In the Ming Dynasty, Feng Menglong's "Chronicles of the States of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty" Chapter 54: "The Pan Party requested to collect the corpses of the Jin Dynasty and build it as a 'Jingguan' to show their martial arts achievements to all generations."

In the Ming Dynasty, Liang Yun wrote "The Preface to the Repayment of the Imperial Majesty of the Jin Dynasty by Yuan Jiehuan and the Jin Dynasty": "Sir (Yuan Keli) conferred the title on him, and the capital has a view of Yue Ru."

In the Ming Dynasty, Zhang Dai's "Night Sailing", Jingguan: "Jing means a high hill; Guan means a palace. When the ancients killed thieves and left the corpses after a successful battle, they would build a Jingguan as a place to hide the corpses. This was the location of ancient battlefields. .”

When Lin Nian heard the special name "Jingguan" for the first time, he was instinctively disgusted. Jingguan is also called the Human Bone Tower. In ancient meanings, the most direct meaning of Jingguan is to show off martial arts, gather enemy corpses, and seal the earth. The high tomb was made. The victorious party would collect the bones of the defeated party, pile them into a hill, and cover them with soil.

The most famous person who liked to play Jingguan in the early days was Bai Qi. In the most famous battle of Changping between Qin and Zhao, Zhao was defeated and surrendered 400,000 troops. They were all slaughtered. On Bai Qi's order, Zhao was defeated. , the bones were piled up and buried in Changping, covered with soil, forming a pyramid-shaped mound. Looking further back, Xiang Yu, the overlord of Xiang Chu, also attacked Jingguan, and Huangfu Song also took Zhang Jue's body out of the coffin and piled it up with a hundred thousand yellow scarf thieves to form the "Quyang Jingguan".

The original purpose of Jingguan was to intimidate future generations, and it served the purpose of establishing intimidation and intimidation to the enemy. Later, as we approached modern times, this slightly cruel method gradually disappeared, and Lin Nian only read about it in textbooks. During that period of history where wars were everywhere and lives were in vain, I never thought that today I would be able to truly come into contact with this kind of thing from another angle.

In the shadows of the four corners of the courtyard, four shadows in black official uniforms stood there like rockeries in a dry landscape, making no sound. Two chains were wrapped around the left and right shoulders of the official uniforms and crossed in front of them like a bondage. , also like some kind of unique restriction.

The dim light of four pairs of blood-colored golden eyes illuminated the unified human bone mask on the black shadow's face. If you look closely, you can find that those masks are not acquired, but natural masks that grow from the four heads. White bone is connected to the skin, as if a larger skull has grown out of a complete human head.

The teeth in the mouth of the acquired skull mask are not the usual set of incisors, canines and molars like ordinary people. They are more like a shark than the set of teeth on a human skull. They are as sharp as a saw and are five or six times as sharp as a saw. The rows are tightly embedded in the jaw to ensure that they will not come loose easily like a shark.

The dark air was exhaled from the mouth of the skull mask, but it did not bring up white mist. This meant that their breathing was lower than the outdoor temperature. There were almost no traces of rising and falling on the chest of the black official uniform, and the number of heartbeats per minute did not exceed 10 times, this also means that the cardiopulmonary function has almost left the category of humans and is close to species similar to whales in nature. One breath can fill the lungs with enough air for them to move for dozens of minutes.

The strength of the heart and lungs is combined with explosive power and durability. The torso under the standard black official uniform is unusually thick for ordinary people. If it is filled with blood during battle, it may expand further. It is estimated that the burst of power should be no less than 3 tons to 5 tons? This is already a data that can only be achieved when an 'A' grade hybrid specializing in physical fitness refines its bloodline to a deep level. It should only be regarded as a normal level of output for these monsters.

The average Deadpool might not be able to get past these things. Knowing how to hibernate and form a corner-surrounding formation means that they have a certain tactical thinking. If they want to kill these things with a Deadpool who only thirsts for blood, they will probably have to pay more than ten dollars. Times to twenty times the number, not counting that they may have different levels of word spirits.

It should have used a technique similar to that of "Monster Under the Ice" to create immortals. Very sophisticated technology, including genetic technology, medicine, chemistry and alchemy, was used to create hybrids that were eroded by dragon blood and could not be saved. It is a tool of war that transforms the subject beyond the scope of human surgery. In "Wolverine", the whole body bones are replaced with Adamant metal, which seems childish in comparison. This technology can be traced back to the Dark Ages, which was also a time when dragons were intensively resurrected. The secret party, which was pressed into despair, revived this dark technology from ancient books and used human beings as weapons, which was equivalent to creating something they could control. Deadpool finally fights back.

The heart can still survive if the heart is pierced, and the brain can maintain operation as long as the brain does not lose more than two-thirds. There is a third brain structure similar to pure blood dragons in their spine, and the bones strengthened by dragon blood throughout the body are far away. The strength and effect of super titanium-magnesium alloy are probably comparable to the secondary Adamantium metal that appears in superhero comics. Although it is not as good as the genuine Adamantium metal, it is still an outrageous substance that transcends reality.

"The name is 'Jingguan', so are you all the products of a failed attempt to defy orthodoxy? You are indeed worthy of the name 'Jingguan'." Lin Nian roughly guessed the origin of the name of this secret force. If it is what he thinks, Orthodoxy is quite evil. Forging one's enemies into immortal Jingguan so as to serve forever, this can frighten the enemy much more than a simple human bone tower.

Lin Nian admitted that these things were indeed dangerous, because even he could not feel any killing intent or threat from these four "corpses". They were like dead objects, and dead objects would not make you alert. You can't even feel fear when facing them. At most, you can only feel a vague chill when you see the curious statues.

It seems that Zhao Qianman is indeed a big bargaining chip for Orthodoxy. Orthodoxy has paid enough attention to her. This also proves that Zhao Qianman is indeed the biggest secret of Orthodoxy holding the "moon" in hand. When someone When you try to reach out for this bargaining chip, you will attract these troublesome "dead people", ensuring that those who know this secret will always shut up, or become one of them.

Under the sweet-scented osmanthus tree, Lin Nian withdrew his gaze, his hands hanging naturally by his side, and his molten red golden pupils drooped slightly. He felt the four stagnant Qi, and he understood that the battle situation would change in the next moment. His next action took place within a split second.

The wind stops, the clouds settle, and the leaves fall.

Lin Nian's fingers trembled.

The explosive sound of intertwined chains and shock bombs instantly sounded in the center of the inner courtyard, and violent sparks ejected in mid-air, illuminating the scene in the darkness for a moment.

A shocking scene happened. Lin Nian, who was known as Kuai, was positioned in the center of the inner courtyard. His position remained under the sweet-scented osmanthus tree, but his right foot moved half a step forward. The dirt and broken leaves prove this.

On Lin Nian's body, four rusty dark red chains were intertwined and tied, each extending to different corners of the courtyard. The four "dead men" in black official uniforms each held one in their hands, with their legs spread and in a half-crouching position. , his upper body tilted back, his thick arms wrapped around the other end of the chain without moving, and the four chains formed a "cross" to imprison the prison bird in the center.

There was no fluctuation in the four pairs of blood-colored pupils, and the breathing in the skull mask was steady. The force erupting on each chain at this moment exceeded tens of tons. The traction forces from four different directions acted together, enough to pull a bottle of steel. The statue was strangled alive, not to mention the fate of the flesh and blood body.

But what was unexpected was that the muscles in the arms of the four "dead men" holding the chains had swelled to the point of almost exploding, and the chains they pulled continued to tremble slightly due to the force.

At the center of the intersection of giant forces, Lin Nian's bound arms were facing down, his legs were rooted to the ground and motionless. The chains were deeply embedded in his arm muscles and were constantly being pulled. His skin was torn apart bit by bit by this force. Revealing the scarlet inside. If it were normal, this small wound would be smoothed out by the effect of 'Baqi' almost instantly, and even a simple solidification of violent blood could erase this injury, but now, these small wounds show no signs of repair.

Lin Nian felt the traction in four different directions. He lowered his head and glanced at the blood-red chains on his body that were constantly shaking and shifting. He roughly understood what was happening.

The moment he was about to release the domain, the four "dead people" in the corner also burst out and rushed towards him at an astonishing speed. However, in the end, they could not match Lin Nian's speed, so the moment they moved " Time Zero" has been expanded.

But here's the problem. The moment Lin Nian's domain covered those four people, the domain melted away like the first snow touching a furnace. This phenomenon is not surprising. The Philosopher's Stone can achieve the same effect. , and what completed this phenomenon instead of the Philosopher's Stone were the blood-red chains bound to the four dead men.

The sparks ejected from the intersection of the four chains and the friction were not golden, but strange blood red. At the same time, among those stardust, a mysterious realm was also stirred up, forming a spherical shape, and Lin Nian was the realm. The center stone.

Legend has it that the Beigansuo Dragon Well was built during the Ming Dynasty. The then emperor Zhu Yuanzhang had a nightmare one night. He dreamed that an old dragon king was angry about the killings and deaths caused by his previous wars and wanted to flood Beigan City. Zhu Yuanzhang woke up from his dream Later, Liu Bowen, a half-immortal who was proficient in the art of yin and yang, was ordered to build a dragon-binding rope and lock the mythical beast guarding Haiyan into the ancient well. Since then, the ancient well has been known as the Dragon-Sucking Well, and the chains rusted like red blood due to wind and frost are also called dragon-binding ropes.

Although the dragon-binding rope born out of the legend may not have the effect of locking the real dragon, it should be more than enough if it only seals the dragon blood gene of the hybrid species and even destroys the domain of the word spirit structure.

"Time Zero", "Snap", "Baqi", "Fu Sheng" and "Blood", all the technologies and powers related to dragon blood were blocked by new rules. The four dragon-binding ropes intersected and stirred, forming a new realm that enveloped the world. Lin Nian's pair of molten red golden pupils were also extinguished!

Alchemy field·Suolongjing.

Lin Nian made a wrong move.

He shouldn't have used Time Zero.

Lin Nian's action at the moment when the battle broke out was to release "Time Zero". Under the error of conditional information, he was broken out of the realm by the dragon rope, and his physical strength was also out of specification. You can seize the opportunity and successfully restrain him.

A truly fatal confrontation requires only a split second of decision-making and judgment.

If Lin Nian had chosen to use the "moment" spirit at the beginning, then those dragon-binding ropes would have had no chance of touching him, and the four dead people in Jingguan would have been cut into pieces by him. Even in a pure competition of physical speed, if he had completely entered the "third degree of violent blood" posture at the beginning, the four dead people in Jingguan would not even be able to touch his shadow.

"Hey! Do you need help?"

Not far away, at the door of the study, the blond girl brought a small Maza without knowing it, and found a cattail leaf fan in her hand to shake. She sat in front of the door like a gatekeeper, looking at the shriveled Lin Nian with interest. .

"." Lin Nian didn't even look at her, just remained silent.

The blood-red chains were tightening. The average mixed-race species, even Li Hueyue himself, would have basically declared defeat after making wrong decisions and falling into a situation like Lin Nian's. But now, Lin Nian was still standing motionless in the center of the inner courtyard. The dead people in Jingguan at the end of the four chains all had their legs stuck to the ground, and their blood-colored pupils were filled with dark light.

This is quite an abnormal phenomenon. When the spirit of speech and violent blood are both blocked, a hybrid is at best an ordinary person with much strength. Facing the tens of tons of combined pulling force, it should have been squeezed into two balls. Split rotten flesh. The first thing to be broken would be the hand bones, and then the ribs and internal organs would be turned into powder. But now the chains rolling around Lin Nian's arms were just gradually tearing his skin apart.

No wonder Li Huoyue doesn't want to come in person. "Sword Control" probably can't control these chains that have been killed by alchemy, right? No, that's not true either. Lin Nian remembered that Li Hueyue had used the spirit of speech to control alchemy weapons abnormally. It was not clear exactly how he did it, but it should have been quite tricky. But in the face of these things, the clever man might not be able to send any weapons. If it comes to use, she will lose in the first moment of confrontation.

Interesting indeed.

But not much.

Lin Nian closed his eyes expressionlessly.

As if she had noticed something, the smile on the face of the blond girl who was tied up in a pony at the door of the study gradually grew stronger, and her bright golden eyes were full of unbridled joy and possessiveness.

The blood-red chains were torn on the restrained arms, and something seemed to seep out of the bright red cracks.

It's red and scary.

Not blood

It was a reddish mist.

What flows out from the wound on the arm is mist-like blood-red gas. In the dark night, they rise quietly and surround the chained person like a veil, squirming and rolling as if they are alive.

There was a subtle rustling sound in the air, like invisible things whispering. They were laughing, lingering, as gentle as lovers.

The mist like silk ribbons rose up, surrounded, and finally began to gather, solidify and converge little by little, and finally formed a "ring".

A slowly rotating thick blood-colored "ring".

The "ring" condensed on top of his head and began to rotate slowly.

A slight breath.

The wind began to rise in the entire courtyard. The invisible wind flow was like a vortex of open water. The fallen leaves on the ground were also swirling around the center of the cyclone. They flew behind the chained person, like a pair of withered leaves. of wings.

Lin Nian opened his eyes, and dark red light illuminated his ghost-like cheeks.

The molten red golden pupils were extinguished due to the dragon-binding rope, but now they turned out to be horrifying and ominous blood-red pupils!

The four restraining chains suddenly stopped shaking, the dense vibration of the chains also disappeared, and the courtyard fell into absolute silence.

Until Lin Nian said something, no one heard what it was.

The next moment, a huge explosion spread, and a large number of fallen leaves were instantly shaken into powder and flew towards the courtyard wall. Substantial air shock waves ejected and raised dust that enveloped the entire inner courtyard. Along with the high-speed shooting sound, The broken blood-red chain shot through the sweet-scented osmanthus tree like a bullet, and in one breath smashed all the furnishings in the wing at the end to pieces!

The horrific scene in the chaos was almost frozen, and that crazy scene should be left in history.

Lin Nian's arms with blood-red eyes were swollen and knotted with muscles, and they were pulling half of the alchemical chain that exploded. The loose cuffs of the polyester T-shirt even began to tear due to the exaggerated muscle diameter, and his other arm The clenched fist has already sunk deeply into the skull mask of a monster flying in front of him! Like a slow-motion movie, the bones as hard as titanium-magnesium alloy exploded in his fist as brittle as paper. The fist bones, together with the fragments of the bone surface, mixed the thing's real face, pupils, and facial bones into a ball. Soft brain, then clean penetration! Then he punched the hard ground! Still unable to release the complete violence, it sank to the ground, overturning and shattering the stone floor of the entire courtyard in one breath!

Pure violence, the ultimate beauty that power can give birth to!

The blood-red "ring" hovered above his head, the scarlet pupils were crazy and silent, and the bright red mist rolled up dust and broken leaves like wings and turned behind him. It was different from the traditional bloodline refining technology and was born out of the genetic power of the dragon clan. Technology! At this moment, he broke free from the so-called dragon-binding rope, tore apart the superficial alchemy field, and vented the true violence and terror of the forbidden power to the world!

[Twelve Gospel Spiritual Structures to Forgive the Weak and the Weak·Blood Angel]

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