"The front of the train goes to Standing Shuiqiao Station. Standing Shuiqiaoju is the transfer station. Passengers transferring to Subway Line 5 should get off at Shaoyaoju Station. Passengers who are far away please go to the middle of the carriage." A sweet and formulaic female voice on the train is saying broadcast.

Shaoyaoju Station is a transfer station on Line 13 of the Beigan Metro, which means that the subway line Lu Mingfei is currently riding is not the Ring Line 2 as predicted by the Commander-in-Chief and Chu Zihang in the Tianding Pavilion under the Forbidden City.

According to the calculations of those two people and Jiuzhou, it is the best choice to take the route from Guomao Station to Ring Line 2 and change stations. Normally, people with some strategic vision will choose to do this, so the route of reinforcements is arranged at On line 2.

However, Lu Mingfei has never been a person who plays by common sense. The route he decided was not to transfer from Line 1 to Ring Line 2, but to get off at Guomao Station to Line 10, take the bus to Sanyuan Bridge and then transfer to the airport. The special line will take you to Dongzhimen at the first stop, which is the terminal station of Line 13. Get on the train directly from the terminal station and start riding in the opposite direction towards Xizhimen, the starting station.

No one knows why Lu Mingfei took this route, but in fact it is a foregone conclusion that he and Chen Wenwen missed the best time to rescue Lang Juxu. But thinking on the bright side, maybe the group of hunters who followed him and Chen Wenwen also You will take the bus on the No. 2 Ring Line according to your inertial thinking, won't you?

As for why Lu Ming’s non-optimal solution must be to take the No. 2 Ring Line.

First of all, instead of directly transferring to Line 1 to Ring Line 2, which only requires one transfer, Lu Mingfei chose Line 10 to transfer to the Airport Express and then to Line 13, which gave him two full transfers. The risk of being assassinated by an assassin is much higher in a subway station.

Secondly, the circle line subway can easily reach various transfer points and become a shortcut to other lines. The more transfer points there are and the faster they are, the more timely the orthodox reinforcements will be in place. This is why Lang Juxu was able to control the entire 18 stations of Line 2 in just ten minutes. And once a conflict occurs on the ring line, no matter where it is, the support from surrounding reinforcements will be extremely fast, and they can rush to the scene as soon as possible to participate in the battle.

The last and most critical point is that the No. 2 Ring Line has the largest flow of people, and the trains are basically full. If it is other routes, such as the Line 13 that Lu Mingfei is currently taking, there is a high probability that all passengers will get off the bus when they arrive at the terminal, Xizhimen.

In Kyushu's calculations, Line 13 is definitely not a good avoidance route, because Line 13 is an n-shaped line, so there will definitely be obvious segmented passenger flow. When the occupancy rate of the train is less than a certain level, the number of witnesses decreases, and the train runs in a closed environment, which gives the malicious enemies hidden on the train an excellent space to attack.

Having said the speculative theory, but from a consequential point of view, Lu Mingfei taking Line 13 now is actually a correct choice.

It’s not that Ring Line 2 is wrong, but it’s just based on the results. Lu Mingfei’s current choice of Line 13 was not attacked twice when he changed stations. The most important thing is that no pursuit was observed on this train. The existence of soldiers.

'Yan Ling·Lunar Eclipse' was being activated. Lu Mingfei's pale golden pupils observed that at least in the car at the end, there was no one whose physical fitness exceeded that of ordinary people, even athletes. are rare. This also proves that there seems to be no pursuer on Line 13. He was not caught up by the tail after two transfers. Even if he won the bet, he was able to get at least half an hour to an hour of rest time for him (Beigai Metro) The average length of a circuit on Line 13 is 54 minutes).

He knew Lu Mingfei's physical condition best. Although the skill of violent blood suppressed the negative state he had suffered in the previous battle, the damage he suffered was not alleviated at all.

In other words, the violent blood now only had the effect of stopping bleeding, analgesia, and stimulating his spirit.

It has nothing to do with the issue of the adaptability of violent blood. The effect of a single violent blood should be just like this. It is clearly stated in the notebook that when the violent blood is at one degree, it is suitable for the maximum and most effective it can provide in combat. The obvious effect is the micro-level operation of the body itself. Muscles and blood vessels will contract voluntarily depending on the degree of injury. Megakaryocytes in the bone marrow accelerate the production of platelets, which rapidly aggregate to the injured site to form thrombi and prevent blood from flowing out. At the same time, the massive secretion of endorphins and adrenaline will prevent users of violent blood from feeling pain feedback, but it will not affect the normal five senses such as touch, hearing, vision, etc.


A sudden burst of blood cannot repair the user's severe injuries.

To explain it in game terms, the ultimate limit of violent blood is to remove all the bleeding effects, stun effects, and slowness effects suffered by the game characters, and add agility effects, strength effects, and stamina effects. However, the blood bar deducted after you are attacked will not be restored. If you want to adaptively restore the blood to repair the injury, you can only advance the violent blood to the second degree.

However, the second degree of violent blood has a drawback that is not a drawback. After turning on the second degree of violent blood, the user will inevitably be added with enhanced gain effects, and additional recovery effects and defense effects. This defensive effect is a drawback. It appears in the form of scales that proliferate on the body surface.

This point cannot be completely avoided even by Lin Nian, who is almost proficient in the violent blood technique (Lin Nian can control the scope of scale proliferation in a targeted manner).

Now Lu Mingfei did not hastily enter the second level of violent blood, or in other words, he did not dare to enter the second level of violent blood in a crowded environment. In a noisy environment with human eyes, he used his extremely unskilled violent blood skills to force his way in. A second bloodshed will only lead to riots and panic. Obviously, a subway car during rush hour is not a suitable place for a second bloodshed.

Let’s look at Lu Mingfei’s current physical condition: severe spleen rupture, mild stomach bleeding, penetrating injury to the right palm, penetrating injury to the right forearm, bone destruction of the right rib with soft tissue mass, excessive blood loss, mild concussion, Mild chest trauma and damage to the right eardrum.

The damage to the right eardrum and the penetrating injury to the right palm were caused by sniping on the street. Most of the other injuries were caused by the instant battle in the elevator. The lack of timely bloodshed resulted in severe injuries before officially entering the battle. The one who punched Lu Mingfei in the chest after he had done it would have been the level of a funeral parlor for any ordinary person. If it hadn't been for a sudden burst of blood, even if the bleeding was stopped and the injury was contained, Lu Mingfei would have been lying on the ground waiting for rescue. Car comes to lift.

"Ahem." Lu Mingfei coughed twice amidst the roar of the subway. He couldn't help but feel vomiting in his throat. His stomach was churning with pain. When a certain amount of blood accumulates in the stomach, it will irritate the stomach. intestinal.

But he knew very well that he must not vomit it out, because vomiting is continuous. Once the contraction of the stomach stimulates vomiting, the continuous large-scale gastric peristalsis will further aggravate the originally mild injury.

The discomfort was really uncomfortable. Lu Mingfei felt that it was not as uncomfortable as it was now when he stayed up all night for three consecutive days. The dizziness in his head was like motion sickness. Everything he looked at was tilted and upside down, and his balance was also greatly affected. . If he releases the violent blood now, he will probably faint in an instant, and the injuries inside his body will completely explode.

After all, you still harmed Chen Wenwen again, didn't you? Counting the time at the Pearl Tower, this is already the second time.

Lu Mingfei's eyes dropped slightly to the black turbulence flowing at high speed between the gaps in the carriage.

The warning Lin Nian gave him was right. When he himself had no skills, dragging irrelevant people around him into this mess was a sign of arrogance and irresponsibility.

Even Lin Nian had paid a price for Su Xiaoqiang's incident before, or he would have to bear some unimaginable consequences now and in the future. So where did I get the courage to still think about it even when my body was in a mess?

There was some confusion in my mind, possibly caused by blood loss.

"The station ahead is Longze." A voice announcement rang in the subway.

As the car door opened, a large number of people flowed down, and a large number of passengers rushed up. The huge change in the flow of people made Lu Mingfei strong-willed, and kept his eyes wide open to use the 'lunar eclipse' to observe whether there was any dangerous person taking advantage of the opportunity. Got the car.

At this time, there was a tightening feeling on his wrist. He silently lowered his head and glanced at the soft white hand holding his left wrist. That hand still had the shell bracelet on its wrist.

Lu Mingfei stared at the bracelet for a moment, and subconsciously raised his right hand to scratch his hair. But as soon as he moved, he immediately grimaced in pain. The two penetrating wounds on his right hand reminded him that this The hand is still disabled for the time being.

"What should we do now?" Chen Wenwen noticed Lu Mingfei's movements and asked softly. She was still afraid, just because she was now hidden in the crowd and protected by Lu Mingfei in the corner of the carriage. The fear receded slightly.

"I didn't see anyone suspicious. We should get rid of those guys for the time being." Lu Mingfei swallowed half of the vomited blood in his throat and turned his face as far as possible to Chen Wenwen beside him. He didn't want to speak because he was rusty. The smell hit the girl. Now his mouth is full of blood, his teeth are white and red, and his breath must be quite loud.

The train started running again, and there was a new batch of passengers on board.

Chen Wenwen lowered her head, thinking a lot.

She wanted to ask Lu Mingfei who was chasing them, why he was chasing them, and what Lu Mingfei had experienced and what happened to him. Those golden eyes were incomparable to human strength and fighting. The collision between the gun and the knife was so chilling that she had many questions, a lot of questions she wanted to ask.

But in the end, she didn't say anything, she just held Lu Mingfei's hand and wouldn't let go.

Why not ask yourself? Lu Mingfei thought to himself.

If Chen Wenwen asked himself some questions at this time, maybe he would answer straightforwardly, and in this way he could understand some of the things that he had been struggling with. If he is still found to be accountable afterward, he can shirk it by saying that it is a good thing to say that a person is about to die, but who knows that I did not die? You can't blame me.

But Chen Wenwen didn't ask anything.

Do you think you can't answer it? Or are you really scared and want to stay away from this whirlpool, so why not ask anything?

"Actually, it's all my fault. I shouldn't have asked you to come out." Lu Mingfei said suddenly.

"Damn it, I didn't expect those guys to be so crazy and dare to do something in broad daylight. I'm sorry, I really didn't expect this situation. Don't be too scared. They are all coming for me and it has nothing to do with you. . When the subway arrives, and I feel better and find the person who will pick us up, I will ask them to take you home. It will be absolutely safe and reliable, and there will be no more accidents."

"What about you?" Chen Wenwen asked in a low voice, "What will you do next?"

"Me?" Lu Mingfei paused, "I will probably go find Lin Nian and Su Xiaoqiang. As long as I join them, it will be completely safe. They will take me to a doctor for rescue. Those guys chasing us are all I am the soft persimmon who bullies the weak and fears the strong."

"I shouldn't be able to die for the time being. Don't look at what I vomited blood before. In fact, the problem is not that big. I am much more resistant than you think. Lin Nian often praises me for having a thick health bar and being lucky. I can die no matter what. Can’t die.”

"Don't be too afraid. Look at those guys who used knives and guns before. In fact, they didn't dare to mess around. If there are many people, it would be self-destruction. So relatively speaking, we are relatively safe. .”

"What I'm actually more worried about is that I feel that this accident is not that simple. It is definitely not caused by someone with bad gaming qualifications. I suspect that someone is plotting against us."

"If Lin Nian and the others were here, those guys wouldn't even dare to show their shadows, let alone take action. I'm fine. You don't need to ask me about anything. You'll just wait until the subway arrives at the station."

He was talking in a low voice, but suddenly he stopped talking for a moment.

Chen Wenwen on the side looked up slightly, and was shocked to find that he was raising his scarred right hand to cover his mouth, lowering his head as much as possible and pressing his chin against his chest. However, even so, he could not stop the blood that came up from his throat and filled his mouth. That big ball of black blood, the viscous black and red liquid rushed out from the holes between the fingers and the back of the hand, flowing down the chin to the chest, and even because of the blockage, some of the blood was still flowing along the The water flowed back from the throat and poured out of the nose.

Damn, I shouldn’t have said so many words. Lu Mingfei thought.

"Lu Mingfei is you." Chen Wenwen felt extremely panicked and let go of Lu Mingfei's left hand. She groped in her pocket tremblingly, trying to find a tissue to wipe him with.

"It's okay. It's really okay." Lu Mingfei tried his best to let the unstoppable vomiting blood flow out little by little, instead of spitting out onto the floor of the carriage with a noticeable "Wow". He curled up with his back to the other passengers who were standing or sitting in the carriage, lowered his head towards the ground, and let the blood flow out like pillars along the cracks in his hands, completely emptying out the huge amount of blood he vomited.

People around him had begun to notice Lu Mingfei. Because Lu Mingfei kept his head down, they didn't see the blood on Lu Mingfei's face clearly. They only noticed the smell in the air and the unknown black color on the floor of the car in the corner. He started pointing at Lu Mingfei in a small area.

What a fucking disgrace. Lu Mingfei thought.

In the theater where the hero saves the beauty, even if the hero is injured, he should be lying on his side in the corner, with a little blood on the corner of his mouth, and his eight-pack abs with some scars on his upper body, the kind that is stylish and handsome but also sloppy, right? He was doing well here, blood was spurting out from his nose, and he felt like he was about to die after being hit by the Seven Injury Fist. The next step would be for him to explode and die, right? I hope it doesn't splatter blood all over the car.

But complaining like this, Lu Mingfei is still very aware of his physical condition. He will not be able to finish playing until he relieves the first degree of violent blood. Even if he activates the second degree of violent blood at the right time, these seemingly serious injuries will disappear immediately. It has become less serious, but the current environment does not allow him to do so for the time being.

Lu Mingfei waved his hand to Chen Wenwen, who was concerned and confused, indicating that he could just take a rest, and began to fall into unbearable endurance.

The train kept moving forward, stopping and moving in the carriage. From time to time, I glanced at the strange man and woman in the corner. The blood-red filth on the ground, the embarrassment of the boy who could not hide it even if he lowered his head, the red and swollen eyes of the beautiful girl and her clutching hands. Boy's hand with bracelet on wrist.

At first glance, you can tell what story happened. It may be a sad story, or it may be a nagging story.

The voice broadcast passed one stop after another. Lu Mingfei endured it in silence. The torture of his injuries gradually became dull. He was highly adapted to the violent bloodshed. On the original basis, the pain eased. Hemostasis of injuries is more efficient.

He was trying his best to adapt, but he could still endure it, and it was not yet time to risk his life by starting a second violent blood attack at all costs. Hiding the secret of hybrids is always a top priority in Cassel College. Unless you can't guarantee your own safety, you can make an exception and ignore this rule.

We haven't reached the point of exhaustion yet, so taking the Line 13 train is his only choice to ensure his escape.

On the other hand, Chen Wenwen looked at the stooped Lu Mingfei beside her, who was contemplating without saying a word. She really felt that this boy was strange, like a rock on the seaside. She had not seen him for a long time and came to the seaside again, even though he still used his gentle words. The soft side faces you, but at the back facing the waves, the rocks have changed their shape under the erosion of the tide and sea, becoming hard and sharp.

Once again, the subway station arrival announcement was broadcast, and the train arrived at Xierqi. Due to the huge passenger flow of the Changping Line, there are so many people getting on and off this station that basically the entire carriage is rotated, and sometimes even the opening hours are not enough.

Lu Mingfei used 'lunar eclipse' as usual to observe the surrounding threats. In the previous few stops, he didn't find anyone suspected of being a hybrid.

He felt much more at ease, feeling that the chase was finally over.

Now that the subway is almost at the terminal, as long as it reaches the terminal, the safety factor for him and Chen Wenwen will increase significantly.

But it was at this time that he suddenly caught a glimpse of a person in the gap in the crowd. If it weren't for the gaps that suddenly appeared between people, it would have been impossible to see him at the angle where he was sitting. There is no way to see this person.

This is someone who definitely shouldn't be here.

At the same time, he was also a person who caused Lu Mingfei's originally contracted blood vessels to suddenly bounce violently due to the beating of his heart, thus causing the risk of bleeding.

Under the observation of 'Lunar Eclipse', his seismic pupils instantly locked onto that person's data stream. Blood red data flow.

Lu Mingfei stared blankly at the data panel disappearing in the crowd for a long time. He lowered his head and whispered to Chen Wenwen, "Wenwen, can you do me a favor?"

"What are you doing?" Although Chen Wenwen's voice was choked with fear, she was still calm.

"Cover me up." Lu Mingfei took a breath, his nose and mouth were filled with blood that was too thick to dissolve, but his tone was as if he had invited the girl to go home with him when he was in the literature club.


"The plan has changed. We may have to fight hard next." Listening to Lu Mingfei's pretending to be relaxed, Chen Wenwen saw a deathly calmness on that dead child-like face, and the golden color in the boy's pupils The temperature gradually increased, like melting gold.

She stared into those red gold eyes, but instead of being afraid, she felt warm and at ease. It was a strange phenomenon, but she had no chance to find out the reason, because she really needed this peace of mind now, more than ever. Just like what she had been looking for in her nightmares.

Lu Mingfei and Chen Wenwen whispered something. After being quiet for a while, Chen Wenwen suddenly looked frightened and wanted to say something. But the next moment, Lu Mingfei actually reached out and held her wrist, holding it gently. The shell bracelet above.

Under Lu Mingfei's comforting gaze, Chen Wenwen calmed down after being frightened for a long time, and finally nodded.

The radio announcement sounded again, the subway arrived at the station and then stopped.

This stop is Shangdi Station, which is adjacent to residential areas. A large number of passengers returning home from get off work began to get off the station. A newly arrived passenger fiddled with his cell phone that had no signal for some reason. After getting no results, he had no choice but to put away his cell phone and glanced up at the carriage to see if there were any seats.

After accidentally looking at the corner, he found a couple sitting there.

The boy in the couple seemed to be drunk, lying on his side in the arms of the girl in a white dress, covered with a coat. The beautiful girl gently held the boy's head with her hands, covering the rest of the people. From his sight and the dazzling lights in the carriage, he seemed to want his boyfriend to have a good night's sleep.

Such a heartwarming scene made many people shake their heads and look away, as if they would taste sour lemons if they took one more look. The young lovers are making love to each other. It would be rude to look at them any longer. Instead of looking at them rudely, it is better to see if there is any room to sit. We are almost at the terminal, and now the carriage is not as crowded as before.

Lu Mingfei had his own reasons for choosing Line 13. Due to the characteristics of the line, there will be fewer and fewer people in the car from Xierqi Station until it reaches the Xizhimen terminal, and everyone in the car will get off. , the vehicle will be in an empty state. As long as he can persist to the finish line, he can try to repair his injury with a second blood burst, and then consider changing stations.

Choosing Ring Route 2 is basically equivalent to handing over your life to rescue, but if you choose Route 13, it is tantamount to giving yourself a way out, a way out in desperate situations.

Now, Lu Mingfei thought that he had been forced into a desperate situation.

In the corner of the carriage at the end, under the cover of the coat in Chen Wenwen's arms, Lu Mingfei's pupils were already melting red, and the skin on his face was covered with iron-black fuzz, shaping, squirming, gathering, and finally turning into pieces of dragon scales. After the second violent hemorrhage, the spleen and stomach in the body completely stopped bleeding. The granulations were twisted and connected to each other, and the lifeless blood vessels began to come together like silk, lingering to transport the hot blood again.

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