"Lu Mingfei? Are you injured? Where is Lin Nian? Isn't he with you?"

Wei Lewa stumbled out from a corner, seemingly wanting to collide with Lu Mingfei, but Lu Mingfei didn't even try to dodge, and bumped into her directly, turning the girl behind her into a ball. Black smoke drifted away.

"Lu Mingfei?! Turn back! Run! There is danger ahead!" Sima Xuxu, covered in blood, rushed out of the darkness and rushed past Lu Mingfei without stopping, but the same Lu Mingfei was also completely Didn't look back at him again.

Moving forward, Lu Mingfei heard the sound of breathing. He stopped at a corner and saw Ling, who was leaning against the wall and sitting slumped in the corner, covered in blood and naked, gasping softly. She hung her head. head, the white fluorescent light cast her shadow on the pool of blood.

The "Queen of Vacuum" seemed to be dying now. Her bare fair skin was covered with shocking wounds, and her platinum hair was covered with dirty blood and hung down on her thin shoulders, like an iris withering at the last second.

Lu Mingfei stopped and looked at Ling. Ling seemed to be aware of his arrival and looked up at him. His dim golden pupils met his red gold pupils.

Neither of them spoke.

"Don't you know what to ask her to say? Can't you peek into my memory? Why can't I make up the lines?" Lu Mingfei asked strangely towards the dark corridor.

"In your memory, she did speak very little. I think a girl like her would say nothing when she meets a boy she likes before she dies, right? Just look at you quietly like that, and then die, giving you Leave scars for life." Behind Lu Mingfei, the illusion of Lin Nian came out and stood next to Lu Mingfei. He looked down at the flower-like girl who slowly closed her golden eyes and bowed her head and sighed. , "Guess, if she also enters this Nibelungen, and I use your image to meet her, and then betray her disgustingly, will she be ruthless enough to kill you?"

"She is smarter than you think." Lu Mingfei looked at Ling who had lost his voice and said, "You are an ignorant thing. Even I can't kill you. What else can I be afraid of you doing? You know I am the weakest among our group."

"But your memory says otherwise. Although I can't read your complete memory, from the pictures I can see, you should be the strongest guy among your group."

"You think so highly of me?" Lu Mingfei grinned. Although his situation was very bad now, he still couldn't hold back.

"Killing you may bring me a very good reward, but you have seen through my spirit of speech. I am afraid that this honor can only be given to the people behind me." The man was a little regretful.

"Are there people behind? Damn it, this Nibelungen is a lot more troublesome than I thought." Lu Mingfei turned and left without looking at the passing flowers again, and the illusion behind him just stayed there. Watching him leave.

As the corridor of the transfer station went deeper, the light of the fluorescent lamp gradually dimmed. Originally, one lamp every five meters became a long distance to see the bright area illuminated by one lamp, and the walking distance changed from darkness to light. , and then step into the darkness.

In the end, Lu Mingfei stood in front of a choice.

There were three branching aisles in front of him. There were no warnings on them. The three aisles were all dark. The light of the fluorescent lamp could not shine even a little bit inside. The darkness was like substantial ink overflowing the three aisles. The lumen of the aisle.

He knew very well that he was probably now standing in front of the most classic branching path in Roguelike games. The things he encountered on each subsequent road were randomly different, but the level he finally reached was the same end point.

"I will choose whoever I choose when I point out the troops." Lu Mingfei started to point casually, and finally his finger stopped at the left aisle, twitching his eyebrows, "Then it's you."

He walked in without hesitation, submerged himself into the darkness, and his figure disappeared inside.

After entering the darkness, his vision instantly became pitch black, and then as he adapted, the blinding darkness gradually began to soften. This was due to the effect of the golden eye's night vision ability.

But the moment he saw the situation in the tunnel clearly, Lu Mingfei clenched his ribs in his hand, his golden eyes brightened, and his adrenaline surged.

This corridor is not long, and you can see the end at a glance. It is about fifty meters, but there are a large number of deformed monsters occupying this fifty meters distance. They should be a kind of Deadpool, but they are different from normal monsters. Deadpool's lower body has transformed into a snake, with his lower body as thick as a python coiled up in a ball, and his upper body bent with his head buried in the coiled snake tail to rest, quiet and terrifying.

He suddenly remembered that he recognized these monsters.

【Serpentine Deadpool】

This was the monster text that Lu Mingfei had scanned in the monster illustrated book on the official website of "Nine Layers of Ghost Realm". The pictures and models hanging on it perfectly matched the things in front of him now.

The official response is to avoid it. In the Nine-layer Ghost Domain, the subway station is in an underground environment, and the temperature is far lower than the surface. This also causes Deadpool, who possesses snake genes, to fall into a state of low-temperature hibernation. In this case, as long as you don't anger them, you can avoid fighting and pass through the nest where they are entrenched by moving around and lowering your voice.

For a moment, Lu Mingfei wanted to go back and choose another path to try, but considering that the other two paths should not be easier than this one, at least the monsters in front of him are in a sleeping state. If If he were more careful.

Taking one step at a time, breathing and walking as softly as possible, Lu Mingfei kept walking in a circuitous way in the aisle where the snake-shaped dead servants were piled up. His golden eyes carefully stared at the dark ground to avoid stepping on the tip of the tail of any little snake. .

As he passed by, he observed the characteristics of the snake-like Deadpool at close range. Those snake tails were so strong that they could strangle a buffalo. The texture of their scales was the same as that of dragon scales. The upper body that was bent and hidden in the curled snake tails was made of flesh and blood. Only The key parts of the heart, back of the heart and neck are protected by a few scales, and the rest of the body should be able to cut through the flesh directly with an ordinary sharp weapon.

Sure enough, just as what was said in the Monster Manual, they would not attack as long as they did not disturb their sleep. Lu Mingfei quickly moved closer to the exit, but at this moment, he heard a rustling sound. .

Lu Mingfei turned around and found that a snake-shaped dead body had woken up at some point, hiding in the corner and staring at him. The snake's tail was coiled into a ball like a spring, and its upper body was also tightened and contracted into a ball. In the snake's tail, the moment he looked into those snake eyes, an arrow shot out like a string! It stretched into a blurred black line in the air, and the huge kinetic energy could almost crash through the steel plate!

Lu Mingfei raised his lust and stabbed at it. The "tearing" alchemy field was activated, and he wanted to tear the attacking basilisk into two pieces of dried snake meat! But at that critical moment, Lu Mingfei seemed to have come to his senses. Alarm bells blared in his mind. The desire to stab him suddenly deflected, and he avoided it. The blade just passed by him. A gap appeared on the face of the basilisk!

Blood spurted on his cheek, and a wound opened on Lu Mingfei's cheek without any warning. Then the poison spread, and black blood vessels immediately spread and occupied Lu Mingfei's face.

At the same time, the entire corridor began to make dense rustling sounds, followed by a frightening "hissing" boiling sound. All the snake-shaped deadpools were awakened by Lu Mingfei's sudden big movement, and they raised their upper bodies from the ball. Pulling out the snake's tail, the dark gold snake pupils moved neatly, locking on Lu Mingfei, whose cheeks were bleeding in the aisle!

Lu Mingfei looked back and glanced at the place where the snake-shaped Deadpool pounced, and a cloud of black smoke dissipated like fog!


The dark vines on the scratched face were still spreading, and soon reached the nearest neck, which is the artery near the heart. Lu Mingfei's golden pupils suddenly flashed out, and then brightened up like a gas lamp, terrifying The majesty swept across the entire aisle with the light of the golden eyes!

The snake-like dead guards were indeed intimidated by the king-like majesty exuded by Lu Mingfei for the first time, but soon they saw the truth about this boy's fierce appearance and inwardness. The black vines wrapped around his body were the dodder that urged death. The feeling of weakness and powerlessness seems to be captured by their beast-like intuition like a smell.

The first snake-shaped deadpool launched an attack on Lu Mingfei. It was right next to Lu Mingfei and ejected without warning. Its body was winding like an "S" in mid-air, but Lu Mingfei avoided it in time. He opened the car and hit the wall of the corridor, breaking a large area of ​​tiles and plaster!

The sound of a large number of tile fragments clattering to the ground was the signal. All the snake-shaped Deadpools began to swim towards Lu Mingfei at high speed. The nearest Deadpool directly rolled up his body and contracted the muscles of the snake's tail to act like a spring and shoot!

Lu Mingfei had no intention of accepting the challenge. Who knew if there would be an illusion hiding among these deadpools to give him a cruel blow? He turned his head and jumped out, rushing directly towards the exit of the corridor. He was already close to the exit, and the last ten meters were enough for him to escape from danger!

The left half of his body was almost infected by the poison and could not move. Only by holding Lu Lu's right hand, he bravely opened a way out among the snakes. Any snake-like deadpool that approached him would be knocked away or knocked away by him. , a distance of 10 meters, he must break out of this snake-tailed net!

In the darkness of the corridor, dense hissing and low roars intertwined, countless snake tails intertwined and shuttled, and crashes and roars continued. Finally, at the end of the corridor, Lu Mingfei suddenly emerged from the darkness and reached with a rugby ball. He fell to the ground in the formation position, with bruises and fresh wounds all over his body!

After rushing out of the passage, he suddenly saw an empty new platform in front of him. The pillar not far away said 'Line 3↑'. An old subway train was parked on the track next to it, waiting quietly. passenger.

Just as Lu Mingfei was about to get up, from the black hole behind him, a snake's tail whipped out and wrapped around his ankle, flipping him to the ground and dragging him towards the black tunnel he had just escaped from!

He gritted his teeth and raised his lust to chop off the snake's tail, but when he raised his hand, a second snake's tail was thrown out of the darkness and wrapped around his right hand holding the handle of the knife!

"Get out!" Lu Mingfei growled and turned the wrist holding the knife. The "tearing blade" cut off the snake tail wrapped around his wrist the moment it touched it, and hissing and wailing sounded in the darkness!

When he was about to cut off the restraints on his feet in one breath, a strong wind flew from the distance. From the corner of his eye, Lu Mingfei saw that it was a straight red-tasseled gun. It flew towards him with a whistling sound and was nailed to the floor with precision. Cut off the snake's tail wrapped around his ankle!

"Lu Mingfei!"

Chen Wenwen's anxious shouts rang in Lu Mingfei's ears. He turned around suddenly and saw the girl in a white dress rushing from the depths of the platform in the distance, and Sima Xuxu holding a long sword behind him, maintaining the throwing motion. , that red-tasseled gun was thrown out by him, and his fiery golden eyes looked towards Lu Mingfei.

Lu Mingfei quickly stood up and left the black cave entrance, listening to the unwilling snake-like Deadpool's hiss and scream inside, while retreating to face the two running people.

"Mr. Lu Mingfei!"

Sima Xuxu was also quite shocked when he saw Lu Mingfei's miserable state. He followed Chen Wenwen and rushed to Lu Mingfei's side, who was stumbling over. Chen Wenwen in front helped Lu Mingfei first.

The warm temperature was transferred to Lu Mingfei's right arm, the familiar smell also poured into his nose, and the shell bracelet on his wrist echoed with a clattering sound. All of this made his eyes change quietly, letting the girl be careful. He helped him to sit on the seat on the platform.

"Lu Mingfei, are you okay?" Chen Wenwen looked at Lu Mingfei in front of her and almost cried.

Not to mention the wounds caused by the snake-like Deadpool's bites and wounds, just those black vine-like blood vessels that bulged out, as if a plant had grown vigorously in Lu Mingfei's body and was about to pierce his body. Flesh destroys him both on the outside and on the inside.

Lu Mingfei looked at Chen Wenwen, who was supporting him and in physical contact with him, glanced at her shoulders, and then looked at Sima Xuxu who was standing aside. His face paused for a moment and he lay down with relief on his face. .

"Do you look like this because you have been injured by the Seven Deadly Sins?" Sima Xuxu took a close look at Lu Mingfei's wounds and the blood vessels flowing with corrosive pus and blood, and his expression was quite serious.

Chen Wenwen quickly tore off Lu Mingfei's sleeve to stop the bleeding wound. Every time she bandaged it, her water cup almost overflowed, for fear of causing Lu Mingfei a little pain.

Sima Xuxu stared at the lust in Lu Mingfei's hand and asked in a low voice, "Have you also met that guy who plays with memories and illusions? Did you inflict these wounds yourself with the Seven Deadly Sins?"

"Did you also encounter it?" Lu Mingfei looked at Chen Wenwen who was bandaging herself, and carefully watched her every delicate movement. "How did you find out that those illusions were fake?"

"We have always been two people. His power of power seems to only work on one person. At first, his target was me. He seemed to want me to confuse the illusion with the real Miss Wenwen and kill me by mistake. companion, but I finally found out. He has been hiding in the dark and dared not come out. He can only harass us with illusions, but as long as we maintain physical contact and quickly leave his range of influence, it will be fine." Sima Xuxu explained.

"What's the platform here?" Lu Mingfei asked, looking at the empty and gloomy platform around him and the train stopping not far away.

"The train that takes us to the next subway line, here is Line 2. If you want to pass this Nibelungen, you must reach the deepest line, Line 9. We have been staying here waiting for reinforcements. I didn't expect you to come first. .Where are Mr. Lin Nian and Sister Huoyue?"

"They will be there soon," Lu Mingfei said.

After finishing bandaging, Chen Wenwen kept squatting at Lu Mingfei's feet and looked up at her, looking at Lu Mingfei's wounds. Tears filled her eyes, but she tried her best not to cry out so as not to make it worse.

"With all due respect, you need to cut off your connection with the Seven Deadly Sins as soon as possible. It is continuing to make you weak. If this continues, those toxins may kill you." Sima Xuxu looked at the rib in Lu Mingfei's hand to remind him.

Lu Mingfei nodded, and put Lu Lu on the seat next to him. When he pulled away his right hand, he tore off the connecting tissues bit by bit. Every time he tore off one piece, he could hear the unwilling roar from the sword. .

After the sword left her hand, Chen Wenwen finally couldn't bear it anymore, threw herself at Lu Mingfei, hugged him and buried her head in her arms.

It was quiet on the platform, and the only sounds could be heard: two heartbeats and breathing.

Sima Xuxu looked at Lu Mingfei and Chen Wenwen from the side, and gradually walked up to them. He gently turned and lifted the bronze sword in his hand, and then called softly:

"Mr. Lu Mingfei."

Lu Mingfei, who was holding Chen Wenwen in his arms, raised his head to look at Sima Xuxu, and saw that the other party suddenly raised his arms and swung the bronze sword towards the two people on the seat. He was so powerful that he wanted to cut them into four pieces. !

Lu Mingfei didn't move. He simply watched until the bronze sword passed over his and Chen Wenwen's bodies and turned into black smoke and dissipated in the air.

Sima Xuxu also turned into black smoke and disappeared.


Lu Mingfei stood up slowly. As he stood up, Chen Wenwen in his arms suddenly squatted on the ground and raised her right hand high.

Lu Mingfei's right hand clamped down on Chen Wenwen's wrist, and at some point he grasped the "lust" in the other's hand, stabbing him in the back of the heart.


The sound of bones breaking.

"Didn't anyone teach you not to use the same move twice against the Saint?" Lu Mingfei said quietly.

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