How could there be so many deadpools on the ground in Bei'an?

When Lu Mingfei opened the train compartment door and saw the silent army in the darkness, his heart became cold for a moment. The feedback signal from the brain is not fear or retreat, but disbelief. His mind refused to accept the reality he saw, because this was a scene that was completely counter-intuitive and counter-intuitive.

How were these deadpools secretly transported to the subway station? This is an international metropolis. Even transporting illegal goods will cause a stir, let alone an army of deadpools? In the Skynet era, how did the other party avoid the ubiquitous surveillance cameras and the surveillance of the supercomputer named "Jiuzhou"?

Before Lu Mingfei could get the answer, he heard Paco in front of him say, "Three minutes."

Paco's eyes, nose, and ears were bleeding. Lu Mingfei did not completely crush her skull, but he had already caused terrible injuries to her. Under the hand covering her head, her eyes were completely filled with blood. But pain and fear are not to be found in it.

She still remained calm and reminded Lu Mingfei, "Three minutes."

"What does three minutes mean?" Lu Mingfei felt that he needed to hear what Paco said next.

"You only have three minutes," Paco said.

Monotonous, indifferent.

Lu Mingfei felt cold and angry, and the thinking ability mobilized under those angry red-gold eyes quickly bloomed with thousands of thoughts.

What does three minutes mean?

Right now, it seems that this group of deadpools are now "controlled" because their state is so familiar.

Leech potion, the kind of banned alchemy drug that Pearl Tower and the others openly sell. The crazy woman in front of that public speech mentioned that the ultimate goal of leech potion is to obtain a controllable Deadpool. This line of thought can be successfully connected to the current group of people. Dead silence to the eerie Deadpool horde.

Then it seems reasonable. The bloodthirsty desire of the controlled Deadpool has been suppressed to almost nothing, so he can pretend to be an ordinary person and deceive the surveillance. After a cursory scan just now, there are many alien Deadpools on the platform. , this type of deadpool is almost impossible to disguise, so how on earth did they get transported to the Xizhimen platform? How were the passengers on the platform cleared?

Uneasiness and irritability welled up in my heart.

Calmly analyze the information hidden in her words. Focus on what matters, not the process, but the result.

The current Deadpool must have been given an order. What this order is is very important, but there is currently insufficient information to deduce it. She kept stressing three minutes. Does this three minutes mean that they will attack me and Chen Wenwen in three minutes?

No, she couldn't be so kind as to give me a three-minute break like in a ring, but I can be sure that something related to this group of deadpools will happen in three minutes. Her emphasis on three minutes made me feel the urgency of time. Feeling, thereby increasing the pressure, then go back according to her purpose. What will happen in three minutes is unacceptable to me and I feel scared.


What I fear.

The urgency of time.

For a moment, Lu Mingfei, who was having a brainstorm, suddenly heard the noise, which was the hustle and bustle of the crowd, the friction of footsteps, clothing, loud noises, and small whispers.

He seemed to see a scene before his eyes. A large number of people were surging in the station. Everyone had a different expression and rushed to the platform waiting for the train.

The second violent bloodshed that I was originally planning to quit not only did not end, but after being shocked by this scene, I pushed forward even further. A dense "click" sound came out from under the black scales, and the bones of the knees, elbow joints, and chest were shaking in strange ways. The black horny substance gradually grew out from under the scales on the fingers and joints of both hands. When the fists were clenched hard, they became deadly weapons that could penetrate flesh and bones.

It is not difficult for Lu Mingfei to achieve this step. It is like jogging. He can speed up and run further in this marathon with no idea of ​​the end, but the unknown scenery on the road ahead makes it difficult for him to do so. He was a little scared and wary.

Lu Mingfei's quiet change was seen by Paco through the gap in the sharp claws holding her, and his bloodshot red eyes looked at the changes in Lu Mingfei's body quietly.

The answer was read in Lu Mingfei's ears. For some reason, the answer was obviously thought up by himself, but when it was read in his mind, it was the voice of that damn boy that Lu Mingfei was familiar with, with a hint of helplessness in it.

[After three minutes, these Deadpools will follow their instincts again. Deadpools' instinct is bloodthirsty, and they will look for fresh flesh and blood. 】

[So brother, do you want to be this hero? 】

The next moment, Lu Mingfei's expression became horrified, and the non-existent cold sweat made him shiver all over.

He stared intently at Paco, who could be killed at any time, and growled, "Are you crazy!?"

His voice was distorted by anger, like a monster's roar raging in the empty carriage, causing ripples of blood on the ground.

They are currently at Xizhimen, the terminus of Line 13. This is the platform on the ground. There are stairs that can go down in the distance. Under the stairs is the station with the most transfers in Bei'an. If there are no accidents, underground No more than ten meters away, a large number of passengers were changing trains, but they had no idea what was happening on the platform of the Line 13 terminal above their heads.

"You have three minutes."

Paco repeated these words. For a moment, Lu Mingfei felt that she was like a machine, a machine that could only complete orders. Through the petite body of the woman under him, he seemed to see the one hidden deepest behind the scenes. Guy, that ignorant thing called the Emperor is staring at me and laughing.

Outside the subway train, in the dark platform without lights, what was startled by Lu Mingfei's roar was the group of dead waiters who were originally in deathly silence. The first leader took a step forward, and his sharpened claws touched the floor. It made a sound like iron falling to the ground.

In the carriage, Lu Mingfei's original angry expression and manic mood disappeared instantly. He lowered his head, making it difficult for people to see the expression on his face covered with black scales.

What appeared in the shadow was a coldness that was rarely seen on Lu Mingfei.

After a moment, he raised his head, looked at Paco's blood-red eyes between his fingers, and said slowly, "You all deserve to die."

He crushed Paco's head.

Just like a crisp red apple bursting with pliers, the indescribable sound was fleeting and a large amount of blood and white substance splashed onto the window. He did not avoid it.

He was gone before the headless bodies began to fall toward him.

There was the sound of a body hitting the ground behind him, and Lu Mingfei was already standing on the edge of the yellow line outside the carriage.

The white cold light emitted from the train parked on the platform cast his shadow on the marble floor of the platform outside the yellow line. When the tide of deadpools looked over, he knew that during the three minutes he was controlled, these things What was the last order given to dangerous and deadly biological weapons?

No need to guess, no need to question.

Because of all the deadpools, at the moment of Paco's death, the snake-like dark gold eyes jumped across the car and stared at the girl sitting in the seat with her head lowered behind the glass at the end of the car.

As if she felt the burning gaze, the girl in the car also raised her head, just in time to see Lu Mingfei suddenly turning back to look at her outside the window, their eyes meeting each other.

[Within three minutes, Deadpool’s only target is the woman next to you. They will spare no effort to kill her and then eat her without leaving a drop of blood or a scrap of foam.

Lu Mingfei, choose.

In three minutes, is it to create a miracle as much as possible, to fight for the fragile girl like a white flower in the mouths of dozens of bloodthirsty Deadpools? Or to rush down to the subway station to evacuate ordinary people who have a better chance of survival? 】

The emperor hiding behind the scenes has never been so vivid and clear before Lu Mingfei's eyes at this moment. In the reflection of the glass, he sat in the darkness and stared at Lu Mingfei with his coquettish golden eyes, perhaps with a sarcastic smile. , looking forward to when everything he expects will happen.

It turns out that Lin Nian has always faced such great malice.

Is this perhaps retaliation for the last hearing? But he didn't regret it. He had slapped people in the face only a handful of times in his life, and he was especially proud of hitting someone like the emperor in the face who thought he was superior.

There is no extra time to think. When every moment of thinking occurs, the cruel facts in reality also occur simultaneously.

A cry that sounded like a howl sounded. Some of the Deadpools lost the lower half of their bodies. The snake-like, perverted Deadpool curled up his upper body and howled. It was a howl that was so creepy that it reached the depths of the soul. It is more like crying and roaring, as ethereal as the long cry of a whale in the deep sea.

That howl resonated with the group of Deadpools, and they cried one after another. The snake eyes shrank in the dark subway station. The moment the group's roar ended——

Dozens of dead warriors rushed out screaming, like wild horses, bloodthirsty sharks, and cold wolves. Under the illumination of the train lights, the sprinting black figures were distorted on the marble floor due to their speed. Became a crooked shadow!

A dead guard rushed past Lu Mingfei, but Lu Mingfei did not stop him because it was meaningless. Stopping one, two, or even ten or twenty of them was meaningless. As long as one entered the carriage, it would be useless. One or more animals will inevitably enter the carriage, and everything will roll into a destined cruel tragedy!

The deadpools didn't care about Lu Mingfei in front of the car. They passed him one after another, rushing to crash into the reinforced car glass that was extremely fragile for monsters, and rushed to the top of the car like a can that was ready to eat. They greedily grabbed every inch of space, just to tear apart the fragile girl who was sitting with her head bowed in the white light one step faster and one step closer!

Lu Mingfei, who was so furious that he was almost trembling, just stood there without moving. Black shadows blew around him one after another. What he saw in those red gold eyes was the oncoming malice and blood waves. despair.

What a nightmare scenario.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Lu Mingfei felt that the nightmares he had had that woke him up in the middle of the night seemed to be nothing more than this.

There is always a moment of awakening from nightmares, but reality does not. If something bad really happens, then this nightmare will become the second half of his life.

It was impossible for him to stop these Deadpools in one go. This was a cruel reality.

His heart is pulsing at an incredible frequency, the limits of bloodline refining technology are constantly being pushed up, and unknown paths are being explored without risk! Throwing everything behind, the rising anger and desire for destruction surged undisguisedly, impacting the embankment, and thrilling cracks began to squeeze out of the wall that had been fortified for eighteen years!

Why am I not Lin Nian, why is my speech spirit not Time Zero, even if my speech spirit is the dustless land, even if it is Jun Yan

He admitted that he was indeed very strong now. He was getting stronger every moment in his anger, and the shackles of bloodline refining technology were being violently impacted and demolished. Maybe Caesar Gattuso, a popular figure like Chu Zihang who was all-powerful in Kassel College, had a narrow escape against him now.

But does this strength really make sense?

The first time Deadpool broke the glass of the car, but because the reinforced glass of the subway was too hard, half of his body was stuck in the glass. One hand was trying its best to hold down the glass next to him and push in. Squeeze, even if the sharp fragments cut through his body and brought out the twisted and dark flesh, he didn't care!

No. It doesn't make any sense.

No wonder Lin Nian would show that fragile and helpless expression sometimes. It turned out that he had always felt this way.

The carriage door that was knocked away by Deadpool scratched past Lu Mingfei's feet, hit the ground and rolled with a loud noise, leaving thrilling scratches on the marble floor.

Lu Mingze, by the way, I still have Lu Mingze. Do you want to ask Lu Mingze to come out? is there time? Can Lu Mingze save all this?

No, Lu Mingze might not be able to do it. If he could do it, then he should have taken the initiative to persuade him to exchange a quarter for this crisis, but he never showed up, which means There was nothing he could do.

The girl's frightened scream came from the carriage, and was immediately covered by the noise of the iron sheet on the roof being peeled off. She raised her head and saw the cracked roof, and standing on top of the train was a perverted gibbon-like creature. Deadpool's arms were almost as long as his entire body, and the swollen muscles under his scales were like the barrels of heavy artillery. He easily destroyed the solid ceiling of the subway, revealing the delicious flesh and blood inside the jar, as well as his fangs. The snake-like tongue between the sharp teeth quickly stirs up the secreted acidic saliva.

The girl's screams were hidden among the devastating noises that came one after another, and everything was sliding towards the irreversible abyss.

The boy outside the carriage stood motionless and heard her cry out the only name she could rely on and the only thing that could save him when she was desperate to the end, "Lu Mingfei--help me!"

She's calling my name.

my name.

It wasn't anyone else, not Lu Mingze, not Lin Nian, not Chu Zihang, not Caesar Gattuso, she was calling Lu Mingfei, she was calling me, asking me to save her.

Outside the subway, Lu Mingfei, who was listening to everything and with his back to everything, raised his head. The magma in the molten red golden eyes was boiling and erupting, with giant bubbles constantly rising and bursting with scorching heat of thousands of degrees Celsius. At the same time, the scales on the left side of the neck began to squirm to both sides, revealing the pure white skin. Deep under the white skin, bright red blood vessels surrounded by white connective tissue quietly flowed with angry blood.

At this moment, he was expressionless, looking up at the sky outside the dome.

She was calling me to save her.

At some point, the subway station fell silent.

That's because the Deadpools who rushed into the subway train stopped.

Every one, every individual was frozen and motionless, the one on the roof of the train, the one stuck in the glass, the one rushing into the aisle, even the Deadpool whose claws were closest to the target stopped on Chen Wenwen's forehead. , all stopped their movements.


It was eerily quiet.

Chen Wenwen, who was so frightened that she almost collapsed, closed her eyes and huddled in the corner of the carriage. She did not feel the pain of physical tearing until a long time, and her ears were filled with silence.

No, besides the dead silence she heard a strange sound.

She identified it as the sound of water flowing, reminiscent of the hissing sound of high-pressure water lines rushing out of water pipes.

Gradually, she boldly opened her eyes and saw the sharp claws in front of her forehead. At the same time, she also saw the owner of the claws, the hideous and terrifying Deadpool, who was looking back motionless.

It turned its head neatly like all the Deadpools, and its dark gold snake eyes looked in the same direction.

So Chen Wenwen also looked over.

Reflected in Deadpool's pupils and in Chen Wenwen's gaze, the white light from the carriage illuminated the back of the man walking forward on the platform outside.

Every time the man takes a step forward, the bright red "stream" stretches a step longer. The sound of splashing water is so quiet and sweet in the empty and quiet subway station, as if there is only such a sound in the world, long, delicate and endless. .

On his left side, a blood-red stream gurgled down, and the source of the stream was his neck.

A huge amount of unbelievable fountain blood spilled from his neck. Because of his blood pressure, the blood that burst out of his blood vessels actually spilled out in a beautiful arc. Rain-like rose blood drops fell on the marble surface. The ground flowed into a "stream" as he walked.

The only sound in the station was the sound of high-pressure blood gushing out of the veins, and a strange, sweet aroma filled the air.

If this was under the scorching sun, maybe we could still see a rainbow, right? But now there is no sun or even moonlight in the sky above him, and the people who appreciate all this are also a group of twisted things who don't understand aesthetics. But he was still willing to create this spectacle just to bet on the possibility that jumped out of his mind.

Feeling that it was almost done, he stopped and pressed his right hand on the right side of his neck. A steady stream of blood flowed down his side and dyed half of his body red.

Under the illumination of the white lights in the carriage, his body was half blood-red and half pitch black, and his lava-like golden eyes were silently looking at the group of Deadpools who were crawling on the train and watching him neatly.

"." Looking at it now, it seems that he won the bet.

The ruby-red "stream" is a deadly thing that no blood-thirsty monster can refuse.

Ah, what a perfect nightmare scenario.

But since it is his nightmare, the protagonist must be himself, not anyone else.

He retreated into the darkness where the lights in the train carriage could not shine, until he could no longer see his figure, and could only see the cold and crazy pair of molten red golden eyes in the darkness.

I am a person who occasionally goes crazy! This was Lu Mingfei's mantra later.

The roar that was several times louder than before rang out, and the distorted and frantic wails tore apart the "bottom line" of the screaming monsters. Those blood-thirsty monsters broke through the shackles of the so-called "orders" and were tempted by the blood of the "King" , what kind of childish joke is the so-called control? That is the indelible desire for evolution engraved in genes! That jewel-like crimson blood stream swallowed up all their sense, causing them to follow the fatal blood stream crazily and rush into the darkness with all their limbs on the ground!

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