"They are running in the direction of Shenwu Sect. They are running very fast. Follow them quickly!"

In the garden of Cining Palace, the dim light of the lantern cast messy shadows on the vermilion walls for a fleeting moment, followed by the sound of hurried footsteps, and the figures left in droves, carrying the noisy noise farther and farther away, and finally only All that remains is the chirping of birds and insects in the garden at night.

In the middle of the elegant Linxi Pavilion surrounded by tree shadows, a head quietly poked his head out and took a look at the surrounding silent garden under the night cover. After making sure that no one was there, he suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and sat down on the ground, leaning his head back against it. Looking at the red window and the gold-plated ceiling, he slumped down, "Finally got rid of them! Senior brother, you still have an idea! But how did you know that there is a locator in my mobile phone?"

"Thinking about it, if I were an orthodox person, I would also have a backup plan for visitors who were undecided. Remember when we went to the underground palace, did they confiscate our mobile phones? It would be abnormal if there was no tampering inside."

"I feel sorry for the Forbidden City cat. I remember that the cow cat is called 'Obai' in the cat guide, right? I hope it can hold on for a little longer and not be caught so early."

"Switching the locator on the cat won't fool them for long. Even if they can't catch it for a while, they will be able to react after a while. We have to leave here quickly and join Lin Nian and the others." Chu, who was sitting on the other side, Zihang flipped through his phone, looking at the map of the Forbidden City saved in the photo album above, silently calculating the best escape route in his mind.

"It's really inexplicable. Does this mean that the orthodoxy and the Secret Party have completely broken down? Otherwise, why would they put us under house arrest for no reason?" We were as eager as the enemy knocking on our door, so I thought the college was betraying us behind our back."

"The situation is unclear now. Don't draw any conclusions for the time being. We have limited ways to obtain intelligence. We must first find teammates we can trust to join together." Chu Zihang turned off the screen of his mobile phone and put it in the pocket of his jeans.

"Why don't you call Senior Brother Lin Nian directly? I suspect that the sudden abnormality in Orthodoxy has something to do with the Dragon King. Senior Brother Lin Nian should know more or less the inside story." Xia Mi suggested.

"In the academy, 'Norma' can monitor every incoming or outgoing call and learn its content and the detailed location of the call. The orthodox supercomputer called 'Kyushu' can also do the same thing. Now through the phone Or contacting the outside world through text messages is not a wise choice." Chu Zihang jumped out of the window vigorously, followed closely by Xia Mi.

"Now we are in Cining Garden, the cat with the locator."

"It's called Obai." Xia Mi reminded, "Visitors to the Forbidden City say that every step and every move he makes is as domineering and majestic as an imperial guard, so I call him Obai."

"Well, that Obai has led people to escape in the direction of Shenwu Gate. We should go in the opposite direction now and leave through Xihua Gate, the left gate of the Forbidden City." Chu Zihang took Xia Mi from the Ginkgo and Chrysanthemum Blossom Gate. He walked through the garden and ran low-down towards the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The two of them ran through the Forbidden City at night, climbing trees and climbing walls from time to time. Whenever someone's voice sounded in the distance, they would cautiously sneak into the palace or the grass and remain motionless, waiting with bated breath for all the pursuers to get away before moving on.

"Are the snitches in ancient times like us? Senior brother, maybe you can travel back to ancient times and become a thief." Xia Mi said jokingly, looking at Chu Zihang who was sitting on the red wall and reaching out to him. .

"Most of the historical legends about snitches breaking into the palace are fabrications. The palace was the most heavily guarded place in ancient times. You can steal things in the palace and kill people in the palace. The emperor will not allow this to happen. "Chu Zihang used his strength to pull Xia Mi up, jumped down and turned his back to the girl on the red wall to investigate the road situation.

Xia Mi sat on the red wall and looked at Chu Zihang who showed no expression below. He twitched his eyebrows and said, "Ouch."

Chu Zihang immediately turned back, and then rushed towards the place where Xia Mi fell, opening his hands to catch her. His feet were ready for a steady horse step, and the soil on the soles of the shoes was also pressed away by a uniform force, and he was about to prepare for the reception. impact.

But in the end. After the fragrant wind hit his face, the person who fell into his hands seemed to be as light as weightless. He hugged him upwards, and the other person sat firmly, and then stood on the ground.

Xia Mi landed lightly on the ground, patted the hem of her skirt, turned around and gave a thumbs up to Chu Zihang, "Senior brother, your reaction is quick, extra points!"

Chu Zihang retracted his hand silently. He didn't know how this girl's brain circuits were developed, and how she could have such a big heart when being hunted. He didn't know whether this was a good thing or a bad thing.

They ran forward from the path among the locust trees, passed through eighteen ancient locust trees, and walked onto the Duanhong Bridge. But just when they reached the middle of the bridge, Chu Zihang suddenly grabbed Xia Mi's collar and carried him with him. He jumped off the bridge. Before he fell into the water, he stretched out his hand to grab the bulge on the side of the bridge and hung on the side of the bridge. Then he let go and slid into the water little by little without making any sound, and turned into the shadow of the bridge hole to hide.

After a while, footsteps were heard on the top of the bridge, and the light of flashlights and lanterns shone brightly on the water. This was a large team turning back from the direction they were fleeing, unlike the group that had chased them before. Batch people.

In the darkness, Xia Mi stared at Chu Zihang who was close at hand, but the other party did not look at her. He just looked up silently in the direction of the top of the bridge. The cold autumn water covered their chests and quickly took away their body temperature.

Chu Zihang held his hands on both sides of the arch of the narrow bridge. Xia Mi put his hands on his shoulders, hanging on the boy's chest like a koala. She could hear him clearly with her face pressed against his body. The boy's heartbeat - quite even, neither accelerating nor slowing down.

Chu Zihang is always so calm at all times. Not to mention the wet and beautiful junior sister hugging him face to face in a small space, even if Sadako hugs him, he can still keep his expression, right?

Chu Zihang's attention was indeed not focused on Xia Mi hanging on his chest. Although he raised his head, he closed his eyes and strengthened his auditory senses as much as possible. After his bloodline was suppressed, he My five senses have declined a lot, and only in this way can I barely hear some unclear sounds clearly.

The size of the group hurriedly passing overhead was about a dozen people. They walked softly, without dragging their feet, and their center of gravity was very stable. There was almost no whispering to each other. They hurriedly walked across the Duanhong Bridge, and soon the footsteps disappeared in the distance, but Even so, Chu Zihang did not go out from the bridge hole.

Another footsteps suddenly sounded overhead, and they stopped in the middle of the bridge.

Chu Zihang and Xia Mi held their breaths under the bridge. There was only the sound of water flowing in their ears. After a while, there was the sound of footsteps coming from the other direction from far to near. It was very urgent and very fast. They were running. The way came to a stop on the bridge.

"Commander Li! Bad news came from Kyushu before. Is it true that five clan elders were killed in Longfeng Garden?"

"it is true."

The two people standing on the bridge started talking. Chu Zihang and Xia Mi almost gasped when they heard their first words. There was horror on both of their faces, feeling that they must be I heard something wrong.

"Although Jiuzhou has already stated it in detail in the notice, I still want to confirm with you personally. Is the criminal who killed the five elders really the Dragon King?"

"It's absolutely true that all the 'Jingguan' in Longfeng Garden have been wiped out, and there are no corpses left. The Dragon King's raid into the hinterland was like lightning, and the results of the attack were already settled before we could react. What we can do now , only to launch a revengeful counterattack, the advance team has already followed the 'moon' to the entrance of the Nibelungen, and the remaining people stay in the seven-star organization to be dispatched by Kyushu at any time."

Chu Zihang heard the identity of the last slightly cold female voice. It was Li Qiuluo who had led him and Xia Mi to visit the orthodox institution three or four hours ago. When Li Qiuluo, one of several departments named "Seven Stars", received a call midway, he interrupted his visit to the orthodox journey on the grounds that he had important matters to deal with, and placed them in a living room in the underground palace. Let them wait a moment.

Just this "moment" was enough for Chu Zihang and Xia Mi to be bored in that room for two or three hours. Finally, when Xia Mi went to the toilet, he found that the entire Lingluoshou department seemed to be in a mess. , a large number of orthodox members were running in the corridors and underground palaces, their faces as serious as if they were taking the CET-6 test the next day and memorizing "abandon" tonight (at least the first word at that time was still "abandon").

Sensing something bad, Xia Mi went back and told Chu Zihang what he saw. When the two of them wanted to find someone to ask what happened, two or three Lang Juxu operators with different guns suddenly appeared. He invited them back to the room very politely, and informed them that the Commander-in-Chief had made instructions when he left. Under no circumstances could an accident happen to the two distinguished guests, so before the Commander-in-Chief came back, please stay in the room. Move around.

There is no doubt that they are under house arrest.

It was Chu Zihang who proposed the idea of ​​escaping because he sensed that something was wrong. Before Li Qiuluo answered the call and left, Orthodoxy was still operating normally internally, but at a certain point in time, Orthodoxy suddenly went into chaos. It was like a bomb exploded inside the orthodox building. Everyone was rushing to the scene of the explosion, but the two of them were under strict guard.

Chu Zihang and Xia Mi almost had the same premonition. Although this matter had nothing to do with them in the final analysis, if they really stayed where they were, it was unclear whether it would have anything to do with them in the future - —They smelled a conspiracy. Although they didn't know if it was aimed at them, since they had this concern, it was better to get away quickly.

Until now, the answer has finally been revealed as to where the bomb that exploded within Orthodoxy went and who it killed. Five clan heads died unexpectedly, and the murderer was suspected to be the Dragon King. This news was like a nuclear bomb-level explosion wherever it was posted. Chu Zihang knew very well that he could not get involved in this trouble, not even in the slightest.

But this does not mean that they should come out from under the bridge now and tell the people above that we have always been in the orthodox before and have never left the Forbidden City. This matter has nothing to do with us. The surveillance is watching! Then he patted his butt and left.

Although he is not a conspirator, Chu Zihang still has a premonition that Li Qiuluo on the bridge, the commander-in-chief of Lang Juxu, seems to be inseparable from the sudden death of the heads of the five major clans - the time of her departure was too weird. , before she left, the entire Orthodoxy was safe and sound. After the window period when she left, this nuclear-level bomb exploded instantly. It was difficult not to make Chu Zihang think more about the possibilities.

"How are the remains of the five elders disposed of now?"

"After me, the deceased will be sent back to the 'Rescue Center' for sealing and processing. The placement of the elder's body is a big deal, and the specific process still needs to be discussed by the elders of the clan. But the top priority now is the Nibelungen that has been opened. In the attack plan, the clan leader has died, and there are still many voices within the orthodox community that need to be integrated as soon as possible. Pass my military order and inform the 'Tianji Pavilion' to order Kyushu to officially declare the war period internally and externally. There are still some doubts about the death of the clan leader, so from We are now refusing all visits from outside forces, including secret parties that are allies with us. According to the guidelines during the war, 'Lang Juxu' among the Seven Stars has priority in receiving all resources. All important internal government matters will be sent to my office as soon as possible. We now need to ensure that the orthodox internal and external processes are orderly and not chaotic."


The voices on the bridge overhead were getting farther and farther away. Chu Zihang and Xia Mi were still hiding in the bridge hole without moving. The two of them clung to each other, using each other's body heat to ensure that they would not shiver due to the cold autumn water. It was very charming. The scene was extremely horrifying because of the information revealed during the conversation on the bridge.

Both of them had stiff expressions, knowing that the situation was beginning to collapse, and they were still in a rather awkward position.

When the people were far away, Chu Zihang released his arms holding the sides of the bridge hole, slowly swam out with Xia Mi, turned over on the bridge, and then reached out to pull Xia Mi up.

Both of them were wet, and the late night wind brought coldness to their bodies, but it was far less cold than the coldness in their hearts at the moment.

"Let's go." Chu Zihang just whispered, and Xia Mi nodded quietly and followed immediately.

If Orthodoxy really enters the war period and refuses the intervention of all external forces, then there is no doubt that once the two secret party members are controlled within Orthodoxy, they will not be able to leave until the end of the war period. Orthodox control may even become a bargaining chip in negotiations between the Orthodox and the Secret Party under certain circumstances - they do not underestimate the cold-bloodedness of the game between the huge mixed-race forces. In the eyes of those people, the only things under their control are expendable, and It cannot be sacrificed for now.

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