Regarding the issue of Lin Nian’s current speed limit, I comprehensively analyzed all aspects according to the plot, world view, and rationality, and came to the following conclusions. You can take a look at the setting party. If not, you can skip it and it will not affect the following content. read.

Let's first talk about Lin Nian's current speed limit, which is what everyone often chats about in the group and among others. Can "Instant Tenth Level" plus "Time Zero 50x Speed" instantly break through the third cosmic speed? Out of the solar system (music).

Let’s take a precaution first. The following are purely expressive “settings” deduced based on common sense science, rather than forcibly using science to “explain” metaphysics. What we pursue is to be as “reasonable” as possible, not “illusory”. pursue reality”.

Let's go step by step, first talking about the settings of "moment" and "time zero".

It is mentioned in the original work that "Snap and Ninth Level" can reach a level that barely satisfies Principal Angers of "Time Zero · 50 times". In addition, Inuyama Ga sighed at the last moment, and the speed at which the principal can block machine gun bullets is really real. If it is to make him "eyes full of stars", then it can basically be regarded as "moment·ninth level" is less than "time zero·50 times".

So I boldly converted it to a further "moment·ten steps" equal to "time zero·50 times".

Because everyone knows that there are some problems with the description of "Snap" in the original book, so the worldview of this book introduces the saying "the higher the level of the moment, the more serious the dilution will be", that is to say, "Snap · It is not true that "ten times" is the 10th power of 2 of the releaser himself. The so-called 1024 times gain sounds good, after all, no one has really achieved it. (Mixed breeds have inherent genes that will lead to death if they don’t show off their character)

In comparison, Time Zero's "cutting one second into fifty seconds to use" seems more reasonable, and Angers' actions in Time Zero in the original work are also called "ghostly", which means This means that under the acceleration of the "Time Zero" field, the releaser is not affected by the established "physical rules", so "Time Zero" is the most special group of word spirits among the word spirits.

As mentioned in Ryuji's amusement park roller coaster segment, the truth of "Time Zero" is not to slow down others, but to speed up oneself, but does this feel like a repetition of "Snap"? Is the release of large-scale areas unnecessary?

So I boldly deconstruct "Time Zero" into three main effects:

1. Release a large-scale area and modify some of the physical rules that act on the releaser in the area (for example, breaking the speed of sound will not bring about airflow, shock waves, and noise).

2. Accelerate yourself in the field and be in a rather subtle state of synchronization of mind and body.

3. Forgive designated creatures in the realm (the original work emphasized that non-hybrid species cannot be accelerated, but this is not the case in this world view).

The effect of "moment" is simple and crude:

1. Support the field in the body and speed up your movements and thinking.

Therefore, "the higher the level of the moment, the more serious the dilution will be" also coincides with some truths. For example, "the moment" is not immune to the rules of physics. When breaking the speed of sound, the releaser will bear the pressure of the sound barrier and shock waves, and the aircraft will be affected by the supersonic speed. And disintegrate. At the beginning, it was difficult to reach Mach 1 after all calculations. This was because of the curse of the area law. Human running is inherently unaerodynamic, so with a gain of 1024 times, it was impossible to run 10 meters x 1024 times in 1 second in human form.

So from a general perspective, "Time Zero" is more reasonable, because "Time Zero" cleverly involves "rules", which is the metaphysical part and belongs to the category of "setting".

So I use "time zero" to compare with "moment".

Inuyama He did not burst out until his death and reached the achievement of "Setsuna·Ninth Level", which is already the peak of "Setsuna" in history, so I regard "Setsuna·Ninth Level" as "Time Zero· 40 times” is not an exaggeration.

In the battle with Angers, the moment of the eighth level was nothing more than a slow play of house, and in the final breakthrough of the ninth level, the leaping leap was lucky enough to hurt Angers eyebrows. This makes sense. A lot.

Naturally, one can draw a conclusion from "Instant·Tenth Order", and the algorithm of "Time Zero" is: "Time Zero·60 times"

Hey, someone wants to ask, Brother Shui, Brother Shui, why is it 60 times and not 50 times? Isn't the principal the pinnacle of Time Zero?

not like this.

In the original work, although Angerson was assassinated four times and was deprived of the title of fastest, in terms of time zero, I am still willing to call him "the pinnacle of hybrids", so he is worthy of the benchmark." The title of "Snap and Tenth Level".

But the word spirit "Setsuna" is a very pure word spirit. It is called the "rival of time zero" by Nanda. It cannot be exempted from the laws of physics and can withstand the negative effects of all speeds. So his true ultimate should be stronger than the "time zero". Zero", so it is defined as "time zero·60 times".

Of course, the premise of this extreme is to exert great force. A head-on collision is better than drawing a sword to cut, and it is better than running.

The rules of immune physics are too buggy. Without the influence of aerodynamics, "Time Zero" is easier to use than "Instant", allowing you to make complex movements freely.

As for how fast "Setna·Tenth Level" can run with all its strength, it takes into account the aerodynamics and the flatness of the three-level burst of blood (the most important thing is whether the flatness of the burst of blood can withstand the pressure and pressure when moving at supersonic speeds). tearing force, because when the speed is close to the speed of sound, the surrounding flow dynamics will change, and shock waves or other effects will appear, which will cause it to shake, tear, and disintegrate). I boldly anchored this machine named "Lin Nian" The Mach number of a supersonic fighter is 4, which is 4 times the speed of sound. (I use Mach here just as a metaphor for simplicity and ease of understanding. The big guys won’t talk about the professional issue of Mach not being a unit but a ratio, and the speed of sound changing with changes in the atmosphere)

Of course, this speed of 4 times the speed of sound cannot be maintained throughout the whole process, it will only burst out for a short period of time, and it must run in a straight line without any hindrance - this is already quite exaggerated, and Lin Nian himself will also bear a lot of pressure and load. . (Lin Nian cannot use Baqi and Setsuna at the same time)

In a normal urban environment, it is impossible to move in a "moment" by just running in a straight line. During combat, various complex movements must be performed, so the speed of 4 times the speed of sound must be discounted at least to the normal moving speed. It can only be about 1 to 2 times the speed of sound.

What limits Lin Nian's speed is not the spirit of speech, but the structure and strength of his own body. The various complex movements in battle are much more terrifying than the maneuvers of a fighter jet. In the future, Lin Nian will also learn to "cut the spirit of speech quickly" The technique is to use "time zero" for complex movements and "moment" for simple linear acceleration movements and collisions.

The "composite field" is very simple. In a word, it will be diluted.

Players who have played "Dungeon and Fighter" all know the concept of dilution. I will not talk about the values ​​​​in black and white, but simply talk about the settings. When you pile up data in three different dimensions, the benefits you will get will be greater. Come lower and lower – that’s the concept of dilution. In the setting, the limit that the "composite field" can reach is probably in the interval of "time zero·70 to 120" (this huge interval is based on the fuzzy value given by the setting depth of Yelena's character), and it is also Quite an exaggeration. At this stage, if Lin Nian uses the "composite field", the effect will probably be to forcefully lift a "moment eleven level".

Finally, let me summarize.

"Instant·Tenth Level" = "Time Zero·60 Times"

"Composite Domain·Basic" = "Suna·Level 11"

I will calculate the maximum knife speed of Lin Nian's "Snap and Tenth Level" drawing and slashing at 4 times the speed of sound (speed and power are not linked).

Readers who are used to reading astronomical and fantasy literature will think that this value is just average. Four times the speed of sound is just that. As of 2011, which is the year when the story of Bei'an in this book takes place, modern science has determined the speed of the Dongfeng-16 missile. They can both reach Mach 8. Lin Nian's physical strength can surpass that of the Dragon King. Does this mean that the Dragon King cannot fly missiles?

Let me tell you, judging by their speed, the King of Earth and Mountain and the King of Bronze and Fire have already appeared, and judging from the expressive Dragon King, they really can't escape the lock of the missile - but this is not This means that they can't use the word spirit to stop the missiles or simply resist the missiles directly.

There are specializations in the art industry. The Dragon King is not omnipotent. Each Dragon King has a focus, such as the most classic distribution of "power" and "power".

Let me start with a conclusion: Dragon King = Glass Cannon.

I think the world view of the Dragon Clan is not a pure world view of vigorous strength. Barbarians like Lin Nian are already very rare. In my eyes, pure-blooded dragons should not simply compete with physical values, but rather have considerable physical values ​​to ensure that Without being easily destroyed, you can play with the "rules" of the world wantonly.

This is what I mentioned in this book. The spirit of speech is the core of the dragon clan, and the alchemy of wind, fire, earth and water is the big head. The direction of the dragon clan should be to play with the rules under certain numerical conditions. This is why the "Emperor" The reason why the "King of Bronze and Fire" and "King of Earth and Mountain" always gained the upper hand every time they fought against Lin Nian.

The weird "body seizing", the alchemy matrix of the "Seven Deadly Sins", and the ultimate skills of "power", these are all powers that can play with the "rules", and they are the "right" mentioned in the original work.

It is not difficult to see that what Lin Nian masters is "power". He is already at the T0 level in terms of "power". However, the real mystery of "power" in the Dragon Clan's world view has always been "quan", which is Ye Lie. That part that Na controls (not implying that the two are twins).

Why race with missiles? Human weapons are indeed powerful, but under unreasonable "word spirit", these powerful weapons can easily become ineffective and unable to play their original role. If the King of Earth and Mountains can control the magnetic field, then she can prevent nuclear bombs from falling. If the King of Bronze and Fire can control temperature, then she can create a temperature isolation zone at the center of a nuclear explosion.

I can't outrun missiles physically ≠ I can't handle missiles (except for the King of Sky and Wind).

I can’t physically carry a nuclear bomb ≠ I can’t handle a nuclear bomb.

In a word, just one word: glass cannon.

This glass cannon can be returned to the factory for repair (cocooning), but unscrupulous merchants will cut off your escape (give you a cocoon).

Looking at it this way, the specific strength of something like the Dragon King becomes much clearer. Even Jörmungandr and Norton, who have "power", can fight back and forth in close combat when facing Lin Nian. This Not to mention that they hold the "right" to have comparable body values.

Therefore, the winning rates of Lin Nian and Dragon King have always been 46, with him 4 and Dragon King 6.

Because he faced off against the most perverted group of people who played "power". When he faced off against Constantine, he only lost with the "Candle Dragon" that came with his Dragon King status, even though Constantine was a bronze With the "power" in Lord of Fire, Yanling is also part of the "power".

When "power" and "power" merge into one, it is the moment when the four real monarchs are born. As a truly complete Dragon King, Lin Nian's chance of winning is estimated to be only 2:8.

By the way, I would like to mention that the "Li" faction is not weaker than the "Quan" faction, but it is difficult for the "Li" faction to walk. The pinnacle of the "Li" faction I give is Dacheng's "Twelve Works of Gospel Spiritual Structure to Forgive Suffering" "Weak", according to the classical theory of "Proving the Tao through force", which is the most superior, it is difficult for us barbarians to walk the road, but if we walk through it, it means that one force can conquer ten societies, and one can conquer all dharmas.

But it is worth mentioning that the extremes of "power" and "right" are nothing more than the key to the final "evolution" door.

As for why Lin Nian and Jörmungandr faced off twice, Jörmungandr suffered a loss in both cases. The first time was assisted by someone, and Jörmungandr didn’t want to reveal his identity. The second time, Jörmungandr fought for Yelena, so the formation The illusion that "Lin Nian must kill Teacher Daye immediately" and "Lin Nian's commander-in-chief insults Teacher Daye's teeth" are ten or even nine times wrong.

When Lin Nian and Jörmungandr faced off, the odds of winning were always 4:6, but when it was almost certain to lose, Lin Nian yelled about "sister, companion," and the reason why he couldn't lose was enough to blow up Teacher Daye. , and then he turned around and climbed up from the grave, and was reincarnated in the dirt (

Of course, the above statements are not particularly rigorous, and there must be many loopholes, but they are "set" in a direction that is as reasonable as possible.

Some readers will complain that this is funny, trying to use science to explain metaphysics, but in fact this is not explaining, but limiting, using the methods I know to restrain the expansion of some values, so that some values ​​are roughly this value , there is such a clear definition and range.

I hope everyone can understand what I mean. This is not forcing the use of science to explain the reasonableness of the setting, but using science to anchor a situation where the limit of expression is reached.

Many authors find bugs and then patch them. This is what many authors do, and I do the same. I hope you understand.

This chapter is classified as "Remarks on Works" and is a free chapter.

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