
There is really a pure-blood dragon stationed deep in the passage, releasing dragon power all the time along the passage, intimidating the poor people in the maze, making them turn around and escape from this only exit, with despair and unwillingness. Die in the same passage.

Liu Zhenye's shoulders were held down by Lin Nian. He sat on the ground and could not go any further. He could not even speak. He had gone deep enough. He was only one step away from meeting that noble being. But at the moment of meeting, , he will also be executed because his character is too despicable.

"Your mission has been completed." Lin Nian said.

He continued to move forward alone and walked into the dark passage, leaving Liu Zhenye behind. The only sounds left in the passage were his footsteps and the "jealous" blood flames in his hands.

At a certain moment, he stopped and looked at the gatekeeper standing in front of the door at the end of the dark passage. The surrounding passages were no longer the same, but there were fine reliefs and ancient mural decorations. On those murals The mottled oil paint paints an ugly portrait of the Minotaur, which is bound by iron chains in the deepest part of the dungeon, just like the gatekeeper in front of the door whose spine is pierced by a bronze chain.

The gatekeeper was lying on the ground in front of the gate, as miserable as a dog, with bruises all over his body, but his golden eyes were still bright.

Sensing Lin Nian's arrival, she began to get up from the ground hard, dragging the bronze chain connecting her spine with a crisp sound, trying to stand up straight, and looked at the visitor.

At that moment, Lin Nian knew that the real problem in the maze had been waiting for him here.

Lin Nian and her looked at each other for a long time. Silence and sadness spread in the dark passage, and the sound of water droplets falling on the iron pipe echoed far away.

They may all be thinking that it shouldn't be like this, the ending and the story shouldn't be like this. Some stories came to an end a long time ago, so there is no need to repeat them and spy on them. Those stories with happy endings are It should continue to be beautiful, instead of suddenly collapsing one day and falling into bottomless darkness.

Shao Nanyin.

Someone who shouldn't be here.

"I should have said, don't come back after you leave, otherwise you will die." Lin Nian looked at her and said softly.

Lin Nian let her go with his own hands. She should have left long ago along the big ship in Chicago Harbor to a distant place, to a place with warm spring flowers, sunshine and beaches, and enjoy the hard-earned happiness with the people she loves. With freedom, they would jokingly chat about past stories, tease each other, tease each other, and maybe cause some minor troubles in the local area, and rely on the sky to be high and the emperor to be far away, they could solve it easily, adding a little more to their life after freedom. pleasure.

But things are always unpredictable.

In the numb silence of the other party, he roughly guessed what happened and asked softly: "How did He find you."

"I don't know," she said. "Maybe I've never escaped His gaze, both in Chicago and now."

She was laughing, but her voice was emotionless and indifferent, revealing her resignation after despair.

She escaped Lin Nian and escaped the pursuit of Kassel College, but it did not mean that she was truly free.

All along, it was never the first two who were really eyeing her. When the real superior wanted to move the chess piece to the right place, her fate no longer belonged to her.

Don't forget, who sent Shao Nanyin to Lin Nian, so even if Lin Nian let him go, he could still send him again.

It was like joking and mocking Lin Nian's previous compassion and humanity.

You can forgive her and give her freedom, but I can still give her torture and pain. You can be rebellious, but in the end someone will bear the consequences for you, and it is all meaningless.

He seemed to be teaching Lin Nian something, which was obscure and profound.

Behind Shao Nanyin, one end of an ancient bronze chain was connected to the door of the maze, and the other end was pierced into her waist. The chain penetrated deep into the flesh and bound her spine, trapping and embedded it, and because of its self-healing ability, it grew in her body. Together, regardless of each other, flesh and blood are blurred.

She also looked quite miserable. There was not a single good spot on her body. Those black and blue scales had already been torn apart by previous attacks. No matter how powerful her self-healing power was, she could not heal herself without limit. The rotten flesh and scars It spread all over her body, and everyone who passed through the maze launched a fatal attack on her, and almost killed her at one point, leaving indelible scars on her body.

The glory of pure-blooded dragons is a joke at this moment. In the eyes of ordinary hybrids, she symbolizes mystery and danger, but in the eyes of the Nibelungen casters, she is just a guard dog, and the bronze chain is the upper limit. or restraint upon her.

She is not qualified to resist or negotiate. Her life experience and her past may get the sympathy and touch of "people" like Lin Nian, but in the eyes of the real superiors, those are just weaknesses that can be exploited, leaving her thousands of times. Full of wounds, humble and pitiful.

Now that her cunning and cleverness could no longer save her, the superior tied the dog leash on her and asked her to make painful repayment for the fate of abandoning her family. She had been locked in this underground palace without seeing the light of day for an unknown amount of time. She had been in pain, angry, and howling, but in the end she was still imprisoned in the dark.

"Maybe I shouldn't have provoked you from the beginning." Shao Nanyin lowered his head and said slowly.

Her golden eyes looked at Lin Nian, without anger or regret, "Meeting you was the mistake of my life."

Lin Nian looked at the chain behind her in silence, and the "jealousy" on his hand trembled slightly.

In an instant, Shao Nanyin made an attacking stance, filling the entire aisle with a dragon power several times greater than when they had met before.

"Nanqin is in His hands." Shao Nanyin said, the anger in her golden eyes had long since dried up.

Lin Nian looked at her quietly. The "jealousy" in his hand was burning with blood flames. The living spirit was urging him. The desire for dragon blood kept beating on the tip of the flames, tempting him to act quickly, just like killing those dead waiters. , insert the knife into the throat of this poor dragon, and absorb her genes and nutrients.

Shao Nanyin now has a reason not to retreat, even if she is facing Lin Nian, even if death is waiting for her.

When the emperor put the chains on her, he told her gently that if she ran away, if she betrayed the price of her fate, the poor pet named Shao Nanqin would be thrown into the Deadpool Pool, and she would Howl and scream as hard as you can until the last drop of blood is drained. Maybe when your throat is torn to pieces, the last voice you shout will be Shao Nanyin's name, right? If you choose to betray.

Lin Nian lowered his head slightly and said nothing.

Shao Nanyin seized this opportunity and rushed over with all her strength. There were cyclones and cloud currents all over her body. It was the spirit of the Wind King's lineage singing and dancing wildly. As a gatekeeper, the emperor was dissatisfied with her humble bloodline and wanted to She injected new power just to make this tragedy a little bit more exciting. Even in the final outcome, it still cannot be changed.

The bronze chains stretched straight and exploded, and the sharp claws stopped on Lin Nian's forehead.

It wasn't that Shao Nanyin had stopped, but that the chain behind her had been stretched to the limit. The place where Lin Nian stopped happened to be the limit of what she could reach. She was trapped here like a dog, and the chain that stretched desperately The sadness in her arms and golden eyes spoke of her pain.

Lin Nian stretched out his hand and gently grabbed Shao Nanyin's throat. The blood flames couldn't wait to engulf Shao Nanyin along his arm, and began to burn with a shrill blood light.

She didn't wail or scream. She looked at Lin Nian numbly in the bloody light, as if hoping that he would end it all.

This is not so much a challenge level as it is a reward level. A well-nourished dog is carefully raised at the end of the maze, just waiting to be trampled by the people who pass through the maze - trample and humiliate the pure-blood dragon. Not many people would be willing to miss this kind of opportunity.

As long as they have the courage to withstand the dragon's power and reach the deepest place, they will discover the bluff of this poor pure-blood dragon. She summons up her dragon's power to intimidate those who pass by. Otherwise, once the truth is discovered, The chained dog is beaten and humiliated.

"It shouldn't be like this." Lin Nian whispered.

If it shouldn't be like this, what should it be like?

He pinched the opponent's neck with a slight force, and the blood flames expanded and surged, then quickly contracted after a moment. The living creature inside the sword let out a rather dissatisfied roar, but was silent in the terrifying emotion of Lin Nian's sudden grip on the hilt. Go down.

The blood flames that evaporated a large amount of pure blood genes flowed back into the body, and the construction of "Yewei" was finally stepped out, as if a door had been opened, and the silent roar sounded in the body, like a bell reverberating to indicate the ladder to heaven. With a big step forward, the clouds and mist on the Tianmen also dissipated a lot, enough to see the solemn murals and patterns clearly.

The spiritual structure of the twelve gospels forgives the weak and heals the stomach, and the construction is completed.

Lin Nian didn't feel any joy or satisfaction at all. The Shao Nanyin in his hand was as dry as tissue paper, but it still had a life left because of its dragon bloodline. He fell to the ground and fell into a deep sleep.

In his eyes, this was a cold message and warning from the emperor.

He was indeed allowing Lin Nian to grow, and even personally promoted this result. At the same time, He did not mind gently warning Lin Nian in the process.

All gifts have prices marked in secret. I can give you double whatever you get, and I can also give you the same pain.

This is just an appetizer and dessert, the next step is hell.

He stepped towards the door leaving the maze. At the door, the blond girl leaned against the door with her hands folded and looked at the unconscious Shao Nanyin on the ground behind him with interest.

As he was leaving, Lin Nian suddenly stopped at the exit of the maze and looked back at Shao Nanyin on the ground.

For a long time, he lowered his eyes and clenched his fists.

The realm of "Baqi" quietly covers the whole body, and those molten red golden eyes burn without emotion.

He slowly raised his arm, a simple movement, but it was like lifting an invisible mountain. It was a "force" that had solidified to the point of touching the boundary between virtuality and reality, an abstract "force" that could be seen with the naked eye. , the terrifying power flowing in his veins like a torrential river was punched hard on the ground by him.

The next moment, an eight-magnitude earthquake occurred throughout the maze.

Everyone wandering in the maze felt the terrifying earthquake at this moment. The majestic and huge power flowed along the rock formations into the complex passages. Countless cracks began to spread from the center of the vibration to the center of the maze. Every corner is like countless signs leading the way, allowing those desperate people to grasp the last straw and swarm.

He walked back, cut off Shao Nanyin's iron chain, and while the blonde girl couldn't help laughing like a maniac, he carried the unconscious dragon on his shoulders and left the maze on foot.


no way.

ps: If the dragon guarding the gate is just a dragon attendant, or a dragon that has not appeared, similar to a great-grandson, then everything can be happy.

The successful construction of Yewei, the leap in strength, and the clearance of the maze are all things worth celebrating.

But some things happen like this, absurd, but also expected.

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