Good news, the wound on my shoulder no longer hurts.

Bad news, the wound on my shoulder doesn't hurt anymore.

Lu Mingfei has always been a person who is afraid of pain. The class organized a collective flu shot, and he could shrink to the last row of the line to prolong the torture of waiting as long as possible. Many people laughed at him as the Princess and the Pea (the queen put a pea on the princess's bed, and put 20 mattresses and 20 eiderdown quilts on it, and she could still feel it), and he didn't deny it, because he did. It was quite painful. The hospital blood collection needle pricked the face so badly that the nurse who collected the blood mistakenly thought that she had gone to the wrong set of Grandma Rong and Ziwei.

I don't know since when, Lu Mingfei gradually became numb to the pain.

Oh, by the way, I remembered that when the stubborn Lin Nian performed pain desensitization on himself, it was called training to resist hitting and adapting to pain, but in reality, he was hung up and punched in the abdomen with a fist glove, and exploded with one punch. Lu Mingfei almost rolled his eyes when he saw the great-grandmother he had never met before.

Not to mention the disassembly and reassembly of joints after that, all the joints that can be removed are removed for you, leaving you to try to put them back together in severe pain. If you don't put them correctly, you will disassemble them and try again. There is also Laoshizi acupoint paralysis and stimulation therapy, which is extremely painful when pressed, but those acupoints are also very effective in maintaining health!

But to truly fully adapt to the pain, you have to practice various things in the end. After all, no amount of training can compare to the pain and panic of being stabbed, having your spleen blown out, or having your bones broken. Regarding this, Lin Nian also considered this, or maybe it was the pain and panic of Kassel College. Educational policy is taken into account.

Every student who is preparing to enter the executive department has more or less taken the course "Classification of Trauma and Clinical Judgment Criteria" to ensure that when he is injured in the future, he can make an on-the-spot diagnosis for himself to determine the next step. You should retreat or continue to complete the mission.

Like now, judging from the knowledge taught in the course, Lu Mingfei should retreat.

The dark pus and blood slid down from his shoulders, making a "sizzling" sound on the skin where it flowed. It was an abnormal corrosion caused by acidic substances. The places where the pus and blood crawled left traces of burns. That was Lu Mingfei. Your own blood is reacting with the carbohydrates in biological tissues, and the "sizzling" sound and rising smoke mean that a large amount of heat energy is being released.

Black blood vessels covered almost half of his torso. Lu Mingfei walked on foot in the aisle of the subway transfer station. Fluorescent lamps hung every five meters above his head, providing bright but empty light. There was only one light in the empty tunnel. One could hear his somewhat messy and erratic footsteps, and the corrosive blood dripped onto the floor of the aisle behind him as he walked, ticking, ticking, and a series of irregular holes were burned into the tiles.

On his upper body, most of the shirt on the left shoulder on the side of the wound has been corroded and blackened, leaving only the remains of clothing hanging on it. Under the hollow holes are the horrible burn marks with black blood crawling through them, and those black blood vessels It was like earthworms bulging on the surface of the skin, squirming as he moved, squeezing the pus and blood to a wider area.

What it would feel like to have this corrosive fluid coursing through your veins, a kind of despairing and maddening pain - you'd be wrong to think so.

For Lu Mingfei, half of his body was paralyzed, which meant that his pain nerves had been necrotic. The heat brought by pus and blood had already caused damage to local tissue cells, and a large number of cells were necrotic and carbonized. When the vitality is gone, the pain will no longer continue.

This is a good thing and a bad thing.

From the perspective of a bystander, you will find that Lu Mingfei's steps have begun to become frivolous as he walks in the aisle. The "Lust" in his hanging right hand is completely empty. If it weren't for the "Lust" connected to his wrist Drawing blood, I am afraid that as his arms swing unconsciously as he walks, sooner or later the sword will be taken off his hands and left somewhere in the darkness behind him.

The poison takes time to spread. During this time, the blood of the injured person will be contaminated bit by bit, and the body cells will become necrotic bit by bit. Without anyone taking action, the injured person may suddenly fall to the ground while walking and get angry. He died, and his body was further corroded by pus and blood, turning into a pool of smelly blood.


Lu Mingfei stopped and heard footsteps in front of him.

The black vines had climbed to his chin close to his cheek, and his slightly dim red-gold eyes looked at the person walking in the darkness in front of the aisle.

"Lu Mingfei? Damn it, how did you end up like this?"

The one who was watched by Lu Mingfei was Fingel who walked out of the darkness. He was wearing the "He is not a hero until he has not visited the Great Wall" T-shirt that he was tricked into buying when he arrived in Bei'an. There were up to 30 people at the closed sale stall. A single item cost Fingel 200. He also looked a little embarrassed, the T-shirt was in tatters, the ink painting of the Great Wall had red paint on it, and many places on his body were stained, but overall there was no big problem. Compared to Lu Mingfei now The situation can be said to be intact.

Fingel was shocked when he saw Lu Mingfei's miserable appearance. He took two steps forward and came to Lu Mingfei. Lu Mingfei looked sideways at him and said nothing.

"What's going on with you?" Fingel was startled when he saw Lu Mingfei's golden eyes. He seemed to have never seen such a cold and sharp look in this poor boy's eyes.

Lu Mingfei thought for a while, then raised his head slightly towards him, as if to signal him to come over.

He hurried over and reached out to take Lu Mingfei's hand, "Why are you still holding this life-threatening thing? Do you still have blood to suck it? Speak! Are you mute?"

After Lu Mingfei entered Fingel's attack range, he grabbed Lu Ming's right hand, raised his head, and suddenly used the handle of the knife to punch Fingel's cheek. The huge force hit Fingel directly. He turned his head and vomited to the ground with blood on his teeth.

Almost at the same time, Lu Mingfei felt the same force burst out from his left cheek. His body tilted, and several teeth flew out with blood and fell to the ground. He rolled several times and made a "tap" sound.

"I've wanted to slap him for a long time," he complained softly.

Lu Mingfei's crooked body gradually returned to normal, and he looked down at "Fingel" in front of him expressionlessly.



"Tell me what you guessed?"

"Hitting you is equivalent to hitting myself. You are just my illusion."


A simple conversation directly revealed a mystery.

The wound on Lu Mingfei's shoulder is still getting worse. This kind of injury can only be caused by the Seven Deadly Sins, and it can only be caused by the Seven Deadly Sins: Lust. It is Lu Mingfei who holds this sword, and with this It was Lu Mingfei who swung the sword, and naturally it was Lu Mingfei who caused this injury to him.

The knife was swung at Su Xiaoqiang, on the left shoulder. Lu Mingfei was also injured on the left shoulder. The depth, shape, and symptoms were exactly the same. Lu Mingfei, who watched a lot of horror movies in the 616 dormitory, certainly knew what the situation was like.

The other party wiped the corner of his mouth and looked up at Lu Mingfei unexpectedly, then stood up straight and said seriously, "Can I ask one more question, when you attacked that 'Su Xiaoqiang' in the bathroom just now, why did you wait until the last moment? Suddenly stopped? You should have been able to split her in half with that knife, instead of just injuring a little bit of flesh, muscle, and bones."

"It's none of your business, you're a coward who just hides in the corner." Lu Mingfei sighed, "If you dare to come out, I promise to chop you to death with a knife."

"Fingel" smiled, and suddenly raised his hand to grab Lu Mingfei's eyes, curling his two fingers like eagle claws, trying to dig out those annoying red-gold eyes!

Lu Mingfei's steps trembled slightly, but he finally stood still and looked directly at the fingers that were grabbing at him quickly, without evading them.

Those two fingers stopped in front of Lu Mingfei's eyes.

"Dig in." Lu Mingfei said, "If you can do it."

"Fine." Fingel stood almost face to face with Lu Mingfei. He took back his hand and patted Lu Mingfei's face twice, like smoke kissing his cheek.

He put his hands in his pockets and walked past him, "But how long can you hold on? Can you hold on until you escape or encounter a monster?"

Lu Mingfei did not look back. The figure of "Fingel" behind him had disappeared into the darkness, as if it had never existed.

"You are the first person to say that I have a seed." He muttered in an inaudible voice and continued to move forward.

It seems that the situation is as he guessed. Both Su Xiaoqiang before and Fingel now are false.

Lu Mingfei kept his pace constant, while enduring the pain spread by the black vines on his body, while summarizing all the information he had collected so far.


He has been hit by an unknown speaking spirit. Preliminary analysis of the effect of this speaking spirit should have the effect of "reading memories" and "creating illusions". This can explain why the Su Xiaoqiang and Fingel he met are completely consistent Characteristics that only you know.

This means that traditional information confrontation is no longer reliable in front of these fantasies. They are all false illusions born from his memory. In some specific cases, they are even more confusing than the real thing.


From now on, he must not attack these illusions. The women's bathroom and the current examples have proved one point - every time he tries to attack these illusions, he may be attacking himself.

Just like the most traditional ghost movie scene, the male protagonist who was driven crazy by the female ghost was so frightened that he aroused the anger in his heart. He picked up a weapon and rushed towards the female ghost who forced him, cutting her into pieces. But when the camera turned, he actually killed his wife and daughter, or maybe he killed himself, hanging himself with a rope, strangling himself with his hands, and cutting off his own limbs with a knife.

I'm afraid that Lu Mingfei is also in the plot of such a horror movie now. Any attack on those illusions is actually self-harm to himself.


Illusions cannot attack themselves. After all, they are products born from memory. They cannot really affect themselves or even touch themselves. They can only lure themselves into traps that have already been set and kill themselves through external means.

The three points are summarized.

Lu Mingfei adjusted his breath, and the light in his dim golden eyes gradually stabilized, and his frivolous footsteps began to become more solid, and he increased his speed, from a slow stroll to a brisk walk.

Not walking far forward, the sound of footsteps and a familiar shout came from behind me again, "Lu Mingfei!"

Lu Mingfei didn't look back and walked forward quickly, and the voice quickly chased after him, followed by two more, passing him one on the left and one on the right.

The people who came were Lin Nian and Li Hueyue. After they followed Lu Mingfei, they were shocked by Lu Mingfei's miserable condition. Lin Nian asked quickly in a low voice, "Why are you injured like this? These are the seven deadly sins." The injuries caused? Where is the Dragon Sword Box?"

Lu Mingfei was too lazy to pay attention to them and just walked forward. Lin Nian beside him shouted dullly, "Lu Mingfei! Stop, don't you know you are seriously injured? Are you crazy?"

"What are you afraid of? Do you think we are fake?" Li Huanyue asked calmly.

Lu Mingfei threw away his hand and gave Li Huoyue a slap in the face. There was also a crisp sound on his own face, and there was a similar slap mark on his face.

Li Huoyue stopped where she was, staring at Lu Mingfei. Lin Nian beside him frowned, "What are you doing?"

"It hurts, but it's worth it." Lu Mingfei rubbed his cheek without stopping, but glanced sideways at Lin Nian next to him, "Do you want a slap in the face too?"

Lin Nian's frown relaxed and he stood there, putting on a slightly frivolous look and looking at Lu Mingfei who was walking forward and shrugged, "It's you who hits yourself anyway, I don't care."

Lu Mingfei didn't bother to pay attention to him and left these two fakes behind.

As long as you detect it the first time, you won't be fooled again in the next few times.

But I have to admit that the other party is indeed very smart and good at playing with people's hearts. Lin Nian and Li Hueyue are indeed the most likely candidates to appear in this place. That guy Fingel is born with an aura that makes people careless. , these people who appeared are all reasonable, but the most reasonable one has to be Su Xiaoqiang at the beginning.

In the bathroom, if Mingfei had been cut down with that knife, he would be dead now.

But he didn't cut it, and even the target position changed from the carotid artery to the shoulder.

For a very simple reason, despite the lack of information, he still felt uncertain in his heart - Su Xiaoqiang's appearance in the Nibelungen was too realistic. She was the one Lu Mingfei thought was most likely to be taken to the Nibelungen. The victim, Lu Mingfei, was not surprised at all to meet her here.

Under this premise, Su Xiaoqiang ambushed him in the bathroom and acted like a villain. Lu Mingfei still did not dare to kill him because Lu Mingfei was too, too, too scared. This Su Xiaoqiang is genuine.

Even if there is a 100% chance, if this is really Su Xiaoqiang, he was just controlled and hypnotized by someone, and he did those abnormal behaviors. In a rage, he killed Su Xiaoqiang with a knife, then he will feel guilty afterwards. For the rest of my life, I would never have the face to see Lin Nian.

It was the worry in his heart that made him hesitate and strike the knife softly and slowly. Only then did he have the opportunity to see through the trap and delay the initial killing situation into a protracted battle.

Once you have an insight into the enemy's tactics, this method will become much simpler, just ignore it.

But the enemy seemed not to give up on him, and continued to try with a strange persistence.

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