High-end ingredients often require only the simplest cooking methods. After half an hour of busy work, Lin Nian began to fry the meat.

There is no bread crumbs and various seasonings for marinating, and the raw meat taken from the alien deadpool during the butchering and cutting process has not completely drained the blood, and it is bound to contain some bacteria, parasites and other harmful substances. If you want rich seasonings and complete If you need to go through the procedures, you have to find a complete kitchen in the Nibelungen. Lin Nian didn't know how powerful the stove in the King of the Earth and Mountains was, but he was sure that the other party would not be kind enough to lend it to him.

The oil temperature in the oil pan was just at the boiling point for low-temperature frying. Large pieces of meat were cut into strips and slid into the pan. The oil immediately began to explode and boil. Lin Nian didn't react at all when the splashing oil dots landed on him. He just kept quiet. I watched the meat in the pot turn golden brown and the surface became crispy, so I picked it up and took a bite without waiting for the temperature to drop.

Isn't it hot?

Yechi Jinmu sat dumbfounded by the wall and hugged his knees, watching Lin Nian take a piece of fried pork belly in one bite. The sound of his teeth biting the crispy fried pork skin was crisp and tempting, which made her endure even though she was not hungry. I couldn't help but swallow, but I didn't dare to ask for food. A's honey, B's arsenic. Eating this stuff feels good for a while, but the consequences are disastrous.

But in fact, the fried Deadpool meat was not as delicious as Ye Chijin thought. At least Lin Nian's face was expressionless when he took a big bite. Food fried directly from unprocessed raw meat will only have a fishy smell. Occasionally, after it was fried, the surface was completely covered with black rubber, and there was a burning smell in the nose.

For normal processing procedures, these meats must first be washed with water to remove any blood and fishy smell on the surface, and then blanched in cold water to prevent the high temperature from coagulating the protein and causing the blood inside to be locked and unable to be removed. After blanching, wash it again with water. Only then can it be marinated with seasonings for secondary cooking.

But again, in the Nibelung, it is still in the maze. It is good to have food. Frying it once is considered a very good process. The main reason is that it can be cooked at once, so why not do it? If it weren't for the fact that grilling meat was too troublesome and time-consuming, Lin Nian wouldn't have chosen to fry it to make these things more palatable.

He can eat raw meat, but if there is a better choice, even if it makes him feel better, he will definitely be willing to do it without affecting the overall situation - normal people will do this.

One piece of meat was put into the pot, and the oil and water flooded. Lin Nian almost sat in front of the oil pot on the earthen stove, holding the raw meat in his left hand, and putting the oil in his mouth with his right hand. One person was an assembly line, mechanical operations, and new drills. The teeth that come out are as sharp as a guillotine. One bite can easily cut off the fried meat. There is never a second bite. As long as you chew it to the point where you can swallow it, you will never take more than one bite (mainly because it is really unpalatable). , swallow it directly into your throat.

A large pile of raw meat disappeared into Lin Nian's hands at a speed visible to the naked eye. Ye Chijin felt that he was watching a live version of "Dragon Ball". The Super Saiyan in it was this kind of exaggerated eating. Law.

The new digestive system that Yelena is replacing is indeed very effective. Even if it is a beggar's version, its digestion speed is unparalleled.

Generally speaking, although fruits and vegetables are rich in nutrients, you will not feel hungry after eating them. This is because the digestion speed is too fast. It can be digested in about half an hour, while cereals, meat, etc. can be digested. Hold on for a full two to four hours.

But judging from Lin Nian's feeling of fullness after eating the food in his stomach, his digestive function may have reached a terrible level. The digestion time of meat with overflowing fat is almost one-fifth of that of normal fruits and vegetables. , if a meal takes more than half an hour, half of the food in the stomach will have been digested after eating.

It is conceivable that Lin Nian's appetite will increase exponentially in the future, but as long as he can reduce the consumption of daily exercise, he should still be able to control the frequency of eating and the speed of hunger.

Deadpool meat is not delicious, but it provides first-class and sufficient fat calories. I don’t know if it is because the flesh and blood contains dragon genes. For Lin Nian, who is building the Twelve Gospels, although the meat is fishy, It's hard to swallow, but it gives him a weird "satisfaction".

This feeling is like when you accidentally eat something special for you one day. Even though you have eaten until your stomach hurts, your appetite still tells you that you can still stuff it into your mouth, and your throat is still willing to "swallow" "This action, this sense of desire that goes against his own state, is what Lin Nian is experiencing now.

The amount of consumption required to build a stomach was even more exaggerated than Lin Nian thought. Nearly a ton of raw meat stuffed into his stomach one after another without wasting too much fat did not bring him much satiety at all. Even the gastrointestinal part of the abdomen does not show much sign of bulge, which means that the new stomach organ is running at a terrifying power. His body is continuously absorbing and consuming energy to a certain level. Subtle flat phase.

Until Lin Nian's left hand to fish out the meat was empty, he subconsciously paused while biting the meat, turned his head and looked to the side. The meat was gone, and there was only a large pool of blood on the ground, proving that there was indeed a large pool of blood here. Raw meat.

He swallowed the Deadpool ribs in his mouth and turned to look at Ye Chijin in the corner, making him tremble suddenly and then look away again.

It wasn't that he really wanted to fry Ye Chijin in the pan, but he reflexively thought that the other party had taken some of his meat. The main reason was that he didn't feel that he had eaten too much meat and it was gone, so he felt a bit disparate.

"It's troublesome." Lin Nian thought.

Yelena's movement to build a stomach has not ended yet, which means that he still needs more meat to supplement his consumption, otherwise once this balance is broken, the consequences will be disastrous.

But even so, Lin Nian didn't panic too much, because he and the blonde girl had prepared for the worst before starting the construction, and had made some corresponding countermeasures.

Lin Nian stood up, raised the oil pan with both hands, and while Ye Chijin was looking at the monster behind him, he drank all the oil in the oil pan, which was at least over 100 degrees Celsius, into his stomach. He threw it on the ground with a loud "clang", turned to look at Ye Chijin and said, "I'm leaving first. You can wait for rescue on the spot or find a way to leave by yourself, but no matter what, don't follow me, otherwise will die."

"." Ye Chijin nodded numbly.

My friend, the smell of hot oil is still coming out of your mouth when you are talking. Others are operating with a disc, but you are doing nothing? Do you think normal people would choose to follow you? That's asking for death, right?

Lin Nian nodded to him to take care of himself, turned around and ran out of the aisle quickly, forgetting about Ye Chijin. He couldn't save Ye Chijin. All he could do was to take this orthodox man out of the tiger's mouth and throw him into the bed. In the wolf's lair that he had cleaned, at least for a period of time, this pile of old deadpool lairs would be safe.

If his guess is correct, the entire maze can also be regarded as a gathering place for monsters. Each monster of a different species will be entrenched in a fixed node. Under normal circumstances, there will be no such thing as visiting, so Ye Chijin Staying where you are is much safer than running around.

The choice is in Ye Chijin's hands. He only makes choices and does not interfere.

After rushing out of the aisle, Lin Nian stood there for a moment and turned over the memory ledger in his mind. A clear route soon appeared in front of him, which was the way he came.

Lin Nian was pretty good at geometry in the mathematics subject at the college. He quickly drew a three-dimensional route map in his mind based on basic routes. It was a map full of black fog, similar to an RPG game. There is a small map shrouded in fog in the upper right corner. Even if he does not pass through every intersection on the left and right he encounters as he walks forward, the route map in his mind will mark an entrance. As he continues to advance, this map The scale will continue to increase, so that at least the most basic sense of direction will not be lost.

The benefits of complete memory are very obvious. Lin Nian tried his best to make his route "downward". Li Qing mentioned on the platform that the general view is that if the maze is three-dimensional, then the exit will definitely be at the lowest point. below.

Because this design is secretly consistent with the design of the Nibelungen. The line of the Nibelungen is all the way down. If the platform of Line 3 is above the platform of Line 4, then the exit of this three-dimensional maze must lead to a higher level. Line 4 interchange below.

Lin Nian ran quickly in the aisle, with a speed of about 100 meters and 9 seconds, breaking the world record, but this speed was nothing to him. He was controlling his physical consumption and giving himself as much chance as possible to go the wrong way. The fault tolerance rate allows the energy stored in the body to be consumed slower.

If you take the wrong path, turn back and continue on a new route. If there is a downhill aisle, go down without thinking.

Fortunately, Lin Nian has never encountered a dead end that requires him to go back too far. As long as he is lucky, it is very easy to find the exit of the maze. Just like the DC superhero The Flash, when he encounters a maze, he will be at ease. Go through it once and try all the passwords you encounter. As long as the speed is enough, many problems will not be a problem.

But the weird thing is that no matter how much Lin Nian explores, he never encounters an enemy, not a dangerous hybrid, not even a Deadpool. This makes him a little irritated, and when he turns a corner, he accidentally catches a glimpse of his own face on a billboard. In the fleeting reflection, although it was only for a moment, he still saw clearly that his golden pupils were still ignited (the blood was boiling during the construction process), and at this moment he realized the reason for everything.

His bloodline is now in a state of boiling. Even though he deliberately restrains himself, the "domain" lit up like a bonfire will spread unconsciously. This is why Ye Chijin's attitude towards him is always one of fear, not even the slightest bit. It didn't change because he saved the other person's life - creatures have fear genes.

Even if young rats have never seen a cat, they will run away quickly as soon as they smell the scent of a cat or hear a cat meowing from a distance. This means that rats are naturally afraid of cats.

A study on olfactory receptors at Northwestern University in the United States showed that the key to the "rats' fear of cats" behavior is the existence of a gene called TAAR, which gives rats the ability to instinctively avoid the smell of predators. There may be a recessive gene in the genes of all creatures in nature, causing them to instinctively run away and be afraid when they smell dragon genes that exceed the threshold.

Ye Chijin's genes believe that Lin Nian is dangerous and that Lin Nian will hurt her. This cannot be controlled by her intention. Every cell in her body is telling her that the man in front of you is a monster. Stay away from him, otherwise nothing will happen. What a good ending.

Lin Nian had saved her, and she had a strong sense of autonomy. Only then could she resist this instinct and stay by Lin Nian's side. But what about those dangerous hybrids and beast-like Deadpools? It was obvious to them that Lin Nian was the calico cat running wildly in the nest. The mice covered their ears and ran away, for fear of being buried in a bloody mouth.

——And if you are caught this time, you will really get into the opponent's stomach, not a metaphor.

One side is running away, the other side is chasing.

Lin Nian seemed to have thought of something, and his pace gradually slowed down. Then he amplified his five senses as much as possible, and then took a deep breath.

"Smart, it should have been like this a long time ago." Elena's voice rang in his ears.

Word spirit moment.

Unnaturally, Lin Nian's golden eyes exploded, and the tenth level was released in an instant. The little energy left in his body was consumed at a high speed, and it bottomed out in an instant.

At the same time, the huge hunger instantly broke through the "rules" set by the big maze and enveloped his senses. The activity of the hypothalamic feeding center skyrocketed, the contraction of the stomach after emptying, and the decrease of certain nutrients in the blood made him The individual's sensitivity to the color, aroma and taste of food has increased several times.

A scent spread into his nostrils.

It was not a fragrance, but the smell of Deadpool's saliva, but that saliva contained a lot of dragon gene DNA, and for Lin Nian, he needed such "similar people" to satisfy his hunger.

When you are hungry, anything you can eat smells delicious.

After locking the direction, the tenth level erupted in an instant. The passage was like a storm passing through. Amidst the rumblings and sonic booms, an invisible shadow blinked and disappeared at the end of the darkness. The tornado that struck with it swept the passage unscrupulously. The walls, tiles, billboards and other debris inside were rolled into pieces, as if there were hard steel knives in the storm, smashing and tearing everything that passed until he caught up with his prey.

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