
Without the weak cry of the person on his shoulder, Lin Nian also stopped. He put the Ye Chijin on his shoulder, which could not be said to be half-clothed, but only a piece of it, to the wall of the passage. He also took off his only windbreaker and threw it on her body to cover her.

To be honest, Lin Nian couldn't bear to part with this windbreaker. It's not that the windbreaker was a custom-made one given by Caesar. It's just that he only has this top on him now. After throwing it to her, it means that he can only roam around topless. The whole Nibelungen, although it didn't have much impact and I didn't catch a cold or anything, I still felt uncomfortable.

Ye Chijin hugged her windbreaker tightly and huddled in the corner. The remaining warmth on her clothes made her feel inexplicably at ease. She was about to remind Lin Nian something, but Lin Nian raised his hand to signal her not to speak.

Under Ye Chijin's somewhat incredulous gaze, Lin Nian's body turned up with white scales, like a silver armor covering his body. From his chest to his shoulders, those scales piled up layer by layer to form a sharp-thorned The shoulder pads and similar spikes are also densely distributed in parts that do not affect the range of movement. A simple collision can stab the enemy with holes.

"Bloodline. Refining technology?" It's obvious that Ye Chijin is knowledgeable. Bloodline refining technology doesn't seem to be a secret on the orthodox side, but now Lin Nian's wanton control of bloodline and modification of the recessive genes of dragons is It was the first time I saw him. Even in the orthodox world, those who could achieve this level of bloodline refinement would be arrested and interrogated by the clan elders.

Lin Nian's violent outburst was not to show his prestige in front of Ye Chijin, but because he sensed that the enemy was approaching. In other words, he had silently surrounded them.

He moved his right hand. The right hand covered with proliferating scales was like wearing a steel gauntlet. Each knuckle on the fingers was covered with sharp horns, similar to the medieval armor gloves. In order not to affect the For touch and weapon use, the leather is replaced by tiny scales connected to some nerves on the inside of the steel gauntlet.

Without warning, Lin Nian turned around and punched the wall of the passage about one meter above Ye Chijin's head. There was an Arctic Coke billboard hanging there, but the glass of the billboard first shattered the internal organs and bones. , huge force pressed the transparent strange shape into the wall, and dirty acidic blood bloomed on the wall of the corridor like flowers.

Ye Chijin didn't see Lin Nian's punch clearly. Her senses only heard a blast of wind, and then a loud noise exploded above her head in less than 0.1 seconds. The entire passage extended to 150 meters on both sides. The ceramic tiles and the surging wall dust were directly shaken in the tunnel, like a diffuse rainstorm.

The hearing in her ears was directly replaced by tinnitus. After being dizzy for dozens of seconds and coughing, she raised her head and saw Lin Nian dragging a lizard-like thing covered in black blood in his hand.

It is said to be a lizard, but its size is close to that of a Komodo dragon. Its mouth is big enough to swallow a wild boar alive. Its body is covered with scales. These scales are different from dragon scales. They are regular small cubes arranged neatly. The ground is all over the body, and the whole body is black and yellow. A long row of sharp and dense spines bulges on the back. The dorsal spines extended by the vertebrae can keep it balanced, allowing it to ignore the terrain and climb on the wall to quietly approach the ground. of leaf pond brocade.

If it wasn't Lin Nian who was standing here and he hadn't noticed this big guy who was invisible through light perception, then what would happen next would be roughly like this. The giant lizard surged up and grabbed half of Ye Chijin's body with a flick of its tail. Turn around and run away. Should you chase after the complex passage environment while being invisible or not? If you chase, you will definitely get lost. If you don't chase, your teammates will be eaten. It is a dilemma.

However, optical invisibility does not mean that the sound can be disappeared without a trace. Lin Nian's hearing is so good that he can hear the sound of Lu Mingfei snoring upstairs while sleeping in the Lion Heart Club. The monitor lizard tried his best to minimize the movement on the wall. , that delicate sound was like thunder in his ears.

With one punch, the wall of the nearly 300-meter-long passage was blown away. The stirred up wall ash covered the giant lizards that had been filled in the passage for an unknown period of time and forced their appearance. They had silently surrounded Lin Nian. and Ye Chijin, the two of them are like big white geese that accidentally entered a lizard's nest.

Ye Chijin was numb when he saw this scene. He only had time to say, "It's over——"

Turbulence like an earthquake wave swept through the passage. Ye Chijin, who was sitting on the ground, felt as if the whole world had been thrown into a drum washing machine. She was shaken by the huge force, then spun around, and finally fell to the ground. She got up in panic. The next thing I saw at first glance were monitor lizard carcasses piled up in the passage.

All the monitor lizard corpses were killed with two punches. One punch penetrated the head, and the other punch broke the spine. There were about seventeen or eight of them. They died suddenly at the same moment. The explosion that converged into an instant was what Ye Chijin just said. Sweeping like a seismic wave, the passage was completely destroyed by the turbulence, and most of the places collapsed, revealing the scenery of other passages behind it.

After the "moment" realm was lifted, Lin Nian could clearly feel that the consumption ratio of sugar and fat in his body had begun to lose balance. This meant that until now, when he went deep into the maze, his stored energy had been almost exhausted.

Lin Nian cleared a clearing and came out. He brought a monitor lizard and placed it on the ground. He pressed the scale-armored sharp fingers on the monitor lizard's forehead. Amidst the sharp explosions and sparks, he and the welding master A line is also drawn on the monitor lizard from its forehead to the base of its tail. After the hard scales are separated, the dark brown flesh and blood tissue inside is exposed. Countless blood vessels darker than brown are covered with the tissue, along with the nerves that are not completely dead in the muscles. Constant twitching.


Lin Nian wasn't kidding, he was really hungry.

When it comes to eating Deadpool, he is really planning to eat Deadpool. He doesn't have any mental disorder. In extreme circumstances, he can still eat Deadpool even if he is in human form. This is due to Lin Xian's good teaching in the past. He is not picky about food and has no dietary restrictions. Food can be anything as long as it can meet the energy needs of survival.

Lin Nian prefers to call the accelerated physical exhaustion in the Nibelungs "rules" rather than a "field" he has never seen before, just like what the King of Bronze and Fire in the White Emperor City showed in the extremely small Within the scope, there are “rules” that cannot be changed.

That is something mysterious and mysterious. Lin Nian cannot determine what the essence of this thing called "rule" is. It is like universal gravity, the law of thermodynamics, and the law of conservation of energy. It is written in this world and this universe. In the underlying code of the framework, even the Dragon King cannot violate its operation.

If he wanted to leave the maze in a well-preserved fighting state, then Lin Nian was bound to find a breakthrough under this "rule", and eating Deadpool was an obvious way.

But then, a question arises, that is, is the flesh and blood of the alien Deadpool really enough to provide him with energy?

Lin Nian stretched out a finger wrapped in thin scales and touched the flesh and blood tissue inside the cut back with his fingertips. A "sizzling" sound immediately sounded where the scales contacted the flesh and blood, which meant the death of the alien species. The flesh and blood of the warrior is corrosive, and the structure of this twisted creature has completely adapted to the extreme corrosive environment, making every inch of its body's tissues highly toxic.

Even if it is highly poisonous, it must be poisonous at the level of dragon blood. As long as it is related to the toxicity of dragon blood, Lin Nian is confident that he is immune. Therefore, highly poisonous poison is not a problem that bothers him at all. There is only one reason why he did not speak immediately. , that is the corrosive nature of flesh and blood.

To put it bluntly, let alone corrosive flesh and blood, even Lin Nian would dare to drink sulfuric acid, because the word spirit "Baqi" is almost unreasonable in terms of the recovery effect of the body, which slightly distorts the world." The spiritual power of "Rules", to put it more seriously, the self-healing given by "Baqi" should be called "immortality".

But after understanding Lin Nian's purpose now, his main purpose now is to replenish energy and restore physical fitness by ingesting blood, flesh and fat. This creates a paradox - eating corrosive flesh and blood directly will inevitably damage Lin Nian's esophagus. Even stomach burns, once he suffers such internal damage, he can only activate "Baqi" for efficient self-healing. The consumption of activating "Baqi" is quite terrifying. From mental to energy, Lin Nian is generally I will not consider using this trump card level first.

As expected, any idea without practice was nothing more than bragging. Lin Nian fell silent while looking at the white scales corroded by acidic substances.

"At this time, you will think, if I have a stomach that can even consume steel, maybe I don't have to think so much, I can just eat without my arms."

The blond girl appeared opposite Lin Nian, squatting in front of the monitor lizard's body, stretching out her green fingers to smear some brown blood on the back, as if sucking ketchup, and carefully licking the blood off her fingers with her tongue. .

Of course Lin Nian knew what the blonde girl was alluding to.

Twelve works of gospel spiritual structure forgive the bitter flesh and heal the stomach. Digestive organs that can withstand temperatures exceeding 300°C, with a maximum temperature of 1000°C, will have their entire stomach structure reorganized at the genetic level. Any foreign objects entering the esophagus will be decomposed into energy, working continuously and never overloading.

Once such a thing as a stomach is successfully constructed, the "recipe" of the person carrying it will be almost the same as that of a real dragon. Real dragons will not die of hunger. For them, as long as they have "wind" ", fire, earth, water" elements can be converted into required energy through complex forms for replenishment, just like herbivores decompose grass fiber into sugars through rumen fermentation, and then into formic acid, acetic acid, butyric acid , these acids can be used to synthesize fat and protein (this efficiency is not high, so dragons still tend to eat fat and meat directly instead of turning around when replenishing energy. The existence of this function also gave birth to A very small number of dragons who advocate vegetarianism exist).

If you want to pass the maze, you must endure terrible physical exertion. If you want to maintain your status and pass the level, you must find a way to solve the physical exhaustion in the maze. There is only one way in front of Lin Nian - to promote the construction of the twelve gospels. After the mist-like blood and strengthening the lungs, the third gospel is constructed again, which is to cure the stomach, to provide a targeted solution.

Going deep into the Nibelungs will inevitably bring too much supplies. The difficulty level after level consumes a lot of physical strength. Even Lin Nian cannot guarantee that he will be in a full state when he finally reaches the bottom. But if he has Yewei With this gospel, wherever he goes, there will be his cafeteria. From then on, the major problem of physical energy consumption will no longer bother him, and the bad habit of "sugar addiction" that has been criticized by people around him may also be significantly improved.

"Why does it feel a bit deliberate?" Lin Nian said.

"It's like in an RPG game where you push the map and learn specific skills until you finally achieve the magic skill. After summing up all the experiences along the way, you realize the invincible magic skill and the purpose of defeating the boss at the end?" The blonde girl licked her fingers carefully. .

"The construction of the Twelve Gospels cannot be completed overnight." Lin Nian shook his head. He especially remembered the time when he constructed the mist-like blood. The blood all over his body seemed to have its own consciousness and was scrambling to escape from the blood vessels. The feeling is really unbearable. Who knows what the side effects of Yewei are in the construction?

"The side effect is that you will feel extremely hungry." The blonde girl said with a smile.

"The stomach is not a separate alchemical organ. The stomach represents the main way for you to absorb energy. If you want to build the stomach, from the mouth, pharynx, esophagus to the stomach, small intestine, large intestine, etc., the entire digestive system will undergo genetic modification. Transformation, one of the eight major systems of the human body will be subversively reconstructed."

"Suppose a person who has grown up eating rice porridge suddenly discovers that in addition to rice porridge, there are meat, fruits, vegetables and other foods with different sensory stimulations that can be stuffed into his mouth. What do you think he would do?"

"Overeating." Lin Nian replied.

"In the process of completing the construction of the stomach, the receptors of the alchemy system (no mistakes) will endure an unparalleled hunger. For the first time, you discover that there is actually nothing around you that you cannot eat. You can eat soil, you can eat metal, and you are being looked down upon. You can also eat highly toxic chemicals. The green acid that is shunned by people might still taste like Fanta apple to you. Of course, I am just giving an example. Strong acid cannot be apple-flavored." The blond girl said, "But the more complete your stomach is, the more you will feel unbearable hunger for the first time! It is a hunger that is indescribable in words. If you can't stand that hunger, then you will start to overeat. , and for you in that state, what attracts you most should be a dynamic organic-inorganic mixture full of trace elements and rich in nutritional dragon blood."

Lin Nian glanced at Ye Chijin, who was sitting on the ground like a quail.

"Hunger will not be felt in the maze. Its rules block the word 'hunger'." He suddenly said.

After saying that, he stopped talking and frowned slightly.

"Have you started a conspiracy theory?" The blonde girl tilted her head and looked at the frowning Lin Nian. Of course she knew what Lin Nian was thinking.

"I have to think more." Lin Nian was silent for a long time, "But the current situation seems that I can only give it a try?"

The hunger immunity rule in the Nibelungs is very suitable for the construction of the gospel of Yewei. If it can be constructed in the maze, then there will be no limit to the physical requirements for subsequent exploration, even during the construction process. The dreaded side effects can be easily offset.

It feels like it was tailor-made for Lin Nian's promotion of the twelve gospels.

Accident or trap.

Gift or conspiracy.

Lin Nian, who was used to conspiracy theories, was just like what the blonde girl teased, and he immediately began to think about the pros and cons.

"First of all, let me make a statement. I am not sure whether the rules of this Nibelung maze have fundamentally deleted 'hunger'. If it is just weakened, then you will still suffer side effects during the construction process. If you can't stand it If you eat the little guy next to you alive because of the side effects, you can't blame me." Yelena immediately began to pile up her armor, guarding against Lin Nian's possible blame-shifting behavior in the future.

"That would be better. If the rules of the maze only weaken 'hunger', then depending on the strength of hunger, the Yewei under construction can become a compass and lead me out of here." Lin Nian is very capable of drawing inferences from one example to another.

"So... let's do it?" The blonde girl rubbed her hands and tilted her head to stare at Lin Nian, who looked eager to try, her golden eyes full of encouragement.

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