The smoke gradually dispersed. In the haze, Lin Nian, who was bent down and holding his hands on the ground, raised his arm little by little. As his arm was raised, a sound similar to the friction of chains between steel sounded, as heavy as ink. Plasma spurted out from the ground densely. He was pulling something, grabbing the thing with the five fingers of his right hand, and pulling out the body connected to the thing bit by bit.

The four dead people watching in the courtyard did not move. The chains in their hands were withdrawn to their sides little by little, coiled on the ground like snakes. Their dark red eyes looked at the scene in the center of the inner courtyard after the dust haze completely settled.

What Lin Nian was holding was the deformed skull of one of the dead men in Beijing. His middle and index fingers were inserted into the pupils of the skull, and his thumb and ring finger were inserted through the opening of the nostrils. The skull, which was made of titanium-magnesium alloy, was violently violently exerted in his hands. It was grasped until it was deformed, like a bowling ball, it was lifted in the hand and pulled bit by bit from the neck. The entire bloody spine connected to the skull was also pulled out from the dead man's back piece by piece. The friction and crackling sound was There was a cracking sound as the connected ribs snapped as the spine was being pulled out.

From an external perspective, Lin Nian looked like he had pulled out a long, bloody worm. The blood-red spine was not an unusually pale color, but a dazzling dark gold color, densely covered with purple-red nerves. After being pulled out of the body, Those nerves were still crawling like worms on the spine, unwilling to leave, but as the spine was pulled out, they were disconnected with a crackling sound and remained in the headless corpse.

The blood-colored golden eyes stared at the spine that was being pulled out step by step. Just when the spine was about to be completely withdrawn, Lin Nian suddenly turned his head, so fast that only a blurry shadow was left. The spine that was pulled out of the dead man's body turned out to be like a scorpion's tail. It penetrated through the afterimage like a thorn, leaving a loud and harsh sonic boom in the air!

At the same time that Lin Nian avoided it, the spine came alive and wrapped around Lin Nian's arm. The tail of the pierced spine circled back and drilled straight into the back of Lin Nian's neck. You can imagine that it pierced the skin and forced its way through. It looked like it was going under the back and wrapping around the original spine to undergo parasitic resurrection.

Lin Nian did not dodge. He grabbed the skull at one end of his spine and swung it with his right hand like a whip. Two harsh explosions sounded in the air. They were also explosions that broke the sound barrier!

The first sonic boom came from Lin Nian's right arm. The bones of his right hand seemed to have disappeared. The entire arm was as soft as a rope. The end of the arm, which was the position of the palm, obeyed the tip of the arm under the terrible force driven by the body. The law easily broke through the sound barrier, and the huge energy drove the long spine held in the palm to conduct energy and swing for the second time! The spine thorn that was originally going to pierce his neck was suddenly thrown straight by the force. It broke the sound barrier for the second time and made an explosion. This was also the source of the second sonic boom!

The spine that was tightly wrapped around Lin Nian's arm was stretched out by the huge energy, and was also pulled hard by the sudden force and could not move for several seconds.

The nails of Lin Nian's left hand lightly scratched his right wrist. A bloody snake nimbly emerged from his wrist and quickly wrapped around the entire spine. With his left hand, he grabbed the blood snake connected to the wrist and lifted it hard. The blood snake wrapped around it tightened under the force, forcing the entire spine into a straight line!

The spine was trembling constantly but could not break free. The blood snake that tied it was obviously blood between gas and liquid, but its toughness was astonishing to an incredible level.

Lin Nian raised his hand and held up the straight spine. Counting the part of the skull he grabbed, it continued to the triangular spike-shaped tailbone. There were 44 sections in total, 11 more than a newborn baby, and the length was about 80cm. , including the skull part, it is close to 1 meter, and the S shape that was originally supposed to be was forced straight by the blood snake, so that it looks more like a good sword.

Before he came out, he threw the Dragon Sword Box to Lu Mingfei. He was having trouble finding someone to take advantage of him, but now he unexpectedly solved this problem.

Lin Nian shook his spine twice, and the whistling sound that broke through the air was very refreshing. The spine of the triangular bone perfectly matched the effect of the tip of a sword. The osteophytes on both sides of the spine increased the lethality like a chain saw. When you hit someone, dragging it hard should produce a tearing effect that exceeds that of a saw blade, which is perfect for dealing with enemies with hard bodies.

If the bones of these monsters are the hardest parts, then using their hardest parts as weapons should be able to easily tear apart the flesh of their kind, right? Lin Nian planned to do this from the beginning, and now he has indeed taken action.

He finished testing the spinal strips, and after releasing the restraints of the dragon rope, he did not launch an attack, but squatted down on the spot. In front of him, the limbs of the dead man in official uniform who had lost his head and spine in the deep pit on the ground were still twitching from time to time. He took the spine strip and used the spike at the end to slide down from the severed head bit by bit, tearing open the body. The ferocious sight revealed in the official uniform and the chest of the body below did not surprise him at all. On the contrary, it confirmed his suspicion.

The internal organs and bones in the chest are merging, and the monster's sharp ribs like sharp teeth are growing crazily, protecting the internal organs wrapped in soft flesh like a cage, but they don't know that this is in vain, and they have lost their head and spine. , even if this corpse still has a "heart", it will inevitably lead to destruction.

Lin Nian stabbed open the heart protected by the bone cage. Amidst the spurts of blood and the sound of almost screams as the flesh was torn apart, a cross nail was driven into the green heart, and the red lines on the tail of the nail were intertwined and sealed. It was beating, and hard scales grew on the surface of the heart in a rather anti-biological way. It was completely inconsistent with the traditional biological concept of the heart.

Lin Nian glanced at the heart and recognized that it was an organ of a pure-blood dragon. A heart that could grow scales was a privilege of pure-blood dragons. It was a special physiological mechanism evolved by the dragons that allowed them to grow scales. Absorbs metal elements from the environment and synthesizes scales in the heart area. These metal scales can provide protection and help them survive in special ecological environments, but the dragons that can do this are at least three generations old and have a deep grasp of the "ground" element.

There was no need to speculate on the complex alchemical system and the heart of a pure-blooded dragon. Lin Nian had already recognized the identity of this dead man in Jingguan.

The "moons" of the orthodox previous generations.

Although it is a lesson passed down from our ancestors to avoid waste, we are not told to "cherish" it like this.

Lin Nian pierced the heart. It seemed like a simple stabbing, but it was repeated for more than a hundred times. The scales cracked and the heart shattered. The dragon's blood had been reused and was so polluted that it was spilled. After entering the messy alchemical system, violent corrosion occurred, and black smoke rose from the disembowelled belly.

The realm rose from Lin Nian's body. It was the realm of "moment". He held the sword in his right hand and stood sideways. The lines of lava cracked in his blood-red golden pupils. The blood ring above his head rose and red mist circulated. Return to form a cycle of "force".

Under normal circumstances, when Lin Nian is fighting, the priority of "Time Zero" is always higher than that of "Instant". It is not that "Time Zero" has a higher benefit effect on him than the latter, but that "Time Zero" has a higher priority in the expansion field. "Time Zero" is more cost-effective and can be eliminated in the field to a certain extent because the physical effects caused by high speed can make his movements faster and quieter.

But if you put aside the cost-effectiveness and only pursue the most violent battles and the most ferocious killings, then you can find that the word spirit Lin Nian uses in such situations is always "Snap."

His current mastery of "Snap" is a level that has never been reached by anyone in the entire history of hybrids. At the moment when the tenth level of Setsuna completely explodes, he is synonymous with death, and he is the god of death who masters speed.

In the process of preparing for the "moment", three difficult-to-pronounce ancient dragon inscriptions rang out in the inner courtyard. They were the chants of Yanling. The three "yue"s of the previous generation who had been resurrected in Jingguan felt the almost magical power from Lin Nian. The pressure of destruction was a pressure they had never felt even when they were alive. The instinct from their bloodline and the deterrent of their genes made them mobilize their biggest trump card and try their best to destroy the source of uneasiness.

"Sure enough, I still retain the memory of Yan Ling." Lin Nian was not surprised by the chanting of the dead people.

The Jingguan dead man who died suddenly and had his spine removed at the beginning obviously had no time to react. Even the living person in the "moon" state would die instantly in the explosive obliteration, which also led to the opponent's fundamental death. There was no time to release Yanling.

A lion should fight a rabbit with all its strength. They did try to kill the enemy with all their strength. They were not lions, they were more dangerous things, but their enemies were never rabbits.

Li Huoyue, the contemporary "moon" master, has the power of "sword control". In the periodic table of word spirits, it is regarded as the medium-risk word spirit No. 82, although the serial number of the word spirit does not necessarily directly represent Strong or weak, but if the word spirit controlled by a mixed-blood species is indeed in a high-risk category and can be fully mastered, then this mixed-blood species will definitely be able to explode with unimaginable power in a fight.

Li Huoyue once revealed to Lin Nian that her speech spirit had the lowest serial number among the "moons" of the past generations. The mantra technique mastered by Mu Yue of the previous generation was a highly dangerous "red dust". In the secret party's parlance, It should be called "Wanxiang". It is a high-risk speech spirit that ranks higher than "Jun Yan". Looking at the entire history of "Yue", Mu Yue can only be regarded as a middle-aged person.

What color should the fireworks blooming in this world when the three dying ghosts bloom again?

Lin Nian was not very curious because the preparations for "Snap" were over.

He looked at the three remaining dead people in Jingguan in the courtyard, who were also the predecessors of the "Yue" who had made countless contributions to orthodoxy in the past dynasties and had worked hard and made great achievements. He said lightly, "Entrusted by the contemporary 'Yue', I would like to send you all a ride. "

The words fell.

The entire ground in the inner courtyard exploded, and dust rose into the sky dozens of meters high! That is the phenomenon when a huge force reacts on the ground. The surface rock floor shatters into the air, and the lower ground cracks five crisscrossing holes. The sweet-scented osmanthus tree suddenly sinks into the ground. That is the height of the ground. The uneven rock formations warped and collapsed due to uneven stress, exposing underground tree roots and snake, insect and ant nests!

Instant·Tenth level.

Lin Nian, who accelerated to the limit, smashed through the dust haze and flying rock formations. The air shock wave fell behind him like a gauze skirt. Pale dragon scales covered his body to resist the pressure and tear caused by the extreme speed. A large amount of blood-red mist spurted out from the gaps in the dragon scales and wrapped around his body surface, greedily absorbing the nutrients in the air and feeding them back to every cell in his body, squeezing out more and stronger energy the moment it took effect!

Angers has publicized that his 'Time Zero' can cut 1 second into 50 seconds, a 50-fold increase in physical time.

And now Lin Nian's somatosensory time gain is a full minute.

One second seemed as long as one minute in his eyes.

Lin Nian arrived in front of the dead man in Jingguan in the northeast corner in an instant. His body posture was like a bow pointing towards the sky, his back was slightly arched, and his right hand was hanging by his side, holding the spine sword and shooting out an arc. The tip swept across the opponent's neck, and the steel-like bones collided and broke! He slashed the neck, then stabbed the heart with another hand, splitting all 44 sections of the spine. Each sword brought a fast and violent sonic boom. The air flow and shock wave swept through the body at high speed, it was like an invisible explosion. Plow repeatedly!

At the end, when the body became dilapidated in an instant, Lin Nian turned and kicked the skull, shattering the soft tissue inside the brain into a pulp!

But at the same time, Lin Nian, who was accelerating for a moment, caught a glimpse of black fluff starting to appear on the tattered corpse of the dead man in Jingguan. No, it was not fluff, but flames, dark flames! This means that the opponent's word spirit has finished chanting, and even death has been successfully released.

In the instant of acceleration, Lin Nian guessed the identity of this Yanling after a moment of thinking, frowned, and then without hesitation raised his foot and kicked the dead man in Jingguan's chest.

The tattered corpse rose into the sky amidst the explosion, crashed through the air layer and flew to a height of tens of meters. Then, its kinetic energy suddenly returned to zero and stopped, as if it was nailed to the void by some invisible force and could not move.

The broken headless limbs in mid-air began to twist stiffly, as if being grabbed by something, with their arms spread wide and their legs close together.

A pitch-black seed broke out from the corpse's chest, and the next second, a rather abnormal "black light" suddenly lit up high in the sky. Even in the dark night, the spread of "black light" can be clearly captured, shining the place it shines into deeper darkness.

The black light bloomed, a silent explosion, like what was born from the explosion was called death.

Lin Nian raised his head, and in the sky reflected in his blood-red pupils, a solemn black cross appeared and burned silently in mid-air.

The burning cross is about ten meters high, with a burning cage intersecting in the center. The broken body of Jingguan is in the cage with its arms spread out like a god nailed to the cross, burning in the black flames. Slowly decomposes, rots, and finally turns into black smoke.

The black flame cross hangs in the sky and illuminates the earth. It is solemn and sacred, but also reveals a terrifying evil nature.

Its appearance did not bring high temperatures, but instead a bone-chilling coldness dropped the temperature of the courtyard settlement at high altitude to below zero. Abnormal black frost condensed and climbed in every corner, and everything contaminated began to decompose and disappear, just like It was burned by high temperature.

Yan Ling·Black Flame Prison.

The truly extremely dangerous word spirit with serial number 110, the orthodox old guys do have two skills to find a hybrid with such dangerous power to become "Moon".

It's just that I don't know whether it's because it hasn't been fully released yet, or because it's difficult for the "Yue" of that generation to control this level of power. The effect of this power explosion is completely inferior to the terrifying word spirit of "Black Flame Prison". First, in history, the King of Bronze and Fire released this word spirit just once, and hung the survivors of a city on black flame crosses. The sky of the city was filled with black burning crosses at a glance. The survivors The victims let out silent wails and disappeared into ashes in the black light.

Is Orthodoxy’s protection of Zhao Yanman a little too much? Or is it that Jingguan is the trump card in this kind of trump card, and the killing move represents the symbol of orthodox decisiveness?

But for Lin Nian, these spirit spirits are just some superficial goods. It's okay to scare the third generation or the second generation, but for him, you'd better have the opportunity to display them completely, and you have to hit the target, and every link is perfect. It is the difficulty of reaching the sky.

Without thinking much, he turned around and rushed towards the last two Jingguan. He had already sensed that the other two speech spirits had taken shape. If these two speech spirits were both "Black Flame Prison" level things, then he It must be stopped to prevent Zhao Yanman, who is still under the protection of the blonde girl, from being affected.

But the moment he turned his head to lock onto the enemy, he was startled.

In the dusty and cracked inner courtyard, he actually saw Lin Xian standing in the darkness in the corner, watching him quietly with a pair of molten red eyes.

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