"I'm sorry, Lu Mingfei once had such a dream."

In the subway car, Lu Mingfei, who was bleeding for the second time, raised his right arm to block his eyes. Three steel needles penetrated the air and hit the black scales with a scream. The sparks flashed and disappeared. The needle did not completely lose its kinetic energy after the impact, because the curvature of the scales slid to both sides and penetrated the train glass. The black shadows in the reflection of the cracked windows with a large number of spider marks flashed away like arrows. In less than half a second, a large pool of water appeared. The bright red arterial blood spattered onto the glass, and the broken body in the remaining clean corners fell to the ground.

"At that time, he was lying on the desk, burying half of his face in his arms. Only his eyes were secretly looking at the back of the girl in the white dress in front of him, imagining such unrealistic dreams."

The trajectory of the Gurkha saber that was coming towards him was clearly visible in Lu Mingfei's eyes. It was aimed at the muscle bundles in the gaps between the joint scales under his armpits. He half-raised his left hand with the palm of his hand bent upwards and then caught the high-carbon steel blade. Before Mars could even eject, he was pinched by the closed palms together with the blade.

The capable hunter who was wearing a dark green tactical T-shirt was not surprised at all that Lu Mingfei was able to take the knife. He pulled away while sweating profusely. At the same time, he pulled out the MP443 from his waist and quickly pulled the trigger. The car exploded. A series of explosive gunshots were fired, but the bullet was blocked at the muzzle of the gun. Because Lu Mingfei was faster than him, he grabbed the muzzle of the gun with his right hand. The blade of the saber he broke off with his left hand penetrated the opponent's neck, diagonally. Pulling, the bright red ink pen drew a thick mark on his cheek covered with black scales. The golden pupils in the black and red were particularly dazzling.

"In the dream, the school was burning, smoke was everywhere, and order was no longer there. The extremely vicious lawless gangsters laughed and howled, and rushed into the campus to commit all kinds of evil, burning, killing, and smashing."

Lu Mingfei stepped on the metal seat on one side. Under the reaction force of the dented and collapsed seat, he jumped out almost parallel to the top of the car. He put his hands on the chins of the two hunters and lifted them up. The index finger, middle finger, and ring finger pierced the lower jaw like digging through lard, and penetrated the tongue and upper palate together. When they landed, they pulled and pressed with both hands, and the two heads made a sweet sound like cracking rice crispy tubes. sound.

"All the classmates in the past were fleeing, and the inherent order and hierarchy of the class in the past were burned to the ground. When the madmen smashed the glass of the classroom, broke open the door of the classroom and rushed in, he stood up, and he was not as brave as usual. He fought off the bastards who made girls cry and boys tremble."

No matter how hard the cold weapon slashed at those black scales, it had no effect at all. When the hunters who understood the reality wanted to pull out their guns, it was already too late, because the wolves had already bitten their throats. The imminent death is like a wet hemp rope drawn up to the neck.

Lu Mingfei punched the chest of the nearest hunter. The impact of the fist and the body actually made a loud sound like steel plates colliding. The hunter who was hit felt like he was hit by a high-speed subway, and a strange sound came from his throat. With a "Uh" sound, the whole body spun and flew out. When it fell to the floor and bounced in the air, the whole body twisted out of control and made creepy movements. The tumbling floor was sprayed with so much red that it looked like a punch. Turned paint bucket.

After the second violent bloodshed, the strengthened bones under the black scales supported dozens of times the muscle density, fibers, and contraction speed of a boxer. A large amount of oxygen was sucked in from under the opening and closing scales, and brain hormones were excessively secreted. The nervous system is greatly optimized to coordinate the movement of every muscle. The effect of all this intensification is violent and bloody.

"In the midst of the chaos, he walked up to the crowd covered in blood, reached out to the crying girl in the white dress, looked firmly into her eyes, and told her that everything would get better, and did she want to run away with him?"

The wrist holding the SP101 revolver was pinched by Lu Mingfei. Before the guy who pulled the gun even had time to hold the gun flat, his arm was ripped off from the shoulder and elbow, and the open wound was filled with saw teeth. Irregular-shaped bone fragments, torn muscles in the shape of threads, and arteries sandwiched in the flesh spewed out a large amount of blood.

Before he could even scream, Lu Mingfei took a half-step behind him, bent his knees and raised his feet, and kicked the man in front of him directly in the chest. The whole person was stuck to the wall of the carriage like a painting. The steel was dented by the loud noise, and he was sprayed out. The blood that flowed out started from the body and spread out to the surrounding walls of the car in the form of a bunch of irregular red flowers. Then he lost all momentum and sat down on the ground, bowing his head silently.

"The girl in the white dress agreed to his invitation and put her hand in his outstretched palm. He held the girl and turned away from the people who laughed at him in the class without looking back. He rushed out of the classroom and stepped into A chaotic and dangerous campus.”

Lu Mingfei walked forward. The remaining hunters in the carriage were overcome by cold and fear. They began to know who the real hunters were in this train, and what exactly they were planning to hunt in the first place. Such an unreasonable, ferocious monster.

The carriage door was locked, and there was no way out. The reinforced window glass could not be broken for a short time. Some people tried to get the window hammer on the wall, but before they could take it off, he was kicked in the waist. The entire human body bent like a snake, flew out and hit the iron pole, and slid like a hockey puck in the pool of blood on the ground for several meters and stopped.

After the second violent bloodshed, Lu Mingfei's every punch hit the person's torso. No matter which part it was, a cloud of blood mist would burst out at the trigger point of the force. Human skin tension could not bear the level of force erupting at a fixed point. The surface skin will be torn, and the muscles and the blood vessels inside will be broken, and the fracture of the bones will further cause massive bleeding.

Lu Mingfei had suppressed the concept of keeping his hands to the bottom of his heart. He did not look back at Chen Wenwen who was protected at the rear of the carriage. He only knew that he had to keep moving forward, pushing the battle field forward infinitely, and moving the safe Space expands. To do all this, he can only create death, a death without any mercy, ensuring that every body he steps on leaves clean blood and cannot breathe on his own.

"He is high-spirited! When he encounters gods, he kills gods, when he encounters dragons, he slays dragons! All crises come to him like a tide and challenge him, but he is not afraid in the face of danger, because he holds the hand of his beloved girl and in front of her, he He showed unprecedented ferocity and ferocity, which is the wildness of men, the fury and pride of a lion! He wants to tear everything that stands in front of him and the girl to pieces! Swallow it!"

The right hand swings the fist directly to hit the concave bone. The entire facial features of the head hit are disappeared. Under the X-ray, the human facial bones are almost reduced to a piece of powder, like a round empty nest. The scattered brain tissue merged into an indistinguishable mass.

The body with missing facial features on one side hit the seat before it rolled over and fell to the ground. The right hand's swing fist had already bent its elbow and accurately hit the chin of the person who was trying to grapple naked from behind. There was a terrifying tearing sound. , the head on the neck rotated several times like a fan. After all the tissues connecting the trunk were broken, it fell to the ground with a "wave". The blood in the arteries spurted into the sky, splashing onto the roof of the car and overflowing like rain. .

"They went through all kinds of hardships and finally reached the gate of the school. Behind them was the burning campus. Outside the gate was a peaceful and safe world. He was only one step away from being able to escape with his girl. But this At that moment, he stopped because the girl he was holding and who had been following behind him took the initiative to stop."

The iron chain cut through the air and pierced through. The "squeaking" sound of the iron buckle and the vibration of the iron buckle seemed particularly strange in the carriage, but at least it successfully caught Lu Mingfei's back that was exposed when he attacked another person. There was a flaw, and the noose tightly wrapped around Lu Mingfei's neck and then suddenly closed it!

Lu Mingfei stepped back with his left foot, took a step with his right foot, widened his steps, and stabilized his figure. With his left hand, he grabbed the chain that was tightening and shaking in front of his throat, feeling the considerable power transmitted by the chain. , immediately turned his head and glanced at the woman at the other end of the chain with her hands wrapped around the chain and her golden eyes fluttering.

Mixed breed.

But with the wrong weapon.

Lu Mingfei held the straight chain back with his left hand, turned around half a circle, raised his right foot high and stretched it almost in a straight line with the torso, straightened the arch of the foot, and then stepped on the straight chain with one foot. , the huge force directly pulled the mixed-race woman at the other end! When she saw Lu Mingfei lifting his feet, her expression changed greatly and she wanted to take off her hands, but her hands were wrapped around the iron chain to use force, which slowed her down for a moment.

The mixed-race woman who flew upside down thought clearly about her fate in that half a second, and frantically pulled out a dagger before she reached Lu Mingfei, intending to chop off all of Lu Mingfei before she died. Meat.

But unfortunately, Lu Mingfei suddenly ducked down to avoid the flying woman. He raised his hands, and the chain stretched between his hands just happened to wrap around the flying woman's neck. He pulled it hard and severed the organs and organs. Cervical vertebrae, and at the same time, he stood up quickly with his right knee and directly smashed the opponent's spine in mid-air, throwing the motionless body like a rag doll to the ground.

"He didn't understand why the girl stopped when everything ended perfectly. If this was a movie, then they should hug and talk to each other at the end of the movie after overcoming many obstacles. So in the end is Which link went wrong? Did he overlook an enemy or something, or was the girl injured without his knowledge?"

There were only two hunters left. Their pupils were dim golden, revealing their identities. Before the battle began, they realized the wrong choice in choosing this mission. They retreated to the rear and waited for an opportunity to escape, but In the end, disaster struck at a speed they could hardly imagine.

They trembled and shuddered, staring intently at the approaching doomed star. The scarlet iron chains dripping with blood were wrapped around his neck and hung on his scales. As they moved around, they made a subtle sound of gold and iron hitting each other. That face, The face of an inexperienced boy was obviously harmless, but the blood stained it gave off a suffocating sense of terror.

The red gold golden eyes were like mountains suppressing their respiratory systems, so they roared as low as possible for oxygen, and then charged towards the monster like raging porcupines.

"At the end of the dream, he turned back full of doubts."

The last corpse fell in front of Lu Mingfei, but it did not completely touch the ground, but was half hanging in the air, because Lu Mingfei's hand was still in his upper abdomen, and the punch was aimed at It was a chest protected by ribs, but because he was a mixed race, he reacted and jumped back half a step, causing the height difference to hit the abdomen with the punch. Because there was no bone protection, the opponent's upper abdomen was directly penetrated. Indescribable blood and black filth flowed out from the gap and acted as lubricant, allowing the body to slip off his arm bit by bit.

"Finally, finally. Guess what he saw when he turned back?"

Sitting on a seat at the end of the carriage, Lu Mingze, who was wearing a black exquisite suit, held the back of the seat with his left hand, raised his right hand to support his cheek, and stared into the distance with his rose-colored golden eyes. In the reflection of his beautiful golden eyes, there was no one standing next to the black monster. It stood at the end of the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood, with its head slightly lowered and making no move to look back.

"He saw the girl's distorted and frightened face, her nose and tears were smeared together." Lu Mingze said, his eyes turned to the girl in the white dress on the seat opposite, "He asked you what's wrong. The girl didn't answer. So guess what the girl is crying about?"

Chen Wenwen did not answer.

Maybe she couldn't hear or see the whisper of the devil so close at hand.

"The boy was like waking up from a nightmare. He was sweating profusely and pulled his face out of his arms. He looked at the bustling classroom and the girl walking by who was joking with her friends, and he understood something. .”

"So fortunately it was just a dream. In reality, they are still classmates."

Lu Mingze finished telling a boring story, a story that was the same as Wan Qian but had a completely different ending.

The flickering lights of the carriage illuminated Chen Wenwen's lonely shadow on the floor. She stared blankly at everything in the carriage in front of her, looking at the mountains of corpses and seas of blood and broken limbs. The pool of blood flowed to her feet bit by bit, touching When I touched her small black leather shoes decorated with white flowers, they got wet and dirty.

The broken wall lamp in the carriage flashed rapidly. In the boundary between black and white, the corpse was silent in the blood. The pool of blood reflected the black shadows that came and went, and blood splashed and swayed in circles where it had been stepped on. Circle ripples.


Lu Mingfei stopped, stood in front of the petite woman who was the initiator of all that, and looked down at her sitting there.

Paco also looked up at the boy who looked like a demon after the second violent attack. His eyes could not help but be full of appreciation and admiration. It was like observing the roaring lions and tigers through the glass in the zoo. The impact made her Her body instinctively felt fear, and her blood flow and heart accelerated to dangerous levels, but her own emotions did not change at all.

"You really did it." She exclaimed in a low voice.

Lu Mingfei didn't speak, just looked at her, and after thinking for a moment, he reached out and touched her head.

"Almost." Paco said softly towards the sharp and terrifying claws.

Lu Mingfei didn't understand what she meant, but this didn't stop him from wanting to kill this woman at all. He began to tighten his hands, feeling the deformation of the other person's skull under his own strength, and listened carefully to the sound of the bones cracking. Crisp sound, feel the pleasure of decompressing and releasing stress.

"You're really annoying." Lu Mingfei said what was in his heart.

On the top of the train door, the lights began to flash, and the buzzer sounded again throughout the subway train.

Lu Mingfei stopped what he was doing and turned his head. Beside him, behind the opened train door was the open-air Xizhimen above-ground terminal platform. I don’t know why, but the entire platform was plunged into darkness. The only light source was the dim street lights of the city in the distance outside the platform glass.

With the night vision ability evolved from violent blood, Lu Mingfei saw clearly that the Xizhimen terminal outside the car door was full of people like every platform he passed. No, Lu Mingfei was not sure whether those things could still be seen. They are called humans because they are just like him, monsters swallowed by black, many with grotesque limbs, and snake-like dark golden eyes staring at him quietly.

In the silent darkness, the golden light is like a swarm of fireflies, dense and complex.

They crowded the entire platform, dark and crowded, stacked in front and back. This scene was like a frozen wave of people. At a certain moment, after time passed again, a loud roaring sound would be made and swept toward him on the shore.

That's a legion.

Deadpool Legion.

"After the warm-up activities are completed, it's time to really go all out." Lu Mingfei said slowly with Paco in his palm.

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