"Eat the butt meat first, then eat the thin calves, one rib a day, I am as happy as a god." A dull humming sound sounded out, and the rhythm similar to a slap echoed, and Ye Chijin's right foot was pulled The calves were also touched and kneaded like a Barbie doll, as if they were inspecting some high-end ingredients.

The explosive emotions stimulated the bloodline, and the excitement exploded to its final potential.

In the pool of blood, a bloody blade was thrown out of thin air, like a red fishing line pulled out of the lake. It was scratched on the big hand without warning, and half of the wrist's flesh and bones were cut off and fell into the pool of blood. Under the pig face mask He let out a roar of pain and loosened his grip on Yechi Jinguang's ankle.

"My mother never beat me!" A shrill roar like a pig's roar came from behind.

Ye Chijin squeezed out the strength from nowhere in the huge fear, staggered and grabbed a pig hanging next to him, stood up with a scream, and stumbled towards the entrance of the passage in front. At the same time, there were heavy footsteps and breathing sounds from behind.

Just when she was about to rush out of this nightmare-like passage, she bumped into a passing figure at the corner of the passage.

She couldn't see clearly who was coming, but she could only condense all the fear into two words in her throat and scream out, "Help me."

What Japanese anime breads collide at a corner.

Lin Nian looked indifferently at the beautiful girl in his arms who was stiff and naked, as if she had "strawberry jam" smeared all over her body and looked delicious.

Judging from her appearance, this girl is pretty enough to be the first love that any boy in college dreams of having. The lingering traces of golden pupils on her pupils confirm her mixed-race identity.

Looking down, there are some no-nonsense things, but special treatment in special circumstances. To use the terminology of a popular online novel in recent years (around 2008 to 2011), Lin Nian’s eyes when he looked at this woman were "clear and transparent, not... With a trace of evil thoughts", he is quite a gentleman.

Because the woman he bumped into was not wearing any clothes, the traces of training on her body naturally could not be hidden from Lin Nian's observation. The injuries on her body and the evenness of her muscles were almost obvious at a glance. What are your fighting habits in actual combat?

But what concerned him more than these were the ten hooks on the woman's front. The tiny hooks were pierced on her body like some kind of sex toy. Blood was still flowing from the perforated area, mixed with The other blood, which she didn't know was her own or someone else's, looked particularly unhygienic when mixed together.

It's true that the Nibelungs are so big that everyone can see them. They've walked all the way and killed strange things when they saw them, but this was the first time I'd seen such a strange thing.

Lin Nian immediately stretched out his right hand, or to be precise, the fingers of his right hand, and poked the opponent's shoulder, creating a little distance.

Ye Chijin fell to the ground due to lack of physical strength. Her movements were a bit inelegant and she seemed open-minded, but she didn't pay attention to these details, and Lin Nian wouldn't watch a strange XP lover covered in strawberry jam go naked.

"If you don't want to die, don't get involved." Lin Nian said.

There is everyone in this maze. He has seen a lot along the way, all kinds of strange and dangerous hybrids, as well as explorers who have fallen into the Nibelungs with ill intentions. Who knows if the other party is one of them? .

On the contrary, Ye Chijin, who bumped into Lin Nian, fell to the ground. When he looked up and saw Lin Nian's appearance, he was excited and happy to be saved, "Are you from the army?"

She didn't know Lin Nian, but it didn't stop her from noticing the cold and capable aura about Lin Nian. The outstanding leaders in Langjuxu all carried this kind of aura, which made her easily recognize Lin Nian. They became the first group of crusaders to come to Nibelungen guided by the "moon".

"Big army? Are you an orthodox person?" Lin Nian caught the key word and looked at this girl again, not only disheveled, but also naked. She was young and played a lot, but if the other party was really If you are an orthodox person, then it seems that you are dressing up like this not for having fun, but for trouble.

"Lang Juxu, Wu Zinian set up an army, Ye Chijin, instructor Li Chengzheng is here." Ye Chijin suddenly looked into the passage where she came from as if facing an enemy in the middle of her words. Lin Nian was standing behind the corner. After a few steps, Ye Chijin happened to be unable to see the scene he saw in his blind spot.

"What smells so good?" Lin Nian sniffed, smelling the aroma of oil, and looked at Ye Chijin, "Are you having a barbecue?"

Ye Chijin didn't know what expression to make, so he could only explain his situation quickly, sweating profusely and struggling to get up, "I was attacked by a sneak attack, he is chasing me, run away."

Lin Nian took a few steps forward, bypassed Ye Chijin, and stood in front of the passage where the pigs were hung. At the same time, he faced the pig-faced human skin mask walking towards the passage.

The distance between the two people was almost close to each other, and they were just a few centimeters away from bumping into each other. Their faces were also facing each other, and the heavy breathing could be heard in the ugly and rough human skin mask.

Lin Nian did not move or retreat. He looked almost face to face at this pig-faced human skin mask that could only be seen in horror movies. The other party saw Lin Nian through the hole in the mask, and the iron hook in his hand also There is no movement when pinched. In this case, any movement is a signal to pull the trigger.

The golden eyes lit up in the pig's face.

Word Spirit·Hunting.

Bloodline Origin: Unknown

Risk level: medium

Discovered and named by: Mugeap

Introduction: The effective range of this word spirit depends on the range of the five senses of the target. The releaser spreads the advantages of his own bloodline in a domain. The target suppressed by the bloodline will fall into a state of intimidation, and his senses and body movements will become stiff, allowing anyone to Fish meat, only severe pain or interference from a third party can liberate it from the deterrent state.

"The soul of the wild, the way of the hunter, intimidating all directions" - Anonymous.

Lin Nian did not light up the golden eyes, but just looked at the opponent's golden eyes.

The stare-off lasted for about five seconds. Neither of them moved. Ye Chijin on the ground also stared blankly at the scene with his head raised, not daring to breathe loudly.

Finally, Lin Nian stopped looking at the disgusting mask, sniffed at the scent of oil, ignored the stalemate, bypassed the big guy in front of him, and walked into the passage filled with pigs.

Even though he was well prepared, he stood in front of the pig nest in the passage for a long time, and then continued in after accepting the bizarre scene.

Every time Lin Nian passed a pig, the ropes connected to the ceiling would break. The pig that was supposed to fall skipped the fall and appeared directly on the ground in a pool of blood.

Along the way, the pigs fell all the way, and the pig-faced human-skin mask standing at the entrance of the passage remained motionless and did not look back, standing there like a student standing for punishment.

They didn't even take action, and Lin Nian never lit up the golden eyes.

Ye Chijin didn't know what Lin Nian had done. When she came to her senses, the pig forest blocking people's view in the passage had been demolished, and all the victims were lying quietly in a pool of blood. She didn't know if anyone was there. A few can survive successfully, but to be able to do this is considered to be the most benevolent and righteous.

Lin Nian stood in front of the oil pan at the other end of the passage. He reached into the boiling oil and dipped a little, put it to the corner of his mouth and sipped it, spit it out, put away the hot oil on the side of the oil pan, and grabbed the hot oil with one hand. He walked back with the pot of oil on the edge of the pot, stood in front of the pig-faced human skin mask, and handed the pot of oil to his side.

"Drink it." Lin Nian said lightly.

The pig-faced human-skin mask was trembling at a low frequency all over the body. Ye Chijin, who was sluggish on the ground, realized that how scared he and the hung pigs were before, he was now just as scared as the perpetrator.

The pig-faced human-skin mask glanced at the boiling oil pan, then at Lin Nian, and shook his head hard to express his unwillingness.

"You cooked the oil well." Lin Nian said.

The pig-faced human-skin mask looks like a child who has done something wrong, nodding.

"Then drink him." Lin Nian said.

The pig-faced human-skin mask stretched out his hand tremblingly to pick up the oil pan. The moment his palm touched the oil pan, smoke and pig-like howls sounded, echoing harshly in the long passage.

Under Lin Nian's supervision, the hot boiling oil was poured into the pig-faced mouth bit by bit. When the last drop was drained out, the heavy body collapsed and twitched, and a strange fragrance filled the whole body. .

"You - what did you do?" Ye Chijin looked at Lin Nian blankly, completely unable to understand what was happening in front of him.

"Nothing done." Lin Nian replied.

Lin Nian did not do anything, he just brought the oil pan over and asked the other party to drink it, and the other party drank it.

"Where are Li Huoyue and the other orthodox people?" Lin Nian looked at Ye Chijin and asked.

"I don't know, we got separated." Ye Chijin was still in a state of shock.

"Do you know how to go next?" Lin Nian asked again.

"Didn't know I was lost."

Unable to get any more useful information, Lin Nian smelled the scent of oil spreading in the air, checked his physical strength, and said, "Sorry, I'm starting to get hungry."

Hearing these words, Ye Chijin, who was naked on the ground, inexplicably raised his head and glanced at Lin Nian. His face suddenly turned pale, and he lowered his head and hugged himself, his whole body stiff.

When Lin Nian said he was hungry, Ye Chijin clearly saw the uncontrollable desire in this man's eyes. It was the desire to eat. The moment that desire hit her retinas, she felt like she was the last I started to see pig faces and human skin masks, and my whole body was stiff and unable to move.

She instantly understood how the pig-faced human-skin mask died.

"Do you know where Deadpool is?"

She suddenly heard Lin Nian's question.

"I think I know." She realized she had to know.

"lead the way."

Lin Nian carried Ye Chijin on his shoulder with one hand. The ten iron hooks clinked on the ground at some point. Ye Chijin could only lie numbly on the man's shoulder. A human-shaped compass.

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