"It's open, it's open, look, it's open."

Under the fluorescent lamps, smoke filled the air. Sitting on a chair with a few stitches in the Internet cafe, Brother Dog was suddenly awakened by the call of the boy next to him. He trembled twice and reached out his hand to hold the earphones that had slipped off his head and wipe them. There was drool at the corner of his mouth, he squinted his eyes and sat upright on his hands and knees, "What's on? What's on?"

"The game live broadcast is on, Brother Dog, go to the YY channel I sent you. Someone is starting a game live broadcast there." The younger brother's eyes almost pierced into the screen, and many people who were attracted by his voice gradually gathered behind him. Passersby.

Brother Gou picked up the Coke can on the table and prepared to take a sip, but the weight of it instantly made him feel disappointed. Then he touched the personal money that he finally took out from his wife in his bag, gritted his teeth and turned around and shouted, "Network administrator! One can. Red Bull, a bowl of instant noodles, a braised egg and two ham sausages!”

After that, he licked his tongue, squatted on the chair and reached out to open YY. He entered the channel sent to him by his younger brother and hit return. A live broadcast room window popped up immediately. The live broadcast screen was dark, but people in the channel rushed to hear the news. The passers-by were chatting animatedly.

[Here, is there really someone who has qualified for the closed beta? 】

[Damn it, didn’t the official allow the live broadcast? I remember you have to sign a confidentiality agreement for this kind of alpha test, right? Aren't you afraid of being held accountable for live broadcasting in such a public way? 】

[For those who come in, please stop promoting it. You can watch it for a while. I heard others say that this game is quite awesome. 】

[Where is the picture? Why is there no picture? The anchor is down? 】

[Turn on the lights. 】

[Are you talking about the headlines? It’s all black and white, just look at it. 】

【What about the game? 】

"Isn't this open? Are you lying about military information?" Brother Gou turned around and glared at his younger brother.

"How did I know? I heard others say it." The younger brother said aggrievedly.

Brother Gou looked at the dark live broadcast window and waited boredly for a few minutes until the instant noodles were brought over by the girl from the Internet cafe. Then he curled his lips and exited the channel. He opened the video website and prepared to find a movie to watch that would be more satisfying. , after he opened the lid of the instant noodles to avoid the hot steam, he rolled up his sleeves and prepared to take a bite of ham sausage, but before he could take it into his mouth, the boy next to him exclaimed, "It's open, it's really open now." Damn it, that stupid anchor didn’t adjust the brightness just now!”

Half of the ham that had gone into his mouth came out again. Brother Gou quickly switched off the movie and squeezed into the YY channel again, but his eyes were still dark. He turned to glare at his younger brother, but the other party quickly explained, "Turn up the screen brightness." One o'clock! Turn on full screen."

Brother Gou did as he was told, turned up the brightness of the screen, and then broadcast the picture live in full screen. He squinted his eyes, and then found that something seemed to be moving in the dark screen?

"Headphones, earphones!" the younger brother reminded again.

Brother Gou hung up his earphones and adjusted the volume. A series of extremely small footsteps came from the earphones. In addition, the outline of a human figure gradually appeared in the dark screen. He barely recognized it. A person groping forward in a dark place?

"It's so dark." said the younger brother.

"What rubbish game? So dark?" Brother Gou tried hard to distinguish the dark picture. This should be an over-the-shoulder perspective. The person in the picture is bending over and carefully walking forward against the wall. The surrounding environment looks like A.Tunnel?

Soon, a light source appeared on the screen. It was a green light. It was an emergency exit sign hanging on the ceiling in the distance.

"Horror game?" The younger brother muttered to himself.

"Look at the promotion, isn't it a horror game? No wonder it's so dark, but can a black man find a way out like this?" Brother Gou said, "The anchor should be able to control the characters to go there, right? That light sign should be a wayfinding reminder, and the atmosphere It’s quite satisfying.”

Brother Gou's rich game experience was immediately confirmed. The dark figure in the live broadcast did indeed walk towards the emergency exit sign, and then followed the direction of the exit and entered a tunnel at a fork in the road.

As the emergency exit signs behind him got further and further away, the tunnel soon fell into complete darkness. This time, the only sound that could be heard was the faint sound of footsteps, which caused Brother Gou and the people watching behind them to let out a burst of laughter. boos.

Brother Gou also couldn't hold himself any longer. He was about to cut out the full screen and complain in the channel, but suddenly a rather strange sound came from his earphones, which made goosebumps all over his body appear without warning.

How to describe that sound? It is not a sound made by some kind of "mouthparts". If I have to find a similar analogy, perhaps the friction of the chelicerae (that is, the spider's fangs) is similar to "hissing". The sound was closer, and it was accompanied by a rather heavy thumping sound, but this thumping sound was like a thick blanket wrapped around the iron feet, the muffled sound made when moving on the cement surface. ring.

"What's the noise?" The boy sitting next to Brother Gou was so frightened by the sound that he took off his earphones. The dark game screen had already made him highly focused, but hearing such a scary sound suddenly made him Everyone is feeling bad.

Obviously, the people in the game screen also heard this sound, and immediately stopped where they were, crouching in the darkness without daring to move a step. Following closely behind, Brother Dog heard the gradually obvious breathing sound, that " The "hissing" sound and the muffled sound of movement are getting closer and closer, moving at a very slow speed, and slowly coming to the top of the head of the character in the picture.

Then stop.

Brother Gou was holding the instant noodles and staring at the screen without daring to move his eyes. The eggs and ham in the noodles were sinking on the soaked noodles and being heated by the steam little by little. Even so, Brother Gou didn't dare to take any of them. Go do other things, because he realizes that the big one is coming soon.

The dead silence on the screen lasted for about a full minute. Then, the squatting game character finally couldn't hold it any longer and slowly took out something. Brother Gou squinted his eyes and tried to distinguish it, and found that it was actually a mobile phone?

Immediately afterwards, the mobile phone was placed on the ground by the game character and slid out. At the moment it stopped, the mobile phone screen lit up, and the pleasant sound of PHS starting up sounded, accompanied by the light emitted by the mobile phone screen in the darkness.

A high-frequency scream suddenly sounded in the earphones. In the dark scene, a huge shadow jumped from the top of the tunnel. Its sharp feet covered with iron-like hard velvet suddenly penetrated the mobile phone that was emitting light and music on the ground. , the light illuminated the entire shadow. It was an alien spider covered in armor and with four faces. A pair of claws protruded from the mouth of each face, swinging and hissing. Hiss!

"Holy shit!" The little brother and the dog brother leaned back at the same time and almost fell over. They were both frightened by the monster's modeling and disgusted at the same time. The monster design exposed at that moment was simply challenging the limit of human endurance. Although the modeling is not too detailed, just relying on this design can make people's inner fear explode!

The game character in the picture burst out and ran forward at the moment when the strange spider pounced on PHS, passing through the strange spider. But what is even more terrifying is that at the moment he started running, the tunnel There were countless "hissing" sounds one after another! You can imagine that those are the strange noises made by this kind of scary spider, which also means that the ceiling of the entire tunnel is covered with such ghosts! This is simply a monster lair, not an escape hatch!

The YY channel also exploded. Everyone felt adrenaline soaring from the thrill of that moment, and frantically clicked on the words to tell the anchor to run away. There were also people who shouted, "Don't be afraid, just do it. The anchor should turn around and kill him and explode his equipment."

Brother Gou held down the earphones and listened carefully to the strange noises made by the monsters under the sound of running footsteps and violent breathing. Most of them came from behind the game characters. They were very fast. It would take only a few seconds to catch up. superior!

At this time, the game character took out the second thing, which was a shock bomb. He pulled out the safety pin and threw it on the spot. After running for a distance, the explosion and light from behind the tunnel caught up with him. , accompanied by the screams of a large number of monsters. At the same time, with the light of the shock bomb, the originally dark picture suddenly became clear, and the picture illuminated made people gasp and light up.

The tunnel is full of white spider webs, and there are densely packed spider eggs in the corners. A large number of palm-sized human-faced spiders are densely hiding in the corners, with eight eyes staring at the running game characters, while controlling The anchor of the game character took the time to look back. The entire tunnel was covered with weird spiders on the walls. Countless faces were staring at him expressionlessly. The sharp spider legs were inserted into the tunnel wall and moved at high speed. .

The game character ran forward quickly, and the tunnel entrance soon appeared in the distance. There was a platform outside. You could clearly see the pillars on the platform and the white lights hanging on the tunnel walls. He suddenly increased his speed, but suddenly The running speed slowed down like diving!

"Fuck, the monster has released its skills." The younger brother shouted.

White spider silk appeared on the game screen. It was obvious that it was spit out by the monster behind, and it stuck to the fleeing character, slowing him down.

"It's over." Brother Dog said.

"Break free! Can't you break free?" the passers-by behind who were watching the excitement couldn't help but say.

Everyone can feel a sense of despair. Even through the screen, the feeling of powerlessness and fear when being cornered by monsters will still arise from the bottom of the heart. This game also has the same charm. Compared with other horror games, its immersion is almost several times more.

The game character in the live broadcast screen still tried to continue running, but there were more and more spider threads in the screen, and one thread after another stuck to his back. The running speed quickly dropped to zero, and he stood still and moved. No.

The game character quickly gave up the struggle. He turned back to face the swarming spider monsters, and began to brew something. Then from an over-the-shoulder perspective, his pupils glowed golden, and at the same time he chanted a vague incomprehensible song. Clear syllables! Although the dog brother and the little brother didn't understand what he was chanting at all, the roar that echoed in the tunnel inexplicably made them blood boil and made them feel like the hairs all over their bodies stood on end!

"What language is this sung in? Magic? So passionate."

"Why does it take so long to read the note? It's too late!"

"We're going to use a bigger move! Why are we using it now?"

The frontmost strange spider chasing in the tunnel pounced on the game character, but while it was in the air, it suddenly exploded without warning and fell apart in an almost disintegrating manner, as if it had been eaten. A grenade with the safety pin pulled out! The air shock wave splashed on the wall with corrosive blood!

Several strange-shaped spiders rushed after them and exploded one after another. They all disintegrated and died when they came within a certain range of the game character. It was like a field symbolizing death opened up around the game character. Any step The expanded power of the monsters entering the field suddenly burst out from their bodies!

This power undoubtedly bursts from the inside, just like an air bomb. Even if the outer shell is as hard as iron, the internal organs are still soft. When the air bomb explodes, as long as it hits, it will definitely kill with one hit!

"Awesome! This skill! Whoever you stare at will die! Why don't you just kill them all?" The younger brother excitedly patted the chair, saying that it was a horror movie before, but now it has suddenly become a monster-fighting movie!

"There are too many monsters, and he doesn't have enough mana bars." Gou Ge, who is experienced in the game, made a different judgment. "Skills like this super model instant monster either consume a very high mana bar, or they last for a period of time. Then enter a very long reading bar!"

Sure enough, just as Brother Gou said, the game character exploded for about ten seconds. After disintegrating six or seven spider monsters and dying, the golden pupils dimmed, and the monsters that followed quickly He crossed the line of death and broke through the invisible realm.

But at any rate, the supermodel's skills delayed him for a long time. The game character who was stuck in place by the spider silk broke free, turned around and rushed towards the entrance of the tunnel to open a long distance.

The next moment, just as the game character is about to rush out, a black shadow suddenly falls above the tunnel entrance, just in time to press the character to the ground - that is the big spider lurking at the tunnel exit, its size is larger than all the ones behind it. The monster is even bigger, with the black fur on its body standing up like iron needles, and the pupils of the four human faces are also weirdly golden!

The game character stretched out his hand to release his last skill, and a huge explosion erupted in the big spider's body, but the big spider only trembled violently, and blood overflowed from the hard body surface villi. It was injured, but it managed to resist and did not explode like its offspring!

After knocking the game character down, the big spider's mouthparts quickly sprayed out pillar-like white spider silk. The eight spider legs flexibly rolled the game character into a cocoon, and finally stabbed it with its pointed feet. Deep red blood slowly flowed out of the cocoon.

The big spider neighed twice and finally fell down, just blocking the entrance of the tunnel. Dark blood flowed from the eyes of several of his faces.

The bleeding white cocoon on the ground was still twisting and trying to break free, but was soon pulled into the dark depths of the tunnel by the countless threads spun out by the spider chasing behind.

The scene gradually faded into darkness, and a creepy, dense hissing sound, as well as flesh-rending sounds and low-pitched wailing screams, rang out from the headphones.

"Holy shit."

Brother Gou was stunned, and everyone onlookers were stunned. They all thought they had escaped, but they didn't expect that a big monster was hiding in the end. If they were the ones manipulating the players, they would be so angry that they would smash the keyboard. Bar?

"It's such a pity. Why don't we try again?" the younger brother said regretfully.

But the next moment, the screen in the live broadcast room stopped instantly, and the boy and the dog brother in the channel were forcibly ejected. Both of them were stunned for a moment and tried to rejoin the channel, but they were reminded that the channel did not exist.


"I asked my friend if anyone else was live-streaming. The live-streaming room just now must have been blocked by the authorities," the younger brother said.

"This is a really well-done game. Although it's a bit dark, it has a full atmosphere. I wouldn't have thought that the UI and read bars were not improved, but the effect, feel, and sound effects of the skills are also outstanding. , it feels like it’s a real recording!”

Brother Gou put down the instant noodles that he had stirred for more than a dozen times without even taking a bite, and made a pertinent comment with emotion. As a veteran gamer, his eyes gradually lit up, as if he had found some new world.

The brothers at the back also had their hands on their hips and were discussing with great interest:

"It's too scary. I wouldn't dare play if it were me."

"That spider is really disgusting. Does the person who designed the spider monster really not have nightmares at night? Such a perverted thing can be designed."

"What was the effect of that skill just now? Why did those spider monsters explode one by one? The special effects and sound effects when the skill was released were really amazing!"

"Holy shit, my friend told me that the live broadcast room just now was not blocked, but that the anchor couldn't broadcast. Everyone in this game's internal beta only has one fucking life! If you die, you're gone! It's just like the hardcore mode of World of Warcraft Same thing, if you die, the file will be deleted, and you will no longer be eligible to continue the test!" The younger brother suddenly exclaimed.

"So perverted?" Brother Gou was also stunned, "What does this game company think? It's so difficult to make the game in hardcore mode. Do you really not want to make money?"

"Wait a minute." The younger brother waved his hand and tinkered for a while. When Brother Dog and the onlookers behind him were itching, he said in surprise, "I found it. My brother sent me another channel, and the anchor is still alive. Woolen cloth!"

Brother Gou quickly copied the channel number sent by his younger brother and entered it. The live broadcast screen popped up, but this time what caught his eye was not darkness, but a... chess interface?

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