Blood was dripping from the abdomen. The wound was about three fingers long. The dagger was inserted straight into the side of the abdomen. The insertion distance was very deep. It should have injured the spleen. Hemorrhage began in the abdominal cavity and chest cavity. If it was an ordinary person, he would probably need a blood transfusion to save him. Lu Mingfei had experience with more serious injuries than this. Although this injury could temporarily prevent him from taking violent actions, it would not cause death.

In the quiet platform, Su Xiaoqiang, who was playing with the folding dagger in his hand, hummed an ethereal and weird song, while leaning forward slightly with one hand behind his back and looking at Lu Mingfei, who was still standing still to stop the bleeding, and smiled backwards. Jump back. Her pupils were light golden. Lu Mingfei had never seen Su Xiaoqiang ignite golden pupils (except that time in the Pearl Tower). He now knew very well that the Su Xiaoqiang in front of him was fake.

The Dragon Sword Box was dragged along the ground, making a hissing noise.

When Lu Mingfei was injured and stunned, the weapon box containing the remaining six alchemical swords had already been snatched by the opponent and carried on his back like a heavy weight.

After grabbing the legendary and dreamy sword combination, "Su Xiaoqiang" had a sarcastic smile on his face, humming a song leisurely, and retreated into the darkness where the fluorescent lights could not reach.

She did not attack Lu Mingfei, who was injured in the abdomen, but just stared straight at Lu Mingfei. Her light humming was floating in the platform, and the singing voice that echoed in the platform became fainter as she retreated. , misty, until it is inaudible.

It wasn't until Su Xiaoqiang completely disappeared that Lu Mingfei squatted on the ground. He glanced around and slowly increased the refining progress of his bloodline. Blood continued to seep out of the wound, and the injured internal organs were also healing at an incredible speed. The skin and muscles on the abdomen healed as the accumulated blood in the abdominal cavity was drained away, and a faint white steam rose in the healed gap, indicating that his body temperature had now risen to an incredible level.

Along with the rise in body temperature, there is also the rising anger in the mind. This is an inevitable side effect of violent blood. The rage of being hurt and deceived is arousing the most primitive will to kill hidden in the genes. This emotion The steady loss of control is also the underlying logic of the fact that "violent bloodshed is irreversible".

Kill this fake, kill this fake, kill this fake—

There was a voice that kept repeating in Lu Mingfei's ears, asking him to take revenge and take back the seven deadly sins.

Grievance, unwillingness, humiliation, and all kinds of negative emotions impact the brain, making dry firewood for the ignited anger and murderous intention. This also makes the blood refining faster and at a higher level, and the accompanying self-healing power is straight. Ascending, the final body repair work was quickly completed.

Lu Mingfei moved his hand away from the wound, and a layer of black hair appeared on his side. In the subtle trembling, it stretched the structure of the sword and shield in microscopic way. His golden pupils were already lit, close to the lava. The red gold color is like flowing magma. No one knows when a ball of scorching flame will suddenly explode on the calm surface.

Lu Mingfei glanced at the "Lust" held in his other hand. The handle of this knife had a blood vessel-like tissue connected to his wrist. He could feel his blood flowing through it. It passes at a steady speed, and at the same time, an emotion hidden deepest is gradually being outlined.

Taking a deep breath, he looked at the connection point of the vascular tissue at his wrist. His red golden pupils gradually froze. With his deliberate control, the black dragon scales on the wrist of his right hand that held Lu Lu began to surge, like a pair of movements. The wrist guard was put on that part of the wrist, and then as he squeezed hard with his right hand holding the handle of the knife, the scales neatly shrank and tightened, blocking the vascular tissue that penetrated the wrist.

The rate of blood loss instantly slowed down by nearly 90%. Lu Mingfei shook off the ribs in his hands. He was a little surprised that he actually managed to control the detailed changes in violent blood with his will. It was a surprise. He wanted to share it with someone, but around him There was no way for him to ask for praise, he could only let the smile stay on his face for a moment, even as a celebration of his progress.

Ignoring the dissatisfaction expressed by the lively feedback in the rib cage, he chose an aisle deep into the platform and walked forward. On the empty and quiet platform, only his footsteps could be heard, and occasionally there was a slight whistling of the wind flowing in the darkness. However, it caused him to stop and look at the abandoned corner, and then continue to move forward after confirming that there was nothing abnormal.

Now he has officially penetrated the Nibelungs.

After leaving the platform, the environment inside the subway station began to become cramped. The underground space was already limited. There were tiled walls all around the head, green emergency exit light signs hung on the ceiling, and there were pillars one after another in the passage. Moving far away, Lu Mingfei stopped in front of one of them and looked at it.

[Transfer (Transfer) Line 3 (Line 3) from here]

This is a guidance notice posted on the pillar, a big guiding arrow.

"Line 3?"

Lu Mingfei looked at the subway aisle space around the transfer station again, and suddenly remembered the online game called "Nine Layers of Ghost Realm". How similar was the environment he was in now to that described in the game's promotional video?

He recalled the game setting in "Nine Layers of Ghost Realm". The evil dragon named 'Fenrisulfr' built his own dragon's nest in the Beiji underground railway system. The dragon's nest was divided into nine layers, and each layer was full of traps and traps. Fans of evil dragons, dragon-slaying warriors go deep into the dragon's lair at Bei'an Subway Station, descend into the Nine-Level Ghost Realm, and pass numerous tests to find the evil dragon in the deepest part of the subway.

Naturally, he continued to think of the urban legend that Sima Xuxu mentioned when he was received by the orthodox reception in the courtyard, the nine levels of hell under the Beigan subway station.

That legend tells that you can find the mysterious hidden entrance of Line 1 in the real subway, and use special means to take the subway to a space that does not exist on the map. In that space are Lines 2 to 9, and you want to escape. On the day you are born, you can only go all the way down to the bottom, meet the conditions of "as it is above, as it is below", be in the deepest part of hell, and finally escape back to the human world.

It's like a ridiculous ghost story, but it attracts a lot of people to try it, because many people believe that this is a special trial. On those 9 special subway lines, once the people who participate in the trial break through All the difficulties, risking death and resurrecting, the moment he left hell, was the first day of his rebirth.

Lu Mingfei stretched out his hand and scratched the transfer guide poster, and his fingernails scratched out wrinkles and cracks on the wrinkled picture.

If his guess is correct, then he should be on "Line 2" now.

He entered from Line 1 of the Apple Orchard and arrived at the hidden Line 2, which is the first level of "Nine Layers of Ghost Realm".

But if this is the first level, then the starting point should be fixed. Why don't you see Chen Wenwen and Sima Xuxu here?

Lu Mingfei didn't stop for long and continued to walk forward, thinking as he walked. There were no other companions around him, and all the questions raised in his heart could only be answered by himself. While observing the lengthy passage to change stations, he walked Passing through the whining ventilation fan in the iron window of the tunnel ceiling, stepping on the dented waterproof iron sheet makes a harsh noise.

Lu Mingfei recalled a section of "Home Computers and Games" that he read while squatting at the newsstand. He wrote eloquently that some media believed that the origin of Roguelike was the famous "Rogue" in 1980, but earlier than that , there is already a work that contains some Roguelike elements.

That work is called "beneath Apple Manor", the Chinese translation is "Under the Apple Orchard".

That game used a random map and relied on a tool called curses to successfully piece together a graphical interface by using a combination of letters and characters. " @" represents the character, "." represents the ground, and " # " represents the channel connecting the map to the map. When the player encounters a monster, there will be text prompting the player to make a choice. The player's health and other changes during the battle will be directly deducted from the attribute description below.

If "Nine Levels of Ghost Realm" is based on the setting of traditional Roguelike games, then it can indeed have more than one starting point. At the same time, when advancing through the starting point, you will encounter forked roads like lush branches, and the situation on each forked road is different. There are monster levels, bonus levels, and decryption levels. Obtain different equipment, build different attributes, and finally reach the bottom floor, face the evil dragon represented by "D", kill it, and pass the game.

And this kind of game usually has a rather unique feature-permanent death.

Players of Roguelike games only have one chance. If the character dies, it means that the journey comes to an end. The player can only restart the game as another character. The equipment and levels previously obtained no longer exist, and everything starts from scratch.

If he is really in a Nibelungen that was born out of the rules of a roguelike game, then he may have already encountered the challenge of the first area.

There were footsteps behind me.

Lu Mingfei stopped, then turned around, with his left foot in front and his right foot behind, turning sideways to face the running figure.

The person who caught up from the other end of the transfer channel where he came was Su Xiaoqiang. He was a little out of breath and shouted as he ran, "Lu Mingfei! Why did you act alone? I just went to the toilet." Then you were gone? What happened to the blood on the ground? Are you in trouble?"

"Stop." Lu Mingfei said.

After running closer, Su Xiaoqiang saw Lu Mingfei's posture and the dark golden ribs hanging with his right hand behind him. He suddenly stopped and looked at him with a slight frown, "What are you going to do?"

At the same time, Su Xiaoqiang also took half a step back, staring at him with a very cautious look, observing the surroundings with his peripheral vision.

Lu Mingfei looked at Su Xiaoqiang's face. After a moment, his eyes moved to her shoulders, and then to other parts of her body. He closed his eyes and tried to adjust. After seeing the strong murderous intent erupting from this face, he asked, "Hearing When the Lion Heart Club and the Student Union blocked the scene, who could hold the door?"

"Ah?" Su Xiaoqiang frowned and looked at Lu Mingfei, not sure why he asked this strange question.

"Answer the question." Lu Mingfei stared at Su Xiaoqiang, his red golden eyes flashing with light, and he, who had always been a bad boy, now burst out with awe-inspiring evil aura.

"You suspect that I am fake. You have met other people pretending to be me." Su Xiaoqiang instantly understood what Lu Mingfei was doing. He lowered his eyes and thought for a moment before saying, "Xia Mi and I, we were two people at that time. It’s closest to the gate, so retreat to the gate.”

"What weapons did you use?"

"We didn't prepare any weapons at the time, but each of us had a bouquet of flowers in our hands?"

Lu Mingfei's cheek twitched slightly and remained silent.

Because Su Xiaoqiang answered correctly.

The scene at that time rolled back in Lu Mingfei's mind. Indeed, the gatekeepers at that time were Su Xiaoqiang and Xia Mi. They even grabbed a bouquet of flowers in their hands like a joke. It seemed that whoever wanted to break through them would use their hands. They whipped each other hard with a bouquet of flowers. Due to the tense situation at that time, no one noticed this quite interesting scene - except Lu Mingfei. He caught a glimpse of it, but he didn't dare to laugh or complain, because he had a gun The bottom is against the "Emperor".

"Nono was guarding the window. She broke the metal bar on the window edge and used it as a weapon. The people holding down the 'Emperor' were you, Lin Nian, and Patsy Gattuso. You used a Burley Tower M92F, Patsy Gattuso uses a double-edged sword, and Lin Nian uses a long sword. Am I wrong? Do you need me to add some details?" Su Xiaoqiang asked calmly.

"No need." Lu Mingfei said, but he did not lower his guard or relax his posture. He glanced at Su Xiaoqiang's shoulder.

Su Xiaoqiang also glanced at his shoulder. It was clean and there was nothing there.

This person seems to be really Su Xiaoqiang?

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