It is not that Ye Chijin has never experienced starvation in extreme environments. He remembers that once when he was exploring a group of caves in Yunnan, he was trapped thirty meters underground. Their entire expedition team almost depended on eating moss and The rhizomes of the plants survived, and the sight of a bug or a mouse at that time was considered a feast.

Ye Chijin always thought that the experience during that period could be regarded as the ultimate level of human diet development, but now, when the meat cut from the giant lizard-like Deadpool was laid out in front of her, she felt that I am still very tender.

Is this thing really edible?

Ye Chijin looked at the meat that had been skinned alive. The tenderloin was divided into tenderloins, the neck meat was divided into neck meat, and the ribs, front and rear legs, plum blossoms, and other parts were clearly divided. They were all neatly stacked on the ground. As long as If you can accept the brownish-dark color of the meat and ignore the overflowing blood that is constantly corroding the ground, then this stall of meat is actually quite appetizing.

A large pot was set up, and underneath was a stove made of bricks and stones. Deadpool's flammable and explosive grease was burned inside. Every crackling sound made people wonder whether this homemade stove would explode.

Lin Nian was refining oil in front of the pot, and large pieces of suet were thrown into the pot to boil. They were the two parts with extremely high fat content on the left and right sides of Deadpool's chest, which were cut open. They were also called sides in some places. Oil, generally this part is used when making fresh oil at home.

No, brother, it’s really delicious.

At first, Ye Chijin thought that Lin Nian was just having fun, setting up a character or something. For example, some of the seniors in Langjuxu also liked to do this kind of stunt in front of the juniors.

Previously, Ye Chijin had been assigned to a group with a senior who was also a "sword master" like Yan Ling and "Yue", and was sent by the clan to the primitive forest area in the northern part of the Daxingan Mountains in Inner Mongolia to search for signs of resurrected dragons. "Sword" "Yu" senior is very cold, with a hair tail like that of the hero of a novel about cultivating immortals. He is holding a three-foot green peak. After seeing Ye Chijin, his first words were in a classic "light" tone, saying: "Just follow me." , dragon matters are left to me alone." When camping in the wilderness, I would often see my senior sitting cross-legged in the moonlit place polishing his sword while sleeping in a sleeping bag at night. The sadness when he raised his head made people wonder. Is there any deep hatred between him and dragons?

Ye Chijin thought at the time that such a reliable senior would definitely be sure to find a first-class dragon this time, until they actually bumped into a fourth-generation species that came out to look for food in the primitive forest area. Before Ye Chijin could react, senior Yu Jian had already grabbed her collar and rushed out of the forest at a speed of nearly 200 meters per second without even looking back. In the process, she broke countless trees. Fortunately, With seniors protecting her, she only had some scratches.

But the senior was different. His nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and he had suffered a lot of losses. "Yue" who supported him later couldn't help but nodded to him and acknowledged him. He probably thought that the injury was caused by a dragon, and then went out alone. They rushed into the primeval forest and chopped up the fourth generation species. When the large army arrived, they happened to catch up with the hot dragon corpse.

Only then did Ye Chijin realize that sometimes you can't trust everything you say in the workplace, "I alone can decide on dragon matters." This statement can also be understood as "I can run away when I say so."

As for not sleeping at night, looking at the moon and raising the sword, it is purely because the senior snores at night, and is afraid of disturbing her to rest. It has nothing to do with Wang Yue thinking about her old friend.

But this guy is different now. When he says he wants to eat Deadpool, he means he really wants to eat it. The meat has been cut, the pot has been brought back from the pig forest, the stove has been set up, and the cooking of oil on site is really professional.

Ye Chijin really wanted to find an excuse. Although she was very grateful to the other party for her kindness, she really couldn't repay him now. Let her go back to the station and wait until the rescue to talk about the promise. Now and She couldn't feel any peace of mind when she was with her benefactor. Instead, the frightening feeling became more and more serious.

There is nothing wrong with Ye Chijin's feeling. If we look at it from the perspective of Lu Mingfei who has turned on "BLACK SHEEP WALL", in the three-dimensional map of the big maze, the point where Lin Nian and Ye Chijin are staying is the center, and the surrounding areas are In a large circle of intricate passages, a large number of red dots symbolizing hostile creatures are actively migrating into the distance, as if some "radiation" is spreading from the center of that point. Creatures that can sense the crisis are paying attention to it. Avoid it.

Lin Nian, who was boiling oil, turned over the oil residue in the oil pan. Compared with the hot oil rolling in the pan, his body was almost in the same situation.

He spat, and a pit appeared on the ground. In the pit were the teeth that were gradually corroded by the spit. This made him stunned for a moment, and then he realized that his salivary glands had basically completed their construction, and along with them, The newly grown teeth are firmly protected by the enamel modified by the dragon gene. The oral mucosa is somewhat similar to the DNA of hyperthermophilic organisms, and its structure can become stable at high temperatures to ensure normal functions.

As the first place in the digestive system that comes into contact with food, his salivary glands are the first to experience abnormalities. What flows out is no longer saliva, but an acidic substance, which causes the mucous membranes and skin in his mouth to He burned it directly and then reassembled it, but he felt no pain because the blonde girl had turned off his pain nerves before starting to do it.

After several replacement body pilots, Yelena has gradually been able to achieve a semi-managed mode, that is, Lin Nian is the master of body control, while she simultaneously transforms Lin Nian's body and adjusts his bloodline. , microscopic manipulation at the genetic level.

In the simulated dream, Yelena had probably already been familiar with the process of forgiving the suffering and weakness of the twelve gospel spiritual structures thousands of times. In addition, after handling the small practical operation of the "Moon" system, she was not familiar with the real construction process. She seemed to be quite familiar with it, but she would not make a mistake that would cause Lin Nian's genetic sequence to collapse and force him to use "Baqi" to kill himself.

That is to say, Yewei only acts on the digestive system. Once it involves the last of the twelve gospels, the heart mechanism, if there is a construction error in that case, it may have a chain reaction and cause Lin Nian's entire genetic chain to be destroyed. If it collapses, when the bloodline collapses, the spirit of speech will no longer exist, and there will be no talk of "Baqi" hanging his life.

Although the pain nerves were turned off, Lin Nian still felt strange in his body. It felt like pulling out a tooth after local anesthesia. Although there was no pain, you could still feel the dentist doing something in your mouth. Do it.

Yelena said that the transformation would start in at least half an hour, and there would be no upper limit. She would initially establish a beggar version of the gospel of smelting the stomach. Although it is not up to the level of eating magma ore, there is nothing wrong with eating some acidic Deadpool meat. The problem is that at this time, Lin Nian must start to eat steadily and supplement protein energy from the outside to support the share of energy consumed by transformation to achieve a balance.

But now, not to mention starting in half an hour, Lin Nian already felt that the fat in his body was burning at a terrible speed after only ten minutes. It was basically the same as liposuction surgery. He directly used external force to remove the subcutaneous fat layer and break the fat into pieces. The block is aspirated out.

What modern surgery can do, dragon genes can achieve the same effect is like playing. At this time, he suddenly figured out why dragons with noble blood can imitate any "human form" they want. For dragons Humanly speaking, skin is nothing more than the accumulation of fat, muscle, and skeleton. Everyone is born randomly, but they just customize their faces.

Lin Nian's body fat content is around 15%-20%, and the rest is muscle. So in fact, once the Twelve Gospels start building, there won't be much residual fat left for him to consume, and he must start eating immediately to replenish energy. A break-even level.

He had the illusion that he was not a "person" at all, but a diesel car. Yelena stepped on the accelerator and sang loudly and drove wildly. He hung on the gas tank and poured gas into it. As long as the car broke down, he would The viaduct had to be hit by a dump truck coming from behind.

Lin Nian suddenly felt like there was something stuck in his throat. He put down his claws that were boiling oil, turned around and supported the wall and coughed twice. The choking feeling did not subside but became worse. He coughed harder, in the back corner. Ye Chijin, who was curled up in his windbreaker, thought that when Lin Nian was finally going to turn into a corpse, he knocked out a ball of sticky filth wrapped in black blood.

Lin Nian looked at the filth on the ground in silence for a few seconds. This thing seemed to be his stomach, right? If the stomach is vomited out, where will the food you eat now go? Direct access to the large and small intestines?

"Well, it's a good thing you didn't cut off your appendix, so I don't have to make another one for you. This thing is a good thing. No matter what you eat in the future, you won't be constipated. Or do you want to follow the example of Gu Long and have an oral excretion system? The digestive and circulatory system, you don’t have to go to the toilet to eat, you can just open your mouth and spit out fire, and you can spit out the coke of high-temperature feces without anyone noticing. You can also use this hand to insult your opponent during a fight." The blond. The girl's voice sounded in Lin Nian's mind.

"you dare."

"just kidding."

Lin Nian finished vomiting, and while Ye Chijin looked at the monster in his eyes, he walked back to the oil pan, fished out the oil residue inside (with bare hands), and smelled it. There was no peculiar smell, and there was just a pure fragrance. It seemed like Deadpool's fat also follows the chemical changes of the Maillard reaction.

But even like this, Ye Chijin didn't show any longing in her eyes, because she knew very well that it was not something that normal people could eat. It was a special protein that was highly toxic to both hybrids and humans. It could withstand the maximum With a high temperature of 148.5 degrees Celsius, although the high-temperature oil pan can control the oil temperature to over 200 degrees Celsius, this simple stove can only be regarded as a low-temperature oil pan at best. No one dares to take the risk to eat deadpool meat. This is like a shipwrecked person. You can't drink sea water for the same reason.

The oil is ready.

Lin Nian put the oil residue in his mouth, bit it into pieces, chewed it, and then swallowed it. Then he nodded, stuffed the remaining oil residue into his mouth three times, and chewed and swallowed, his cheeks It held up and fell down.

Brother, it’s so delicious

Under Ye Chijin's stunned gaze, Lin Nian did not relax his brows after eating the oil residue. Instead, he turned to look at the meat piled on the ground and frowned.

The total weight of a large pile of meat placed in the passage is about 0.75 tons. A giant lizard-like alien deadpool weighs about 200 kilograms, but the meat yield rate is not high, only 50%. A pig of the same weight yields The meat rate can reach an astonishing 80%. Most of the weight of the monitor lizard is distributed in the density of its skeleton. A 200-pound monitor lizard can only carve out 100 kilograms of meat at most. After a dozen monitor lizards are wiped out, the amount of meat provided will not even be one ton. .

He frowned not because it tasted bad, but because after the oil residue was converted into energy by the furnace-like body, he clearly understood that the meat currently prepared was not enough to support the completion of this construction.

Yewei's energy conversion efficiency is astonishingly high. If Lin Nian's hybrid body used to be a super sports car equipped with a V8 engine, then this sports car has always been equipped with a motorcycle fuel tank, which is equipped with normal physical strength. , his explosive power and sustaining power are also limited by this fuel tank, and now Yelena has moved a long-distance truck long-travel fuel tank. As long as this fuel tank can be filled up, the accelerator can be fully pumped all the way from Chicago to Kassel. Dream.

There is an illusion that I have always been hungry and have never been full. People have no strength when they have not eaten. However, it seems that it is not possible to let him eat until he is full. It will be fine if he is full. What would happen if he was truly full.

His intuition tells him that completing the construction of Yewei is a top priority, because once Yewei is successfully constructed, it will definitely not only improve his own survival, but also his overall burst and battery life in battle will achieve a qualitative leap.

In other words, Lin Nian glanced back, causing Ye Chijin to quietly hug her knees and shrink into her windbreaker. She was a little unsure whether she was encountering a mixed race compatriot or something else wearing human skin. What happened next? The scene made her firmly believe in her opinion.

ps: Yesterday I almost suffered from acute strep throat yesterday and the day before yesterday. After taking medicine, I just have a little cough today.

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