"Lu Mingfei, have you ever experienced blood sorrow?"

Lu Mingfei turned to look at Lin Nian, who was leaning against the billboard on the platform seat and looking at the neon night view of Chicago from the instant noodle bowl. It took him a long time to swallow. A hard-earned $12 bowl of street instant noodles.

The sudden question stunned him as he sat in front of the bus stop late at night. There was still half-eaten instant noodles hanging in his mouth, and a large amount of shredded beef hung on the surface and fell into it one by one. Fennel in red spicy soup.

"What kind of strange question is this?" Lu Mingfei asked vaguely, subconsciously shaking half of the noodles hanging in his mouth. He didn't quite understand Lin Nian's brain circuit. Or maybe he couldn't answer Lin Nian's unexpected question, so he could only answer it with questions. Perfunctory. think.

"Blood Sorrow. Do you still remember what it is?" Lin Nian leaned against the sliding and refreshing billboard lights. The cold light illuminated his side face, and his eyes were unfocused towards an extinguished lamp in the distance. street lights.

Lu Mingfei slowly turned his eyes away and looked at the empty intersection ahead. The traffic lights jumped lonely at the end of the zebra crossing. He didn't care if anyone followed his command and crossed the deserted street. The night was indeed very late, and the last bus had already left long ago without the lights at the bus station, leaving the two of them sitting on the platform like ghosts eating under the lights of the crossroads.

"I know, I have been taught in class, how could I not know. In short, it is the sadness and alienation that I suddenly feel among the crowd."

While answering, Lu Mingfei lowered his head and picked up the sincere shredded beef floating on the noodle soup, stacked them on the noodles and carefully rolled them up with a plastic fork, with a nonchalant tone, "Things like Blood Mourning happen every day. , I will mourn with blood when I run out of pork knuckles at dinner, I will mourn with blood if I fail the in-class exam, and I will mourn with blood if I don’t get a course that is easy to get credits when I choose a course.”

"Are you just plain angry? Bloodmourne is not such a casual thing."

"What else could that be?" Lu Mingfei asked, burying his face in the noodle bucket and drinking soup. When people are hungry and cold, they always like to eat a bowl of instant noodles, especially the hot and spicy Sichuan-style instant noodles. The street instant noodles in Chicago are not like Master Kong where a cow is sold for a year. The price is 12 US dollars. When you peel off the thermal insulation foil on the noodle bucket, there is a full layer of minced beef.

"It's not something." Lin Nian lowered his head and gently clasped his chin with his right hand while thinking seriously, "In fact, at the beginning, my mentor, Professor Manstein, popularized this concept to me. Although he could describe it well, What's described in the textbook is pretty much the same, but I want to try to deconstruct the core concepts, but I can't always get a satisfactory result. They always use the word "loneliness" to cover Bloodmourne. , but I always feel it’s almost meaningless.”

Lu Mingfei thought for a moment and suddenly laughed strangely, attracting Lin Nian to look over.

Lu Mingfei sorted out his words, shook the plastic fork and pointed at his friend, "That's probably when you graduated from the second grade of middle school."

"What do you mean?"

"Actually, I found that whenever Blood Mourning is mentioned, everyone will think of 'loneliness', and I don't know why. Everyone agrees with this statement, as if Blood Mourning and loneliness are equated." Lu Mingfei Gently twisting the handle of the plastic fork with your thumb and index finger, let the fork at the other end continue to wrap around the noodles in the soup, "But according to my observation, few people in the school are actually truly lonely, even if they are Before they were discovered by the academy, their living environment was far from lonely. They had a father and a mother, one and two from pretty good families, and there were people who loved them around them. They did love those people, so how could loneliness breed? ?”

"What is your definition of loneliness?" Lin Nian asked.

"Uh." Lu Mingfei paused in the movement of rolling noodles, then looked down at the shadows of the two of them cast by the advertising lights on the platform on the ground dimly illuminated by street lights, "You can't be so casual after all, right? You can't find anything when you go out to eat. I don’t think it’s true loneliness when I can’t find a friend to play games online, or I can’t find a popcorn terminator when watching a movie. It can only be called having no friends. Even if you are not a mixed race, many people do. Don’t you have any friends? You understand what I mean, right?”

"Yes, just like you and me." Lin Nian said.

"It's not embarrassing. I still have friends when I play games online. Have you forgotten, Old Tang?"

"Old Tang is the King of Bronze and Fire. Your friend is the Dragon King and was indirectly killed by you. I find it difficult to agree with this statement."

Lu Mingfei was poked, and his expression was a little tangled. He poked the instant noodle bucket twice with the spoon in his hand, so that the bottom of the bucket was not penetrated.

"Are we friends?" Lin Nian asked.

"Of course it counts, the friendship comes from eating the white meat of Lizhuang." Lu Mingfei nodded.

"We often played together in high school, so it's not like we have no friends, and loneliness is out of the question. According to the logic that loneliness equals blood mourning, does this lead to the conclusion that we don't have blood mourning?"

"Uh," Lu Mingfei was stuck again, and said after a moment, "Isn't it? Blood Sorrow seems to be a mixed race. The more awesome the mixed race is, the more miserable it is. I mean, the lonelier it is. This is written in It’s in the textbook, and everyone around me also says it’s true.”

"So are you lonely?" Lin Nian asked.

He stared at Lu Mingfei, who looked at Lin Nian through the light of street lamps and billboards, with a very troubled expression. He knew that Lin Nian had begun to deconstruct something inexplicably again. He always had such a bad habit. Just like when the school board was mentioned, Lu Mingfei asked him, "Don't you want to kill the school board's mother?" ? Lin Nian said that the school board is not the enemy. Their real enemy is still behind the scenes, and deconstructed a lot of interest disputes and position constraints between him and the school board.

When Lin Nian encountered this state, he chose to obey, follow the other person's rhythm, think about the problem seriously, and then make a convincing answer in his heart, "I am lonely!"

When he said this, Lu Mingfei felt quite ashamed. Fortunately, they were sitting at a deserted intersection. He might not be able to say these three words in broad daylight.

"Reason?" Lin Nian asked.

"There's no reason." Lu Mingfei said, to avoid Lin Nian's further questioning. He asked instead, "What about you? Are you lonely?"

Lin Nian nodded.

"Reason?" Lu Mingfei threw the question back and continued to chew the noodles. When the noodles were cold, the oil would become greasy. This kind of noodles would be watery and dogs wouldn't like to eat them.

"It's an indescribable feeling." Lin Nian said lightly.

Lu Mingfei felt Lin Nian's "light" tone, and immediately put down the bowl helplessly, because he knew that he had to listen carefully to what the other party said next. Several times of experience showed that after what he said next, he had to If you are forced to do reading comprehension and your answers are not up to standard, you will be looked down upon from head to toe.

"When you were in high school in Shilan, did you ever have the experience of taking the last bus home alone at night?" Lin Nian asked.

"Yes, when I was a freshman in high school and a sophomore in high school, the evening self-study class ended at 8:30. I turned left outside the school gate and walked a short distance to take the No. 11 bus. If I was delayed a little, I had to wait for the last bus that ends before 9 o'clock." Lu Mingfei had a profound memory.

"I feel lonely when I take the last bus."

"What's the reason?" Lu Mingfei didn't understand. "Is it caused by the atmosphere and the lights at night? This doesn't involve Blood Mourning, right?"

Lin Nian was silent for a long time. It was so long that Lu Mingfei felt that if the other party didn't speak, his face would get really lumpy. When he tried to say something again, he heard the person next to him say, "I have to say, that kind of loneliness is Standing on the bridge and looking at this brightly lit city, I can't really experience it all. Rather than saying that the city surrounds me, it's better to say that I own the whole city. I can take the No. 11 bus from Shilan High School All the way to the New Bridge to explore every corner of the city. But this kind of possession has its drawbacks. Sitting on the bus and leaning against the window, I felt like a child exploring the city from a high position. I can see the lights and the people in the buildings from any angle, but I can't join in. It's like watching a model train running on the tracks but not being able to actually ride it. I own the city but I don't own it. And he doesn’t really own it, just like a lonely bystander who can only own the shell but not understand the inner part.”

"I feel very lonely when I listen to it." After listening to Lin Nian's words, Lu Mingfei suddenly felt that maybe Lin Nian was really lonely.

"A sense of identity." Lin Nian said, "I came to the conclusion that Bloodmourne was just a sense of identity."

"Sitting on the bus from one end of the city to the other, you can go anywhere in the city but you can't really immerse yourself in that place. I can relate to it being like people who never go to bars, even if there are enough He went to the bar to spend money, but after he stepped in, he couldn't have any fun because he felt that he didn't belong there. The active people there were not the same type of people as he himself, and no matter how harmonious the surface was, it was not. Based on social habits and politeness, the other party will not really recognize him, and he will not accept the other party. Is that what you mean?" Lu Mingfei felt that he scored well in every Chinese reading comprehension test in high school, probably thanks to Lin Nian's matter is pressing.

"That's pretty much what it means." Lin Nian said, "It seems you understand what I mean."

"I understand, your hypocrisy breaks my heart." Lu Mingfei pretended to make a fist with his left hand, lightly hammered his chest, and then pointed at Lin Nian.

But what he didn't expect was that Lin Nian reached out and touched his fist, "It seems that you are the same as me. No wonder we played together in high school."

"?" Lu Mingfei said in his heart that if you are a well-educated young man, why don't you get along with me? My buddy ate and drank happily in high school, but things didn't go well in terms of relationships. It wasn't like you, crying alone by the window on the last train, okay?

"Have you ever considered why you were only my friend in high school?" Lin Nian looked at Lu Mingfei and asked, "Your social skills are actually not bad. You know this, but you have never taken the initiative to I’ve had deep friendships with people other than me, what do you think is the reason?”

Lu Mingfei opened his mouth, then shut it up and lowered his head to eat instant noodles.

The bus stop was quiet for a long time. Lu Mingfei finally finished eating the instant noodles, put the soup aside, and burped comfortably. He turned his head to see Lin Nian still deep in thought, and couldn't help but sigh and ask, "What are you still struggling with? Blood sorrow, sense of identity, loneliness, etc., aren't they all things in the past? I admit that mixed races are a bit pretentious. I mean identity crisis, but didn't the academy find us? Everyone is having a party happily in the big Kassel family and having a free day of live CS battles, isn’t that a great sense of identity?”

"Others are like this." Lin Nian nodded, "What about you?"

Lu Mingfei paused. Lin Nian did not look at him and just continued, "You never take the initiative to participate in free day or group party activities. Even if you participate, you only eat and never take the initiative to socialize. This has nothing to do with you. What a difference it made in high school.”

"I'm just too lazy to socialize." Lu Mingfei argued.

"Me too." Lin Nian said, "It's not that I'm lazy in socializing, but I'm also unable to identify with him."

Lu Mingfei finally fell silent. He put his hands on the seats on the left and right, turned his head and looked at the end of the intersection where the endlessly extending street lights met, "What do you mean?"

"Whether you are discovered by Kassel College or join a mixed-race group, the environment is changing and the people around you are changing, but the sense of identity has never changed." Lin Nian paused, "The Blood Sadness never seems to leave.”

Lu Mingfei really wanted to pretend that he didn't understand Lin Nian's words. He will judge you when he returns to the academy soon. Are you telling your buddy these inner thoughts? Are you really not afraid that your brother actually has a bug on his body and is actually a lackey of the secret party or something, so he will just use your self-report as evidence in court and hold a hearing to arrest you directly?

"Perhaps I have left." Lin Nian changed his words again, and Lu Mingfei noticed that he looked up at him, "Very rarely, this indescribable loneliness will slow down. So I will tend to it a lot of time. Lean in that direction and absorb that sense of security.”

"When? When you and your girlfriend open a room?" Lu Mingfei couldn't help but say something wrong. Considering their relationship, a private chat and spanking session between boys would be such an out-of-the-ordinary teasing. Bad words will be allowed.

"No, there are mainly two times. One time is when I am with my sister. I will not have a crisis of identity. I will think that I should be by her side, and the two of us should be together. Live together." Lin Nian said.

"Don't let Su Xiaoqiang hear this." Lu Mingfei looked left and right to make sure that it would be some time before the little goddess and the others would meet.

"There is another time." Lin Nian looked at Lu Mingfei, who was looking around, and said, "It's time to stay with you."

Lu Mingfei glanced back at Lin Nian, was silent for a moment, and then rolled his eyes.

"." Lin Nian lowered his head and sighed and rolled his eyes.

"Don't say such things." Lu Mingfei thought that this kind of joke might bring out the problem.

The two sat in silence for a long time on the platform. It wasn't until they saw a few familiar figures coming towards the intersection again that Lin Nian said silently, "I asked the principal how this sense of identity comes about. The principal’s answer to me was also very simple. Humans are social animals. As long as they are infected with human genes, they will follow this social habit. The source of identity comes from the joint activities naturally organized by human autonomous production activities. , on the one hand, it comes from all the objects that people come into contact with during their development that cause emotional resonance. And the most profound emotional resonance is security."

"I admit that you do feel safe, but what about me? Do you think I have the sense of security you want?" Lu Mingfei looked at Lin Nian half-jokingly. The answer he expected was no, a teasing joke. But unfortunately, the answer he got in Lin Nian's eyes was yes.

"A lion protects a group of kittens. What he gets from the kittens is always a sense of responsibility, but he will never regard the group of cats as the same kind. Only from the same kind can he get a sense of identity and security." Lin Nian gave an example, " No matter how skinny a lion is, he is still a lion. If a strong lion has an accident, it is the skinny lion who should fight to the death. This is a fact that cannot be changed."

"That's what you said." Lu Mingfei didn't know what to say. silence.

He realized what Lin Nian really meant.

So Lin Nian stopped talking and looked at Su Xiaoqiang, Chu Zihang and others walking in the distance. He stood up silently and left the platform to greet them. Lu Mingfei was left sitting alone in the bus stop. The lights of the billboard and the dim street lights divided his shadow into two parts on the ground. He looked at Lin Nian's retreating back and thought unconsciously in his mind. The words he said, but in the end, there was no result.

Protecting cats and other things, isn't this kind of thing what you have been doing? And do it well, no one can do it better than you. It's very unlucky to say these words to me at this time. You're trying your best.

He picked up the instant noodles next to him, covered them with tin foil and placed them on top of the trash can, then turned to look at Lin Nian's back. Although thousands of words came to my lips, I finally sighed and said nothing.

Under the illumination of white lights from all directions, his shadow was scattered on the ground like a mass of blooming ink-colored flowers. Among the petals, he stood up from his seat.

Just work hard. he thinks.

The stout figure was hunched over, humming a tuneless song, and walked towards the center of the intersection.


The door of the subway car was closed with a buzzing sound. The slamming of the iron door separated the outside world from the world inside. The figures standing in the car were reflected on every window.

The tuneless song sounded in their ears, and they faced the end of the carriage at the end. They were filled with the desire to pursue money, fame and fortune, but under the murderous intent that was as strong as boiling water, they could not help but hide fear towards that strange thing. The fear of the unknown.

Senior hunters who are active in the bounty world always carry a variety of weapons, among which firearms must be indispensable weapons. In the normal known world view, there are no creatures on land that can carry them. Keep the edge of 7.62mm caliber bullets.

The reason why they are now afraid of the human-shaped creature standing at the end but not exactly like a normal "human" is probably just because of the narrow environment. Considering the occurrence of ricochet accidental injuries, they cannot use firearms wantonly. Sieve that disturbing stuff.

The only things they can normally use now are the knives and cold weapons in their hands. The closer the distance will bring risks, and risks are the source of uneasiness. And that inhuman thing, just standing there, gives them such uneasiness. The smell of burning sulfur dioxide in the trenches.

The hunter at the front gently squeezed the high-carbon steel Gurkha saber in his hand. The machete was suitable for cutting rather than chopping. In a sense, he had the right weapon, although he didn’t know the target this time. The body is covered with scales and armor, which is a new type of exogenous bulletproof armor. However, in order to facilitate the user's movement, this shell-type protection must have gaps at the joints, which just facilitates the characteristics of the kukri to attack arteries from the gaps. and articular cartilage to incapacitate prey.

While the leader of the hunter was thinking about hunting techniques after the battle, three or four figures among the group of hunters standing in the carriage retreated silently. Their golden pupils stared at the scaly and armored man at the end of the carriage. The humanoid figure was full of fear and apprehension, and at the same time he retracted the cold weapons in his hands and instead grasped firearms that were not suitable for use in a small space.

The reactions and actions of the hunters are very subtle. Everyone knows one thing. When you encounter a beast in the jungle, and you and it suddenly meet their eyes in the bushes, what will happen at this time is not an imminent fight, but a fight. A long confrontation and stalemate. Observe each other in this state, wear down each other's patience, until you find a flaw.

The hunters in the carriage are all silent and frozen now. They are observing the prey that has been forced into a desperate situation on this trip, but they all find that it is difficult for them to see through the prey's thoughts and possible next actions.

There was a dead silence in the carriage. The petite woman was sitting on the metal seat, holding the armrest and not looking forward to this long-planned hunt. She was quietly waiting for what was bound to happen, without any expectation. Not even excited.

The prey that attracted all the attention, the scaly and armored beast and monster in the jungle, did not let out a low whimper fiercely at this moment, and shook its tail like an iron rod to deter the hunters who invaded his territory.

His posture was a little loose, and the solid scale armor hung on the display rack-like torso to prevent him from suddenly collapsing into a puddle of flesh and blood. It really makes people worry about whether he is ready for a fight to the death. In this posture, he is more like a lazy person who is ready to throw himself on the sofa when he comes home from get off work, right? If you insist on stopping him from running towards that comfortable life, he will do his best to throw everything within reach around him at you, whether it is a desk lamp or a sofa.

Lu Mingfei didn't have a desk lamp or a sofa at hand, but there was still a handrail. So with a grinding sound, the metal handrail in the carriage was twisted bit by bit, and the upper and lower ends were screwed. The power twisted into deadly spikes, fell into his hands, and then puzzlingly bent the spikes at one end into a right angle.

He looked at the murderous hunters in the carriage, feeling the rising emotions and the fear that could not be concealed under the heat, he stretched out his right hand and said:


Like a cyclone sweeping away violent wing currents, an invisible but clearly perceptible "storm" spread from the tip of Lu Mingfei's outstretched hand! It was a fan-shaped field, just like a sharp steel knife whirling through the "bubbles" that were forming within a radius of one kilometer!

The noses, mouths, and pupils of the several mixed-breed hunters who were trying to release the spirit spirit in the carriage instantly overflowed with blood. Their expressions were ferocious. They covered their mouths tightly and swallowed the forcibly interrupted spirit spirit. !

Words and spirits are forbidden.

This was the first thing Lu Mingfei did in this battle.

The second thing was completed the next moment after he completed the first thing.

The first thing I heard was just a sharp stabbing sound. A small number of people who have been exposed to traditional weapons such as bows and arrows will probably be more familiar with it. The subtle sound when the arrow cuts through the air when it leaves the string, the wind resistance is constantly broken through and generated, the sharp weapon and The sound of airflow rubbing against each other. Then, what sounded was the sound of flesh being pierced, bones being cracked, and the throat involuntarily screaming. This is a sound that most people are familiar with, the dying sound of a human body being penetrated.

The spiral handrail steel bars were thrown out, and the hunters in the three or four narrow carriages who could not dodge in time flew backwards as if they were hit by a car and were nailed to the compartment wall! The penetrating sharp steel bar missed Paco's temple by just one centimeter on the seat behind the compartment.

The hunter's chest hanging on the steel bar was pierced by the handrail steel bar and strung together like candied haws! Flesh collides with flesh and overlaps flesh. The right angle of the steel bar on the first hunter's chest ensures that the long weapon will not fly directly through the human body because it is too sharp and thrown too fast. go out!

Penetrating injuries are not difficult to deal with. What is difficult to deal with is that the penetrating metal still remains in the human body, especially when it is connected to other objects.

The number of enemies is reduced by four. He calculated in his mind, and there was hot liquid burning in his red golden pupils.

Lu Mingfei tore off the hanging metal rod in the carriage, jumped out like a lion, and stabbed the nearest person through the throat. Amidst the bursts of blood, the person was almost thrown upright at a right angle by the terrifying force. Nailed through the floor of the train! The dark eyes before death reflected the face of a ghostly and ferocious boy.

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