"Lu Mingfei?"

"Senior Brother Mingfei!"

Almost at the same time, Chu Zihang and Xia Mi said the name of the protagonist in the surveillance video. The former's tone was surprised but restrained, while the latter simply couldn't hide his surprise and shock.

"Senior Brother Mingfei is being hunted!? What happened? Didn't he act with Senior Sister Xiaoqiang and the others? Who is the girl he is holding? His girlfriend? Why didn't I know that Senior Brother Mingfei was in Beijing? Do you have a girlfriend, and you just made it?" Xia Mi asked Chu Zihang like a barrage of questions, and she really couldn't figure out what the situation was.

"I don't know either. I've been with you all the time." Chu Zihang simply said that his knowledge was basically the same as Xia Mi's. The two of them had been almost inseparable during this period. How could he have any channel to know that Xia Mi knew nothing but information?

He turned his attention to Li Qiuluo and found that the commander-in-chief was also looking at the screen with a frown. It was obvious that the orthodox side was not yet clear on the reason why Lu Mingfei was being targeted. Looking at the surveillance video, Lu Mingfei was obviously injured, and his right hand was hanging by his side in a state of loss of strength.

"It's over, it's over. Didn't we agree not to act alone in special circumstances? Senior brother Mingfei is done with it now." Chu Zihang was still thinking about the cause and effect, while Xia Mi was already sweating profusely and began to give Senior brother Mingfei wants to write an epitaph.

"Do you know who is chasing him?" Chu Zihang raised his head and asked.

"The ambassador of the secret party had a brief phone call with one of our commissioners in Langjuxu before. During the phone call, he mentioned that the group of bounty hunters who are chasing him are most likely to be the ones chasing him." The staff member replied, "Jiuzhou also found a red post on the hunter website that is highly consistent with the current situation."

A dark green web page popped up on the big screen of the console. It was a forum post on the dark web. The content was very simple, a red poster. The attached photo was none other than Lu Mingfei. The photo was taken in Bei'an. On the street in the evening, in the photo, he is passing by a display window hung with colorful lights. He seems to be thinking about something. He has his hands in his pockets and his head lowered. The remaining light of the colorful lights slightly illuminates his expressionless face. Side face.

The amount of the bonus is ‘5,000,000.00$’, DEAD OR ALIVE.

"Can you find the place where this photo was taken? Follow the surveillance to find out who took the photo. Maybe you can find the identity of the person who posted the photo, find him and force him to take down the red post." Chu Zihang said immediately.

Xia Mi actually wanted to ask who took the photo, but the second half of his sentence was probably because he was so good at finding angles and making senior brother Mingfei look so handsome. Have you ever considered joining the Information Department of Kassel College? Specialize in taking student ID photos?

Fortunately, Chu Zihang was quick to think and speak quickly. If Xia Mi was really allowed to say the nonsense in the second half, then the life of the commissioner of this department would probably be over.

"The filming location in Jiuzhou was found to be a business district called Blue Harbor. The shooting time was unclear. I ordered Jiuzhou to call back the surveillance probe there and found that the shooting location was a blind spot. Even using the exhaustive method, relying on Jiuzhou's powerful computing power to completely We searched for all the people who had been in and out of the business district during the corresponding photo time period, and conducted face recognition one by one, but no suspects were found." The staff said in a low voice and helplessly.

Chu Zihang was silent for a moment, then immediately turned around and walked away, "I'll make a call."

The staff member wanted to raise his hand to stop Chu Zihang and remind him that unknown calls were not allowed in Tianding Pavilion, but Li Qiuluo raised his hand to indicate that there was no problem, and asked, "Now contact the person in charge of the Hunter website. Or the administrator? Pay them to remove the bonus."

Li Qiuluo knew very well the composition of the hunters on the hunter website. They were all a group of lawless gangsters who saw bounties as if they saw bloody sharks. Orthodox had many dealings with hunter websites. Due to the toughness of Orthodox, most of the cases ended in the same way. It ends with blood and iron.

But it won't work this time. Lu Mingfei's identity is very special. He couldn't die, at least not in the orthodox realm, so it was tolerable to properly bait the sharks in the direction of the whirlpool.

"I have contacted you, and the answer given by the hunter website is rejection. The red post can only be removed if two conditions are met. One is that the ID that issued the red post voluntarily withdraws, and the second is that the red post is hung on the column for more than 10 years. If no one completes the automatic cancellation within the specified time, the system will draw 10% of the prepaid bonus for website maintenance, and the rest will be completely returned to the account of the poster ID." The staff said in a deep voice, "We have also tried the same thing I contacted the ID who posted the red thread, and the reply he gave was: The whole world is a stage, and life is just a play. Wealth can create a stage, but it can never buy an excellent performance."

"Hamlet." Chu Zihang said. He came back after making the call. It was obviously not going well at this time. The person he wanted to contact seemed to be in a place with poor signal, and the call could not be connected.

"What?" Xia Mi was stunned for a moment, not understanding why Chu Zihang mentioned foreign masterpieces.

"The world is a stage and life is a play. This is a line that Shakespeare has emphasized countless times in his works. In the current context, it can be understood that the person who posted the red post is preparing to plan a grand tragedy, regardless of No amount of wealth or money can stop him from sitting in the best seat in the auditorium and enjoying this performance." Li Qiuluo understood Chu Zihang's meaning and commented lightly, "He seems to be a self-righteous and ridiculous clown."

"If he really succeeds, we will be the ones who are ridiculous." Chu Zihang said.

He probably guesses who the person is hiding behind the ID, so he will never underestimate all the extreme and sinister things the other party can do. If they carelessly ignore even one detail, they may end up losing everything.

"Since he has asked Zhengtong for help, there is no reason for us to let him get into trouble. How long will it take for reinforcements to arrive at his side at the fastest?" Li Qiuluo asked, "Lang Juxu's people should be in every corner of the city during this time. That's The star-studded formation calculated by Jiuzhou through Bei'an Map Network takes into account any available transportation routes. Theoretically, it will not take more than fifteen minutes for a full elite team to arrive at any place I want them to appear."

"Yes, that's the theory." The staff member's face gradually became confused. "In fact, it didn't take fifteen minutes, only ten minutes. Kyushu had already sent a large number of reinforcements to the secret party's ambassador. The last place to contact us was the subway station near the financial center, the transfer point between Line 1 and Line 10, and Guomao Station. But the situation we needed to rescue at that time was really urgent, and the pursuers were biting behind us. They couldn't wait for reinforcements and had to get on the train at that station to escape."

"So now Senior Brother Mingfei is hiding on a moving subway train?" Xia Mi said in surprise, "It's absolutely incredible! This time is right at the evening rush hour, and no matter how crazy those hunters are, they can't go on a killing spree in the crowd! They are destined to make money. You have to spend your life! Can your supercomputer locate which subway train Brother Mingfei is taking? We can pick them up in advance when the subway stops at the station!"

Chu Zihang probably felt that according to Xia Mi's understanding, when Lu Mingfei encountered such a special situation of being chased and killed, he should have lain down at the first meeting, right? After all, the way Lu Mingfei usually behaves is not suitable for fighting. If it were before, Chu Zihang would probably have responded with the same attitude, but since the hearing, he has changed his inherent impression of Lu Mingfei.

"This is the key point." The staff member said, "It is difficult for us to locate the target now. At first, we successfully found the subway station where they were located, which is Guomao Station, through triangulation positioning, but then the signal on the opposite side suddenly cut off. It fell off." He paused and then added, "To be specific, there is a problem with the underground traffic signals in the entire Bei'an. The coverage of the signal base station for underground traffic is already very weak. For some unknown reason, the entire subway has lost its coverage. The signal in the system cannot be received normally at all, and even Jiuzhou has difficulty locating his location through the mobile phone. We don’t even know whether he is on Line 1 or Line 10!”

"If you don't know the reason, find out the reason." Li Qiuluo said coldly, "Isn't Tianding Pavilion's divination skills always impressive? No matter what method you use, find the specific location of the target person. Only when the location is clear can the rescue be more effective." "Jiuzhou, project the route map of Bei'an subway transportation." She raised her head and ordered.

"Yes." As a plain female voice responded, everyone looked up and saw a virtual projection of the subway transportation route like a spider web, among which Lu Mingfei's last contact point with Jiuzhou was the transfer station between Line 1 and Line 10. Pulsations are marked red.

Chu Zihang stared at the subway route map for about ten seconds and said, "Line 1, take Line 1 to Jianguomen Station and transfer to Line 2."

"If it were me, I would do the same." Li Qiuluo nodded and approved Chu Zihang's idea.

"Why?" Xia Mi realized later that the two of them were speculating on Lu Mingfei's choice of which subway to take.

"Line 2 is a circular line." Chu Zihang said concisely, "When you don't know the number and location of the pursuers, it is basic common sense to reduce movement in crowded crowds. The more chaotic the situation, the more opportunities the enemy will have to strike. , so sticking to one place is the right choice - the moving subway train itself is a moving fortress."

Li Qiuluo continued what Chu Zihang said, "Line 2's circular line is the only train in Bei'an Metro with no end point. It will continuously run on a circular track. Only when it stops at Xizhimen, it will take a little longer. One point. It can be understood that Xizhimen is its terminal and starting station. And you have been sitting on the same train. As long as you are in a position with a good view, you can see any changes on the train and deliberately get close to your own. People, hidden people who stay on the train for a long time and never get off, can easily identify ourselves and the enemy so that we can fight as long as the train runs long enough.”

Chu Zihang raised his eyes and looked at Li Qiuluo. He subconsciously wanted to say that Lu Mingfei did not need to use such a cumbersome method to distinguish between ourselves and the enemy, but he still did not give any unnecessary explanation. He did not know whether the interior of Orthodoxy was an iron plate. It was necessary to leak Lu Mingfei's spiritual intelligence under such circumstances.

"But Senior Brother Mingfei doesn't seem to need it at all." Halfway through Xia Mi's words, Chu Zihang raised his hand and gently placed it on her lower back. It was just a simple movement, and even the intensity of the touch was the slightest. As a woman, she was sensitive to being touched on the waist. Xia Mi immediately realized what the people around her meant and stopped talking.

"But what?" Li Qiuluo had already looked at Xia Mi.

"No, it's nothing." Xia Mi laughed awkwardly. If it had been anyone else, Li Qiuluo might have asked, but this happened to Xia Mi, so she didn't bother to get to the bottom of it. Maybe the other person wanted to say something. What inappropriate nonsense was stopped.

"How many trains are running on Ring Line 2? Jiuzhou." Li Qiuluo asked loudly.

"15 vehicles. They are all DKZ16 subway trains, with a maximum speed of 80 kilometers per hour and a minimum arrival interval of 2 minutes. Starting and ending stations: Xizhimen-Xizhimen. Number of stations passing through: 18. Date of completion: September 20, 1984." Qing Leng A virtual female voice answered Li Qiuluo's question in the empty Star Luo space, and the owner of this voice was the orthodox supercomputer, Kyushu, "A team of nearby operators has been dispatched to control the nearby station."

"We will ensure that there are our people on every platform of Line 2, some of them will be stationed there to assist, and some of them will be on the train to search."

"The order has been conveyed." Kyushu replied.

"Is it now time to do your best and obey fate?" Xia Mi was a little worried, "Senior brother Mingfei should be fine hiding on the train, right?"

"If Lu Mingfei was alone, I wouldn't worry about him, but the situation he is in now is a bit special." Chu Zihang said calmly.

No one would forget that Lu Mingfei was accompanied by a girl during the surveillance, and by chance, Chu Zihang knew who that girl was. If he remembered correctly, that girl should be "Chen Wenwen" who was once rumored to be crazy on the Night Watch forum. 'S'-level Lu Mingfei's crush in high school, and Chu Zihang was also an alumnus of Shilan High School. .

Chu Zihang had never met Chen Wenwen in person, but he was able to recognize her at a glance based on the surveillance video. This was just because Lu Mingfei was his friend, and he remembered all the trivial matters about his friends very reliably.

"Can we guarantee that the ordinary people led by Lu Mingfei will also be rescued by the orthodox?" Chu Zihang made a request to Li Qiuluo.

"There is no guarantee. If you insist, this matter can be included in the second priority, but it can only be in the second priority. The first priority is always to protect your friend. I hope you can understand." Li Qiuluo rejected Chu Zihang's request.

This is also expected. For Orthodoxy, the real value is Lu Mingfei. Lu Mingfei represents too many things. In a sense, his importance is second only to Lin Nian. That’s why Orthodoxy will use all the computing power of Jiuzhou, which is in charge of the entire power network, at this special moment. If it is transferred to Lu Mingfei, even if the computing power will be excessive and saturated, it must be reserved there for emergencies.

As for Chen Wenwen's safety, I'm sorry, but the safety of a passerby, except under special circumstances, may not be as important as Lingluo Shou's overseas oil investment in the eyes of some orthodox people. Jiuzhou checked the registered user list through the mobile phone that Lu Mingfei called, and knew all of Chen Wenwen's personal information. This was probably all the energy Zhengtong was willing to invest in this girl named Chen Wenwen.

"Team Xin is in place and the Xizhimen site is under control." In the Zhoutian Xingluo Hall of Tianding Pavilion, through the Jiuzhou Transfer, elite operatives Lang Juxu, who was far away from the crowds at the subway station, had already arrived as quickly as possible. Deploy the location and report.

"The Ren team is in place and the Heping Arch station is under control. Two people have been sent to board the train."

"Group A is in place, the Yonghe Temple site is under control, and three people have been sent to board the train."

After less than five minutes of silent waiting, reports from several groups were sent to Kyushu one after another. At a total of 18 stations on Line 2, a group of elite orthodox hybrids in plain clothes appeared in the crowded crowd, searching like eagles. Monitoring the chaos of the subway station due to the arrival of the evening rush hour.

The execution ability of Operator Lang Juxu was so high that it was unbelievable to Chu Zihang who was watching. As the advance batch specialist of the Execution Department, he knew very well what this execution ability represented. Although he had not yet fought against the Operator Lang Juxu, But he has begun to take serious notice of this orthodox special force.

After the 18th Jiuzhou report was completed, which symbolized the end of the deployment of the 18 stations, Li Qiuluo stood in front of the console and said calmly, "Now, I'm afraid all we can do here is wait."

The entire section of Line 2 has been controlled by Orthodoxy, and more combat forces will be assembled under the secret control of Kyushu. At the same time, all large and small surveillance systems in the city began to use special filters to monitor, in case this was some kind of strategy to divert the tiger away from the mountain and make the orthodox neglect the deployment in other places. Everything is unfolding in an orderly manner, just waiting for the enemy's sharp weapon to fall from a distance.

Will it really go so smoothly? Chu Zihang thought to himself. Lin Nian, where are you now that I can't move?

He held the cell phone in his pocket with his right hand, which he had tried unsuccessfully to call several times. His face was expressionless, but his eyes were as dark as water.

"Welcome to Beigan Metro Line 13. This train is bound for Guangximen and Huilongguan. The terminal station is Xizhimen. The train runs ahead of Shaoyaoju Station. Shaoyaoju is a transfer station for passengers transferring to Metro Line 10. Please get off at Shaoyaoju Station. Passengers from long distances please walk to the middle of the carriage."

"Dear passengers, for the sake of the traveling environment for you and others, please do not eat, drink, smoke, or make loud noises in the carriage. Please be careful about the gap between the train and the platform in front of the train. When you arrive at the station, please get off from the right door in the direction of the train."

In the rumbling and shaking subway, a sweet female voice announced the arrival notice. Among the crowd, Lu Mingfei sat on the chair at the end of the carriage. Chen Wenwen was hidden beside him and protected in the corner. He dared not relax for a moment while staring at the crowded train carriages during the evening rush hour. His gradually cold eyes lingered on each person's face, and then moved. Blood was flowing down from his cuffs and trouser legs, flowing along the trembling metal floor to the joints of the train, and falling into the dark rumbling tunnel.

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