This was his first sentence after he came to me. There was no birthday gift or happy birthday congratulations. On my birthday, he came to me just to ask for my help. Even the girl who used to play in the yard is still studying in college. She took leave today to celebrate my birthday and gave me a small gift. However, my brother seemed to have completely forgotten about it.

I didn't feel angry or worthless. On the contrary, a different kind of emotion grew in my chest.

I clearly realized that it was the feeling of "pride" I had when my brother, whom I had always admired, needed my help. It was an affirmation and recognition of my self-worth over the years. This emotion was not conducive to my conversation with my brother. So I extinguished those growing emotions in a timely manner.

Similarly, I was not angry about the fact that he forgot my birthday. At that time, I was only filled with joy and positive emotions, and I showed in a very restrained and modest manner that I had indeed learned something from Fuzi Liezu. , regarding ancient medical techniques, combined with the modern medical concepts I learned in school during my four years of college, I did try to innovate some new medical concepts. However, because I was too young and had no clinical experiments, my ideas Now it's just empty talk. It's not even implemented on a white paper, just some ideas.

I said a lot, some of which sounded like boasting, but it must have been a very restrained boast, and some of which sounded like a younger brother showing off in front of his elder brother to get recognition and encouragement.

Brother, he patiently listened to all my words, and then told me not to be humble. Even though he is a "wolf living in Xu", he often hears about my affairs. Within the clan, I am famous as a "know-it-all" about ancient medicine, and I am proficient in it. There are also many elderly people from the Zhao family who are on this path who are amazed by my talent and intend to guide me, the Li family, to embark on this alternative path.

"So, brother, what do you want me to do for you? How is your health?" After I realized that my brother fully understood my situation, I immediately reacted and became a little nervous about my brother's body. You know Although "Lang Juxu" is beautiful, the casualty rate has always been high. In my specialized industry, I can't help but see the tragic situation of those members of the orthodox tribe who have had accidents every day.

"There's nothing wrong with me, I'm in good health, I just have a friend."

"Is the friend you are talking about yourself?" I subconsciously brought up my usual speaking habits, and then I looked at the old man who looked tired in a strange way, especially at Xia Sanlu. Then the brother was stunned for a few seconds, laughing, scolding and slapping him.

After a few words of joking eased the slightly stiff atmosphere after not seeing each other for a long time, my brother's expression gradually calmed down. He led me to the artificial pond in the inner courtyard for a walk, in the shadow of the scattered stars and moon and the branches of the old sycamore tree. He told me that a friend he has known for a long time has a physical condition and needs a trustworthy and medically qualified person to take care of it. If possible, see if the root cause of the disease can be found and the patient can be removed and recovered.

I lowered my head under the shadow of the sycamore branches and listened to his words. I agreed immediately and said that I could make an appointment to see his friend. I would do my best to see where the problem was and prescribe some medicine if I could. If you really have no other choice, just ask the experienced old people in the Zhao family. Those ancestors who can be teachers of first-level expert teachers in tertiary hospitals outside have never stopped studying the topic of combining ancient and modern medicine for so many years, and there should be solutions to all difficult and complicated diseases.

After hearing what I said, my brother told me very seriously and seriously that if possible, he told me not to ask anyone else for help. It was best not to mention his friend's physical condition to anyone. He only trusted me. , this matter is only handled by me.

I was stunned for a long time, and under my brother's serious gaze, I could only nod to express my understanding. Finally, my brother agreed on a time and place and left in a hurry. When he left, his expression was quite heavy and complicated. I didn't want to I know what his friend means to him and what is wrong with his physical condition, but I only know that it is my brother who asked me for help. I will definitely try my best to help him and his friend.

My brother made an appointment with me the next day. The morning after my birthday, I got up very early and rushed to the place where my brother made an appointment with me despite my hangover headache. However, I was woken up before I even left the house. My mother caught me earlier. She dragged me to the main hall for breakfast. When I arrived at the main hall, I saw my father already sitting at the main table drinking morning tea. He looked at me sideways when he saw me coming. One look and I knew it was doomed.

It’s another commonplace issue of urging marriage.

At the age of twenty-three, I had never had a girlfriend, nor had I ever had an affair with any girl, either externally or internally. This seemed to be a good thing in the early days and proved that I was very clean. Don’t fall in love prematurely and firmly contribute to family planning. But the further back I went, the more this incident became a life-threatening talisman in the hands of my parents.

Throughout the morning, I tried my best to escape, but my parents held me down. The one on the left, you are not too young anymore, and the one on the right, people as old as you used to have babies already. I heard that one was called... I had a headache. When I made up my mind to run away on the pretext of going to the toilet, my mother was still chasing me and saying that in his opinion, the girl from the Zhao family next door was pretty good. You and I are still childhood sweethearts. We have played together since we were young and we know everything. Yesterday, I came back from a long way from university to celebrate your birthday. I saw that I am interested in you, so why don't you think about it?

Fortunately, my brother told me that the place to meet me was near the courtyard, but by the time I arrived, it was already over an hour late.

When I saw my brother, he was pacing anxiously at the door of a remote courtyard. When he saw me coming, I didn’t even apologize or explain, so he quickly came over and took my hand and walked into the courtyard, as if It doesn't matter if I'm late, he feels at ease as long as I arrive.

But to be honest, such an old man makes me feel very uneasy. Last night I promised my brother to help his friend to consult a doctor. That was based on the state of my drinking too much on my birthday. Looking back now, I seem to have overstated my words. , I’m afraid I’d be laughed at for a long time just by saying a lot of my pure ideas.

Now I can only hope that my brother's friend just has some private disease or something. I didn't see much medical skills back then, and there were a lot of pathological prescriptions for these.

The courtyard my brother took me into was not big, and it was only the size of the second courtyard. It was not big enough compared to the deep courtyards in the clan that were usually the fourth or fifth courtyard. The front yard of the quadrangle is no different from a normal yard. It has ginkgo trees and a large water tank. It is spacious and bright. There are flowers and grass, fences and tea. Each has its own place. Going further inside, there is a corridor. When we reached the threshold of the inner courtyard, my brother was unwilling to move forward and stopped in front of my doubtful eyes.

"You go in alone. My friend doesn't like making noise very much. She has a weird personality. You should be more patient when treating her."

After leaving these words, my brother turned around and left, leaving me standing alone in front of the inner courtyard. I was a little unprepared. I didn't even have time to ask whether his friend was a boy or a girl. Actually, it didn't matter. According to ancient medical books, There are as many records of gynecological diseases as male diseases. If I walked around the world wearing a pair of sunglasses, I could be considered a gynecological expert.

I prepared mentally for a few minutes in front of the inner courtyard door, and then opened the inner courtyard door. I even changed into a white gown specially for today. I looked like a Chinese medicine practitioner and a magician. This dress was a birthday gift from my uncle. It is said that the Zhao family will give such a dress to the educated clan members as proof of qualifications. Although I am not from the Zhao family, I feel comfortable wearing this dress. No one will gossip.

The scenery in the inner courtyard of the courtyard is quite beautiful and crowded.

When I opened the door, I felt like I had walked into the sea of ​​trees in the Old Summer Palace. Everything I saw was colorful, from ginkgo to pomegranate, persimmon tree to wisteria. The owner of the inner courtyard seemed to have thought of planting whatever he wanted. There was no plan at all. He planted everything here. Plant one there, it's like a pile of groceries, throw everything in it. When I walked inside, I felt like I had walked into a forest. The leaves, petals and rattans scraped my clothes from time to time, and the entire field of vision was dyed with bright colors.

I walked in this maze of flowers and woods for about ten minutes without finding the person I wanted to see. My nose was filled with the scent of flowers, and the midday sunlight cut through the gaps between the branches and petals and shone on my feet. , add a layer of gold carpet to the path paved by petals and fallen fruits.

But suddenly, and I don’t know why, I who have never been allergic to pollen started sneezing all the time after I entered the yard and started walking in circles in the forest.

I patiently walked around and around, sneezing from time to time. It wasn't until my head turned dizzy and my nose turned red from sneezing that I gradually discovered a pattern - every time I passed a specific section of road, My allergy symptoms would come on, gradually diminishing as I left that section of the road, until they worsened when I passed them again.

I kept an eye on it and stopped immediately when my nose started to itch and my whole body felt hot and uncomfortable. Then I discovered that the cause of my pollen allergy was actually a tall osmanthus tree.

It was planted in the center of the inner courtyard, with branches and leaves scattered. The light yellow sweet-scented osmanthus swayed with the breeze. More than half of the floral fragrance in the entire courtyard was that rich and elegant fragrance.

I've never been allergic to osmanthus, I know that.

When I looked up at the sweet-scented osmanthus tree in confusion, I knew what was really causing my allergy, and at the same time I finally found the mysterious patient I was looking for today.

On the sweet-scented osmanthus tree, there was a beautiful figure lying diagonally on the slender branches. It was a very young girl, about the same age as me, wearing a black and white cheongsam and a robe, lying lazily on the tree. On the bed, the robe was draped over her body like silk and satin to protect her from the cold. The feet painted with black nail polish fell out of the robe and swayed restlessly beside the branches.

She rested her left hand on the elbow of her right hand and leaned in front of her body, holding a mole cigarette in her slender fingers. When I looked at her, she tilted her head and looked at me under the tree, her eyebrows like willows. She is soft and charming, with willow eyebrows and eye-catching eyes. The brown eye shadow is as strong as a palm flower. The sunlight cut into pieces by the branches shines like stars on her head, which makes me unable to open my eyes.

I remember that the slightly curious and surprised face on the tree was sprinkled with mottled light like gold powder, as if it was teasing me, or looking at a lost squirrel that had wandered into a strange forest.

Yes, I have never been allergic to osmanthus.

But I'm allergic to nicotine.

So I sneezed so loudly that the pollen fell from the sweet-scented osmanthus tree.

I admit that I was surprised by that scene. When I sneezed, it was like my brain was spit out. My head was a little blank, and my retinas were filled with the image of the girl with the bright star on her head.

When Sun Dasheng broke into the peach garden, the fairy he saw hanging on the tree when he looked up was probably like this, right? It's just that the version of the fairy I met wore a cheongsam and held a lady's cigarette in her hand.

When I subconsciously raised my head to say hello, before I could say anything, the beautiful girl on the tree suddenly grinned at me. Then she coughed up a big mouthful of blood and poured it on my face!

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