Facts have proved that on Line 13 during the evening rush hour, there are indeed many more passengers in the Dongzhimen direction than in the Xizhimen direction. Lu Mingfei’s calculation is correct. When the subway passes Shangdi Station, no matter the people waiting on the platform , or the number of passengers in the carriage began to decrease sharply.

The people waiting on the white-lit platform shrouded in the orbital corridor were no longer as crowded as the previous stations. Looking out of the glass of the arched building, the sky over BJ was completely dark. It is worth mentioning that Line 13 is not a subway line that runs in underground tunnels throughout the entire journey. On the contrary, most of the line runs above ground as you travel towards Xizhimen.

There are sparse green plants on both sides of the densely packed catenary on both sides of the railway track. Further away, there are buildings standing in the dark. Because of the darkness, only some outlines can be seen. The hollowed out outlines of each household are With the lights on, those buildings are like crystal products, beautiful but fragile. The bright yellow street lights on the street illuminate rows of traffic with red taillights. There is a strange desertedness in the bustling city because of the distance.

Chen Wenwen gently held the boy's head on her lap with her left hand and put her right hand on his back. For some reason, she could feel the boy's heartbeat. It was definitely not a normal heartbeat. It was strong and powerful, but the heartbeat was surprisingly slow. , every tremor of the jump was transmitted from the skin to her whole body.

At the same time, there was a terrible heat. She felt that what she was holding was not a person, but a ball of red-hot coals. The scorching temperature rose little by little, making her lower limbs feel hot until She was slightly numb, but even so she didn't say a word. She bit her lip and stared blankly at the fleeting lights that were either cold white or warm yellow outside the subway window. She looked a little dazed and her thoughts were wandering.

Chen Wenwen remembers that before she chose to see a psychiatrist, a friend of hers from the Department of Psychology at Peking University said something to her. The general meaning is that if a person finds that his or her psychology is deteriorating, it is not that the person himself is sick, but Because the environment around that person is subtly becoming worse and worse.

Judging from the theory of my friend from the psychology department, the basic theory is that human psychology only reflects the surrounding environment in a normal and reasonable way. If you persuade them to adapt to the environment and adjust themselves, it is tantamount to asking them to accept the mistakes they are in. environmental compromise. But what really needs to be changed is the surrounding environment rather than being obsessed with changing yourself - wearing an oxygen mask in a gas chamber, listening to songs, knitting sweaters, and finding different hobbies to relax yourself is ridiculous no matter how you think about it.

She felt that she was very ill. She had long been sensitive to the changes in the world around her. She tried to reject the impact of this change on herself, but she failed.

Then she gradually understood that nothing would get better.

If you see sparks on your body, put it out. If you can't, then you can only watch the sparks burn your skin bit by bit, turning your whole person into a torch. The pain that comes with it, such as the torment of ant bites, is only a matter of time. So people who are on fire will run wildly, baring their teeth and claws, not because the flames behind them cause them much pain, but because they know how tragic their end will be in the end.

The reason why Chen Wenwen was panicking was probably just because she was afraid of the pain and suffering that would surely come. She spent countless nights witnessing the coming of those changes, and those things like nightmares eroded her inside and outside bit by bit, warning her that disasters and bad things were coming. . So she would choose to seek help and see a psychiatrist - people who are dying always need some comfort that is better than nothing.

But now, as the disaster was approaching, the fears that tormented him gradually melted away in her heart, replaced by peace of mind.

Because of a coincidence, or perhaps the inevitability of fate, she saw in advance what those hardships and pains would look like when they really fell on a person.

He should have been crazy, despairing, or had a drastic change in temperament.

According to his past personality, he should be more fragile than himself, and as painful as himself to the point of going crazy.

But in the end, he was sitting next to her, with a miserable look on his face but he still did not forget to comfort himself that everything would get better and things would always get better.

In comparison, her fear and constant depression seemed like unfounded jokes. But unexpectedly, she didn't find this kind of joke embarrassing. Instead, she felt strongly reassured. His attitude and his jokes seemed to be telling her an indisputable fact. Just like what he said, it's the thing you're afraid of. It's not big, I can handle it, I'll handle it.

People in distress and helpless people always hope that someone will tell them that the disaster is not terrible. In this way, the companions in the hospital can pat you on the shoulder and tell you, don't worry, I have encountered the same thing as you, it's just a small incident. Sick, after seeing the doctor, shall we go eat KFC at night? Today is a crazy Thursday buy one get one free.

Like something he would say.

This actually made Chen Wenwen always feel that he was growing every time they met, and the only one who stayed still was himself.

The wind of youth once blew her up high, bathing in the sunshine and breeze, and then dropped her ruthlessly to the ground, with dead leaves and branches scraping against her cheeks. It was clear that when he came in front of him, he could bend down and pick him up, but it was often difficult for him to say hello, but he was still the same as before, unexpectedly saying "Long time no see" with wide eyes and a smile (actually, Lu Mingfei's smile was even brighter). Most of it may be an unconscious smile, but in Chen Wenwen's eyes, it has a meaningful filter. Zi Feiyu.).

Are you moved? Maybe a little.

But more than anything, I was still confused and confused. He sat on the street talking to himself, ignoring the past unhappiness. It was once said that it was reconciliation, but the grudge is still a grudge, a scar that remains on the skin and will never be eliminated. The same is true for relationships between people. If scars are left, it means that there will never be a possibility of reconciliation. No matter how much adhesive is used to patch the crack, it can only be diluted and cannot be eliminated.

This also led to the truth that he had definitely not forgotten the grudge, but probably accepted it. Emotional scars are difficult to erase, but you can choose to accept them. Mature makes her some.

I can't say anything that I can't say, and I feel shameful even thinking about it in my heart.

so good. she thinks. But there are some regrets.

But generally speaking, according to her character, she feels that this kind of regret is not without beauty. The law of this world is like this, what is lost is always the best.

And regret is just regret. She thinks regret is beautiful. In fact, the real beauty is just the illusion that she has conceived countless times at night if there is no regret. Walking on the road by the river full of dandelions, 99 roses in the paper bag.

The fingers of the boy in his arms, covered by the coat, twitched slightly, and the hanging nails scratched the metal seat, making a slight hissing sound.


[The terminal station is Xizhimen Station. Please bring your belongings and prepare to get off the train. Thank you for choosing BJ Subway. Welcome to take the No. 13 subway train again. Goodbye. 】

The subway entered the Xizhimen above-ground platform of the terminal station. The few passengers in the car began to get off one after another. People quietly poured out of the car from the right door and entered the subway station. Under the sound of footsteps and the small noise of the crowd, , the carriage quickly became silent.

Chen Wenwen did not get up, but felt a chill. Autumn nights should have been cold, but the cooling she felt at this moment was by no means a physical temperature, but a kind of coldness from vision to hearing, and even that unknown... Existential, defined coldness of the soul.

She gradually raised her head, and her eyes followed the cold white car lights from the front to the end of the train. Every window in the carriage reflected the cold light, showing a cold white color. She saw the fingerprints left by the temperature on the nearby metal armrest gradually melting away. Moving forward, those metal armrests stood, repeating and repeating side by side with the same-style chairs leaning against the wall. Until through the partition glass between the carriages, what you see in the other carriage is still a repeated scene. Like an endless corridor, the white lights reflect the blue on the painted walls of the corridor. The quiet blue and cold white dyed in the space are filled with black shadows in the gaps.

Repetition, repetition, repetition of color and space brings a false sense of emptiness and infinite extension.

The windows of the subway car were all filled with refracted white light, and the familiar Xizhimen platform could not be seen outside. The fan of the ventilation system kept making noise inside the subway train above, so the sight could only be cast to the front of the car, but everything was there. All I could see was the blue-white cold light and the endless repetition. Dead silence.

What Chen Wenwen didn't know was that students were taught a piece of knowledge in the classroom at Kassel College, called "liminal". The word comes from the Latin "limen", which means "intermittent or ambiguous state." , meaning the boundary in physical concepts.

Liminality often occurs in the state of space. The emergence of liminality often brings a sense of uneasiness and weirdness to people in the environment. The deconstructed principle of this weirdness is that the essence of liminal space is a An intermediate state in which one state transforms into another state.

Often the former state is a well-known reality, while the latter state is unknown.

The meaning of liminal space is clearly defined by Professor Freeman of the Alchemy Department of Kassel College as "the transitional space between the starting point and the destination", and reminds all students who are taking his class that once they are in reality If you find that the environment you are in is consistent with the described "liminal space" in an environment related to dragons, please escape immediately. If you cannot escape, then please be prepared to fight.

A hand stretched out from behind the baffle of the front carriage next to the partition door, and gently held the armrest close at hand. At this moment, Chen Wenwen realized that there were people in the carriage, and she did not get off when she arrived at the terminal. Among all the passengers, there were also people sitting quietly in the train waiting like them.

Her eyes inevitably fell on the owner of that hand. The hand holding the armrest was slender and straight. From this, she could conclude that the other person's height must not be too high, but the maintenance of his fingers and skin could make any person happy. Every woman would envy her, as fair and tender as a newborn child. Under the cold light of the subway car, Chen Wenwen thought of the dead people in the morgue.

Therefore, it is reasonable that she did see a dead man, a dead man who she thought had died long ago under the judicial judgment and the bullet of the law.

A petite woman in a pure white suit is sitting in the carriage of the terminal train on Line 13. She is sitting very casually, with her back completely leaning on the metal seat, her right hand holding the armrest beside her, and her expressionless face closed. His eyes were lowered slightly, like a passerby returning home from work after a tiring day.

Chen Wenwen kept staring at the woman's face, and the nightmare scenes in her memories began to come back. The suffocating black foam kept churning and bursting, and the extreme emotional reversal caused the heart rate to inevitably soar. The rapid heartbeat brought about a strong feeling of vomiting, which made her mentally trance-like. In the cold white and blue light, and in the complicated space, she began to be unable to tell whether all this was a dream or reality. reality.


Chen Wenwen remembered this woman's name.

The petite woman lowered her head and waited. No one knew what she was waiting for, whether she was waiting for the train to restart or turn around, or for new passengers to get on the train. Or perhaps both.

The piercing alarm sounded on the subway train without any warning. The monotonous and loud alarm echoed in all the cars, reminding the people in the car that the established state had begun to transition to a new state.

Chen Wenwen raised her head and looked at the car door not far away. The red light at the top of the door kept flashing. It was the lift light for opening the door. These alarms were also reminders to open and close the door when arriving at the station.

Immediately afterwards, amidst the sound of sirens, the doors of each carriage suddenly opened at the same moment. The iron doors opened too fast and hit the gap between the folding layers, making a huge steel impact sound!

Dense footsteps sounded in the quiet space, and figures one after another slowly walked into the car. Those people were both men and women, and they were dressed in different styles. They carried various weapons in their hands, including three-edged thorns, daggers, and steel wires. firearms. Different appearance features coincide with the same identity. Bounty Hunter.

The alarm in the carriage stopped.

Dead silence.

In the dead silence, there was a soft sound of a coat falling to the ground.

Paco slowly opened her eyes on the seat. After an indifferent pause, she raised her head and looked at the end car at the end.

Her eyes traveled through the cold white light and repetitive spaces, winding past the hunters who were ready to go one after another, piercing through the chilling murderous intent wrapped in the closed environment, and finally , stopping at the end of the line on the man who stood upright at some point.

The man left the stunned girl's lap and arms and was bathed in the cold light. The cold light in the carriage washed over his body surface, and the dense scales that opened and closed trembled on his neck, cheeks and exposed skin. The ventilation fan whirred in the cracks of the train above him, but it could not dissipate the nauseating smell of blood. The blazing red-gold eyes split the white-blue space, filled with hatred and quietly burning malice.

At the starting point of the line of sight, Paco nodded, which was also her satisfaction with all this expectations. So she greeted the scaly and armored guy from a distance: "Good evening."


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