Lin Nian recognized it. It was a weasel, a free wind demon. They came following the sound of the wind, but they brought echoes beyond all things in the world.

People who control this power will form a large domain with themselves as the center, and establish complex sound channels within the domain, thereby mastering all the small sounds within the domain. The purer the releaser's bloodline, the wider the domain. It is said that with the help of this speech spirit, the ancient dragon can listen to the whispers of humans in the nine heavens.

You listen to the bright moon and the quiet night, and are willing to spare the sounds of nature and the pine breeze.

The three words spirits that were about to bring destruction and death have all dissipated, and Kamaitachi is suspended quietly in mid-air. It seems to have done nothing, but the sound channel has been established through it as a transfer station, and a channel is established by the releaser. The shared channel pulls everyone into it.

"I heard that in ancient China, the emperor was called the emperor by destiny, so any change of dynasty or the change of the monarch's surname is called a revolution." A low, magnetic male voice sounded in the ears of Lin Nian, Li Huoyue and Li Qiuluo.

The moment they all heard this voice, the man with dazzling hair like gold appeared in front of them.

Caesar Gattuso.

"I have read about the history of China, the change of dynasties, and the surname of the monarch has indeed always been a topic that is talked about by future generations. Revolutions include grand ones, despicable ones, tragic ones, and naturally there are many impassioned ones. But I've never seen anything as hateful as today."

Caesar's voice echoed in the courtyard, but only Lin Nian and the others could hear it.

"'Revolution' means change, and 'fate' means destiny. As long as you can change destiny, there is no need to be despicable or be looked down upon by others." Li Qiuluo said lightly.

"Indeed, in the Western world, some people have said that revolution is nothing more than a comprehensive violent change of the political system. No matter what means or process, as long as it succeeds in the end, history will be written by the winner. Revolution has always been None of them are required to be impassioned, support each other, a dark plan, a gamble on human nature. As long as it succeeds, it can also be called a revolution." Caesar said slowly, "But the premise is that what you want Is it really just a revolution? Li Hueyue? "

Just a revolution? Isn’t revolution enough? What else does Li Hueyue want? What did Caesar know?

The traces of violent blood on Lin Nian's body gradually faded away, and his lowered pupils quietly waited for the unknown secrets to be revealed.

Caesar asked Li Huoyue a question. Li Huoyue had already pulled out the one-inch long bronze sword in her right hand and silently moved back. With the soft sound of the sword falling from its sheath, she looked at the suspended ghost car bird and said, "You shouldn't Appear here, Caesar Gattuso."

She did not answer Caesar's question.

"I really shouldn't be here." Caesar said calmly, "But strictly speaking, I am not with you. If you raise your head and look to the northeast, you should be able to see me looking towards you. Wave.”

Li Qiuluo and Li Huanyue both looked over. Just as Caesar said, there was really a tiny figure waving to them at the top of the building that was still under construction a few hundred meters away.

"How could your 'Kama Weasel' domain extend to such a long distance?" Li Qiuluo questioned in a low voice.

"Fields are not static and dead things. If you are willing to delve into them, you will find that although the spherical field can cover everything, if you want to focus on reaching the top, you need to work hard in other aspects. For example, treat the field as a highly malleable area. Strong plasticine." Caesar did not hesitate to give guidance on language and spirituality.

Lin Nian, who is very sensitive to the field, can feel that the sound channels connected to the Kamaitachi as a transfer station are quite narrow. They are like spider webs spreading towards the distant building. This means that the original field has been narrowed. It turned into countless tentacles, which enabled today's ultra-long-distance sound transmission.

Caesar Gattuso never took off his crown of genius, but he rarely stepped onto the stage.

"Friendly reminder, the place I am sitting now is a carefully selected place. I have seen everything that happened in the yard. I think it is too much for me to enjoy such a wonderful and dramatic scene alone. It's a pity." Caesar pointed out.

"What did you do?" Li Qiuluo felt something was wrong and asked coldly.

"Instructing Lin Nian to use EMP to destroy all the electronic equipment in the courtyard is indeed a good move, but unfortunately I have never entered it, so the things in my hands are still intact, and Kamitachi can become my scout again. , let me monitor everything from a hundred meters away, and record everything for me." Caesar said with a low smile.

In the sound channel, Li Huanyue and the other three heard the simulated sound played by the tape at the same time. What followed was the content of the conversation between Li Qiuluo and Lin Nian. All their previous conversations in the courtyard were completely recited, just like a live replay. bring.

[Five Jingguan can kill me instantly, but equally, with sufficient preparation, I can also kill just one Jingguan. After all, they are dead and I am a living person. The biggest characteristic of a living person is that he knows how to organize things]

[The person who gave you the task of killing Jingguan was Li Hueyue. You also know that it was me who killed the five clan leaders. You can completely blow yourself up with us and tell the world everything.]

【.Who will be the person who will stand at the top of orthodoxy and lead everyone forward at that time? 】

【.I am not suitable for this position. As a spiritual leader, Hueyue may be the most suitable one. Her reputation is much higher than mine. She is also the contemporary 'Yue' and will also be the last 'Yue'. 】

"I have always liked the equipment produced by Sony. Whether it is a camera or a photography DV, this manufacturer always strives for excellence in some aspects. In addition to the sound, do you also need to see some pictures to verify your suspicions?" Caesar paused. I dropped the DV rewind and asked.

"Both the video and the sound can be forged. No one will believe you, a member of the secret party, especially the heir to the Gattuso family." Li Qiuluo said coldly.

"Then you can give it a try. I think there are still more smart and thoughtful people in this world. If the conversation between you and Lin Nian leaks out, where do you think your plan will go?" Caesar The voice was equally indifferent, "Politics is inherently dirty, and your methods are despicable, but they are effective. If you really have the heart to share the same fate, then I admit that your conspiracy is indeed quite sinister. After all, Lin Nian is easily swayed by politics. Once people get involved, they will definitely not be able to get out."

"But don't forget that politics is also fragile. A bug or a secretly taken photo can give birth to an event that will be remembered forever. So you don't dare to bet. What I have in my hand can easily destroy your preparations. everything of."

Li Qiuluo was silent for a long time, and a deathly silence spread in the courtyard, until finally she looked at Lin Nian and asked, "Have you expected to reach this scene a long time ago?"

"If he could have calculated this scene, he would never have been involved in the game from the beginning." Caesar said calmly, "I was just a passerby who made a very good deal with someone by the way - tonight I happened to pass by this ugly political fight and I happened to save someone."

Li Qiuluo turned her head and looked at Lin Nian. There was no doubt that she thought that the only person Caesar wanted to save tonight was Lin Nian.

But she didn't understand who had understood everything, guessed their plan, and inserted the nail of Caesar into the situation rather viciously, making everyone unable to move.

"Li Muyue sent you here." Li Huoyue said suddenly, "The only person who is qualified and capable of knowing this matter is she, who controls the power of 'Red Dust'."

Li Muchue.

The "Yue" of my predecessor, the "dead man" who should have disappeared long ago?

Lin Nian frowned slightly, how did Caesar come into contact with such a person.

"The person who asked me to come said that someone might die tonight, and many people would die, so she wanted me to save a person and prevent all this from happening." Caesar Gattuso said lightly, "This person was killed Orthodoxy was hidden, and it was hidden for decades.”

Li Qiuluo's eyes fell on the unconscious Zhao Xianman. She could only be the one hidden by the orthodox. But why did Li Muyue disappear for so many years and suddenly asked Caesar to rescue Zhao Xianman today?

"If you want to save someone, then you should stand here instead of hiding far away." Li Qiuluo said.

"To save a person, sometimes you don't need to do it yourself. Sometimes, a word may be enough." Caesar said calmly, "She asked me to bring a word to that person."

"She said: The revolution shouldn't be like this, and neither should you, Li Yuexian."

Li Yuexian. Who is it?

Lin Nian paused for a moment. He found that Li Qiuluo took a deep breath and closed his eyes when he heard the name.

He reacted and turned to look aside.

Li Huoyue raised her eyes, her golden pupils were melting red, with light and flame flowing inside.

"Li Yuexian, stop it. Your mother doesn't want to see you die tonight. You have done enough." Caesar said slowly, "The five clan leaders have died in your hands now. How can you still What more do you want? To further control the orthodoxy and find out everyone who has inflicted pain on you and kill them one by one?"

Li Huoyue's pupils burned in the silence, "It's not enough, far from enough. What I want to do has not been done yet."

"Li Hueyue." Caesar said her name bluntly, his voice low, "You keep saying you want revolution, but is it really revolution you want? Is everything you have done so far really 'revolution'? ?”

Lin Nian slowly raised his head. He seemed to understand something, and seemed to finally understand something. He looked at Li Hueyue, with a hint of surprise and indifference in his eyes.

"Before I came, Li Muyue told me the stories that happened in the past. The stories of Li Xingchu, Li Muyue, and Zhao Zianman, as well as the stories that happened to you later." Caesar said in a low voice, "Li Muyue, you from What you want from the beginning is not the so-called revolution but blood revenge! Your real purpose, I am afraid, has always been to want those who personally killed Li Xingchu and crippled Li Muyue to pay with their blood! Today’s clan leader We are just the beginning, what you want is never revolution but an iron-fisted cleanup with the bloody hatred of the past!"

A great purge, washing away all those stained with the blood of the past.

"What do you want, spoiler of the Gattuso family?" Li Qiuluo asked in a deep voice.

"I want this matter to end here. I don't care which of you will bear the heinous responsibility of killing the heads of the five major clans. Lin Nian must not be dragged into the quagmire of your own creation. He is innocent." Caesar slowly said Said, "At the same time, your upcoming purge plan must also be stopped. Once your plan continues, many people will die, both guilty and innocent!"

"Great purge plan?" Lin Nian asked.

"The revolution she talks about can only deceive people like you who are not familiar with political struggles. Once Li Hueyue gains power through you, the first thing she will do is to carry out a major purge and remove a group of people who have long been suppressed by her. The skin and bones of those on the list were completely stripped, and their blood was used to wash away a sealed memory of the past," Caesar said.

Lin Nian suddenly looked at Li Hueyue.

Li Huanyue noticed Lin Nian's gaze, turned to look at him, and asked, "Did I say that I am an egoistic person?"

Lin Young nodded lightly.

That's what she said in the courtyard that day. She is an egoist.

A revolutionary can never be selfish and egoistic. This is contradictory.

Li Huoyue told Lin Nian personally that her purpose all along was just to let some people die, to let some people who should have died long ago die.

So what she wanted from the beginning was revenge.

Just like what Caesar said, what she wants is blood revenge.

"Li Xingchu is dead." Lin Nian asked her, but in an affirmative sentence.

He had seen that man in his memory. He might have been a little indecisive, maybe a little compassionate, but in the end he still did what a man should do and took his beloved woman far away.

At that time, he once said that if you don't want the ending to be too sad, it's best to prepare for the worst from the beginning.

But I never thought that the words would become a prophecy.

"For this woman, your understanding of her is too shallow. I'm afraid she has never told you her own past, right?" Caesar answered Lin Nian, "If you are like me, you understand her story. , then when she extends an olive branch to you, you will know like me that it is just a joke. For someone like her who has shouldered a blood feud, every minute and every second she lives in this world is She is waiting for such an opportunity. Once the opportunity appears in front of her, she will seize it at all costs and seek revenge against the orthodox senior officials until death."

"What do you know about me?" Li Huoyue interrupted Caesar calmly.

"More than you think. Peiyuan Clinic, do you still remember this name?" Caesar said equally flatly, "I'm afraid you will never forget that place in your life, right? Before your name was changed to Li Huo, Yue, when you were still called Li Yuexian. That was the place where you grew up, and it was also the starting point of all your hatred and anger towards orthodoxy."

The light and flame in Li Huoyue's pupils were swaying, and what was fiercely injected as firewood were the bloody scars opened by Caesar Gattuso indifferently.

"Do you really want me to help you recall it?" Caesar said, "The conversation between Li Xingchu and the five clan leaders that night before his death? Hatred even made you forget your father's last words?"

"Shut up." Li Huanyue said.

"Tell me about it." Lin Nian looked at Li Huoyue and said calmly, "I want to hear it."

"After all, I found that I have never really understood you." He looked at Li Hueyue's burning eyes and said, "If I kill you so clearly tonight, I will really feel very sorry."

In the sound channel, Caesar's quiet voice slowly narrated:

"Sixteen years ago, on that night at Peiyuan Clinic, a 3-year-old girl was hidden under the bed by her parents. That night, the little girl's parents finally caught up with their past of abandonment."

"In front of the little girl, her biological father was executed on the spot by the old people, and her mother on the bed above her head was also pressed down by monsters for a living dissection. She hid under the bed and lay all night, and listened to the whole night .”

ps: The next two or three chapters are probably the ending of Li Xingchu and Li Muyue, as well as the birth of Li Hueyue. In fact, I wanted to tell this short story through someone else's oral narration, but after thinking about it, I decided to write it down.

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