Just as people and living things age, so does blood.

The shorter the blood is stored, the younger it is and the better its quality; conversely, the blood is older and of poorer quality. The Cleveland Clinic in the United States also found that if old blood is transfused to cardiac surgery patients, their mortality and morbidity rates will increase. On the contrary, if young blood is transfused, there are fewer deaths and illnesses.

But for the orthodox, they have found a better solution, which is to abandon the traditional blood transfusion therapy and directly perform hematopoietic bone marrow transplantation in one step. Through healthy and excellent hematopoietic bone marrow, young blood can be directly regenerated from the body, and within a certain period of time The inner body continuously delivers youthful power to the brittle, stiff, and no longer spasmodic blood vessels.

Before the hematopoietic bone marrow is replaced, the blood in the blood vessels of the elderly is viscous. Unbelievably, old age weakens the elasticity of their blood vessel walls and narrows the lumen, causing the cells to be close to each other and the density to increase, resulting in increased blood viscosity and hyperviscosity. Stasis.

But once the hematopoietic bone marrow is replaced and another dialysis is performed, the blood flowing out after cutting open their blood vessels will be mellow red, like a bucket of young Pinot Noir, with a soft taste, lighter color, and a coating of Aromas of pots, strawberries and red cherries.

Of course, the fact that the blood is as mellow as red wine is just an exaggerated metaphor. When their throats are actually cut, the blood gushes out from the arteries like a spring, and the thick red liquid slowly forms a tree shape on the ground. There are complex patterns, and you can only smell the strong smell of blood in the air, like pungent rust, mixed with a strong smell of sulfuric acid.

A shadow jumped down from the red wall and fell into the flaming maple leaf forest beside the wall. He stepped on the withered red leaves and walked out of the blazing forest, but stopped again in the courtyard. The liquid that was brighter than the flames flowed from the center and stopped in front of it.

He looked up to the center of the courtyard, and his eyes fell on the woman standing next to the stone table, who always wore a strict gray Mao suit.

She stood there and looked up at the dark sky without stars or moon. The emotions in her bright golden eyes were like slightly cool boiling water. It was not cold, but if she drank it, it would always make people feel cold, from the mouth to the throat to the heart. , the kind of discomfort that spreads throughout the body.

Li Qiuluo.

Lin Nian recognized this woman. As long as he was willing to remember things carefully, he would rarely forget them. The identity of the commander-in-chief of the orthodox Lang Juxu was enough for him to spend some time to place her name, appearance, and posture in the hall of memory. A slightly forward position. After all, when Lin Nian saw her for the first time at the airport, he guessed that there would always be a chance to meet her later.

But he never expected that they would meet again in this way.

Lin Nian's eyes gradually moved to the stone table next to Li Qiuluo. There were five chairs around the stone table. There were five figures sitting on the chairs. Four of them were strangers, and one of them Lin Nian recognized.

The five people gathered in the Dragon and Phoenix Garden again, but they did not whisper or hiss like they usually did.

They slept deeply tonight, lying on the stone table like sleepy children, not awakened by the coldness of the night or the terrifying murderous intent raging in the yard.

They slept so deeply that they must be having the same sweet dream. The gurgling streams merged into five long rivers. They rode on the fluttering white paper boat and sailed precariously towards the deep, eternal place at the end of the river. Beautiful dreams.

Blood flowed to Lin Nian's feet, moistening his toes, and the wind blew through the courtyard, waking one of them from his sleep.

On the stone table, a shadow fell to the ground without warning, splashing a large amount of blood. Li Qiuluo, who was nearby, gently turned sideways to avoid the blood drops. His dazzling golden eyes looked at the dead Sima clan leader on the ground, as if When I see a broken glass, I feel a little regretful and helpless, but I will never regret or remember it.

"What did you do?" A calm voice of inquiry sounded in the courtyard.

Li Qiuluo looked at Lin Nian, who walked into the courtyard barefoot, and saw the oversized coat and torn trousers he was wearing. A relieved smile flashed across his lips, and his mood changed with relief, as if he had put something down and settled down. With some thought, he was finally willing to turn his head and look at the dark sky in the deeper direction of the Siheyuan settlement.

"The wind is going to pick up," she said.

Looking at the sky, with the gentle night breeze, the fog cleared, and a bright moon shone on the earth. The bright moonlight brightened the scene of Longfeng Garden, and shed a handful of moonlight on the maple forest. At the same time, it was not stingy. The ground illuminated the front and back of the stone table, and the five orthodox clan chiefs drowned in a pool of blood, and their deaths were particularly tragic.

The head of the Zhu family, the head of the Sima family, the head of the Liu family, the head of the Zhao family, and the head of the Li family are all gathered together tonight.

Go to hell together.

Lin Nian only recognized the head of the Sima family who fell on the ground. They had met in Longfeng Garden, which is where they are now, and had a meeting with Li Hueyue. The remaining family heads are very unfamiliar, but the same thing is that they are all old, old to the bone, and the gorgeous and old clothes that protrude from them can't hide the emptiness inside, just like bamboo poles lifting up pockets.

The round-faced old man with a slightly wider frame, wearing a red robe and walking in a subtle, elegant, simple and simple style, is probably the head of the Li family.

The fragrant sesame gauze stand-up collar and large placket, with gem buttons on the collar, make it even more elegant and luxurious. The old woman who flaunts her personality is probably the head of the Zhu family.

Straight body in single clothes, silk and satin, black and red patterned with a python dragon, from Shui De, black, probably the head of the Liu family.

The remaining head of the Zhao family wore a white robe, which was pure and untainted. However, the white robe, which represented righteousness and auspiciousness, had been dyed blood red, and after all, he had not received the blessing of heaven.

The head of the Sima family on the ground was dressed in red and black clothes, with two pieces of jade pinned to both sides of the shoulders and dark black strips hanging down. He was supposed to be majestic and overlooking everything, but now he was lying on the ground in the blood with his eyes open, his pale hair and beard sucked. The full blood soaked and swollen the withered skin.

These five family heads were all dead. They were dead. Their necks were cut nearly half open, and silver nails were driven into their hearts. They were like the anchors inserted by Maoshan Taoist priests to prevent corpses from resurrecting for safety reasons. For mixed-race people, The extremely poisonous alchemical silver nails are pierced through the ventricles of the heart, in order to allow the last few heart beats to carry the poisonous silver throughout the blood vessels of the body.

Lin Nian watched all of this quietly, and his eyes finally fell on Li Qiuluo, this woman, the top commander of Lang Juxu, this woman who held the military power in her orthodox hands.

She had to do all this, no doubt about it, no doubt about it.

The sound of falling leaves rang out in the maple forest behind Lin Nian. This was because Zhao Yanman, who was put down, did not heed Lin Nian's warning when she came down, telling her to close her eyes behind the maple leaf tree and wait, so curiosity drove her to the yard. Rido took a look.

Just this look almost made Zhao Zianman sit down on the ground in horror and horror, leaning against the tree trunk and trembling all over.

Only orthodox people know what this scene represents. Any orthodox person who sees this scene will have a reaction similar to that of Zhao Yanman, or even more serious.

"Are you Li Qiuluo?" Lin Nian asked.

It was a question. He was not sure whether the person in front of him was the Li Qiuluo he knew. The nine-phase dragon was born. Maybe this woman was the dragon king in disguise. He used the orthodox skin to kill the senior officials and wanted to see the mixed-race side fall into civil strife. ?

"I am Li Qiuluo." Li Qiuluo answered Lin Nian, "Are you Lin Nian?"

"I am." Lin Nian also replied.

The two confirmed each other's identities, looked at each other, stared, and then fell silent.

The wind blew through the yard, diluting some of the bloody smell, but it couldn't blow away the crazy intertwined thoughts.

"It seems that you have completed the task assigned to you by Hueyue." Li Qiuluo looked at the absent-minded Zhao Jianman behind Lin Nian with relief, "It seems that the plan went smoothly."

"Did it go well? Probably." Lin Nian nodded, expressionless, "To be honest, I'm a little surprised. Li Hueyue and I didn't mention this in the mission." His eyes glanced at the five bodies that were still a little behind. The meaning of the fresh and decaying corpse, which is warm but not cold, is self-evident.

We have seen a lot of dead people, but these five dead people are different. Their deaths are enough to cause a major earthquake in the entire hybrid world. Countless rules will be rewritten, countless interests will change hands, and the accompanying disputes, killings, life and death will erupt. Sexually gushing out of the crater, raining fire of judgment on innocent and guilty people indiscriminately.

"This is my mission, not yours. Your mission is just to rescue Yan Man. Now it seems that you have completed it very successfully, and I have also fulfilled my duty." Li Qiuluo said gently.

"Well, I remember Li Hueyue told me about her relationship with you. You seem to be her aunt?" Lin Nian suddenly asked.

"Did Huoyue even tell you this? It seems that it is indeed difficult to gain your trust, but she still did it." Li Qiuluo's voice was filled with emotion.

"Among the kinship titles, if I remember correctly, and there is a high probability that I will remember it correctly, aunt is generally used to refer to mother's younger sister." Lin Nian turned his head and glanced at Zhao Yanman beside the tree.

"It's obvious, so like Li Huanyue, I'm very grateful to you for rescuing Yan Man." Li Qiuluo bowed lightly to Lin Young, his words full of pure gratitude.

"A transaction is just a transaction. No thanks are needed. I will get what I want from Li Hueyue. We don't owe each other." Lin Nian said, "By the way, when I rescued her, I found that her brain had already been damaged. Mesmerized by orthodoxy.”

"We will find a way to solve it. This is something we should worry about, so you don't have to worry about it." Li Qiuluo smiled.

"I've already solved it." Lin Nian stared at her, "It's just a little effort."

"Really?" Li Qiuluo's eyes lit up with unexpected joy, but he quickly suppressed his floating emotions and looked at Zhao Zianman in the woods with long-awaited eyes, but now Zhao Zianman is still He stared at the five corpses blankly, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Thank you so much! Originally, the method we prepared might have risks, but now, can you tell us how you solved the vine problem?"

"It's just a small trick. If you can't get on the stage, you won't show your shame." Lin Nian said looking at her happy face.

"Really? In that case, according to the agreement, you should send Qian Man to meet Huoyue, and leave it to me to deal with the aftermath." The joy on Li Qiuluo's face gradually softened, and he nodded lightly to Lin Young to indicate that he could leave. .

"After the aftermath, are you going to get rid of these corpses? Cremate them, or collect them somewhere else." Lin Nian said as if he was asking casually.

"Cremize it. People are things that cannot be carried away from life to death. The clan leaders should have returned to the soil. After the cremation, I will find a good hilltop in the suburbs to bury them. For future generations to worship." Li Qiuluo whispered.

"Is that so?" Lin Nian said, "One more question, was the process smooth when you started?"

"It went smoothly, and there was no resistance. Although the clan leaders were in high positions and powerful, they themselves had no ability to fight. Even though they had noble blood, they were still too old. The only thing that would not age with them was their innate talent. The power comes, no matter how the times change or how things change, power is always like an ancient stone building that can stand for hundreds of years." Li Qiuluo said softly, "But power is just power. Quan that loses its power can easily... Being destroyed, the clan leaders know this, so when I kill them, they should not be unwilling."

"Things like Quan have always had a large number of vassals since ancient times. Power comes first, then strength. Power is not divided into families. The higher the power, the more unparalleled power surrounds them." Lin Nian also said softly. Said, "So, let me rephrase my question. When I lured away the four Jingguan who were supposed to protect the five clan chiefs, was your process smooth?"

Li Qiuluo didn't answer. She didn't speak, and the courtyard seemed so quiet. The wind stopped blowing. You could hear the slow rustling sound of the crisscrossed blood crawling on the ground. It was dark, twisted, and ugly.

It was a long time, maybe not that long, but the atmosphere in the air made every second of the frozen confrontation feel like a passing year.

"As I said just now, it went very smoothly." Li Qiuluo looked up at Lin Nian. In his eyes and expression, there was no joy, no gratitude, no gentleness anymore, only dullness, as dull as death.

"I've actually been thinking about a question. After fighting those four Jingguan, I reviewed the entire process, from infiltration, to fighting, to evacuation. The whole process gave me a strong sense of disobedience, until now. I just figured out where the dissonance came from." Lin Nian said, "Is the intensity of Jingguan a little too much?"

"After dealing with the four dead people, I looked back and thought that it would be very difficult to prevent Zhao Yuanman from being taken away, but it would never be this difficult. Because Zhao Yuanman is very important, she directly represents the 'moon' However, the combination of the four Jingguan has already surpassed the 'Moon', and it is unreasonable to protect this thing with something more than its value."

Lin Nian's eyes fell on the five corpses, "The Orthodox have troops like Jingguan, but the outside world has never heard of their existence. This means that you have never thought of sending troops on the frontal battlefield. This unit has shone brilliantly. Even the next-generation species may fall in the hands of Jingguan. There is only one reason why such combat power is hidden and not used - they may not be able to leave this compound."

"In other words." Lin Nian lowered his eyes, "They can't leave the side of the five family heads because their mission is to protect the family heads."

"Yes, not quite. The Jingguan force is not just the four you met. The four Jingguan you met are quite rare and were transformed from the corpse of the previous generation 'Yue'. 'Yue' It is difficult to preserve the corpse completely, and it is even more difficult to make it into a Jingguan. After hundreds of years of hard work, Orthodoxy has only succeeded in creating five special Jingguan with the 'moon' as the template." Li Qiuluo said slowly. .

"The purpose of those five Jingguan is to protect the five clan heads." Lin Nian continued calmly, "So they never attack outside and will always hide next to the noble clan heads."

"When the clan heads gather together, some people often think that it is the best opportunity to subvert the orthodoxy, but in fact it is not the case. The gathering of five clan heads means that the five Jingguan will also gather together. When creating the Jingguan Under special considerations, when the five Jingguan appear in the same space, that is when they are the strongest, and the five clan heads are also the safest." Li Qiuluo said.

Lin Nian said, "You can assassinate the clan heads one by one, because it is indeed easier to succeed, but I am afraid that when you kill the first one, the revolution you are brewing will be exposed. If you want to complete the revolution, you must take risks. In the end, It’s dangerous, when the five clan leaders gather together, they will assassinate when they think it’s safest.”

"Yes, but if you want to kill the clan leaders, you must pass the five Jingguan level. But Jingguan never leaves the clan leader's side. There is only one way to split Jingguan." Li Qiuluo stopped and looked. Xiang Linnian said, "We need to create a huge threat to move Jingguan away from the clan leader. If we want to complete the assassination, we probably need to move more than three Jingguan away and delay them for a period of time. But this is an almost impossible task. The only character in this world who can handle this task is the Dragon King. Or maybe."

A super hybrid that could kill, and did kill, the Dragon King.

The answer is self-evident.

It seems that when Li Huoyue told Lin Nian in the sunset that only he could handle this task, she was not exaggerating. She calculated a lot of things and concealed a lot of things, but she only valued Lin Nian's value from the beginning to the end. Therefore, she repeatedly told Lin Nian that this task belonged to him, but she never made it clear why he had to do it.

"It seems that the orthodox people think that four Jingguan can solve me, are they looking down on me too much?" Lin Nian asked lightly.

"No, four Jingguan is the limit. The clan leaders must keep one Jingguan as their trump card. Even if they fall into the trap of diverting the tiger away from the mountain, they can rely on this Jingguan to delay the return of the four Jingguan. In this world There is almost nothing in the world that cannot be solved quickly by the four Jingguan forces working together. This is orthodox self-confidence." Li Qiuluo said, "But this self-confidence also comes from self-knowledge. The limits of Jingguan always exist objectively, and that is them. No matter how strong you are and no matter how much effort you put into it, you are destined to fall in front of the Dragon King."

Or maybe he's the one who can kill even the Dragon King.

"Have you solved the last Jingguan?" Lin Nian raised his head and asked.

Li Qiuluo turned sideways, revealing the scene behind him. At the other end of the courtyard, on the red wall in the maple leaf forest, a torn black-robed corpse was nailed to the wall. Behind it was a huge, dense alchemical matrix. , completely sealed all the alchemy systems in his body. After the key hub was destroyed, no matter how strong Jingguan was, he could only remain silent.

"Five Jingguan can kill me in an instant, but equally, with sufficient preparation, I can also kill just one Jingguan. After all, they are dead and I am a living person." Li Qiuluo raised his hand and gently resisted Gazing at Lin Nian at his temple, "The greatest characteristic of a living person is that he knows how to plan."

"So you are also very strong?" Lin Nian looked at her and asked.

"No, I'm just an ordinary hybrid. Compared to you and Hueyue, I'm too weak. You are born strong, super hybrids. Only people like you can kill those who are united. Monster, and I can only use sneak attacks to take advantage." Li Qiuluo said indifferently, "Fortunately I did it."

"Congratulations then," Lin Nian said, "But now, your luck seems to have come to an end."

His tone was cold, and his molten red golden eyes quietly ignited.

".I don't understand. What does this mean? You can obviously take Zhao Yanman out of here now and find Li Hueyue to complete your mission. The deal between you and Hueyue will be completed and there will be no conflict between us. , you killed Jingguan, and I killed the clan leader, these two are obviously unrelated." Li Qiuluo chose to avoid the pair of molten red golden eyes and asked in a calm tone.

"Do you think I'm stupid?" Lin Nian said in a deep voice, "Jingguan is the last trump card to protect the five clan heads, and I was the one who killed Jingguan. Do you know what this means?"

Li Qiuluo tilted his head and said in a low voice, "I guess this means that everyone will think that you are the one who killed the clan leader tonight?"

The dead silence, the freezing confrontation, and the strong smell of volcanic smoke even washed away the pungent blood.

The moon was dark and the wind was high, and there was a widespread power outage around the Siheyuan settlement. EMP destroyed all the electronic equipment. There was no evidence and no pictures. The only thing left was that someone quietly broke into the Siheyuan settlement like a ghost and killed Five people were able to encircle and suppress the pure-blood dragon Jingguan, and the five clan leaders also died unexpectedly.

It seems that the only thing missing next is the name of the murderer.

"An identification, a simple identification, a person stood up, read out my name, and put me in the position of a suspect." Lin Nian said lightly, "Then everything seems to be logical. It was me who sneaked into the courtyard. , I was the one who killed Jingguan, and I was also the one who silenced the five clan leaders. As for the motive, I am a member of the secret party, and that is enough."

As for the reason?

The existence of Lin Nian and the facts of what happened may be enough to be the reason.

"But the person who gave you the task of killing Jingguan was Li Huoyue. You also know that it was me who killed the five clan leaders. You can completely blow yourself up with us and tell the world everything." Li Qiuluo said.

"Who would believe it?" Lin Nian had an expressionless face. "People from the secret party might believe it, but the orthodox people would probably not doubt him. Then in the midst of suspicion and anger, someone suddenly stood up and shouted for revenge. The name set off the conflict between the secret party and the orthodoxy, igniting the flames of war. Then the truth about the death of the five clan leaders is no longer important, because the focus has been shifted. Everything will fall into place. "

"Who will be the person who will stand at the top of orthodoxy and lead everyone forward at that time?" Li Qiuluo said.

"Of course it's you, the supreme commander-in-chief of Lang Juxu." Lin Nian said indifferently.

"No." Li Qiuluo suddenly shook his head, "I am not suitable for this position. As a spiritual leader, Hueyue may be the most suitable one. Her reputation is much higher than mine. She is also the contemporary 'Yue', and she will be... in the end. The ‘month’ of one term.”

Lin Nian fell into silence and took a gentle breath, his molten red golden eyes gradually freezing.

ps: After twelve o'clock, there is a chapter scheduled to be released tomorrow. This was originally supposed to be a chapter of 10,000 words, but I split it into two parts, today's 6,000 and tomorrow's 4,000, hehehe.

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