The retina of Liu Zhenye's right eye was gradually obscured by bright red. The blood on his forehead flowed down by gravity and stained the slightly dim golden pupil. The pain spread in the pupil, like sparks igniting the light. cloth, the burning sensation spreads along the blood stains and burns away the clear vision bit by bit.

Despite this, Liu Zhenye did not blink his eyes. He thought it was eye drops for comfort in his heart. He knew that he could not relax at all now. This was responsible for his own life and for those behind him who needed his protection. The weak are responsible.

Behind Liu Zhenye, there is a passage leading to a dead end. At the bottom of the passage, a group of thin and weak people in ragged clothes are leaning on each other and sitting in the corner. They are all people who have lost their fighting ability and have no hope of escape and were picked up by Liu Zhenye in the maze. Their physical strength has been exhausted in the process of exploring the maze, and they can only escape any danger. However, they are all lucky. Before encountering danger, they met Liu Zhenye who was exploring the maze, and they were brought together by him to form a new team. A small, temporary group.

It is said that it is a small group, but in fact Liu Zhenye is everyone's nanny. There are about twelve or three people, and only one out of ten can be regarded as a combatant. Any danger can only be solved or stopped by Liu Zhenye. Without him, These people have probably died more than ten times.

But now it seems that the luck of this small group has come to an end. They were forced to a dead end by a group of alien deadpools. The deadpools blocking the way in front of Liu Zhenye were not big in size. Each one was about the size of a hyena, and they looked similar. Possessing genes similar to those of hyenas, they have been following Liu Zhenye's small group. After being exposed, a small group of deadpools blocked the road and drove them away until they were forced into a long passage with no turning. When they reached the end, they discovered that it was At the end of the road, all the Deadpools were approaching from behind.

These deadpools are very cunning, and may have hyena genes. Their hunting methods are quite despicable, and they will never launch a general attack unless they are completely sure. After forcing Liu Zhenye's small group to a dead end, they became less anxious. A group of Deadpools guarded the entrance of the one-way passage, and from time to time one or two Deadpools were sent in to harass and attack, causing random casualties on their own side or on the other side. Return immediately.

The purpose of continuous harassment is obvious, which is to continuously consume the vitality of this small group until the prey is too weak to fight back, and then they will flood in in large numbers and tear all living people into pieces. Without supplies and support, prey will only become weaker and weaker in the dead end. Deadpools know this very well. It is the hunting knowledge engraved in their genes.

The straight ring-headed broadsword was carried behind his back to hide the power of the sword. Liu Zhenye stood guard in the middle of the passage on horseback, raising his upper body and staring at the five small, hyena-like alien deadpools in a threatening manner.

Usually there are only two to three deadpools that come in to harass, but this time five came at once. It was obvious that this group of deadpools had gradually lost their composure. Every time they attacked, they were repelled by Liu Zhenye, which made Liu Zhenye repulse them. Their little minds were filled with anger and confusion.

They couldn't understand how this human could rise up and injure their compatriots again and again. It was obvious that other humans in the maze were driven to death and became extremely weak not long after, and would collapse when the wind blew, but this human But he becomes more courageous as he fights, which is contrary to common sense.

The right half of Liu Zhenye's face was stained red with blood. The wound was from the middle of his forehead to the corner of his eyebrow. When he didn't notice it, a five to six centimeter gash was opened by Deadpool's claws. The wound was a bit deep, and you could almost see his forehead. Bones, blood flowed uncontrollably. The blood loss was actually a trivial matter to him. What he really cared about was that the sight of his right eye was blocked and the subsequent attack would not be easy to handle.

Just as he thought, although the deadpools were not smart, they had an instinctive keenness in combat consciousness. After discovering the shortcomings of Liu Zhenye's right eye, the five deadpools took a new position, one relying on On the left side, the other four are positioned two by two on the right side, obviously aiming to hit the blind spot on the right side.

Liu Zhenye, who looked weak, remained silent, waiting for the upcoming attack.

Deadpool, who was feinting on the left, rubbed his claws and feet several times, then leaned forward and pounced like a leopard. When he got close to the dangerous area, he suddenly jumped up, dug his four claws into the wall and used the force to eject him, his fangs sharp. Open up and bite the prey's throat quickly!

Liu Zhenye's body suddenly fell to the right, his horse stance was like a servant's shooting stance, and the ring-headed sword hidden behind his back was stabbed out steadily, and he struck the deadpool in the mouth with one blow. Live with this murderous weapon that killed many of your companions!

"Idiot." Liu Zhenye looked coldly at Deadpool who was biting the big knife with his head. He pressed the handle of the knife with both hands, his arm muscles swelled, and he made a hissing sound in the palm of his hand holding the handle of the knife, like dark red veins. Patterns appeared on the back of his hand and climbed up to the entire ring-headed sword!

The large, ring-headed knife covered with blood vessels was like a hot knife cutting through butter. It broke all of Deadpool's sharp teeth with one blow, and cut the tough body in two as smoothly as scissors cutting through silk!

The two corpses flew past Liu Zhenye and landed on the ground. However, the strange thing was that not even a drop of blood was spilled. The two dead bodies became as shriveled as shells when they landed on the ground, and the blood inside disappeared. !

Liu Zhenye's originally weak body swelled a little strangely, and his bloodless lips also regained a lot of color. The dark red blood vessels on the ring-headed sword swelled with vigor, as if there was some fresh liquid flowing inside.

At the same time, Liu Zhenye raised his head and his golden eyes flashed, locking onto the four deadpools that were rushing towards him. Their sharp claws gave them the talent of three-dimensional movement, and they rushed from the top of the ceiling, the wall on the right, and from the front.

Liu Zhenye did not step back. Behind him was the person who needed protection, so he rushed forward and rushed towards the four deadpools at the speed of a 100-meter race!

The four Deadpools attacked Liu Zhenye from different angles at the same time. The attack was like a tidal wave. There was almost no room for escape in the narrow passage. They bit Liu Zhenye's left and right shoulders and legs respectively.

Just when they were about to succeed, Liu Zhenye, who was in the center of their siege, suddenly disappeared, as if he had melted into the air, more like a mirage. The four dead warriors suddenly collided with each other, causing them to fall over.

The big knife with a ring head fell from a height, Liu Zhenye's coat was lifted up like a wing, he held the knife in both hands and pierced the four dead servants with one knife. The blade turned and nailed them to the ground like a gourd.

Two of the Deadpools were nailed through their flanks. They roared and struggled hard, tearing a gap in their bodies. They struggled to escape, turned around and ran out of the passage without looking back. The remaining two deadpools had their vital organs penetrated, and after struggling wildly for a few times, they gradually stopped moving.

Liu Zhenye pressed the handle of the broadsword with both hands and stared at the blood vessels beating like a heartbeat on the blade. After waiting for tens of seconds, he drew the long knife. The bodies of the two dead waiters that had been penetrated had turned into The flesh and blood inside the shriveled shell has completely lost its nutrients, and the places that are rich in nutrients are self-evident.

"Seven deadly sins." Liu Zhenye pulled out the ring-headed sword and recited its name silently in his heart.

Snartmo's Sword: The Seven Deadly Sins.

The experimental product of Tianji Pavilion is the ultimate weapon made from gold and titanium alloy metal extracted from the bronze purgatory of the Sealed Bronze and Fire Lord Norton. It is a dreamy alchemy sword combination with the reputation of "living dragon's teeth".

Liu Zhenye always thought that the plan still existed in documents that were not approved by the clan leaders, but he never thought that he would actually pick up one of the Nibelungs of the King of Earth and Mountain.

It's incredible to say that Liu Zhenye found it in the hands of a dangerous hybrid in the maze. The experience he got was not complicated. He led a small group to find a way out of the maze. At that time, he himself was exhausted. Although he couldn't feel hunger, his increasingly weak body was already warning his brain.

It was at this time that he met a man who looked like a mummy. The man was leaning against the wall at the corner of the road in front of him. When he noticed him approaching, he turned around and stretched out his left hand to him. The arm was like a mummy's torso. He was just as skinny and bones, and the cracks in his skin were no different from dead wood in the desert.

In the man's left hand was a large sword with a ring-shaped head, and dark blood vessels connected his wrist. There was no doubt that the man's final cause of death was because of this unknown sword.

Liu Zhenye accepted the knife. When he held the knife and listened to the vivid heartbeat and desire, he knew that this knife was the only hope for him to lead the people behind him to escape from this maze. Even this hope would be lost at any time. It became a poison that made him despair.

The Seven Deadly Sins: Jealousy.

This is the meaning of the inscription on this knife. If it is really the "Jealousy" that Liu Zhenye knows, then its effect is simply a timely help in this big maze.

Kill the enemy, absorb blood and nutrients, and give back to the user.

This is a unique attribute of the new Seven Deadly Sins. The living beings resident in the knife are eager for all substances with dragon blood genes. They will draw blood from the user's body to feed themselves, and at the same time, they will also wear away the user's will and arouse them. The bad roots in their souls make them become slaves of living creatures, and they will search for new prey for living creatures until their death.

If it were normal, Liu Zhenye would choose to stay as far away from this knife as possible, but in the Nibelungen where supplies could not be supplied, he realized that this knife might be his only hope of getting out.

Hunt down the slayer, gain nutrients, and support yourself to lead the team out of the maze.

The number of Deadpools who died in his hands has exceeded double digits. At the same time, the contaminated dragon blood was continuously drawn into the blade and fed back into his blood vessels, forcibly supporting him to continue moving.

Although the blood of Deadpool has been filtered out of toxicity by "jealousy", constantly replenishing nutrients through this method will make his bloodline too active, activated to a degree that he cannot control, so that it will jump over the critical point step by step. The blood limit begins to become unstable, and it is in a state of gradual bloodline refining.

Want to kill, long to kill, bathe in blood, irrigate living creatures.

This kind of thinking began to float in his mind, so that every time he turned his head to look at the team he led, he felt a little thirsty, and the "jealousy" in his hand was also whispering the words of the devil.

Liu Zhenye bit his lip, and the slight tingling sensation made his chaotic brain a little clearer. He turned and walked towards the dead end of the passage, looked at the depressed and weak people and said, "Can you still walk?"

After a short silence, people stood up one after another. Even the act of standing up made them sway. They could only help each other and lean on each other, or hold on to the wall to stand up. But there were a few people who did not choose to stand up. Instead, they huddled in the corner and lowered their heads, not looking at anyone.

Liu Zhenye looked at those people who stood up, nodded silently and said, "We can't delay any longer, we have to fight those beasts."

"What are we fighting for?" an older man in the crowd said in a weak voice, "We have trouble walking."

He was probably a bounty hunter with some pedigree. After accidentally entering the Nibelungen, he was brought into the team by Liu Zhenye. At first, he could be used as a combat force to deal with some injured deadpools that leaked from Liu Zhenye's hands, but the more he got to The weakness of his body at the back made him lose all his fighting ability.

After Liu Zhenye was silent for a moment, he looked into those lifeless eyes and said, "Then you just wait for me here, I will go outside and deal with those beasts, if I don't come back."

"It goes without saying, Captain Liu, we are waiting for you." Someone in the team whispered, and the others nodded silently.

Liu Zhenye lowered his voice and remained silent.

If he didn't come back, he would have either died or given up on these people and left alone - it makes no difference to these people. Liu Zhenye would die if he didn't go, he would die if Liu Zhenye didn't come back, and he would die if Liu Zhenye stayed here with them.

Their life and death had long been entrusted to this orthodox man. In other words, they had died once from the beginning, but they had relied on each other to survive until now.

Liu Zhenye could have ignored them, but because of his orthodox status, he consciously had the mission to save others, so he tried his best to pick up the burdensome people he met and put his own life in front of them to protect them. Come to now.

Some people were grateful, and some were secretly happy. Liu Zhenye never cared. He was just fulfilling his mission, his mission as an orthodox man.

"I will be back." Liu Zhenye said no more, turned and walked towards the other end of the passage.

The people behind him were left at the end of the passage. The figures cast on his back made his steps heavy. The broadsword in his hand pulsed constantly, as if he was looking forward to the bloody battle that was about to happen.

Liu Zhenye was accumulating strength and digesting the nutrients he drew from those dead waiters. His bloodline had never been so active, but he could feel that this state was sick and twisted, like a hook falling from the stage. The nostrils lift your toes off the ground and dance a graceful swan dance, light and ugly.

But even if this power is ugly, he is willing to use it.

He has personally experienced the despair and terror in this Nibelung. As long as he can find an opportunity, he will send out all the information here at all costs. It is enough for him to bear this experience alone.

If he cannot successfully complete this task, then it is conceivable that what he encountered in the Nibelungen is very likely to happen to someone else - the important person in the orthodoxy who was also appointed to Langjuxu. The person, the girl he had been protecting, he would never let the higher-ups have the opportunity to send her in here to suffer these hardships.

Following the blood stains shed by the two dead guards who escaped from his hands, Liu Zhenye walked to the exit of the passage and also reached the end of the blood stains.

He stopped and froze on the spot.

At his feet in front of him, the blood trail broke off.

But where he left off, he didn't see the corpses of the two Deadpools, but only a pile of scummy bone fragments?


An unusual sound came from the front.

Liu Zhenye slowly raised his head and looked forward, the only exit of this passage.

There should be a group of hyenas consisting of twenty or thirty dead waiters, but the scene that appeared in Liu Zhenye's eyes now was a picture of a dark hell.

A mountain of corpses piled up by dead men blocked the exit of the passage. There was a man sitting at the bottom of the mountain. His back was to Liu Zhenye. Facing the mountain of corpses, he lowered his head and bent over, twitching his head constantly, as if he wanted to tear him apart. He was biting and chewing something, and his hands were tearing frequently. The thick, dark blood splashed on the ground with his movements, forming a pool of bloody red blood filled with broken arms and limbs, white bones, and flesh.

Deadpool's torn and broken body was lying around, with only half of his hyena-like head left, and his eyes were filled with the ferocious fear before death. This scene was no less than that of Shituoling in "Journey to the West" A cruel scene, but the suffering thing changed from a human to a murderous Deadpool - so helpless? miserable?

A huge heartbeat sounded, which was the sudden excited roar of the living beings among the Seven Deadly Sins.

Liu Zhenye suddenly grasped the handle of the broadsword in his hand. In his eyes, the figure in front of the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood stopped and gradually turned his head, staring at him with those molten red golden eyes.

To be precise, he stared at the Seven Deadly Sins and Jealousy in his hands.

ps: Pokémon slave mastering is so fun.

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