"Aren't you afraid that I will kill you?"

"Don't be afraid, because it's meaningless." Li Qiuluo calmly turned around and looked into those molten red golden eyes. At that moment, she was so oppressed by the infinite majesty that she almost fell to her knees, but she still maintained a peaceful smile. , facing the fear and said softly, "Perhaps if I die, I will be more able to convince the orthodox people to believe this established fact. My death is no longer important. From the moment the clan leaders died and the five Jingguan were destroyed, A lot of things have been finalized.”

Lin Nian had seen this look before. It was a resolute look that was willing to burn to ashes for a certain cause and die. It seemed like this kind of person had already gone crazy, dancing in the smoke and gushing flames, just to let that person The flames burn more intensely, and no matter how much you sacrifice for this, you will have no regrets.

"So this is a conspiracy, a conspiracy that you and Li Huoyue started around me from beginning to end." Lin Nian lowered his eyes.

"Is Zhao Yanman just a cover?"

"No, she is also very important. This is just a win-win consideration. If you try to rescue Qian Man, you will inevitably attract Jingguan. If Jingguan wants to kill you, he will definitely come out in force. One link at a time."

"You are too strong, Lin Nian." Li Qiuluo said softly, looking at the pair of molten red golden eyes, "Even if you do nothing and don't provoke anything, those disputes and pain will still entangle you, because they I truly believe that your burning temperature will always bring them the relief they dream of."

The fire lit up outside the red wall of the Siheyuan. From the beginning of the blackout until now, there was finally light illuminating the dark night. It was people with flashlights and torches running outside the Siheyuan settlement. Those footsteps were noisy and turbulent, like a landslide and a tsunami. The crowd that arrived must have been huge. They were all orthodox people and the true elites of orthodoxy. They gathered together with the emergency battlefield military order issued by "Kyushu", with the purpose of preparing to launch a general attack on the lair of the King of Earth and Mountain.

As for why they met at Longfeng Garden.

With such a huge momentum and such a huge battle, isn't it normal to receive encouragement and encouragement from the heads of the five major clans before the war?

And when they push open the door of Longfeng Garden, everything in the courtyard will fall into their eyes.

By then, everything was a foregone conclusion.

"You still have time to leave. With your speaking spirit, you can escape easily, so that everything will not become so ugly." Li Qiuluo looked at Lin Nian in the swaying firelight from outside the red wall, everything in the courtyard They were all illuminated by the flickering fire, and the blood on the ground was sometimes bright and sometimes dim.

"It makes no sense whether I leave or not." Lin Nian said calmly in the firelight, "In this city now, the only person who can kill Jingguan is me, except for the hidden Dragon King. As long as you and Li Huoyue Identify me and kill me, and then use your supercomputer 'Jiuzhou' to restore my movement trajectory. I can't argue with you. After all, the entire task process was formulated by you, and I completed it step by step. Too many details were left out. Come on, those are irrefutable evidence."

"I will not say sorry." Li Qiuluo said softly, "This is the long-cherished wish of countless corpses who have died tragically under the decay of orthodoxy over the past century. Even if I bear the infamy and crawl in the mire in darkness and be a despicable and dirty villain, I will do the same. Do it. Revolution requires blood, no matter whose blood is shed, whether it is mine or yours."

"Aren't you afraid that I will kill everyone? If this shit basin will definitely be put on my head, then it is natural for me to overturn the card table. Killing all the young forces of orthodoxy and destroying the future of orthodoxy is not a bad thing. The way to break the situation is that as long as there is no successor to orthodoxy, the secret party will invade and completely engulf everything in orthodoxy. The final history will be written by the winner, and you will be nailed to the pillar of shame and become the sinners who destroyed orthodoxy." Lin Nian said, Wall The moving firelight illuminated his shadow on the ground, alternating between virtual and real.

"You won't." Li Qiuluo looked at Lin Young and said in a low voice. Those molten red golden eyes made her body tremble slightly. The terrifying pressure would crush her at any time, but she still stood there, as straight as a gun.

"Why do you think I can't?"

"Because Li Huoyue told me that you are the most empathetic super hybrid he has ever seen. The world's suffering has always flowed to people like you, and this time is no exception. People like you are like the sun , attracting moths like us all the time to rush up, stain your light, and be burned to powder by you." Li Qiuluo said, "But if our self-immolation can buy even a moment of shade for future generations, then thousands of people will be burned. Even if I burn it, I will have no regrets.”

"You will not choose this path. You will leave alone and bear everything, because you are Lin Nian and you are the protector."

Lin Nian closed his eyes, lowered his head and took a breath.

He said softly, "Wherever there are good people, they should suffer."

"But isn't it always like this in this world? It's also like the betrayal and deception you have experienced since you became a mixed race." Li Qiuluo said.

The door of Longfeng Garden was pushed open, but only one person walked in and immediately closed the door behind him.

The person who walked in was Li Huanyue, dressed in a black robe with a sword on her waist. She was dressed like the woman named "Li Muyue" that Lin Nian had seen in his memory.

She surrounded the Siheyuan settlement with the entire Orthodox force. The fire was shining outside, but there was silence. They were all waiting, waiting for a passionate pre-war mobilization, or perhaps waiting for a shocking announcement of bad news.

Li Huanyue walked into the courtyard and stopped in front of the deep red blood on the ground. She looked at the five corpses, her expression unchanged, and then looked at Li Qiuluo, Lin Nian, and the one sitting in the corner leaning against the maple tree. Zhao Yanman.

The courtyard was very quiet, so quiet that one could hear the crackling of countless torches outside the red wall, as well as the turbulent heartbeats of young people excited about the war.

"The day of harvesting the moon and achieving great things is today." Li Qiuluo said softly.

Li Huanyue said nothing. She looked at Lin Nian and met his eyes. Two pairs of molten red golden eyes looked at each other. The emotion inside them was very dull.

"Say something." Lin Nian looked at her and said calmly.

Li Huoyue said nothing and had a calm expression. After thinking for a moment, she opened her mouth to speak when another person interrupted her.

"Huoyue, stop."

Li Huanyue and Li Qiuluo looked behind Lin Nian, but Lin Nian did not look back.

Under the maple tree, Zhao Yanman struggled to stand up against the tree trunk, looking at Li Hueyue from a distance, with tears in her eyes, "Stop it, really, stop it."

Li Huanyue shook her head gently, and the look she cast on Zhao Yanman, the mother, answered everything.

That wasn't rejection, but telling her that it was no longer time to stop and solve everything, now that the dust had settled.

"Huoyue, open the door." Li Qiuluo said.

Li Huoyue stood in front of the door without moving. Behind her was the door. The traditional red door had metal rivets on it. There was no need to turn around and push, "Sword Control" could slam open the door and remove the people inside. Tell everything to the world, put sinners on a high platform, and turn lies into facts.

But she didn't move, just looked at Lin Nian silently and looked into his pupils.

"Huoyue." Li Qiuluo called softly.

Li Huoyue still didn't move, so Lin Nian didn't move either.

Blood and fire swayed between them, and the figures were intertwined with reality and reality.

"Huoyue, open the door." Li Qiuluo called for the third time, his tone firm and cold.

Li Huoyue took a deep breath, her lips trembling slightly, about to say something.

But was stopped.

When everything was a foregone conclusion, they considered that Lin Nian had three choices when faced with everything, which also corresponded to the three situations they expected.

The first situation is the above. Lin Nian finally accepted the reality of being plotted before the final outcome, and saw clearly everything that might happen in the future. In the end, because of his empathy and the negative emotions of self-abasement after being betrayed many times, he chose to swallow the consequences alone, stayed away from orthodoxy, and never returned. Return to the secret party and become a convicted criminal who committed a heinous crime.

As long as Lin Nian takes the blame and escapes, the secret party will abandon Lin Nian under the pressure exerted by the orthodox party. The orthodox party will then point all fingers at Lin Nian. Both sides share the same hatred and make Lin Nian the center of "revenge". In this way, the orthodox party will complete It is a win-win situation without having to go to war with the Secret Party.

The second situation is moderate. Lin Nian chose to trust the Secret Party to give him a clean slate. He returned to the Secret Party and told the Secret Party everything. He exposed the plan of Li Jueyue and Li Qiuluo on the stage. The Secret Party and the orthodox sides each insisted on their own opinions. Eventually a conflict broke out. Many people on both sides would die during the conflict, but in the end the orthodoxy and the secret party would eventually reconcile. This matter has since been revealed, and the orthodoxy has also ushered in a run-in during the struggle, completing a true revolutionary blood exchange.

The third situation is the worst.

That is the current situation.

"My sister once told me something."

In the courtyard, Lin Nian spoke, his molten red eyes swept over everyone calmly, and said, "If you have been wronged outside and want to speak out, if no one listens and no one believes it, then you have to throw it away on your own. I want to take back all the face I have suffered and the grievances I have suffered.”

The ferocious murderous intention surged like the wind, and the terrifying dragon's power hit like a wall, causing Li Huoyue and Li Qiuluo to take half a step back, and the vines in the corner fainted instantly.

Lin Nian opened his coat with one hand, and pale dragon scales appeared on his body. The molten red golden pupils exploded fiercely like a volcano. The hot dragon blood boiled again, and the blood-red air flow overflowed from between the scales, heading towards The top of the head forms a "ring" symbolizing death and killing.

Twelve Gospels·Blood Angel, three times of bloodshed.

If before the hearing incident, Lin Nian might really choose to leave, bear the responsibility of killing the five clan heads alone, leave the secret party and leave the orthodoxy, stay away from the whirlpool of disputes, lose confidence in everything, and be full of hatred for everything and doubt.

But it's different now.

At the hearing, pairs of hands held his back to prevent him from sinking, and everyone told him they were on their side. Then he must not abandon himself and run away like a child. The pain and sadness will not disappear out of thin air. If he runs away, everything will only be transferred to other people - to those who believe in him. .

He would never let this happen, so he chose to face it.

"Punch away with one punch to avoid hundreds of punches." Lin Nian said calmly, "That's what my sister told me."

Conspiracy, scheming, and planning are indeed not suitable for Lin Nian. Rather than fighting wits, he is more suitable for the persona he has always maintained.

"Li Hueyue, open the door."

Lin Nian's increasingly blood-red molten gold eyes stared at Li Hueyue, and his voice was as cold as a cold wave, "Don't you want revolution? Then you should also know the truth that comes with it."

Li Huanyue lowered her eyes gently, and silently placed her right hand on the hilt of the sword at her waist. With a movement, Li Qiuluo also put her hands into the cuffs of her tunic suit with a frosty face.

Yes, they have always known that truth and used it as a commandment.

Revolution requires bloodshed.

Anyone can bleed for the revolution, Li Huoyue can, Li Qiuluo can, and even an outsider like Lin Nian can, then naturally those orthodox living forces outside the Red Wall can also be involved in this storm of killing and death for the revolution. Right?

Lin Nian had never overturned the table, because he knew that the moment he decided to overturn the chessboard, there would be a torrent of blood, killing, death, mountains of corpses and seas of blood, everything would come like a violent storm. In the past, he was still naive and unprepared, so he cowered and gave in repeatedly.

But now, he's ready. Even if the door opened in front of him was Senluo Hell, he was ready to turn the whole hell upside down.

Lin Nian bent forward with his left hand, stooped over, and pressed his free hand against the ribs at his waist.

Li Huoyue held the bronze sword at her waist with her right hand, and held the exposed one-inch blade of the sword with her thumb.

Li Qiuluo dropped his hands by his side, his cuffs covering his palms, and looked down with his head in his mouth.

So come on.

Yan Ling Time Zero.


Yan Ling·Ten Thousand Lives of Tribulation and Killing.

The three realms suddenly expanded from three directions. The murderous gazes of the three pairs of golden eyes hit the air. The invisible and intangible spirit of tenacity rolled into a storm and tore the air. In an instant, on the invisible virtual surface, it was enough to The storm that will destroy the world has arrived.

But just when everything was about to overturn and the chessboard tilted, a bird cut through the storm and roared in with a message from afar.

The three eyes locked on the bird that was not afraid of the storm, and at the same time they made the same move, which was to avoid the messenger.

The bird stopped in the center of the storm, fluttering its wings and singing when everything was irreversible.

In the Dragon and Phoenix Garden, Li Qiuluo suddenly withdrew her speaking spirit. She spat out a mouthful of blood and endured the backlash of the interrupted speaking spirit. This meant that the speaking spirit she had prepared was quite high-level, causing her to half-kneel on the ground and spurt out. A mouthful of blood from the lungs.

Li Huanyue also withdrew the word spirit. As "Yue", she did not change her color due to the interruption of the word spirit. She just fixed her eyes on the center of the yard, the bird that seemed to only exist in the void.

When the two of them withdrew their words, Lin Nian had already turned his head and looked in one direction. It was the night in the northeast of the courtyard. Under the dark moonlight, there stood an unfinished construction building. On the top of the building, it seemed that There is a vague shadow hiding in the darkness looking over here.

"It was really a good show."

Two hundred meters away from the Siheyuan settlement, on the desolate roof of the construction building, Caesar sat sideways on the edge of the rooftop without guardrails. His right leg was bent, his arm resting lightly on his knee. His golden eyes reflected the vast crowd in the distance. The scene inside the surrounded courtyard.

In his hand, a long-range DV camera lit up with red light, recording quietly and faithfully.

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