She said her name was Li Muyue, surnamed Li, Muyue from the Muyue Decree (the Muyue Decree was an extraordinary decree promulgated by the Robespierre faction to deal with enemies and consolidate their rule. On June 10, 1794, Luo Perspierre forced the National Assembly to pass the "Act on Punishing the Enemies of the Revolution". Because June is the pastoral month in France, it is collectively called the Act on the Pastoral Month.).

I said you don't want to have a name like that. What did your parents think of naming you Mu Yue?

She looked at me with an intriguing expression and said, "You don't want to say this, otherwise the person who gave me this name will torture you to death."

We carved out a clearing in the forest. This was a very difficult job. There were so many weeds and tree roots on the ground that it looked like a primeval forest. I was inexperienced in sweeping the streets, so I was a little in a hurry. Waiting for me to clear the area. When I was there, I saw Li Muyue walking over with a marble round table in one hand and two stone stools placed on the ground in her left hand.

The feeling of seeing a beauty in cheongsam carrying a marble table without gasping is no different from watching Lin Daiyu pull out a weeping willow tree upside down. It is a shock to a bloody mother. When Jia Baoyu comes, I have to say that this sister I have seen before, gym floor Pushing three hundred pounds without panting.

Although I had expected that my brother's friend was probably a mixed race, I didn't expect that he would be able to do so to such an extent. The most ruthless girl I have ever seen in the big courtyard is just a girl who sent me, the goalkeeper, into the net with the ball when playing football. This is the first time I have seen such a heroic girl, especially in person. He spit out a mouthful of blood on my face.

There is a saying in Chinese medicine that consultation is all about looking, hearing, asking and understanding. But when this girl spat blood on my face, I knew that she was terminally ill. I had already thought about what size coffin would be suitable for her funeral.

Enough with the jokes.

I have heard of the famous orthodox "Moon", but that's only because I have never been involved in the cumbersome things of the clan. My understanding of "Moon" is limited to what is recognized within the clan. A leader of the younger generation, he is crushed by his peers in all aspects. He is so perfect that he is inhuman, a textbook-level "other people's child".

Now I figured it out all at once. No wonder my brother had such a strange expression when he mentioned he had a "friend". Hey, my brother has always had a strong personality since he was little. He gets annoyed when other little girls cling to him. Unexpectedly, when he grows up, a girl will finally appear who can cure him. What does this mean? Does anyone, no matter how awesome, has a white moonlight in his heart?

After chatting for a few words on the stone table in the inner courtyard that looked like a sea of ​​flowers, I roughly knew that this guy named Li Muyue had a very casual personality. I don’t dislike girls smoking, especially beautiful girls smoking. I am one of the more open-minded people. I have seen some internal reference films from abroad. The women who smoke in them are more beautiful than the other. Audrey Hepburn and Marilyn Monroe both smoke, and I don’t see anyone poking their spines. .

Because I am allergic to nicotine, Li Muyue did not light up her cigarette to take care of me when I sat down at the table. When she moved the stone table, she brought a complete tea set and brewed authentic West Lake Longjing. She said it was made by Hu Gong from the Shifeng Mountain. The eighteen tea trees in front of the temple were picked from the tea trees. The old tea was the royal tea. I couldn’t understand it after drinking it, but the way she played with the tea sets was very smooth and silky. The water from the purple clay pot was like oil. I couldn’t understand it. I also find it pleasing to the eye.

Li Muyue asked me how I knew this place. I said my brother told me. Aren’t you my brother’s friend? My brother said that you have something wrong with your body and asked me to help you take a look. But I think there is more than just something wrong with you, there is simply something wrong with you. Patients with advanced tuberculosis don’t cough up as much blood as you.

Li Muyue was quite cheerful and didn't mind at all when she sprayed blood on my face before. In fact, thinking about it now, of course she wouldn't mind. I was the one who should mind.

Then she told me that I couldn't cure her disease, and that no one else could cure her, so she shouldn't worry about it. She even asked me who my brother was.

I replied: My brother Li Mu, aren’t you two friends?

She belatedly said while making tea, I understand, you are the younger brother of that boy Li Mu. I heard him tell you about you before, but I didn’t expect him to actually bring you here. I will definitely meet him next time. Deal with him hard.

I have always seen my brother deal with other people. I have never seen anyone who can deal with my brother, not counting my parents. I reminded her to take it easy. Although my brother does not hit women, he will if you push him too hard. Big-eared melon seeds will stick to your face.

I made her laugh with just one sentence, and she asked me, "Didn't your brother mention it to you?" On the first day he entered Langjuxu, he was pulled out as a model for provoking the coach. He named me and put him in a one-on-one confrontation. I sent him to the medical room to lie down for a week after I met him. He was still unconvinced when he came out. , so he went to lie down for another week, which shocked the chief officers of the Ministry of War.

After all, I thought she was bragging. Although her hand holding the stone table was very cool, my brother should be able to do it, and maybe it would be easier.

She saw my perfunctory appearance and was suspicious in her heart. She patted the tea cup and said, "You really don't believe me. Otherwise, why would your brother only let you come in to find me, and he didn't dare to come with me?" You don’t even have the guts to see me, haven’t you been left with a psychological shadow from me?

I think what she said is half reasonable and half unreasonable. It is true that my brother does not enter the inner courtyard, but I always feel that my brother is not afraid of her, but is taboo about other things. I can't explain it, but my mind is very smooth. The ground is slipping towards love between men and women. Maybe my brother has a crush on this sister who is uprooting the weeping willow and is too embarrassed to meet him?

I didn’t know what the relationship between my brother and this sister was, and I didn’t dare to ask, but the topic opened up, so I simply asked her how her health was. She didn’t answer my question and just drank tea. He smiled and shook his head, looking at me curiously, as if he was looking at some rare animal.

The course of doctor-patient communication is ten times more important than pharmacology. At first, I took this sentence as a joke, thinking that patients would communicate with me well when they were dying. But now it seems that I was wrong. There are still such terminal diseases in this world. The problem is that she still refuses to communicate. No matter how I ask her about her physical condition, she just says that I can't help her. I am so anxious that I drink tea, thinking that if you don't tell me, I will definitely not be able to help you! Tell me what's wrong with you!

But this guy acted like a normal person, jokingly chatting with me about some things and others, and asked me why I didn't report to Langjuxu since I was from the Li family's military department just like my brother. I answered her nonchalantly and said, I don’t like to dance with spears and sticks. If I have the time, it’s better to read more medical books. Hanging a pot to help the world is my ideal. You are as awesome as Guan Gong and you have to go to Hua Tuo honestly even if your arm is hit by a poisonous arrow. Does bone scraping heal injuries? Doctors must be the most popular in the world.

She commented harshly on my lack of experience and felt that a doctor must be popular because he has never been troubled by his patients. This made me a little embarrassed. I couldn't say the words "You are my first clinical patient".

So I tactfully changed the subject away from me and asked her sideways about her relationship with my brother. I had never seen my brother being so condescending to someone other than my parents.

An ordinary relationship, if you insist on saying so, you can call it a life-threatening friendship, but it was just one-sided that she took my brother's life.

I was a little stunned when I heard that. I almost thought that she was pregnant with my brother's child, so it was a fateful friendship or something.

She quickly explained, comradeship, comradeship. Didn't Lang Juxu find a dragon tomb in Changbai Mountain before? The advance team and Master Kanyu had already gone to the tomb to make sure that there were no pure-blood dragons inside. After taking a rest, they would bring up the recruits from their Langjuxu training camp to see the world.

But who would have thought that a big problem would arise from this trip. The dragon tomb that Kanyu masters turned upside down was actually just a cover for a tomb. The real dragon tomb had been hidden deeper underground. There really was a dragon sleeping in it. A third-generation species that has not been fully resurrected.

My brother and his group of new recruits were undoubtedly trapped and were surrounded by groups of dead waiters. After most of them died, the third-generation beast was awakened. My brother held the guard and dragged the beast away. The others retreated to bring in reinforcements. When they were almost swallowed into the stomach for digestion, as "Yue", she directly cut through more than ten layers of tombs and chopped off the head of the third-generation species with a knife. She was the one who personally cut off my brother's head from that one. It was cut out of the dragon's esophagus.

I asked her what Deadpool was, and she looked at me like a monster, and gave me a lot of relevant knowledge, which opened my eyes a lot, and made me wonder if I was really protected by my family. Great, some knowledge that seems to be obvious, but I have never been exposed to it for so long. Or is it because someone doesn't want me to have access to it?

The stories I listened to her were just like the stories I heard from my uncle in the library before. The third generation species, Dragon Tomb, Deadpool, etc. were far away from me. I realized that I seemed to have been well protected. Children of other families my age were already fighting bloody battles on the battlefield, but I was just wandering around in the big yard every day.

She saw what I was thinking and said that it was pretty good for me to do this. As long as I didn’t come into contact with those bullshit things, my world would always be so peaceful. I could read medical books and play with the children playing football in the yard. It was boring. Now I can still drive the Audi that my mother gave me when I was 18 years old and go to Beijing to meet girls for dinner.

I didn't know what to say, so I asked her casually if her physical condition was caused by these dangerous things. She said it didn't matter. This was her "fate". You may be able to treat the disease, but you can't cure it. No "life".

I said, then you have to let me try. I was called here by my brother. I celebrated my birthday yesterday and my brother didn’t even give me a birthday gift. Come and ask me to help him treat you. I won’t even visit you for this trip. My pulse wasn't even detected. Isn't it appropriate?

She thought about it for a while and felt that it was indeed inappropriate, then she reached out to the stone table and gave me my number.

She watched me put my hand on her, and within a few seconds, she suddenly raised her head and looked at her with a rather strange look, and asked what she expected, "Holy shit, why aren't you dead yet?"

Li Muyue took back her hand and said, don't rush, don't rush, I'm going to die. If you leave, I will die. After I die, I will be buried under this sweet-scented osmanthus tree. During the holidays, you can come over and gather some sweet-scented osmanthus to make flower cakes to eat. I'm right I am still very confident in the fertilizer I make.

I stood up immediately and circled around the girl several times like she was a national treasure. My uncle taught me the technique of taking pulses step by step, and there was no way I could make mistakes. As soon as I put my hand on her pulse, I thought it was a miracle that this guy could still sit in front of me and chat with me. What surprised me the most was that she actually had two heartbeats, one strong like a blue whale, and one weak like a baby. The two heartbeats were intertwined, like invisible chains that bound her to move. No.

She said that if you know you can't save me, don't bother. This is the price of becoming a "moon". Every "moon" should be eliminated when he lives to be 22 or 3 years old. This is the law of nature. I am 23 this year, so I can count on it. If you survive for another year and die, you will be considered to have lived a long life in the 'month'.

I asked her what exactly "moon" is, is it a physical constitution? She said don't ask about this matter, anyone who asks will die. You don’t want to cure my disease, anyone who cures me will die. Of course, the premise is that you cure it well.

I said even if the treatment is good, I will die? She said that I didn’t understand many orthodox things. In her opinion, I was at least a semi-orthodox person now. She also jokingly asked me if I knew that I had almost died eight times after entering this courtyard house. This is not counting the time when I walked under the sweet-scented osmanthus tree in the inner courtyard and she almost made a move.

I feel like she's teasing me. My brother and I went into this courtyard and didn't even see a single person. How about killing me with your head eight times? I believe that I almost died once when I entered the inner courtyard. With the strength to uproot the sweet-scented osmanthus tree, I really couldn’t do anything with her if she wanted to fuck me.

She looked at me with a look of disbelief and smiled quite happily, with a sense of joy like teasing children. This made me very dissatisfied, but she did nothing to save face. As a doctor, I was happy to let her Laugh at me. People who are sick smile more. A happy mood is always good for their condition.

After laughing, I told her seriously that this was the first time I had seen you in this condition. You asked me to go back and think about a prescription for you.

She waved her hand and said, let you come in and chat with you to relieve your boredom. Have you really treated this girl? If you solve a problem that Orthodoxy has solved for hundreds of years, will Orthodoxy still be around? I am "Yue", I was born to die vigorously.

I told her seriously that no one was born to die in a grand way. As a doctor, I can't stand such nonsense. Isn't it good to live? For a beautiful person like you to live a few more years is considered a contribution.

She asked me, being beautiful is beautiful, what does it have to do with making a contribution?

I said that according to Western medical research, looking at beautiful women can make people live longer. If you let others look at you more and extend your life, what is not making a contribution?

She laughed even more cheerfully, her three-part smile went straight to the point of bursting with laughter, she slapped the table and said, "I am a talent. If you chat with me more, maybe she can live longer, but now the flowers are withered, what are you doing?" When you think of watering, is it a bit redundant?

I packed up my things and was about to go back and look for prescriptions, and I casually replied to her by saying that I have never seen a withered flower that is still more beautiful than any other flower in my life. If I were to drag you over in one breath and bloom it again, Is that okay? Don't you want to see that scene? Anyway, I wanted to take a look.

She was silent for a few seconds after hearing what I said. Then she leaned on the chair under the osmanthus tree, crossed her legs and looked at me with a smile. "It's free to try it anyway. If you want to try it, just give it a try." "

Just give it a try! I reread her words before leaving, maybe I'll give the person a try? Nothing is difficult in the world, only those who are willing can do it!

But as soon as I walked out of the courtyard, I started to feel worried. Damn it, of course I can give it a try, but when did I say I didn’t want money?

ps: Try to resume daily updates

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