a price ranging from a few hundred to a thousand yuan, which means that the bottom line of this man's bid is probably around 5,000 to 50,000 yuan. . Taking the maximum value of 50,000 yuan, the price of selling a game qualification for 50,000 yuan is basically a fantasy. Normal people know how to choose, sell the internal beta qualification for 50,000 yuan, and wait until the game is officially released. Wouldn't it be possible to get a more perfect gaming experience by investing another 50,000 yuan when it opens? Or you can just spend 50,000 yuan to buy ribs and you can eat them for a year or two.

"Let's forget it, right? Or wait until my friend comes back and discuss it with him?" Chen Wenwen was not sure whether Lu Mingfei would sell the qualification for this game, so she was still a little hesitant.

"You got the qualification for this game, right? Why do you have to wait for your friend to come back? You have the right to choose. It's better to listen to your own ideas on some things." The man glanced at the chair next to Chen Wenwen, and then Looking at the mobile phone with a pink phone case on the table, "Have you received the text message with the qualification code sent to you by the official of this game? Can I take a look?"

Just when the man pointed at Chen Wenwen's cell phone, Chen Wenwen probably mistakenly thought that the other party was going to take her cell phone directly, so she subconsciously reached out and took the cell phone back from the table, "No."

The man frowned slightly, glanced around with his peripheral vision, and immediately made a decision in his heart.

The smile on his face disappeared, he raised his hand and grabbed Chen Wenwen's wrist and said lightly, "Sorry, friend, I can lend you your phone."

Chen Wenwen wanted to pull her hand away, but the opponent's hand was very fast and easily grabbed her thin wrist. The feeling of strength suddenly made her feel unable to break free.

At the same time, a wave of malice swept through Chen Wenwen's whole body. With her head lowered, she felt chills all over her body, as if there was some beast looking down at her from a high place, that familiar feeling of fear with the hairs standing on end. Feel.

Chen Wenwen immediately prepared to follow the most correct way of dealing with it, that is, to shout loudly to attract the attention of the people around her. However, as soon as she took a deep breath, someone pinched her chin, forcing her to look up and face the man's pair of eyes that had been lingering for some time. Golden arc eyes.

"Whatever you are going to do, I advise you not to do it," he said.

The arc light of the golden pupils entered the girl's pupils.

In an instant, consciousness and action disappeared, and the wavelength of thinking in the brain turned into a monotonous straight line. The direction of the straight line sliding down was a pitch-black void.

Here we go again, Chen Wenwen thought.

She didn't know why she always had the opportunity to see these devil-like golden eyes in her life. They hung on different people, but gave her the same situation every time.

She could clearly feel that the blood all over her body had cooled down, and the air drawn into her lungs was slowly flowing out of her mouth and nose. She looked at those golden beast-like eyes, and all her strength melted away little by little.

The feeling of suffocation made her cheeks turn red and white until she was about to faint, and the countless black nightmares that had troubled her reappeared, as did the lingering fear in the nightmares, as well as the familiar memory fragments from the past. Rolling to the surface like foam.

The wave of black people, the ethereal golden pupils like fireflies, and the familiar face on the spiral staircase passed by again.

Just like in the dream, she opened her mouth and tried to shout something.

"If you want to call for help, it's best not to do so. I just want to borrow your phone without returning it. Unless you want to bet whether I will make you faint first or someone else will hear your cry for help and save you. Fast." The man said.

The only reason why he didn't make Chen Wenwen faint immediately was probably just because he was worried that there was a lock screen password on his phone. It was too much of a waste of time to flash the phone and decipher the password at this critical moment. It would be better to solve everything in one step. .


But he found that the girl under his control seemed not to have heard his warning, and still said what he wanted to shout, but her voice was very low because of her shortness of breath, making it difficult to hear clearly, as if she was mumbling. Whispering in sleep.

Even so, it also surprised him. Ordinary people could still resist tenaciously under the gaze of golden eyes. This was not consistent with common sense. Judging from his experience as a hunter, even if he was said to have strong willpower Under the gaze of his golden eyes, the iron-blooded mercenary will instantly collapse all thoughts of resistance. It is a bloodline and even genetic deterrent, just like the instinct of fear and desire to escape when humans smell the smell of corpses of the same kind. .

Chen Wenwen was still reciting that sentence in a low voice repeatedly. The man was a little curious, and when he got closer, he could only vaguely hear three words, which seemed to be a name.

Lu Mingfei.

The evil wind came from behind, and the man's instinct reminded him to avoid it, but because he was still controlling an ordinary person in his hand, and most of his energy was still focused on the name the girl was chanting, his reaction was slower. Half a beat. He himself also realized that he was half a beat too slow, and a huge fear exploded in his heart. In previous hunter battles, this half a beat was the dividing line between life and death.

"Let go, I'm sorry for your mother." Lu Mingfei's opening remarks were very lacking in quality.

Pain bloomed in the crook of the man's right elbow. As soon as he released his grip on Chen Wenwen's chin, his whole arm fell on the nearby computer desktop, knocking over the half-eaten instant noodles that still had some soup base left. He fell on top of him, and the cool bomber jacket couldn't protect the white lining inside. The yellow soup base directly dyed the clothes.

"Ho--" The man made a fist and backhand and swung his arm towards the guy who was attacking him behind him. As a result, his swing missed. However, he also turned his head and looked behind him, and at a glance he saw the man who was squatting down to avoid his backhand swing. Guy.

The two people's eyes met, and he was shocked to find that this guy was not afraid of his golden eyes and stared into his eyes.

Damn it, this guy is not a normal person.

Lu Mingfei? Is the other person the Lu Mingfei the girl is talking about? The other party is not afraid of his own eyes. Is he also a leader among hunters? Is it such a coincidence? In a city as big as Bei'an, I just happened to meet a colleague? And now the opponent has taken the lead!

Several thoughts flashed through the man's mind. Before he had time to think about the next thought, his neck was violently hit by Lu Mingfei's left hand. The severe suffocation and pain made him unable to help but He opened his mouth wide and spat out sporadic saliva, and stretched his head forward.

Such a simple and concise action, unfortunately.

Lu Mingfei held the head that stretched forward with his left hand, and hit the opponent's jaw with the elbow of his right hand. Once was not enough, he had to hit it twice more, until the head could not bear the force and sank. , a steady knee hit broke the bridge of his nose!

Just as Lu Mingfei continued to kneel in until the opponent fainted, his sharp eyes noticed that the man who had been knocked unconscious by a set of Bajiquan's violent attacks had subconsciously reached out to touch the waist covered by the flight jacket!

Lu Mingfei directly grabbed the evil arm with both hands, and suddenly lifted it before it could be lifted. Although the man was beaten and lost the advantage, his physical fitness was still online, and he was stunned to pull out his waist. The weapon hidden among them can turn the tide of the war.

"Fuck." Lu Mingfei cursed secretly. He lifted the man's arm suddenly and used the force of his right foot to chop the heel of his right foot directly into the man's foot. After an expected scream, the stick he was holding The arm was successfully lifted up, and it was carried on the shoulder. He grabbed the wrist with his left hand and hugged the arm with his right hand. Using himself as the fulcrum, he threw the man in front of him with a standard throwing technique!

Because of the weight difference, Lu Mingfei also borrowed his own body weight when throwing over the shoulder. The whole person fell forward together, and the man who was thrown into the air drew a standard arc in the air. , his back hit the computer table in the row behind Lu Mingfei!

The weight of an adult weighing hundreds of kilograms plus the acceleration of the crushing force. The force of hundreds of kilograms directly crushed a display screen and the host together. The loud noise caused the scattered glass shards and plastic fragments to collapse all around. It was everywhere, like a firework without a flame!

"Holy shit! What kind of plane are you doing!?" The buddies in the back row who were surfing the Internet stood up instantly, raised their hands to cover their faces and avoided the flying debris in horror. They looked dumbfounded at the table in front of them twisting slightly. The man in the bomber jacket fell silent.

The entire Internet cafe was attracted by the deafening loud noise. The boss who was sitting at the front desk counting money jumped up in fear and hurried over with his hands on his face like a dead parent. A large number of people watching the excitement came over. The Internet cafe, which was not spacious in the first place, was filled with water. They pointed at the miserable state of the man on the table.

A few buddies who happened to have seen the whole process immediately came to Lu Mingfei who got up from the ground and gave a thumbs up, "Let's go, brothers are awesome! They have practiced! Why did he offend you?"

Lu Mingfei didn't say a word. He waved his left hand to dismiss the passers-by who were watching the excitement. With his right hand, he secretly turned on the gun that he had taken off from the man when he threw it over his shoulder, opened the safety, inserted it into his back and covered it with the hem of his clothes. , stood up after finishing everything.

He took a few steps forward to make sure that the man on the table had lost his fighting ability, and then looked back at Chen Wenwen on the chair.

At this moment, Chen Wenwen was finally freed from the oppression of the golden eyes. She was breathing a little quickly, but she completely saw the whole process of Lu Mingfei's "attack" - including when she saw Lu Mingfei's waist The murder weapon looks like a pistol, but is actually an M1911. She looked at the chaotic Internet cafe in front of her with some panic and confusion, not knowing how to react.

"Let's go, leave here and go to a safe place first." Lu Mingfei tried his best to sound calm, but he never thought about how abnormal this calmness was in such a scene.

He helped Chen Wenwen react, reached out and held Chen Wenwen's wrist, and applied gentle pressure with his fingers, so that the other party could feel the absolute feeling and avoid causing the other party any pain.

He made a gentle pull, but did not rely on this force to pull Chen Wenwen up. This was an invitation, a technique he learned from Lin Nian.

After Chen Wenwen felt the temperature and strength on her wrist, she looked into Lu Mingfei's clear but as dark eyes as lake water under his forehead. There is no fierceness or sharpness in it, only the familiar brown color and the familiar Lu Mingfei. So she didn't refuse, her breathing gradually became evener, she lightly pursed her lips and stood up quickly.

Is Chen Wenwen really familiar with him, and does he know everything about this boy named Lu Mingfei?

The answer is of course no.

"Yes." She answered Lu Mingfei's invitation.

Lu Mingfei held Chen Wenwen's wrist in full view of everyone. Without saying a word, he turned around and walked towards the man on the table. He raised his hand and fumbled in the other man's jacket pocket, took out a crocodile skin wallet, and stuffed a bunch of stuff inside. The green foreign currency note muttered, "It's really half a million," and then he patted the boss on the chest as he hurriedly squeezed out of the crowd. Before the other party could figure out the situation, he pulled Chen Wenwen forward without looking back. Walk.

After encountering similar scenes too many times, Lu Mingfei has learned from Lin Nian how to deal with such scenes. He also knows very well that now is not the end of the matter at all, but the real beginning of the trouble. .

In the noisy crowd watching the excitement in the Internet cafe, a few figures quietly passed through the crowded crowd and caught up with Lu Mingfei and Chen Wenwen who were leaving the Internet cafe quickly.

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