"Don't come over yet, I have a question to ask you."

"Any more questions? Ask them in one go."

"Did you really go to the toilet just now?"

"Otherwise? You can go back with me now. The flushing water tank was already dry, so I didn't flush the toilet. There should be warm urine stains on it to prove what I said."

In the corridor, two opposing figures were in a stalemate until a while later.

"Okay, let's go." Lu Mingfei nodded in agreement, "Go to the place where you went to the toilet before."

"Do you really want to see it?" Su Xiaoqiang was stunned, and then frowned, "What kind of enemy did you encounter? How good is his disguise?"

"This is a life-threatening matter. It costs my life and yours. Don't be careless." Lu Mingfei said, "Lin Nian taught me that when a person goes on a mission, he should pay attention to everything to the extreme. There will be no mistakes in anything." It could be one of the main factors leading to death."

"Okay, I'll take you back to see it." Su Xiaoqiang turned around and left, signaling Lu Mingfei to follow.

Lu Mingfei followed Su Xiaoqiang back the same way. On the way, Su Xiaoqiang turned his head and glanced behind Lu Mingfei, "Where is the Dragon Sword Box?"

"I was snatched away, and the enemy disguised as Su Xiaoqiang gave me a knife." Lu Mingfei said.

"Lin Nian will probably be very angry. It was a weapon against the Dragon King, but fortunately you seem to have left one." Su Xiaoqiang glanced at the lust in Lu Mingfei's hand.

Lu Mingfei couldn't say anything, or was unwilling to say anything. He just followed Su Xiaoqiang to the platform where he came from, and saw his blood stains still remaining on the ground.

"The women's toilet is over here." Su Xiaoqiang led Lu Mingfei along the path she had just left, deep into the darkness, and after walking for a while, he stood in front of the toilet cubicle.

"Go in together." Lu Mingfei and Su Xiaoqiang kept a safe distance while also paying attention to the movement behind them. He was now so alert that he would not miss any slightest movement.

Su Xiaoqiang did not refuse and walked ahead to enter the women's restroom. The restroom environment was also desolate. The surrounding tiles were full of yellow stains. It was reminiscent of the style of the horror game "Silent Hill". Those squatting seats in the restroom that Lu Mingfei passed by It is also extremely dry. If a living person really passed by here, he would definitely be able to tell it through traces in a short time.

Su Xiaoqiang led Lu Mingfei until they stopped in front of the deepest compartment, then pointed to the squatting position in the compartment and said, "See for yourself."

"Did you solve the problem in the last room of the toilet?" Lu Mingfei looked at Su Xiaoqiang at the end of the toilet with a strange expression.

"Is there any difference between the last compartment and the other compartments?" Su Xiaoqiang also looked at him strangely.

“Have you never heard of the taboo that it’s best not to use the last room in a public toilet?”

"What is that?" Su Xiaoqiang was stunned for a moment.

"Ghost stories say that lonely ghosts like to hide in the last room of the toilet and wait for the unlucky guy to come." After Lu Mingfei finished speaking, he noticed that Su Xiaoqiang looked at him like a fool.

When you think a person is suspicious, everything she does will be suspicious. This is the case with Lu Mingfei now.

"Choosing the last compartment is to have enough reaction time in case of emergencies. For example, if an enemy comes in from the toilet entrance while I am using the toilet, I will hear his footsteps in the last compartment. , from the time I heard the footsteps to the time when the opponent walked from the entrance to the last compartment, I had enough time to prepare for a counterattack, so that I would not be forced to respond to the enemy without even having time to take care of my personal hygiene." Su Xiaoqiang was quite patient. He calmly told Lu Mingfei why he chose the last toilet.

In fact, Lu Mingfei also thought of this reason instantly, because it was a very practical daily skill taught by the instructor in the tactics class.

"Then give way." Lu Mingfei tilted his head and motioned to Su Xiaoqiang, who was standing in front of the last compartment, to give way, otherwise the safe distance would not be maintained.

"This place is so big, where can I give in?" Su Xiaoqiang stretched out his hand and pinched the center of his eyebrows, "I never thought that I would bring a man to see the traces of my going to the toilet. You'd better not talk to Lin Nian about this matter. It would be embarrassing for both of us to bring it up."

"If you don't tell me, I won't tell you!" The corner of Lu Mingfei's mouth twitched. It was okay that Su Xiaoqiang didn't say anything. When he mentioned it, it seemed that what he was doing now was really weird. But he believed that if he were Lin Nian, Su Xiaoqiang would Who else would have done the same thing!

Su Xiaoqiang sighed, raised his hands in the air, then turned his back and walked to the corner at the end of the toilet, "You go ahead and keep an eye on me when you pass."

Looking at Su Xiaoqiang with his back turned to him, Lu Mingfei scratched his hair and felt that the person in front of him seemed to be the real thing.

But he still needed to see the evidence, so he took a few steps forward and reached the last toilet cubicle. Then he noticed from the corner of his eye that the door was closed.

"It stinks." Lu Mingfei muttered in a low voice.

Apart from the smell of ammonia, there was no other smell in his sense of smell. Didn't they say that girls carry perfume with them? Why didn't he spray it everywhere before coming in?

"This is the toilet. You have to check it yourself." Su Xiaoqiang was not happy.

After Lu Mingfei got close to a certain distance, he stared intently at the back of the grumbling Su Xiaoqiang. With the few remaining sights, he stretched out his left hand and pushed open the compartment door.


The sound of the thread breaking.

A sharp black shadow shot out from the compartment behind the door. Lu Mingfei's extremely fast nerve reflex after the violent bloodshed caused him to raise his hand to grab the slender black shadow, but because his main focus was on Su Xiaoqiang On the body, I used my peripheral vision to capture it, but after all, my movements and dodges were still a little slower.

The tearing pain bloomed in the collarbone. A small section of a steel pipe with a pointed tip twisted into a spiral shape was inserted into the groove of the collarbone below Lu Mingfei's neck. Blood flowed down the wound and wet his face. The upper half of his body was clothed, with flames pulsing in his golden pupils and the nerves on his forehead bulging.

He turned his head and saw everything in the toilet cubicle. Fixed on the water tank was a simple door-opening trigger trap. A spring rope was used to tighten the twisted steel pipe. When the door was opened, the spring rope released its elastic force, and the steel pipe It was launched like a crossbow bolt, piercing the throat of the person who pushed the door.

Simple, but deadly.

At the critical moment, he dodged this fatal attack and only injured his collarbone.

Lu Mingfei raised his eyes and stared at Su Xiaoqiang, who was close at hand with his back to him. The murderous intent in his golden eyes completely burst out. The other party turned around, with a bright smile on his beautiful face, "Hehe, you have been fooled." ,idiot!"

Lu Mingfei's Lu Mingfei held it sideways with his right hand, and a huge heartbeat roared, like a dragon roaring. This meant that a large amount of pure dragon blood was injected into the alchemy sword along the vascular tissue, and a field was released. A blurry ghost image began to appear on the poor sword's blade - the realm of the "Tearing Blade" of lust in the Seven Deadly Sins! When the alchemy field is activated, the blade will vibrate with an extremely small amplitude when cutting objects, thus tearing the opponent apart! Tianji Pavilion actually restored it!


Lu Mingfei raised his arms and raised his ribs, and the terrifying sound of wind ripped between his arms. He waved his hand and slashed diagonally towards Su Xiaoqiang's neck. His pupils were like volcanic eruptions wrapped in molten red smoke, refining the will to kill brought by his bloodline. Completely erupting, he will tear this woman apart from the neck to the crotch with this knife, cut her in half and bury her rotten flesh in this dirty and dirty corner that no one cares about!

Lust screamed. The moment the blade touched Su Xiaoqiang's neck, something flashed through Lu Mingfei's mind. The murderous intent in his pupils shrank suddenly, and the clenched teeth in his mouth shattered into small pieces and mixed into his mouth. , the attack that wanted to tear the person apart with a slanted cassock was instantly reduced by 90%. At the same time, the arc of the sword was changed from slanting cassock to a forward slash. The alchemy field activated by lust was also abruptly interrupted, and the living spirit let out an angry low roar. !

This knife tore open Su Xiaoqiang's shoulder, about five centimeters deep. It did not damage the adjacent aorta, and blood was still flowing!

But at the same time.

Lu Mingfei felt severe pain in his left shoulder, and a stab wound suddenly appeared on his shoulder. It was about five centimeters deep and was bleeding profusely!



There was a sound of blood falling to the floor, like a faucet that had been forgotten to be turned on.

Lu Mingfei's blood-soaked shoulders were slightly tilted, and he stared silently at the beautiful blood-stained girl facing her in front of the wall. The lust in his hand was stuck in her collarbone. She slowly turned her head and glanced at the hand. Alchemy Sword said with regret, "Oh, why are you so gentle at the critical moment? I can't tell that you are still a compassionate guy."

Under the blade of lust, the metal toxin, which is highly toxic to dragons, spread quietly. The girl's snow-white shoulders quickly began to protrude with black blood vessels. Infected pus and blood, the effects of the Seven Deadly Sins are happening quickly.

According to the original idea of ​​the Orthodox Tianji Pavilion, dragons that are torn apart by the special metal in their research office will have their bloodline contaminated. Although they cannot be killed simply with one knife, in a short period of time, the contaminated pus and blood will be reduced to a certain extent. The blood purity of the host leads to a decrease in strength, which can be regarded as a quite reliable Debuff.

Lu Mingfei gently pulled out the lust from the girl's shoulder, and suddenly seemed to be unsteady on his feet. He took a few steps back, and finally stopped in front of the bathroom sink mirror.

He turned to look at the mirror. The dirty mirror that was only half broken showed the black blood vessels that began to bulge around the wound on his shoulder, like a black lotus blooming quietly on his shoulder, dark. The rhizomes are spreading and taking root along the blood vessels.

He turned around and saw the girl with blood on her shoulders running toward him in the darkness deep in the toilet. She giggled as she ran towards him, opening her hands as if to hug him and to send him into the real world. hell.

Lu Mingfei tightened his grip on Lu Mingfei and raised his knife towards the girl who was running towards him. His right arm muscles contracted and his blood-red sleeves expanded, but the moment the opponent ran into the slashing circle——

like a statue.

He watched helplessly as the "Su Xiaoqiang" in front of him hit him like a ghost and then penetrated through it, like smoke and mist.

When I turned around again, there was no "Su Xiaoqiang" anywhere in the toilet. There was only the cold fluorescent light coming from the platform outside. The incomplete tiles on the floor were covered with rotten and smelly mud and stains. He was always the only one in the dark toilet. people.

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