"Hi, I am Lin Yelena. In the next 13 minutes, I will be your host and lead you to experience the joy of alchemy."

"I think each of us, at some point in our lives, will want to draw an alchemical diagram. I think there is a Dragon King Norton hidden in the heart of each of us. Here, I will teach you how to draw this The Dragon King brings it from the bottom of his heart and paints it on the canvas."

The blond girl stood on the rails in front of the tunnel entrance with a mop in her hand, shaking her head and reciting lines that looked exactly like lines from a 1983 program called "Happy Studio."

In the eyes of outsiders, Lin Nian was going crazy, but in the eyes of his own people, Lin Nian was also going crazy.

Lu Mingfei felt this very well, because he was now hanging upside down at the entrance of the tunnel, his legs were tied tightly with wires, and the other end was hung on the inbound reminder light above the entrance of the tunnel.

Lu Mingfei probably never thought in his life that the capitalist he was scornful of was not hung on the street lamp, but he was hung on the subway lamp first. Whenever a car drove out of the tunnel at this time, he would be like a ball. They were all knocked flying.

Or it may not necessarily explode in an instant. After all, a flesh-and-blood body hit by a subway moving at full speed may not be instantly transformed into a human shape.

If he had the strength, Lu Mingfei would really yell that this was a waste of human life, and that the secret party had nothing to do with the orthodoxy. But he no longer had the strength to shout. All his strength was drained away by the blood flowing out of his neck.

Before, Lu Mingfei felt that the blond girl looked at him like a pig with its feet tied in the countryside, which was not wrong. Now he was tied up, hung up and bled. This was not the normal process of killing pigs.

Blood flowed out bit by bit from the small wound on Lu Mingfei's neck, gathering into a long string of blood pearls and dripping into the iron bucket on the ground at the entrance of the tunnel.

The blonde girl grabbed the mop in her hands and danced like a propeller. The stick dancer was not as smooth as her. After performing a set of skills, the mop was directly inserted into the bucket that was half full of blood, and she pulled it with all her strength. A beautiful red silk satin was drawn up.

"If you don't see it, the water of the Yellow River will come up from the sky and rush to the sea never to return."

"Don't you see, the bright mirror in the high hall has sad white hair, and it looks like blue silk in the morning and turns to snow in the evening."

"If you are happy in life, you must have all the joy, and don't let the golden cup stand empty against the moon."

"I am born with talents that will be useful, and I will come back after all the money I have spent."

Lu Mingfei, who was anemic and brain-congested after being fished out, listened to Lin Nian below singing with a sense of opera. His head swelled when he drank. With his blackened eyes, he could only vaguely see the epileptic version. Lin Nian took the big mop and painted on the ground, platform, and walls of the railway track. His own blood weaved a beautiful scene like silk and satin in mid-air.

Gravity seemed to have failed on Lin Nian when the blond girl was in the state. He could jump several meters high without accumulating any energy, swaying thick blood wantonly on the walls around the entrance of the tunnel, with complicated dragon characters and straight lines. The lines are lingering, and the secrets of alchemy are engraved in circle after circle.

From reciting "Jiang Jin Jiu" to "Man Jiang Hong", and from "Murder Song" to "The Road to Shu", a sensible person will know that these strange and strange poems are not necessary sacrificial poems for alchemy, but are purely the result of madness. The guy thought it was very powerful when he recited it, so he recited whatever was powerful and loud, making it seem like it was really happening.

But Li Huoyue didn't think so. She was standing on the platform with the Dragon Sword Box carried from the back seat of the Aston Martin standing on the right side. She could naturally understand what Lin Nian was doing in his crazy state. There are things that have nothing to do with the real thing in hand, which is probably a mockery of their orthodox tendency to use ancient cultural packaging for everything they do.

Sarcastic, arrogant, indifferent. It didn't seem like something the "S" class she knew would do, but Lu Mingfei denied the theory of schizophrenia, so this sudden madness was not something she expected.

However, Li Huanyue didn't particularly care about Lin Nian's abnormal state. Everyone had secrets, including her own. As long as it didn't affect her future plans and actions, even if Lin Nian suddenly revealed that he had gender cognitive disorder, It doesn't matter to her, but she thinks it's unlikely.

"You're not ready yet...brother...sister!" Lu Mingfei said hoarsely.

He felt that his just-fed stomach was quickly becoming hungry again, and every cell in his body was moaning, reminding him that he was about to be drained. If everyone could donate as much blood as he did, the hospital's blood bank would probably be rich enough to have nothing to do. Eat a spicy Xuewangzi meal

Others learn to have violent blood by hiding it, and they have to worry about it for several months after using it once. If they have nothing to do, they go for hemodialysis for fear of being contaminated by dragon blood. He is quite good. Learning to be a bloodthirsty person is like an adolescent boy learning a craft. Once he learns it, he will...

"Ah, actually we already have enough blood. Half a bucket is enough. You can heal yourself." The blonde girl raised her head with a mop on her shoulders and smiled heartlessly.

What a fuck you are...

Lu Mingfei wanted to kill someone, but his head was dizzy and he couldn't even curse. It felt like he had been fed several bottles of green sticks.

Li Huoyue concentrated for a moment, then took a few steps back to get a better view of the alchemy formation called "Solomon's Key" that had gradually taken shape at the entrance of the tunnel. This alchemy array is a super-enlarged version of the last time it was engraved on the skin of Lin Nian's hand, but those details still look quite complicated even if they are enlarged hundreds of times.

Described in simple language, the innermost circle of the alchemy array is a positive hexagram. The six corners of the hexagram are painted with symbols representing earth, fire, wind, water and yin and yang. In the middle is Taiyi, which represents the spirit. The six-pointed star is surrounded by circles, and the circles are wrapped by vine-like dragon characters.

Outside this complete complex hexagram circle is a larger double-line hexagram nested inside. The spare part in the double line is carved with a deep groove. The blood drawn from the iron bucket defies gravity and slowly moves in the groove. The flow is closed into a system.

A purely hand-drawn alchemy array does not require molds, relics, or copying of ancient books. Normal heirs of Qing Wu Shu need a set of "comfortable" alchemy tools (Tao follows nature) to complete the alchemy array. Arrange it and prepare a large amount of catalysts according to the nature of the alchemy array.

At this moment, Lin Nian actually completed such a complicated alchemical formation using only a mop found in the subway station toilet and Lu Mingfei's blood, which was not known to be a catalyst.

If he was seen by those guys from Qingwu, he would either kneel down and become a disciple, or he would have his heart broken and scold the heretics with a peach wood sword and suffer death.

"It was almost interesting in the end." The blonde girl finished the last stroke, leaning against her side with the mop, looking at the huge and complicated blood-red alchemy formation on the tunnel and gently rubbing her chin.

"Put me down, put me down, I'm dizzy." Lu Mingfei tried hard to heal the small wound on his neck, struggling hard and curling up like a caterpillar.

"Take a deep breath, it's normal to feel dizzy." After saying this, the blonde girl picked up the mop, jumped up and gave Lu Mingfei a mop, from head to toe, oh no, it should have turned red from toe to head. At the same time, he kicked him on the butt when he landed, making him swing from side to side like a pendulum in front of the tunnel entrance.

In Li Hueyue's field of vision, every time Lu Mingfei swung from the left corner to the right corner, the lines on the complex six-pointed star array would change with his movement. Those dragon vines wrapped around the arc of the six-pointed star It began to crawl wildly, chasing Lu Mingfei's swaying trajectory. As Lu Mingfei's human-shaped blood pendulum swung smaller, it got closer to the center of the six-pointed star, and those vines that skyrocketed all gathered at one point. It was behind Lu Mingfei who finally stopped.

The squirming vines stopped at this moment, and Lu Mingfei also stopped swinging, his eyes filled with gold stars.

Elena stood on the tunnel rails, looked up at the indescribable vines behind Lu Mingfei and said, "Open Sesame, Jormungandr."

Thick black ink exploded from the blood-red vines behind Lu Mingfei, just like a pen full of ink touching the burrs of rice paper. The black color instantly smudged into a perfect circle, and the endless darkness slowly opened up.

The cold chill and the bloody-smelling wind blowing from the deepest part of the tunnel blew across Lu Mingfei's neck, making his hairs stand up in an instant. The violent blood stress response that was originally about to be shut down was pushed to the limit. At the top, he forced his body to contract suddenly, jumped up, and cut the rope binding his legs with a wave of his hand. He hugged his knees and spun to the ground. He ejected back tens of meters and looked towards the entrance of the dark tunnel with a horrified look on his face.

"What the hell!" Lu Mingfei's original dizziness due to blood loss was washed away by horror. He stared at the entrance of the tunnel and felt a chill, as if the entrance, as dark as ink, was not a tunnel leading to the subway. It was the esophagus of some kind of indescribable monster. Going inside would only lead to a bloody pool of minced meat and severed limbs cooked by stomach acid.

"Good luck, but only for now." Yelena threw the mop onto the platform, picked up the bucket and threw it up together. The blood poured out of the overturned bucket spilled on the marble floor, missing a few centimeters. Stopped in front of the toes of Li Hueyue's shoes.

"The door is open." Li Huoyue said, looking at the familiar bottomless darkness.

"The door is open." Lin Nian took a few steps back, stood next to Lu Mingfei, and said calmly while looking at the terrifying entrance of the tunnel.

Lu Mingfei suddenly looked back at Lin Nian and realized that the Lin Nian he was familiar with was back. After completing what he had to do, the little blond ghost had already retired.

"It won't last long. After the blood used to draw 'Solomon's Key' dries up completely, the alchemy array will become ineffective and the entrance will be closed." Lin Nian repeated the advice Yelena gave him, "The blood after the violent bloodshed There are relatively active anticoagulant factors, and the blood of high-quality hybrids is more like dragon genes, so the activation is stronger. This door is estimated to exist for twelve hours. If the tunnel entrance is artificially destroyed, the entrance can be forcibly closed. .”

"Is the Nibelungen inside? Then what are we waiting for?" Lu Mingfei took a few steps forward, but found that Lin Nian and Li Hueyue behind him were both stopped in place. He looked back at them and wanted to ask, but I found Li Huanyue on the platform and Lin Nian on the railway track looking at each other in silence.

"Do you have any other plans?" He hesitated for a moment and asked in a low voice, "Of course, if you don't want to say it, that's fine."

Lin Nian raised his hand slightly to signal Lu Mingfei to be silent. Under his gaze, Li Huanyue took out his mobile phone and made a call. In the silent subway station, the waiting tone during dialing could be heard from the speaker of the mobile phone. After a while, the call was connected on the other side, and a woman's voice that both Lin Nian and Lu Mingfei remembered was heard: "This is the 'Kiuzhou' red line. Please state your purpose of coming."

"It's me." Li Huanyue said.

"The voiceprint has been confirmed. Please confirm with the secret text." Jiuzhou said.

"White bones and sagebrush." ​​Li Hueyue replied.

"Identity confirmed, welcome, Lord 'Yue'. You have opened the battlefield emergency red line. Please carefully consider every word you say in this red line, every special military order issued, and your decision-making. It will be passed directly from me to the legitimate combat capability of the entire orthodox army, and it will cause irreversible and decisive changes to the current and future battlefield situation." Jiuzhou's voice was iron-blooded and cold, and for a moment, Lin Nian and Lu Mingfei thought of EVA, Norma's war personality.

Li Huoyue then paused slightly and said coldly, "I have successfully opened the gate of the Nibelungen. The gate will not last long. Now I issue an emergency battlefield military order in the name of 'Yue' to immediately gather all the troops of Lang Juxu." Prepare combat power and launch a general attack on the lair of the King of Earth and Mountain."

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