It was a very old chess board, at least judging from the model of the game. It was full of dust and rust, and stained with brown dried blood. The chess pieces on it were in extremely poor condition, and the black square The queen's crown had two tentacles broken off, and all the chess pieces were in pieces, making people wonder whether such a chess set in reality would scratch the players' hands.

The background music is the sound of water, which reminds me of the faucet forgotten to turn off in the white porcelain sink in the bathroom, and the water splashes into the stagnant water.

Then there is the sound of breathing, slightly rapid, accompanied by a slight swallowing of saliva, trying to adjust to a calm and deep breath as much as possible.

From the perspective of the chessboard, it should be the player's side holding the second-hand black piece. The situation on the chessboard has just begun. White moves E4 first and then waits for the Black player's reaction.

Sure enough, a model of a human hand was found on the chessboard. He held his own pawn and moved E5 to respond. The two pawns were connected on the chessboard. This is a very common opening. It can develop into any situation later, with a high probability. It will evolve into White mounting his knight, and Black mounting his knight in response, forming a double knight start.

It is worth noting that after the Black player finished playing the chess piece, the sound of water in the background music stopped, leaving only the sound of breathing.

At the same time, the perspective on the screen moved away from the chess board and turned to the side in a first-person perspective. A water tank appeared on the screen, embedded in the wall of the platform. Inside the water tank was a person who was tied up with chains. The person holding her hands and feet was constantly trying to break free from the chains. There was a shallow layer of water under her feet, and there was a short water pipe on the top of the water tank above her head. It was not difficult to guess what was happening.

Brother Gou heard someone behind him slap his thigh and shout, "I remember this, it was shown in the promotional video, the death chess game that was widely uploaded on Tieba and Tianya!"

"Isn't this game a horror game? How can you still play chess?"

"It's normal for horror games to add a little more gameplay. Some horror games can also be played with blackjack, and playing chess is considered elegant."

"What is it that plays chess with the player? The game customer service or the AI?"

"It should be AI. It's not realistic to ask a real person to give you the blow."

The questions of passers-by were soon answered. In the live broadcast, the camera moved to the opposite side of the chessboard, revealing a monster model that made everyone frown and smack their lips.

Under the white doctor's coat is a torso that is as bony as a mummy. There are no nipples, and only a circle of white spikes that break the skin of the ribs can be seen. Further up, on the neck restrained by a collar of thorns, there is an indistinguishable head full of nails. The skin is as pale as white paper. The eyes are almost invisible in the dark and deep eye sockets. The corners of the mouth on both sides are almost invisible. The pink gums and tightly-bitten snow-white teeth were torn apart by nails, and the lips were painted with paint that was either soot or black, creating a conflicting contrast with the pale skin.

"That's too much." Brother Gou frowned subconsciously. This thing didn't look scary at first glance, but it gave people a hairy feeling. It made me feel uncomfortable after looking at it for a second time.

The map in the game is a platform. A white chandelier hangs from the top and illuminates a small aperture around the chessboard. Outside the aperture, there is darkness. You can vaguely see the elevator coming down in the distance and the The abandoned railway track beside me was empty, with no trains or billboard lights. The only thing there was was the chessboard in front of me and the nail-headed monster sitting opposite the chessboard. The water tank was placed where the aperture could barely illuminate it, and the atmosphere Extremely eerie.

Nail Head tilted its head, stared at the player's first-person perspective for a few moments, then stretched out its right hand very gracefully, with blood-red nail polish on its five fingers. It held its other soldier and walked to the D4 position.

At the same time, after the nail head fell, the water pipe in the water tank on the side began to discharge water again.

"What are you doing?" The boy next to Brother Gou was suddenly stunned.

"Play chess, have you never played it?" Brother Dog raised his eyebrows.

"No, I mean, why does it go like this? Isn't this a gift?" The younger brother pointed at the white soldier of D4 on the screen and said.

"Do you still understand chess?" Brother Chang was stunned. His own understanding of chess was limited to "this is chess". He didn't understand much more, even the moves of the chess pieces. Fadu didn’t know much about it, but he was a little bit good at backgammon and chess. In the past, he had been cheated of Internet fees by those old men who set up mess games in the old park.

"I know a little bit. The girl at the same table taught me when I was studying." The younger brother said sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head.

"Oh, it turns out it's just to flirt with girls." Brother Dog suddenly smiled with relief and asked at the same time, "Did the AI ​​on the other side make this move well?"

The younger brother looked at the chess game on the screen with a strange expression, "The pawns in chess can only move forward, which is similar to Chinese chess, but the way to capture the pieces is to capture them diagonally. If you look at the D4 pawn in the second hand on the opposite side, it's completely different. It's delivered to the mouth of the first-ranking soldier, it's free for others to eat, you see."

The screen returned to the chess game. Amidst the sound of water being discharged from the water tank, the player decisively moved the black pawn to D4 and captured the subsequent white pawn, and then the sound of water discharging stopped.

"That's the AI ​​dish, after all, it's a horror game." Brother Dog shrugged, "And there is a time limit for playing chess. If the NPC in the water tank drowns, it will probably be judged as a failure. The chess game must be simpler. .”

"Yeah" the younger brother scratched his eyebrows and agreed with this statement.

After losing a pawn, the nail head on the opposite side did not have any dissatisfaction. Instead, he quietly stretched out his hand, pinched another pawn and sent it to C5, which was placed under the knife of the player's advancing black pawn.

"Is this another gift?" Brother Gou was learning and practicing, and asked the younger brother, pointing at the white soldier who once again showed his disbelief.

"Uh, yes." The younger brother nodded, but his expression became strange.

The player did not intend to waste time, and immediately sent troops to eat the opponent's soldiers, stopping the flow of water in the water tank.

"Isn't this computer too stupid?" Brother Dog laughed, "I feel like if it were me, I could just look up the rules of chess and get by."

Nailhead reached for his bishop and walked directly to the C4 position.

"What kind of thing can go that far?" Brother Dog asked.

"The bishop in chess can move freely on the diagonal line, just like our rook in chess. He can move as many squares as he wants at a time." The younger brother explained.

"What is the elephant doing at this time? The veterans on the opposite side are all going home." Brother Gou looked at the black pawn on the chess game on the screen who was advancing all the way. If he understood correctly, this pawn can continue to move forward and win the next step. The soldier from Nailhead's hometown who hasn't moved yet.

"In chess, a pawn can be promoted to any kind of chess piece except the king when it goes to its home on the opposite side." The younger brother explained smoothly, "Next, if the opponent's computer releases water again, the black pawn will take the pawn and then take the opponent's rook. In the end, you can directly become a queen. The queen here is super strong and can almost move around at will except that she can't jump."

"Then this is too easy." Brother Gou lamented, "Compared to the unlucky guy who was fleeing for life and death just now, the difficulty here is simply easy."

The younger brother scratched his neck and looked at the chess game with a strange expression. He listened to the sound of water being discharged from the water tank in the background and looked at the elephant walking out of the screen. He wanted to say something but did not dare to say it because he was not sure.

"Eat pawns, what are you still thinking about? The water tank is almost full." Brother Dog saw that the players on the chessboard had not taken action yet and couldn't help but urge, "Eat pawns and then rooks, and transform into a queen directly at the opponent's house. Why don't you kill randomly? Is it okay for Shadow Knife to steal a house? Let the other side cool off."

"Brother Dog, this is not a shadow knife stealing house. If the soldiers are really promoted, it will be a flying dragon riding on the face." The younger brother said.

"Then what is he still thinking about? This is a no-win game." Brother Gou complained.

"You still want to eat? I'm not afraid of killing you. If I were you, I wouldn't play like this." A woman's voice immediately complained.

"Why don't you play like this? Don't you eat the free gift?" Brother Gou immediately took off his headphones and turned around to ask, but found that the people standing behind him were looking at him inexplicably.

"Uh, who just said you can't continue to serve as soldiers?" Brother Gou scanned a circle of people and found that the people standing behind him were all rough guys from the Internet cafe. Where did the sweet-sounding and beautiful girl come from?

"What the hell?" Brother Dog was stunned.

"Brother Dog, Brother Dog, holy shit, look at the screen!" the boy on the side shouted quickly.

"Ah?" Brother Dog turned to look at the screen and found that the player's perspective had moved from the chessboard to the platform. In the dimness where the aperture could not reach, another figure came out. It looked like a model of a female character with blond hair. , with a mediocre figure, but a particularly well-shaped face, like a European face, reminiscent of print models in fashion magazines (the characteristic is that most print media have small breasts, just to dress well).

"This is not a fucking single-player game! This is an online game! Let me go!" The younger brother shouted in surprise, "Brother Dog, what you heard just now was the sound in the game, and I heard it too. She was the one who spoke. This thing I actually have a microphone and can communicate with other players!"

"Huh? Is it an online game?" Brother Gou quickly put his headphones on straighter, and sure enough he heard voices.

"Who are you?" This was a man's voice. He sounded very young, probably in his early twenties, and his tone was wary and distrustful.

Now there are only a few people on the screen, and the person speaking is naturally the character controlled from the first-person perspective as Brother Gou and the others. The person who has been playing chess with Nailhead is the anchor of this live broadcast room.

"Passerby, I got lost here just like you, so I wandered here." The character of the blonde girl walked to the edge of the chessboard and stayed still. It seemed that she was watching the chess game. The game did not do too many detailed daily activities. action.

"You can't get here by wandering around. Are you a member of the secret party?" The anchor said, reaching out to move his soldiers and continue to move forward, eating the opponent's soldiers that have not moved, and while talking, the water in the water tank But if he keeps it on, the water tank is basically a timer, and he loses when the water is full.

"Don't think you won." The blonde girl suddenly said when he was about to move the chess piece.

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