The person who invented Snartmo's Sword of the Seven Deadly Sins is indeed a genius. He integrated the special metal of gold and titanium alloy into the concept of "poison" in the alchemical field, so that any dragon blood that comes into contact with the Seven Deadly Sins blade will be poisoned in an instant. Reacting with the concept of "poison" in the field, the toxins flow in the blood vessels and continuously spread to weaken the enemy's blood advantage and affect the combat level.

It is not without reason that the new Seven Deadly Sins are called the ultimate double-edged sword. Even if the user is infected by this "violent poison", he will easily die on the battlefield. It is called a trial work, especially because so far the orthodox weapon has not been tested on real high-level pure-blood dragons.

According to the simulation calculation results of "Kyushu", when dealing with high-level dragons, the effect of "poison" can only be regarded as the icing on the cake. It is unrealistic to rely on it to kill with one hit, because all high-level dragons have certain poisonous resistance, and they all know a universal way to eliminate the poison——

White steam rose from the red skin, the heart's pumping speed accelerated to an alarming level, the hematopoietic system began to work in full, and the hematopoietic stem cells in the bone marrow produced fresh blood at an incredible speed.

On Lu Mingfei, who was holding Chen Wenwen's right wrist, the black vines quickly faded away, and waste blood flowed from the wound. After corroding the skin, new flesh grew rapidly, and the ugly black blood vessels gradually returned to a healthy blue color. , shrunk back to the lower layer of the skin, no longer terrifying bulges, and sword-shield-shaped fuzz gradually emerged from the wounds on the body, stretching into black armor covering the exposed areas.

The second violent bloodshed reached the limit.

The huge force clenched between Lu Mingfei's fingers made the slender wrist bones begin to crack. The severe pain made her expression ferociously distorted. The hand holding "Lust" also lost its strength. She let go and let the hand The alchemical sword fell to the ground.

"You haven't already"

"If you can, show your true face. I don't like seeing this face continue to have this expression. If you think you will make me merciful if you keep this look, you are wrong." Lu Mingfei looked at "Chen Wenwen" said on the ground.

A field is lifted.

Waves of light rippled on "Chen Wenwen" whose hand was held by Lu Mingfei. In a burst of colorful light, a strange and beautiful woman squatted on the spot, her face that should have been beautiful became dull due to the severe pain. He twisted and wailed softly.

"Is there another person? Don't you plan to come out?" Lu Mingfei looked at the quiet platform around him and asked, "Your companion is about to be killed by me."

"She is not my companion. We have a cooperative relationship at best." A black shadow appeared not far from Lu Mingfei. There was no doubt that it was an illusion, but it appeared as a pure humanoid shadow to interact with him. Communicate, "It's so well hidden. Can't even an alchemical weapon of this level have a real impact on you? But I'm a little curious, how did you discover all the truth?"

"There have always been [2] people who have been messing with me since I entered the Nibelungs, right?" Lu Mingfei looked sideways at her, his previously paralyzed left arm moved slightly, and he raised his hand to exert force. Pressing his temples to relieve the pressure on his nerves, "A word spirit is you who can use the memory of the victim to weave illusions." He lowered his head and glanced at the strange woman in front of him, "There is also her who can rely on the word spirit to change her appearance."

"Despicable villain." The woman looked at Lu Mingfei, who was recovering at a high speed. The molten red golden eyes made her feel weak all over. It was like dark clouds lingering in her mind and rolling thunder crushing any thoughts of resistance.

Lu Mingfei was stunned when he heard the word "despicable villain". He subconsciously increased the strength in his hands. The strange woman's wrist was twisted until it shrunk twice in size. The bones, muscles and blood vessels exploded into filth and filth spilled out from between the fingers, and fell to the ground. Heart-rending wails echoed across the platform.

"Where did we reveal our secrets?" The dark shadow under the fluorescent lamp asked indifferently.

"Your plan is indeed quite insidious and disgusting. When I just entered the Nibelungen and was lying on the platform to rest, you had already started to interfere with my head through the spirit of speech, right? You took advantage of that time to read me Part of the memory." Lu Mingfei looked at him and asked.

"." The black shadow was quietly preparing to listen to the winner's overall summary.

"The first time I met Su Xiaoqiang, the Su Xiaoqiang who could answer me fluently was an illusion and gained my trust. Then she entered the toilet, and the Su Xiaoqiang who came out again became the woman in front of me now. Her speech spirit should be It's about changing your appearance. You told him the specific appearance of Su Xiaoqiang. You started this lie, walked out of the toilet, stabbed me for the first time, and took away the Dragon Sword Box, leaving me with only 'Lust'. Being in the negative state of being drained of blood started the scam.”

"The Su Xiaoqiang who found me in the aisle for the second time is undoubtedly fake. You are deliberately making me realize that there are two Su Xiaoqiang in this Nibelung, one is real and the other is fake."

"So I guess the real effect of your word spirit is to continuously read the memory fragments that appear in people's minds. After collecting a certain amount of memory fragments, they start to fabricate illusions. When I ask questions about the illusion, it is equivalent to asking myself Of course, if you ask questions, you will get the answers you want every time. That's why Su Xiaoqiang was able to answer fluently in the corridor. She offered to take me back to the bathroom to check the evidence, but this is also the biggest trap you set. "

"Because the Su Xiaoqiang who took me back was an illusion and could not harm me, you set up a mechanism in the last stall of the toilet that I could trigger in advance. After I triggered the mechanism and was injured, I was in a state of violent blood. I should be angry. After confirming that the Su Xiaoqiang in front of me is a fake, without knowing the mechanism of the illusion's self-injury, as long as I launch a fatal attack on the illusion, the person who will die will be me."

Lu Mingfei breathed out and said, "You guys who are playing tactics are so dirty. In order to cover up the fact that the true effect of Yanling is an 'illusion', you first use an illusion to spit out some information that only I know, and then pretend to go to the toilet in exchange for a real person." The stabbing made me completely unable to think from the perspective of 'illusion', and I could only passively think in the direction of 'there are despicable impostors in the Nibelungs'."

"But fortunately, you failed. You found that I did not kill Su Xiaoqiang's illusion, nor did I kill myself as you wanted. I just suffered some "serious injuries", so I started to make up for it and appeared in the aisle behind. The people I know only numbed me beforehand and instilled in me the concept that illusions can never hurt or touch me, thus laying the foundation for this trap until now."

Lu Mingfei picked up the woman in his hand. Between the terror and anger of life and death, he was no longer very sensitive to the fact that he was holding a living person who was howling. He was very calm now, with violent blood. There is not only anger, but also indifference that blooms when emotions reach freezing point.

"A vision of Sima Xuxu and a real person of Chen Wenwen appeared in front of me at the same time. Chen Wenwen, who can change her appearance, was used as a medium to really touch me and try to make me believe that what I met this time was the real thing. companion. When I lowered my guard, Sima Xuxu's illusion attacked me and Chen Wenwen at the same time. At the same time, Chen Wenwen in my arms used the Seven Deadly Sins to sneak attack me. No matter if I fight back or ignore this illusion, I will die."

Black Shadow nodded gently after hearing Lu Mingfei's review, "My word spirit can indeed only read the most active part of a person's current memory to fabricate illusions. Attacking the illusion is attacking yourself."

"I just never let down my guard." Lu Mingfei lowered his eyes, "Tell me, when I was resting on the platform, what fragments did you see from reading my memory fragments?"

"I understand." Black Shadow said after a moment of silence.

When he was on the platform, there was only one scene that kept repeating in Lu Mingfei's mind, and that was anger. He tried his best to make himself angry, so he kept thinking about the fight and the fight in the subway station. During the battle, the rage and violence that rushed over him under the violent blood dominated the memory.

"You know how difficult it is to kill me." Lu Mingfei looked at the black shadow and said solemnly, "If he were an ordinary person, I'm afraid that one knife would have killed him during the toilet exchange! But you watched him My memory knows that I know the technique of bloodline refining. If you want to kill me, you can only use the Seven Deadly Sins in the Dragon Sword Box behind me - you can only make me commit suicide."

"But you failed and exposed the effect of the word spirit, which is why you acted in desperation now. You already know the horror of the alchemical sword of lust, so you decided to gain my trust through this woman's word spirit that can change her appearance. , and then cooperate with your illusion to try to kill me."

"The first time I didn't kill you in the toilet, you already realized that there were two people in this game. I have to say that you are the calmest guy I have ever seen. Fear and anger did not affect your thinking at all. , you are really a troublesome monster." Black Shadow whispered, "But in the end, I am still very curious, why didn't you kill that illusion in the toilet? You were obviously so angry? Before that, you didn't do anything at all. I knew about the illusion, but you still stopped. Judging from your memory, you are not such a soft-hearted person!"

It was because Lu Mingfei withheld Su Xiaoqiang's illusion that later Lu Mingfei combined all the clues to deduce the fact that there were two people in the Nibelungs plotting against him. However, in the eyes of others, Lu Mingfei It was completely unreasonable to hold back that time.

"Two reasons." Lu Mingfei said, "The first reason is that you have chosen Su Xiaoqiang to deceive. She is indeed the most likely person to enter the Nibelungs, but I will never give up on her. You will kill him easily, and this gave me the opportunity to discover the truth about your spirit."

"I see." The black shadow said lightly, looking at the woman in Lu Mingfei's hand. "It's all about this idiot. You have to let me create the first illusion when you are easiest to believe and the most Someone who will not attack rashly, otherwise she will never stab you and steal the sword box. The same situation happened just now. She was only willing to take the smallest risk and attack you sneakily, but it is a pity that you were not merciful this time. "

"Hurry up and save me! You can't survive here alone! Without your speech spirit, I'm useless! If we can't complete the task, we will all die!" The woman in Lu Mingfei's hand gritted her teeth and looked at Heilongjiang in severe pain. Shadow roared.

Lu Mingfei glanced at the back of the woman's head, and sure enough, there was a black barcode on the neck. This guy and the other person who manipulated the shadow had been hiding were both prisoners in Chernobyl Prison. They were probably designed to " The mastermind behind the game "Nine Levels of Ghost Realm" was thrown in and threatened them with life and death, requiring them to play NPCs.

It's really a bad taste.

"Indicators? Do you still have indicators?" Lu Mingfei looked at the black shadow.

"Did you see the trains parked on the platform? They don't always stop there. After a certain time, they will leave, and then they will come back again after a while. This is a cycle in the Nibelungen, and it is also the only one. The method of measuring time, if we do not eliminate more than one player within three cycles, or meet the requirements given above, we will be eliminated." Black Shadow said, "Speaking of which, if you hadn't pretended to be there at any time, We really won’t take the risk and carry out a second attack if we might die.”

"You can let me go. I just thought I was bitten by a dog and lost my wallet, but you still took action." Lu Mingfei said, "You can't blame the others."

"The temptation to just kill a 'player' is too great for us."

"Save me! Let him kill me! Who will help you kill the people behind you! Don't you want to live?" The woman yelled at the gathering of black shadows.

"Don't be stupid, I can't save you." He looked at the woman without mercy and said, "I have handed over the 'Seven Deadly Sins' to the superiors through the train. This is what the superiors requested. The indispensable 'props' in this game, although not complete, missing a handful of lust, but those six can also allow me to be safe and sound without doing anything for the next six cycles, so in terms of life and death, you Don’t worry about me, just think about how you can survive in the hands of this monster in front of you, right?”

The woman in Lu Mingfei's hand turned pale. She looked at Lu Mingfei and immediately changed her face and begged, "Can you let me go? I'm willing to do anything. I'll do whatever you want me to do. Don't you like that girl just now?" Is that so? I can become like her, and you can do whatever you want!"

The appearance of the woman in his hand really began to blur into a colorful phantom. When the water foam dispersed, the weak and pitiful girl in the white dress reappeared in Lu Mingfei's hands, disheveled and having sex.

"I told you not to be like her. Since you said you are willing to do anything, let me ask you, do you know where he is hiding?" Lu Mingfei took a deep breath and irritation flashed across his eyes without looking. She glanced at the black shadow that was still there.

"I" the woman's expression changed.

"She doesn't know." Black Shadow said, "Although we are colleagues, I have never met her. I have always used illusions to guide her to ambush the players who entered the Nibelung. No one in the family can trust this, this is the basic principle of survival."

"He lied! I know where he is! He is lying to you! He is scared! Don't kill me! I will take you to find him! Really! I will take you to find him!" The woman in Lu Mingfei's hand screamed He stood up and pointed at the black shadow, his eyes filled with resentment and malice.

She didn't hear Lu Mingfei's reaction. When she raised her head to make a flattering expression, she found that even though she was raising her head, her head was looking down?

The woman's headless body fell down and returned to its original appearance. Lu Mingfei released his brown wrist that had been pinched into a string, and the bleeding head rolled to the feet of the black shadow, passed through, and stopped. The beautiful face with eyes still open under the fluorescent lamp looked confused.

"She is so gentle. People like her deserve a crueler ending. After all, when she met other players before, she was most willing to take away their food, play with their trust, and then watch them in the Nibelung. He wandered in despair, and finally killed them with his own hands, mocking and mocking them." The black shadow looked back at the woman's head on the ground and said.

"Don't pick yourself too clean." The steam on Lu Mingfei's body gradually stopped, and his wounds were almost completely healed.

All these dark shadows are seen in his eyes. If there is any emotion emerging in the empty eyes staring at Lu Mingfei, it must be fear, right? The fear of this boy's cruelty is also the fear of the terrible power and power he holds.

"It's just following orders, who doesn't have to do it? My target is reached, and you kill someone to vent your anger. You can't find me, and I can't kill you. The train is right in front of you, and you can go to the next level if you get on it. ." The black shadow pointed at the subway train parked on the platform and said.

Just like what Heiying said, ordinary methods cannot kill him. After the violent blood, Lu Mingfei is almost an immortal monster. Any injury can be healed by unlimited advancement of violent blood as long as it is not fatal instantly. , to others it is a double-edged sword with a maximum health limit, but to him it is a buff like a halo.

"You said that the seven deadly sins you stole from me can protect you for six cycles. Have you ever thought about what you will do after six cycles?" Lu Mingfei asked him.

"Although some layouts cannot be used without helpers, I always have other ways to eliminate the players behind me. After all, not everyone is like you, a real monster." Black Shadow replied lightly.

"Eliminate the players behind?" Lu Mingfei looked at the black shadow for a while, smiled as if he thought of something happy, and nodded, "Okay, I wish you good luck."

He passed through the shadow, smashed him like a demonstration, and walked towards the train parked on the platform. Just as the shadow said, he really didn't have time to waste here. Chen Wenwen had already determined that she was not on the platform of Line 2, so He had to keep going deeper.

Before Lu Mingfei got on the bus, the dark figure who was reunited under the fluorescent lights on the platform suddenly said, "Two reasons, and there is one you didn't say."

Lu Mingfei paused in front of the carriage door and looked back at the black figure. There was light flowing in his golden pupils. There was nothing on the shoulders of the black figure. However, when he looked at the body of the woman on the ground, the familiar data flow It washed out, but it was a dead "grey".

He didn't answer the other party, he just walked onto the train and sat down in a random seat. He leaned on the seat with the Seven Deadly Sins and waited quietly for the train to start.

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