"You mean there's something wrong with Li Hueyue?" Lin Nian asked in a low voice, gold and red flashing in his dark brown pupils.

"Not necessarily. She may have a problem, or the people around her may have a problem, or the person you and I are thinking of now took the initiative to find her and provide her with some 'guidance suggestions' or even cooperation." Kai Sa said slowly, "If my vague guess is right, then the current situation is more troublesome than we thought."

"If you didn't show up here tonight, everything would have gone according to the worst script." Lin Nian said, "But if you showed up, the conspiracy would naturally come to nothing."

"I did appear here, but according to logic, I shouldn't have appeared here." Caesar said slowly, "I found Li Muyue's information through an information dealer on the hunter website, but now I know After learning the whole story, I started to become curious, how did a simple hunter get the position of a 'dead person' like Li Muyue? For example, only the heads of the five major clans should know where Li Muyue is under house arrest."

He said slowly, "Then, I came into contact with Li Muyue, mentioned Li Huoyue's matter, and then made a deal with Li Muyue to interfere in tonight's affairs. It was like someone knew something bad would happen tonight, so he arranged for me in advance Being involved in this matter disrupted the whole plan.”

"What is your purpose in finding Li Muyue?" Lin Nian stared at Caesar's profile.

Caesar shook his head slightly, but he did not answer Lin Nian.

Lin Nian paused for a moment and then asked, "Let me change the question. Did you find the intelligence dealer first, or did he find you first?"

"He posted a post on the hunter website, selling information on Bei'an's resurrected Dragon King at a high price. I found that his ID was very old, and I thought there were articles in it, so I tried to chat with him. At first, we did target the Dragon King's information. We were negotiating, but because of the boundary, we naturally talked about orthodoxy. Then we talked about some secrets of 'Yue'. Until tonight, he relented and asked me to come out to trade information. Haha."

Caesar shut up, lowered his head for a moment, then raised his head, expressionless, ". Now it's hard for me to tell who took the initiative to find whom."

They stopped talking and quickly sorted out everything that happened nearby, collecting every overlooked detail in an attempt to form a puzzle.

"Do you know what I think?" After a long time, Lin Nian raised his head and asked calmly.

"Would you say it first or should I say it first?" Caesar lowered his head and asked.

"You tell me."

"I have a feeling that the current situation is like two invisible 'people' playing chess in the air through the game of earth and mountain king. You, me, Li Hueyue, orthodoxy They are all the chess pieces of those two players." Caesar said slowly, "There is a high probability that the identity of one of the players is the guy who targeted you, but the other person..."

Lin Nian found that Caesar was looking at him, waiting for an answer, but he could only shake his head, "I have no clue."

Caesar reached out and rubbed his golden hair, which was a little messy, like some unclear hairballs under his calm expression. The current situation is too messy, Shadow of the Dragon King, Nibo The mystery of dragon roots, the civil strife of orthodoxy, and the mysterious chess player. It seems that they were involved in the whole process, but in the end it was difficult to see the real development of the situation.

"I found the entrance to the Nibelungen. Lu Mingfei has already gone there first. Do you want to come?" Lin Nian suddenly said, "Instead of arranging threads here, we might as well do the serious things we should do when we come to Bei'an." , maybe during our delay, a new conspiracy has begun to ferment. When intelligence is lacking, the right thing to do is to take the initiative to collect intelligence. "

"You are right, if you don't have an opportunity, seize it." Caesar closed his eyes and gave up on the messy situation analysis. When he opened his eyes again, he looked at the dragon and phoenix garden full of fire, "But before that, you have to Make sure we pull you out of this mess. What she was forced to promise us hasn't materialized yet."

"So what if she betrayed her trust?" Lin Nian had already turned around and left the platform, "This is not the first time."

Caesar turned to look at his back, shook his head slightly, stood up and followed him, no longer looking at the drama happening below.

In front of Longfeng Garden.

Countless pairs of golden eyes stared at her body. Li Huoyue placed her right hand gently on the hilt of the sword. Her molten red eyes were like a lake of autumn water dyed red by maple leaves. She was slightly lowered to look at herself on the stairs. Wrong swaying shadows.

Li Qiuluo walked out of the backyard and stood in the shadows, looking calmly at Li Hueyue's back. The firelight gave Li Hueyue's figure a burning outline, just like his heart.

After a while, Li Huoyue raised her head and glanced at the dark sky in the northeast, without stars or moon.

She slowly lowered her head, looked straight, and glanced at the colleagues outside the red wall of Longfeng Garden under the flaming ginkgo trees. Everyone she looked at was like a knife, with sharp thorns in their eyes. The pain surged in their minds, but no one avoided the pair of burning red golden eyes.

Then they heard the "Yue" in front of the hospital announce loudly.

[The King of Earth and Mountain raided the clan’s hinterland, Jingguan’s desperate guards were wiped out, the Dragon King had fled to the Nibelungen, and the five clan leaders died. 】

[The King of Earth and Mountain raided the clan’s hinterland, Jingguan’s desperate guards were wiped out, the Dragon King had fled to the Nibelungen, and the five clan leaders died. 】

[The King of Earth and Mountain raided the clan’s hinterland, Jingguan’s desperate guards were wiped out, the Dragon King had fled to the Nibelungen, and the five clan leaders died. 】

The announcement repeated three times was impactful and deafening.

It was like an invisible hurricane swept towards the ginkgo forest outside the red wall. There was no wind, but the ginkgo leaves that were dazzled by the fire rose without wind and passed through the gaps around everyone, just like the shocking bad news. It's so popular!

Everyone's throat was choked by this hurricane. It was difficult for them to breathe. Their wide-open golden eyes were filled with the chaos of the storm. It was difficult to see clearly and accept the meaning of this terrible news!

A torch was handed to Li Huoyue's hand, and Li Qiuluo stepped aside. Li Huoyue walked down the stairs holding the torch in full view of everyone, turned around and threw the torch into the Dragon and Phoenix Garden.

The huge and heavy golden-red courtyard door suddenly opened to its limit, and the fierce wind accompanied by the fire illuminated the courtyard. Amidst the rolling maple leaves and ginkgo trees, the cruel, heart-breaking, and horrifying scene in the courtyard poured into those countless pairs of golden eyes!

Mount Tai has collapsed and the building has collapsed.

Surprised and silent.

The maple leaves fell into the flames of the torch, and the high temperature ignited the dead leaves and turned them into embers, sparks fluttering in front of pairs of golden eyes.

In absolute silence, Li Huanyue slowly pulled out the bronze sword from her waist. The sound of friction between the sword blade and the scabbard was clear and long. At the last moment of unsheathing, the sound was clear and clear.

She held her bronze sword high, speechless, her molten red golden eyes blazing.

Someone in the crowd roared, and then a wild wave of shouts came like a landslide and a tsunami, and the golden eyes lit up in pairs. It was an outpouring of emotions in anger, and tears filled the eyes!

"The death of the clan leader was caused by the Dragon King. I swear to kill the dragon and pay for it with blood!"

"The death of the clan leader was caused by the Dragon King. I swear to kill the dragon and pay for it with blood!"

"The death of the clan leader was caused by the Dragon King. I swear to kill the dragon and pay for it with blood!"

The patriarchs are the orthodox rulers. They have led the orthodoxy from scratch, cultivated generations of young heroes, opened up the era of hybrids in the difficult years, and expelled all the evil dragons. Now those who once were Their leader collapsed, and the evil dragon crawled on the mountain top again. They vowed to slay the dragon and pay for their debt with blood.

Those young golden eyes burned with anger against the evil dragon, anger at the insult to the family, and reluctance and sadness at the death of their elders. They have been set on fire and need a battlefield to puff up the smoke.

The flame of revenge had been ignited, and the melody of dragon slaying became passionate again. Amidst the roar of the storm, someone asked softly behind Li Hueyue:

"Is this enough?"

Behind Li Hueyue, Li Qiuluo walked out with his head lowered, "Huoyue, what are you going to do next?"

"Continue to do what we haven't finished yet." Li Huanyue put down his sword and watched the burning storm sweep away. "The senior leaders of the clan are now in complete chaos. After the news of the death of the clan leader comes out, the internal chaos will intensify. You need to seize the right to speak here. Also, find Li Muyue as much as possible and bring her back safely, she is in danger now."

"Aren't you going in person?" Li Qiuluo asked.

"Now we have pointed the finger at the Dragon King, and hatred has been ignited. As 'Yue', I should stand at the forefront of the battlefield. Besides, there are some things I want to confirm personally, and I need to go to the Nibelungen. In this paragraph During the time, I will leave it to you temporarily," she said, and then stepped forward.

In the dim light of the main entrance of Longfeng Garden, Li Qiuluo stood on the side of the golden door nail. She raised her head slightly, and her bright golden eyes quietly watched Li Hueyue walking into the crowd, and the fire and light opened for her. , she led the ignited frenzy towards the battlefield.

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