The fluorescent tubes make a "hissing" sound on the ceiling overhead. This may be due to unstable voltage. The light always jumps between bright and dim. Although it provides pretty good lighting for the platform when it is dim, The jump in brightness always brings an invisible pressure to people's hearts.

The lights on the platform were filled with a bone-chilling coldness, perhaps because of the wind blowing in the aisle. Everything was covered with a dull blue-white color, like frost in winter. Generally speaking, , it is very suitable for making ghost movies. The two masters Bosman and Cronenberg will say what a treasure of Feng Shui this is after seeing it.

Lu Mingfei was lying on the cold marble of the platform. The old and yellowed newspapers were swirled by the cold wind in the tunnel and rolled over his chest that was gradually rising and falling.

There seemed to be eyes watching him, and people were whispering in the cold wind, like evil spirits discussing how to cook the fat sheep that strayed into the underworld to make them more fragrant and tender. The voyeuristic feeling is like static electricity sweeping over the skin, causing the hairs to stand up one by one. The numbing feeling penetrates from the surface of the body into the internal organs, and the last thing is a chill.

Lu Mingfei ignored all factors and stared at the fluorescent light on the ceiling, with a dull golden color rolling in his brown pupils, as if he was brewing some emotion——

Be angry, be angry, be angry.

As long as you are angry enough, you will have nothing to fear. Neither the ghost in the closet nor the monster under the bed can scare you.

Remember, you are here for revenge, and you are here to carry out a "hurricane rescue" with a mission. There are only enemies, no ghosts, and nothing that can stand in front of you.

"Lu Mingfei, what are you doing here?" The female ghost asked quietly in Lu Mingfei's ear.


Lu Mingfei didn't know how he screamed like a dolphin sound. His heart almost vomited out of his throat. He was lying on the ground and bounced on a hard board. He turned over and was about to run away, but his foot slipped and fell into the ground. He fell firmly on the rails of the tunnel next to the platform.

After all, the self-hypnosis brainwashing method was not completed. After running a marathon all the way from Pingguoyuan Station, my body temperature and sweat were rising, but the original passion and anger were actually starting to cool down. This was not a good sign— —As expected, the predecessors were right. Both revenge and confession must be struck while the iron is hot. Time is the best emotional coolant, just like the adrenaline that paralyzes the nerves secreted when being shot. Once it subsides, the most real analgesia will be like a tide. Come up.

Let me explain one thing first: Lu Mingfei is not scared, he is just a little afraid of ghosts, especially female ghosts.

A beautiful head popped out from the platform, squinting and staring at Lu Mingfei who was lying on the rails, "What are you doing?"

Lu Mingfei took a deep breath and was about to shout, "Cultivation close to me, evil obstacles", but with the help of a fluorescent lamp, he suddenly realized that he recognized the beautiful female ghost on the platform. She stayed up all night reading books in the library for two days without sleeping.

"Su Xiaoqiang? Why are you here?" Lu Mingfei climbed up and stared at Su Xiaoqiang on the platform in shock. He subconsciously looked around again, "Isn't this the Nibelungen? I won't run to the ancient city station. Bar?"

"This is the Nibelungen, you went to the right place." Didn't we tell you to grab the qualification for the closed beta of that online game? You can go online and go to the subway. How did you get in? "Su Xiaoqiang looked at Lu Mingfei.

How did I get in? I got in by running a marathon.

Lu Mingfei really wanted to answer like this, but now that the situation was special, he had to put away his troubles and try to simplify the communication, "To make a long story short, I met the enemy and many accidents happened. Just now Lin Nian helped me open the Ni At the entrance of Borungen, let me go in first to explore the way, and he and the orthodox 'S' class will arrive later."

"Impossible." Su Xiaoqiang immediately rejected Lu Mingfei's statement.

"Why?" Lu Mingfei asked in confusion.

Su Xiaoqiang looked Lu Mingfei up and down and became wary, "The Lin Nian I know would never let you come into the Nibelungen alone, and the Lu Mingfei I know would not rush into such danger alone. This is not logical. Are you really Lu Mingfei?"

Lu Mingfei glanced at Su Xiaoqiang's shoulder, scratched his forehead, and glanced at the surrounding platforms and railway tracks, "Are there any different rules among the Nibelungs?"

"Lu Mingfei? Why did you come in alone?" Su Xiaoqiang asked.

Lu Mingfei paused, lowered his head for a moment, and answered Su Xiaoqiang's doubts, "Chen Wenwen entered the Nibelung. It's all my fault. I have to get him back."

Su Xiaoqiang was stunned, and then an indescribable expression appeared, "Did you let Chen Wenwen bring him in? Bring him into the Nibelungs? Lu Mingfei, what are you thinking in your head?"

"She" Lu Mingfei wanted to quickly tell the other party what happened to him, but in the end he couldn't explain anything and was speechless in the strange eyes of the other party.

Just as Su Xiaoqiang questioned, no matter what the process is, the result has already happened.

In the final analysis, it was him who caused Chen Wenwen to enter the Nibelungs by mistake. Regardless of whether someone was plotting against him or targeting him, the final result was: Chen Wenwen entered the Nibelungs by mistake because of Lu Mingfei.

"Well, it's my fault, so now I'm in a hurry and have to find her quickly. If something happens to her, I'm afraid I will never forgive myself for the rest of my life." Lu Mingfei then nodded lightly and admitted this statement.

"It's not your fault, I'm afraid it was just an accident. There are many things you can't decide." Su Xiaoqiang thought for a while before speaking out to comfort him.

Lu Mingfei raised his head and stared at Su Xiaoqiang, "Su Xiaoqiang, you should have come in earlier than me. Is there anyone else who came in with you? Have you seen Chen Wenwen?"

"I was the only one who came in, and I entered by mistake just like you." Su Xiaoqiang whispered, "I have never seen Chen Wenwen, at least not here. There should be many entrances to the Nibelungen, through different entrances. The way we entered the Nibelungen and the entrance we arrived at are also different. We both entered through abnormal means, so the starting point is different from Chen Wenwen's. She should still be stuck on a certain platform now."

"Damn it." After getting this inference, Lu Mingfei punched the railway track. There was no bloodshed, and his fist hit the steel. Although the hit was loud, the cost was that he grinned in pain.

"Come up." Su Xiaoqiang said, "First find a way to leave here, and then find a way to find Chen Wenwen. Nibelung is a country of 'death', and there are dangers everywhere for living people. If you can, seize the time. Otherwise, she might not know where to braid her hair in the next second."

"There is a very powerful guy in Orthodoxy who is with Chen Wenwen, Sima Xuxu, do you remember? He also broke into the Nibelungen and got on the same subway as Chen Wenwen. If there is no accident, Chen Wenwen should not have any problems for the time being. The danger is too great and time is running out, but we do still have time.”

Lu Mingfei quickly climbed up and walked to the platform, raising his hand to Su Xiaoqiang to give her a hand, but Su Xiaoqiang just rolled her eyes at him and turned away.

have to.

Lu Mingfei climbed up the platform again with great effort, and then saw Su Xiaoqiang standing under the fluorescent lamp not far away, looking at the Dragon Sword Box lying on the ground. It was the only thing he had brought here from Pingguoyuan Station. One personal item.

"Dragon chanting sword box? Did you bring this thing too?" Su Xiaoqiang looked at the dragon chanting sword box and was a little surprised, "Lin Nian actually gave this thing to you for safekeeping! He was not willing to give it to anyone before, and we all I thought he was going to take advantage of it."

"It's so heavy that I almost died from exhaustion while carrying him all the way through the marathon. I thought about losing him many times." Lu Mingfei said with a groan.

"Lin Nian probably gave you this thing because he fully trusted you to solve a lot of troubles. It can be seen that you have grown up a lot and are no longer the bad boy you were in high school." Su Xiaoqiang said in a pleased and joking manner He looked at Lu Mingfei.

This look made Lu Mingfei feel happy, but also a little embarrassed.

"When did you get here? Didn't you act with Zero and Fingel? Why did you break into the Nibelungs alone? What is the situation in the Nibelungs?" Lu Ming Don't change the topic to the real thing.

"." Su Xiaoqiang suddenly fell into silence and did not answer Lu Mingfei's question.

When Lu Mingfei saw Su Xiaoqiang's reaction, his expression changed slightly, "Were you also plotted by that guy?"

"Don't use 'that guy' instead of a title. It doesn't mean that you can't say the name. Saying 'you know who' will only encourage the enemy's arrogance." Su Xiaoqiang took a deep breath and said.

"It seems that the 'Emperor' has indeed taken action against you. I knew it." Lu Mingfei said in a low voice, "Lin Nian should have acted with you. If the 'Emperor' wanted to take action against him, he would definitely take action from you. Looking for a breakthrough, I have warned Lin Nian a long time ago, but he didn’t listen.”

"It's not that he didn't listen, it's just that he had no choice. The situation didn't allow him to take care of the overall situation and take care of me at the same time." Su Xiaoqiang shook his head, "Aren't I still fine now?"

Lu Mingfei sighed a little, Su Xiaoqiang has become a lot more sensible over the years. She is no longer the little goddess who can fight with the teacher in class and make the snobbish old monitor so angry that she has a myocardial infarction. With such a girlfriend, Lin Nian can do it. That saves you a lot of worry, right?

After resting enough and regaining a lot of strength, Lu Mingfei put the Dragon Sword Box on the ground on his back again and looked around, "So what is the situation here now? You were here first, did you take it? Is the surrounding land well-trodden?"

"There are usually deadpools and more dangerous dragon-blooded creatures in the Nibelung roots. I didn't act rashly. Now that you are here, we may be able to go deeper inside to see the situation before making a decision." Su Xiaoqiang said.

"After a while, Lin Nian and Li Hueyue will come in the way I came, but I don't know when they will come. I can't wait now and have to leave quickly." Lu Mingfei made a decision.

"Then let me go to the toilet first, and we'll leave when we get back." Su Xiaoqiang nodded.

"Is there a toilet in the Nibelung?" Lu Mingfei asked subconsciously, and then realized that he had asked a stupid question. The Dragon King also needs to go to the toilet. There must be a toilet in the Nibelung, let alone this Nibelungen still exists in the form of the Beihe Underground at the end of the last century.

Su Xiaoqiang walked towards the corner deep in the platform. Lu Mingfei could only stay there and wait for him. He looked around at the empty, cold and pale platform, and then looked back at the box behind him. This kind of It made him feel more like Ning Caichen walking at night.

After a while, footsteps were heard in the distance. Lu Mingfei saw Su Xiaoqiang coming back. Before he could say anything, the other party said, "Lu Mingfei, do you have anything to eat? I didn't eat when I came here. I'm almost hungry." died."

"Well, I have a few bars of chocolate and small bottles of Coca-Cola. I bought them on the way before entering the Nibelungen. I was in a hurry so I didn't bring much." Lu Mingfei touched his pocket and took out the only food he had. , but Su Xiaoqiang grabbed it and stuffed it in his pocket.

"Are you so hungry?" He was startled.

"Leave it here first, lest you lose it clumsily." Su Xiaoqiang said, "Let's go. I've checked the area. There's no threat. But that's not necessarily true when we go in. I'm sure there is a road leading to it. It’s the next platform, but there are some Deadpools blocking the way, can you deal with them?”

"Special attack on dragon blood. If something with dragon blood is hit by a knife, half of its life will be lost. The only disadvantage is that it is very picky about the user. Most people can't pull it out." Lu Mingfei patted the dragon chanting sword box behind him. "If you hadn't been able to pull it out, I would have asked you to use one to defend yourself."

"Have I tried? Are you sure I can't pull it out?"

"Well, you really haven't tried it." Lu Mingfei was stunned. Su Xiaoqiang was not invited to drink tea by the principal that night. "How about you try and see if you can pull out a handful or two?"

"Then try it now." Su Xiaoqiang nodded in agreement.

Lu Mingfei put down the Dragon's Sword Box and motioned to Su Xiaoqiang to stand back. After calming down, he bit his thumb according to the method Lin Nian taught him, squeezed out a few drops of blood and fell on the sharp protrusions of the Dragon's Sword Box. On the golden horn.

The sword box that had been unlocked by the double key had the same situation as what happened in the principal's office after receiving the blood. The dragon wrapped around the bronze sword box came to life, using the sword box as a pool and constantly swimming around its hollow. The flower-like body, the locks were released one by one as it swam, and the two walls of the finally erected bronze sword box slowly separated left and right amid the long dragon's roar.

Seven swords representing the pinnacle of human alchemy technology appeared under the fluorescent lamp, Snartmo's Sword·Seven Deadly Sins.

Su Xiaoqiang stepped forward, held one of them and tried to exert force. The "Rage" she held did not move at all, and then she tried the other ones one by one.

All the swords had no intention of coming out of the sword box, and there was even an illusion that the living creatures inside couldn't help but yawn when Su Xiaoqiang tried it, and he didn't want to stir the vision.

"Rejected." Lu Mingfei said on the side, the homophonic sound seemed like a tragedy.

"Then can you pull it out?" Su Xiaoqiang took a few steps back and gave up trying, looking at Lu Mingfei expressionlessly and asked.

"Uh" Lu Mingfei was speechless. He had never pulled one out when he was in the principal's office.

"I couldn't pull it out before, but maybe now." Lu Mingfei hesitated, "I haven't tried to see if I can pull it out after heavy blood. Lin Nian told me before that I couldn't pull it out because I didn't have enough strength. Maybe I can pull out a handful or two after I get a bloodbath."

Su Xiaoqiang thought silently for a few seconds, then looked up at Lu Mingfei and nodded, "Why don't you give it a try. Get the answer earlier so that you can deal with it when you find the enemy."

Lu Mingfei nodded, then turned around and took a deep breath. The gold in the depths of his pupils lit up, and he entered a state of violent blood quite smoothly.

At the same time, he heard the roaring heartbeats of the Seven Deadly Sins in the Dragon Sword Box, and the entire platform was like a battlefield with the thunderous beating of drums, as if in response to his bloodline, looking forward to him quite excitedly. This is a situation that has never happened before in the principal’s office!

Lu Mingfei had great confidence in his heart and couldn't help but sigh secretly. Sure enough, he had to master a craft to stay hungry when he was away from home.

He grabbed "Lust" among the Seven Deadly Sins. It was the shortest of the seven swords and the one that seemed easiest to draw out. He held it tightly and then exerted force without any accident, and drew it out. This alchemical sword, also known as the "Tearing Sword", was as easy as pulling out chopsticks, and it surprised him with its ease!

"I pulled out." At the same time, Lu Mingfei felt a moderate blow to his right ribs. Although it didn't hurt, he had an inexplicable feeling of being out of breath.

He coughed and covered the place where he was hit and looked at Su Xiaoqiang strangely, "Why did you hit me?"

He suddenly couldn't speak because he was shocked to see Su Xiaoqiang in front of him holding a sharp dagger in his hand. The dagger was covered with scarlet blood under the fluorescent lamp.

Lu Mingfei lowered his head and found that half of his clothes were already red. There was a small pool of blood on the ground, and the hand he was covering was also covered in blood. However, because he was still in a state of violent bleeding, he did not feel any severe pain. The "injured" signal was actually transmitted to the nerves.

"You——" Lu Mingfei suddenly raised his head and stared at Su Xiaoqiang, and asked in a hissing voice, "Who are you?"

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