After leaving the Internet cafe and walking along the busy street, Lu Mingfei didn't have time to calculate the optimal route. He only knew that he had to go to a crowded place now.

Judging from the five-minute walk after he left the Internet cafe, he had already noticed through the reflection of his watch and mobile phone that there were no less than three tails following him. They were hiding in the crowd and had superb tracking skills. If Lu Mingfei hadn't been jammed, The teacher at Er College packed a lot of anti-tracking knowledge, but he really couldn't find these guys with malicious intentions.

Lu Mingfei checked the black watch on his wrist. The current time was just after 16:00 in the afternoon. BJ's evening rush hour probably started around 17:00. There was not much traffic on the street, which was a good thing and a bad thing.

The good thing is that under the limited crowd density, Lu Mingfei can clearly locate the people following him and control the current environment he is in. But similarly, the bad thing is that this kind of observation is mutual, and it is also very difficult for him to get rid of these tails.

Lu Mingfei gasped gently, and then spit it out evenly. He held Chen Wenwen's wrist and walked slightly forward, so Chen Wenwen couldn't see the slight anxiety in his pupils.

He was trying to stay calm as much as possible. The academy's teachings and Lin Nian's nagging had warned him countless times that he should calm down when encountering emergencies. Only when he calmed down could he have the opportunity to mobilize his brain to think and calculate crazily and sparing no effort. Every step you should take next.

The first is the location. If Lu Mingfei remembers well, his current location is very awkward. He is now near the Financial Street subway station in XC District, BJ City. At that time, he, Su Xiaoqiang and the others got off the station and separated. Choosing to find a nearby Internet cafe to complete his mission, Su Xiaoqiang and his party went to a game company about fifteen kilometers away from here.

And the most damning thing is that Lu Mingfei has forgotten the name of the game company, but aside from that, the distance of fifteen kilometers is enough for him to give up the idea of ​​waiting for Su Xiaoqiang and the others to support him. Now that the evening rush hour is approaching, the people on the street The number of cars has begun to increase, and Su Xiaoqiang is definitely not a good person to seek help from.

There is no need to worry about Chu Zihang and Xia Mi's side. Chu Zihang is injured and cannot participate in the battle, and Xia Mi is a new student. If something happens to them, Lu Mingfei will not be able to interact with Lin Nian.

As for Lin Nian's phone call, Lin Nian had made it very clear that they had already caught very important clues and were probably very busy right now. How could they have time to take care of emergencies on his side?


Lu Mingfei reached into his pocket and held the phone without moving.

In fact, he knew that if he really called Lin Nian right away, the other party would immediately drop everything in his hands and come back to catch him, solving his dangerous situation almost instantly.

But is this really appropriate?

Lu Mingfei saw the word "compromise" countless times in Lin Nian's silent and slightly tired eyes, compromising for the people around him, compromising for the sake of justice, and compromising for the overall situation. He was already like this, did he still want to add a hint of helplessness and fatigue to those eyes?

In an instant, Lu Mingfei's thumb in his pocket moved away from the dialing key. He returned to the phone book and selected a number. This number was newly saved in the phone book because the first letter was "Z". , so he only needed to scroll the phone book to the bottom and easily completed the dialing in his pocket.

He has better options.

"Mingfei, where are we going?" Chen Wenwen has been following Lu Mingfei. They passed through the crowd and kept walking in the urban area of ​​​​high-rise buildings. There was traffic on the left side of the road. Their There seems to be no purpose in moving forward, just keep moving forward.

She knew something bad had happened. Ming Fei's violent outburst and hurting someone in the Internet cafe made her understand the seriousness of the matter. The golden eyes of the man who tried to hurt her also made her vaguely guess that this incident might be far away. It’s not just the occasional “picking quarrels and provoking trouble”.

The fear of the Pearl Tower has not faded from her heart. It has been a nightmare that has troubled her for a long time. She thought that she would be so scared that she would lose her mind if she encountered similar things again. But what she never expected was that she was calm now because someone Holding her hand and telling her what to do, even if she was just walking aimlessly on the streets of BJ, the warmth on her wrist and the back of the person in front of her made her feel inexplicably at ease.

"It's hard for me to explain everything clearly in one breath. In short, we are being followed, and the person following us is most likely the same guy who was violent to you in the Internet cafe just now. Under normal circumstances, they are It came at me, but now I’ve involved you. I’m sorry, but you have to trust me, I will take you to a safe place.”

Lu Mingfei organized his language to make his description more concise and more "Lin Nian". His breathing became more even and long, and the tension that still existed in his pupils was squeezed into powder under the crazy operation of his brain. . In absolute thinking, there is no room for tension and other emotions.

Okay, what I have to do now is very simple. Ask for help. Fighting alone is the courage of a reckless man. Unless your reckless man is called Lin Nian, otherwise when encountering an enemy ambush, the only thing you should do is to honestly ask for help. Personally Heroism kills people. This is the advice that the seniors in the Executive Department have accumulated over the years to give their juniors.

Even if his colleagues who flew to Bei'an from Kassel College could not help him due to the geographical location, this does not mean that Lu Mingfei is now alone. He still remembers the name of the place where he is standing, and the local snakes here. who is it.

The mobile phone held by Lu Mingfei in his pocket vibrated slightly, which was a reminder that the call was connected. In the dark pocket, the white light on the screen displayed the caller's name as "Zhao Xiaosheng".

Lu Mingfei raised his hand, took the phone out of his pocket and put it to his ear, and informed the other party of the situation succinctly, "I was near the Financial Street and just came out of a place called 'Manshan Internet Cafe'. Someone should be watching me now." There is a civilian following me and I need orthodox support immediately."

"Take them in circles and go to crowded places. Please keep your mobile phone on the whole time. 'Kyuzhou' has locked your position. Orthodox support will arrive within ten minutes." Zhao Xinsheng's calm voice sounded on the other end of the phone. The reply given to Lu Mingfei was also quite reassuring and reliable, "Can you confirm the general identity information of the person following you?"

"Maybe it's a 'hunter'. We have what they want in our hands." Lu Mingfei exhaled slowly.

"The style of those 'hunters' is quite unscrupulous. In the past few days, they have caused dozens of murders in Bei'an. They try to keep themselves in the public eye, so that they may take action. They won't Openly to you”


The explosion exploded in Lu Mingfei's ears, like a firecracker exploding in his ears. The impact of the huge sound wave instantly made Lu Mingfei's mind go blank. This state lasted for three to five seconds, and then his cheeks and The right hand that was bounced away by a force gradually became warmer. The numbness gradually spread in the warmth, and the tingling pain slowly emerged from under the numb mask.

Amidst a series of "snaps", Lu Mingfei's phone fell to the ground and rolled twice. The screen was black and shattered. There was a hole in the center of the depression. Crystal liquid slowly flowed from inside to the ground, mixed with it and bright red. of blood.

On the street under the tall buildings, people hurried past Lu Mingfei who suddenly stood still. He stood there, his right hand hanging by his side, dripping blood bit by bit.

Blood flowed from the 1.5cm diameter hole in the palm of Lu Mingfei's right hand, dripping down to the ground along the tips of his five fingers. On his right cheek, there were several exposed wounds one to two inches long. The remaining screen debris was stuck in the cheek muscles and squirmed slightly with the involuntary twitching of the numb face.


Lu Mingfei, who was standing motionless in the crowd, only had these three words in his mind.

He stood still, and the crowds around him were not disturbed by the thrilling scene just now. The rhythm of the big city was not disrupted. People walking on the streets looked as normal, and the gradually dimming sky reflected between the city buildings.

His gaze lowered little by little and focused on his trembling, bleeding palm hanging on the edge of his right trouser leg.

There were bullet holes in the palm of his right hand. The phalanges of the ring finger and middle finger were directly broken and protruded from the back of the hand. The mobile phone on the ground not far away was also completely penetrated.

Adrenaline was being secreted at super speed, and the punctured right hand did not feel any severe pain, but the pain was only late, not never coming.

He was officially in dire straits, just for a moment.

[Okay, Lu Mingfei, what clues can you draw from these known conditions? 】

Lu Mingfei asked himself.

In his mind, he silently slapped the cheek that was ready to cry and fear, letting the cheek become smoother and calmer as the slaps fell again and again.

He imagined Lin Nian standing in front of him, standing in the crowd looking at him, waiting for his answer.

[You don’t have much time, think about it, and then come up with the answer. You promised me to take the people behind you to a safe place. 】

Lu Mingfei stepped forward and gradually resumed walking, with a cold face. The crowd passed in front of him, like a black tide breaking through.

"My right hand was not blown off directly. This means that the caliber and muzzle velocity of the sniper's bullet are not large. It is a warhead specially adapted to urban sniping."

"The people around me were not alerted and caused widespread panic, which meant that the shooter did not dare to kill me in public, so I did not have to worry about my head being hit next."

"Being decisive and destroying my phone means that the people targeting me don't want me to find backup, but I have already done this, which obviously angered them and they will start attacking me in a short time."

He thought silently, walking on the busy street, leaving a trail of blood drops on the road behind him, no one noticed or noticed.

No, someone still noticed.

His right hand was lifted up, and he subconsciously turned his head to look back. He saw Chen Wenwen lowering her head and wrapping a silk scarf around his palm, one after another, and then gently tied a bow, but soon it turned white The silk scarf was completely stained with blood, but the bleeding was temporarily stopped.

He felt that Chen Wenwen's wrist, which he was holding with his left hand, was shaking violently, which meant that the girl behind him saw the entire process of being hit.

"Don't scream, keep walking." Lu Mingfei slowed down and walked parallel to Chen Wenwen. At this time, his peripheral vision fell on the girl and saw the tears on the girl's pale cheeks.

In his heart, he really wanted to complain that it was me who was shot, and it was me who should cry, okay? Can't a girl give me a thumbs up and call me a tough guy?

But now there is no time to talk nonsense to him, he must suppress his true nature.

"Don't be afraid, don't cry, the problem is not big." Lu Mingfei said.

In fact, the problem is huge. He thought to himself again.

Chen Wenwen nodded. She knew that the boy was comforting her, and she must listen to the advice. Even if the current situation was beyond her tolerance, just like a dream, she must remain calm, otherwise she would harm the other person and herself.

Maybe she knew that there was something called "danger" hidden in Lu Mingfei, but she still went to find this boy for peace of mind, so it was reasonable to face the natural "danger".

[This is your own choice. Now that you have chosen it, there is no room for regret. 】

A voice said this to her deep in her heart.

"Chen Wenwen, I need you to answer me a question - did you see clearly where my phone flew just now?" Lu Mingfei called out Chen Wenwen's full name.

Chen Wenwen lowered her head, took a few deep breaths to stop her trembling, and after trying to remember, she gently pointed in a general direction with her right hand.

"Two o'clock direction." Lu Mingfei thought.

This meant that the sniper was lurking in the direction of about eight o'clock. The only building they passed that met the conditions for sniping was the Bank of China building. From the slight feeling that he had been sniped, he quickly locked on the sniper. The general location of - In Kassel Academy, the only thing he could be praised by the instructors for was his sniper skills. Thanks to the positive feedback, he was also very interested in this knowledge.

When locked by a sniper, the optimal solution is to determine the opponent's position and then call for a range bombing, which will directly lift the sniper and the hilltop where he is hiding. But now that he is in Beigan, it is impossible for Norma to send bombers over with just a phone call. The Bank of China building was raised, so now he can only choose the second option.

Move your position and avoid the sniper's field of vision as much as possible.

"Get off the ground and get off the subway." Lu Mingfei made a judgment.

This sniper was quite experienced, and he dared to shoot at Lu Mingfei in public, and what was more, he hit something like his cell phone. The sniper point on the building was probably more than 500 meters away from him. Hitting a mobile phone from 500 meters away in a busy city was no different from hitting a coin. Both were manifestations of excellent skills.

This means that there is absolutely no way to avoid the opponent's sniper attack on the ground. As long as he is exposed on the ground, he will always be passive. The subway system can eradicate this disadvantage and regain the initiative.

Now that his phone was destroyed, he couldn't memorize Zhao Xinsheng's number and couldn't contact Zhengtong. Since Zhengtong couldn't locate them, he really had to rely on himself to improvise.

Lu Mingfei slowly led Chen Wenwen to the traffic light under the viaduct. Countless people were waiting around them for the two-minute red light.

The zebra crossing in front of them crosses the viaduct. In the shadow under the bridge, many unruly passers-by stand in the triangular white line area waiting for the traffic. When the traffic slows down a little, they suddenly rush out and attack here. Come, all the cars on the road braked and watched this scene. The drivers looked unhappy but they were used to it.

Two groups of people were coming from left and right and were about to gather together. Among the pedestrians walking towards the intersection, an urban beauty who was wearing a professional suit and was very common in the financial district hid behind them and gently adjusted her glasses, lowering her eyes and staring at the people walking in front of them. Among the people who came, Lu Mingfei, who was holding the girl's hand, was holding the button of his right sleeve with his left hand, hiding the slightly bulging hard object inside.

While she was quietly locking onto Lu Mingfei, she didn't know that Lu Mingfei was also quietly locking onto her. Blood was slowly oozing from his right hand wrapped in a silk scarf, and the green data in his pupils was flowing down like a waterfall. The red gold color quietly rose from the depths.

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