If I don't have money to go to college, I can only go to slay the dragon.

Chapter 1187 Brother Nian doesn’t want it anymore

Line 1 Pingguoyuan Station.

After going round and round, we finally came back here. It was getting late at night, and the taxi with its headlights on slowly stopped on the side of the road outside the station. The driver held a cigarette in his mouth and rested his left elbow on the open window, looking towards the open-air platform. He glanced at it, then turned to look at the co-pilot and the three young people in the back seat, "Look, I said the station here is closed. How about I take you to the ancient city?"

"No, thank you, I just have something to do here." Lin Nian, the passenger, took out a piece of paper and handed it to the driver. Lu Mingfei and Li Hueyue got out of the car in the back seat.

"What are you doing here at night? If you young people are looking for excitement, you should go to Sanlitun. The foreigners in the embassy district know how to have fun. Many celebrities are staying in the bars there. The consumption is a bit high, but look You guys shouldn't be short of money like this, right?" The driver was chatting casually with Lin Nian while making change. He had a sly look in his eyes, and he could tell at a glance that these three young people were unusual, especially the taciturn and beautiful girl in the back seat. , that outfit looks very good just by looking at the quality.

"The car is parked this way, come and drive." Lin Nian took the change, opened the door and got out.

The driver glanced at the parking lot at Pingguoyuan Station and saw that there was actually an Aston Martin parked there. He couldn't help but sigh, "Damn, there are so many rich young men and young ladies in BJ."

Li Huoyue and Lu Mingfei first walked to the open-air ticket window of the Apple Orchard platform, and then approached the officer Lang Juxu who was stationed in the window and made a confused voice, "Miss Yue? Didn't you just come here during the day?" Could it be said that you have finished it?"

The operator inside the window suddenly noticed that the person following Li Hueyue was not Lin Nian but another stranger. Not knowing what was going on, he immediately stopped talking. It was fine that he didn't respond because of the darkness, but now that he could see the second half of the sentence clearly, he had to consider whether he could say it.

Li Huanyue didn't say anything, she just handed over the "韘" according to the rules. The door on the side of the ticket station opened quickly, and the man she and Lin Nian had met during the day walked out, the young man Lang Juxu. Operator Jiang Yousi.

"Excuse me, who is this?" Jiang Yousi asked Lu Mingfei's identity politely and carefully. He saw Lin Nian getting out of the taxi and walking over in the distance. The three of them visited Apple Orchard Station at night. Behavior somewhat suspicious.

He heard about the fire accident on the BJ subway station circle line. They were the first to receive the news and the most anxious because they wanted the "project" on the platform below to continue as usual, Line 2 and Line 13 Every station on the line must run normally. Now that the project is blocked, everyone from top to bottom is as anxious as ants on a hot pot.

"I am." Lu Mingfei was about to introduce himself when Li Hueyue, who was standing next to him, raised his left hand to signal him to be silent.

Jiang Youbi didn't quite understand what Li Hueyue meant, but Li Hueyue looked at Jiang Youbo and asked calmly, "Do you believe me?"

Jiang Youbo's face was startled, and he looked around subconsciously. In the night, the open space in front of the ticket office platform was only illuminated by a white lamp. There was no other figure in the darkness, and there were no other ears.

He seemed to realize something, struggled deep in his eyes, and looked at Li Hueyue with a complicated expression, "Miss Yue, I don't understand what you mean."

"I understand." Li Huanyue said.

Lu Mingfei didn't understand the meaning of their conversation. He just wanted to quickly find a way to enter the Nibelung. Just as he was about to urge him, he found that Li Hueyue suddenly stretched out his left hand and hit Jiang Yousi's flank and liver with his palm. Jiang Yousi suddenly stepped back, and at the same time raised his foot and kicked Li Huoyue away to distance him!

Lu Mingfei rushed forward and hugged Jiang Yousi's kicked-out leg with both hands. He shoveled his right foot on the ground towards the opponent's only remaining standing leg, but what he didn't expect was that Jiang Yousi was stronger than he thought. He also had to react quickly. He jumped up on one foot and was half in the air. He kicked Lu Mingfei in the head who was holding his right leg, forcing him to let go!

The force of the whip leg broke through the air with great force, and the strong wind pressed the trouser leg tightly to the shin bone. This kick was so strong that even the iron skull would be dented.

Lu Mingfei's eyes met Jiang Youbi's at this sudden encounter. Two pairs of golden eyes collided in the night. Jiang Youbi glimpsed a silently burning wildfire from Lu Mingfei's eyes. Although it was just The fire is already swaying in the deepest darkness. Lu Mingfei saw the determination in Jiang Yousi's eyes, which was a sense of mission and a willingness to sacrifice oneself for something more noble.

He won't hide.

He won't accept it.

Both of them understood the other's thoughts.

Just when Lu Mingfei was preparing to fight the impending concussion with blood, the strong wind blew his hair, and the whip leg stopped in front of his head, and one hand was as firm as an iron pincer. He tied the leg, and with just one arm, he lifted Jiang Youbo up in the air and threw him away, allowing him to avoid Li Hueyue's fatal punch.

"What are you doing?" Lin Nian's golden eyes glanced coldly at the three people in the open space, especially Li Hueyue.

Li Huanyue didn't answer him, but just took three steps closer to Jiang Yousi before he rolled to the ground and had not yet regained his balance. Jiang Yousi noticed the evil wind coming, and only had time to raise his hands to cover his chest, with that powerful and heavy "Fuck" "His arms and sternum were broken together, and his whole body flew into the air as if he had been hit by a truck, and fell into the bushes in the distance, losing all movement.

This time Lin Nian didn't stop him. He just took action because he didn't want to see Lu Mingfei's strategy of exchanging injuries for injuries. Li Hueyue insisted on taking action against Jiang Yousi and had her own ideas. Now he and she are on the same side. Those on the side, even if they don’t help, can’t block it blindly.

"If you want to open the door, you must first clear the obstacles." Li Huanyue said.

Lin Nian frowned slightly and looked at Li Hueyue who slowly turned around in the white light in the open space. He probably understood what the other party meant.

"Is there anyone else down there?" Lu Mingfei gradually relaxed his mind and exited the critical point of violent bloodshed. He would not be violently bloodied if he could avoid it. There was no need to fight desperately at this time.

"Are you coming or am I coming?" Lin Nian looked at Li Hueyue and asked.

"It will be easier for you to clear the place with your Yanling. I will take care of the surrounding electronic equipment." Li Hueyue had a clear division of labor. It seemed that he had thought of countermeasures before coming.

"Are you sure it's now? This time point is different from what I imagined." Lin Nian asked.

"What do you think will happen? Are you planning on it?" Li Huanyue shook his head, "I should have said that sometimes strategies are not as good as surprise soldiers."

Lin Nian took a deep look at Li Huanyue, then turned around and walked towards the entrance of the subway station alone.

Li Huanyue stood in the middle of the open space, pinched the sword finger with her right hand, and gently drew a circle under her right body. Long Wen's chant was very low and very fast, making it difficult to hear clearly. The huge area started from her It spread all over the body, and Lu Mingfei, who was standing next to him, felt a tingling sensation all over his body, and a frizzy feeling of static electricity crawling across his skin.

"Aren't we going to follow?" Just when Lu Mingfei asked this question, he was horrified to find a burst of dust blowing in the open space, and then there were two more people who didn't know whether to live or die. Before he could react, every time he blinked, , there were two more people on the ground like a frame skip, until almost half of the open space was covered, making the entire open space look like an open-air morgue on the battlefield.

The sound of footsteps came from behind. Lu Mingfei turned around and saw Lin Nian, who had just entered the subway station a while ago. Now he was slowly walking over with one person in his left hand and one in his right hand, and threw them into the empty space on the ground. "The last two."

"What are you doing?" Lu Mingfei couldn't understand. Aren't they here to try to open the Nibelungs? Why did he suddenly start a fight with a group of people, and this group seemed to be Lang Juxu's people? That is, orthodox people?

"Clear the obstacles. The people in Langjuxu are generally very dedicated to their duties. Below is the entrance to the Nibelungen, which is considered one of the most important places for orthodoxy. They have no reason to let us intervene in this kind of hinterland. They want to do what we do." For your own affairs, you have to let others leave first, this is the fastest way." Lin Nian explained to Lu Mingfei.

Lu Mingfei tried to believe this explanation, but his sixth sense, which was very effective tonight, told him that the truth of the matter was definitely not like this. Li Huoyue and Lin Nian definitely had something to hide from him.

But he didn't show his doubts and just nodded silently.

What does the matter between Li Huoyue and Lin Nian have to do with him? He didn't want to get involved in such a major matter involving the secret party and orthodoxy. His only purpose tonight was to enter the Nibelungen. As long as Lin Nian and Li Hueyue's action goals were consistent with his, he would do whatever they did. Help complete.

When two 'S'-class hybrids agree on one thing within a month, it's hard for anyone to stop it from happening.

Going down from the subway, the Pingguoyuan platform of Line 1 has been completely cleared. There is no one in the long passage. All equipment and machines are in a down state. The cameras and lines in the corners are also jumping with sparks. In the "Sword" The moment the "Royal" was released, all electronic equipment was overloaded and destroyed, and most of the orthodox research on the Nibelung entrance was lost in those sparks and black smoke.

There is no way such a rebellious thing would happen to an orthodox member of the family, but Li Hueyue did it without hesitation, including instructing Lin Nian to kill everyone under the platform. Although he did not kill anyone, Stunning someone with a heavy hand can already be called "rebellion".

Lin Nian was walking on the inner side of the yellow line of the platform near the tunnel. He passed by load-bearing pillars one after another. As the pillars blocked his view again and again, the blond girl gradually walked into the tunnel and met Lin Nian. Nian walked side by side across the yellow line, "Humph, now I'm really ready to do big things! What should I say? Are you ready to raid the Dragon King's lair? These days, your patience should be gradually weakened by the orthodox group of living fossils who cannot change their past. Has it been rubbed off?"

"Are you sure?" Lin Nian asked.

"The reason why you couldn't open the door to the Nibelung through the 'Key of Solomon' before is because you have never reached that unfamiliar territory and you didn't find the right door, but this time is different. After confirming that you can indeed open the Nibelung, With the root door in hand and the 'medium' in hand, I am at least 80% sure to open that door."


"Lu Mingfei, although he did not actually enter the Nibelung, there is no doubt that he was quite close to that place in a short period of time, and even entered the liminal space that was eroded by the Nibelung. It left a mark, although it is very shallow, but it is still a powerful 'medium'. Solomon's Key is matched with the right medium in the right place. I am already very humble with 80% certainty, but I still have to reserve 20% for failure. Maybe, 10% is left to the emperor’s back-up, and 10% is left to the vigilance of the king of earth and mountains.”

"Then come." Lin Nian said.

He and the blond girl exchanged their walking positions, so that the blond girl walked to the outside, and Lin Nian walked to the inside, until the pillars passed by one by one, and Lin Nian's figure disappeared from the inside.

Li Huoyue and Lu Mingfei looked up almost at the same time. They looked at the back of Lin Nian walking in front and noticed what happened to Lin Nian - was it a feeling, a change in aura, field, emotion? attitude? Or is it the secretion of more microscopic hormones? In short, all the tiny things are collected by their subconscious mind, and the feedback provides a quite keen intuition to the brain.

Something was wrong with Lin Nian.

Before he could ask aloud, Lin Nian in front had already stopped.

He stood about ten meters in front of the tunnel entrance. He gently scratched his lower lip with his left thumb and looked at the dark entrance with interest. "Teacher Daye, there is a mouse in the house. How can you make such a big mouse hole?" Aren't you going to consider filling it in? Or is this simply a conspiracy to trick you into trapping you?"

"What did you just say?" Lu Mingfei didn't hear clearly what Lin Nian was muttering, but he realized that something was definitely wrong with Lin Nian.

"Nothing. Xiaoluzi, come here, it's your turn to come in handy." 'Lin Nian' turned around and showed a very "friendly" smile, waving to Lu Mingfei, but this smile actually made Lu Mingfei After taking three steps back, Li Huoyue also frowned, and her fingers seemed to be making sword gestures.

The main reason is that neither of them has ever seen Lin Nian smile like this. Sima's face suddenly stopped being Sima one day, and you have to wonder if he wants to kill your mother and make you Sima.

"Speak properly, can you please stop doing this?" Lu Mingfei concluded that Lin Nian was not normal now, and at the same time, he wondered if the Nibelung entrance was contaminated by evil spirits and made Lin Nian a ghost.

That is to say, thinking about the ghost, Lu Mingfei suddenly felt as clear as if his head was connected to a power supply. It turned out to be a ghost!

He looked at this friendly version of Lin Nian strangely. Considering that there were outsiders beside him, he just asked tentatively, "Is that you?"

"Who else could it be?" Lin Nian crossed his arms and looked at Lu Mingfei with a strange smile, "Come here, don't waste time, aren't you going to save your little lover?"

"I never knew he had a split personality." Li Huanyue turned to Lu Mingfei and said calmly, "If I had known about it in advance, I would reconsider cooperating with him."

"It's not a split personality. It's hard for me to explain this situation, but he should still be Lin Nian. Just understand it this way." Lu Mingfei spoke very unconfidently.

"Why did I hear the sound of a decrease in favorability? Something like this happened by accident?" 'Lin Nian' stared at Li Hueyue and suddenly smiled.

"What if this isn't split personality?" Li Huoyue asked.

"." Lu Mingfei gave up explaining and walked towards 'Lin Nian' honestly.

"Stand up straight." 'Lin Nian' reached out and patted Lu Mingfei's waist, which was slightly bent out of fear, and looked at him from top to bottom several times with sideways eyes.

Not sure if it was an illusion, but Lu Mingfei felt that when he accompanied his uncle and aunt back to his hometown in the countryside, the butcher looked like this when he looked at the pigs that were about to be fanned in the yard.

"What are you going to do?" Lu Mingfei was sure that Lin Nian would not do anything to him, but he was not sure about what the ghostly version of Lin Nian would do.

"Bloody blood." 'Lin Nian' raised the corners of his mouth.

"What?" Lu Mingfei thought he heard wrongly.

"I'll let you bleed violently, otherwise, it will be difficult for you to survive." 'Lin Nian' put his right arm on Lu Mingfei's shoulder, and his right hand hung on his shoulder, his fingers touching it intentionally or unintentionally. The skin on his neck.

It was also the first time that Lu Mingfei discovered that the nail on Lin Nian's index finger had been left on purpose, and the corners were so sharp. This cold touch made him instantly realize that something was wrong!

"You wouldn't think so." His expression became quite exciting.

"It's not that I want to, I'm going to do it right away." She replied with a smile.

ps: lng is a hook

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