The pure white room, with no trace of dust on the ceiling, floor, or walls, looks a bit like the initialization template of the matrix in "The Matrix" released in 1999. It was in that environment that the big bald black man Morpheus... The savior who swallowed the red pill, Neo Kopp, is a future of near-destructive artificial intelligence rebellion.

It feels like a dream, pure white and untainted.

"Crack, snap."

Two crisp and continuous finger snaps rang in Shao Nanyin's ears. The air flow and harsh sound instantly brought her mind back to her senses. She regained consciousness in her dazed and numb golden eyes, and subconsciously raised her head to look at the person in front of her.

"Stop dozing off, you lazy employee who is slacking off at work." The emperor, who was bent over and leaning forward, looked helplessly at the dazed Shao Nanyin and shook his head, as if he had caught the boss of a lazy employee at his work station.

After Shao Nanyin saw the emperor's face clearly, his originally somewhat chaotic thinking instantly poured a basin of ice water on his face. His face turned pale. He reflexively wanted to lean back to avoid the distance, but his back bumped into the upright chair. back.

When the emperor saw that Shao Nanyin finally woke up, he shrugged and stood up straight. He turned around and walked back to a standard HR desk and sat down. What was very interesting was that he was also dressed quite HR now, wearing a small suit with a logo on his face. Wearing intellectual black-rimmed glasses, she gently supported her with her right hand intentionally or unintentionally, and her legs wrapped in a hip-covering skirt gently crossed each other under the table.

She looked around hastily and discovered this weird pure white space. Even though it was pure white, she could strangely distinguish the structure of the walls, ceiling and other spaces. There was no light source, but it seemed that the entire space was a light source, so No dark shadows were visible on the ground.

"Where am I?" Shao Nanyin lowered his head and looked at what he was wearing. He was also wearing a formal suit, an off-white short suit and skirt suit. Because it was autumn and winter outside now, he wore a woolen sweater underneath. Under the short skirt are pantyhose that don't reveal any flesh and low-heeled shoes.

She stared at the row of small rhinestones on the uppers of the shoes. Shao Nanyin remembered that Nan Qin had chosen these shoes for her when she was shopping in a department store. They were quite cheap and sold for 59 yuan after a discount. This pair of shoes She has always kept them in her shoe cabinet without wearing them, because she is afraid that they are too cheap and may cause stinky feet. Dragons can also have stinky feet due to non-breathable and leather shoe materials, but there is a high probability that they will not contract stubborn athlete's foot.

The tail of the ballpoint pen hit the multi-layered plywood desk surface and made a "tapping" sound. The emperor tilted his head and looked at Shao Nanyin and said, "Why are you still in a daze? We still have processes to go through."

"Process? What process?" Shao Nanyin asked, but she reacted the next moment. Her face changed drastically and she wanted to stand up, but she found that she seemed to be glued to the chair, with her hands placed neatly on her legs. Unable to move, he raised his head and looked at the emperor again with eyes filled with fear and anger.

"According to the normal procedure, Shao Nanqin, the little pet you raised should be thrown into the deadpool's den and cut into pieces. After all, you violated the contract and left your post without permission. This made Nibelungen Line 3 The final level of the maze lost its boss. Many players reported this vicious bug to our company, which forced us to apologize and at the same time offer a board of Dove to everyone in the maze No. 3. Chocolate and a bottle of Nongfu Spring mineral water - this caused a huge loss for our company, the final boss: Miss Shao Nanyin."

The emperor tapped the ballpoint pen in his hand in embarrassment and looked at Shao Nanyin on the chair, "The maze on Line 3 now has no boss at the end of the level. This has caused the number of people to clear the level to exceed expectations and greatly increased the server load of the Level 4 level. The maintenance staff of the line are also complaining to us about this matter. After all, the special nature of the level of Line 4 means that once the number of people passing through Line 3 exceeds the limit, it will delay the progress of the game as a whole."

Talking to himself, the emperor tapped his forehead with the ballpoint pen in his hand. He raised his head slightly to reveal the long, snow-white neck under the collar. "But this matter actually has two sides, good and bad. For example, it successfully delayed the distinguished core player Lin Years of clearance progress has greatly increased his game stickiness and play time."

After a moment, she put down the ballpoint pen, smoothed her long black hair and made a decision, "Forget it, our company has never exploited employees at will. Mandy Gonzalez was a guarantor in the past as an example. We always get together and disperse easily." It’s our company’s motto, so Shao Nanqin won’t throw it away to feed the dogs for the time being.”

Shao Nanyin stared at the emperor, but the other party's "openness" did not make her feel happy or relieved, because she knew very well what the inside of this "thing" looked like, and there was no way that the other party had the so-called " "Pity" and "sympathy" emotions, just listen to what He said about "let Shao Nanqin go", there are always worse things waiting for them behind.

As expected by Shao Nanyin, the emperor then changed his words and said, "But uh, since you really failed to complete the task assigned to you by our company and failed to perform your duty, so according to the regulations of the contract, I The company will pursue a series of responsibilities against you in accordance with legal legal channels, that is to say, you have to compensate our company, so that both of us can be settled."

"Let Nan Qin go, I'll give you whatever you want." Shao Nanyin said that she had no choice. Maybe Lin Nian, Lu Mingfei and others could angrily scold each other and insult each other when facing the emperor. Despicable, but Shao Nanyin can't do it. Her bloodline and her identity make her have no choice but to submit and surrender in front of the emperor.

She could try to negotiate conditions with the emperor, but the so-called negotiation of conditions was just a glorified description of "prayer". The real initiative and decision-making power had always been in the hands of the emperor, and would not change at all due to any of her will.

The world of the Dragon Clan has strict hierarchies that cannot be surpassed. It is a steel seal engraved in the bloodline.

"Let Shao Nanqin go. To be honest, your pet is actually not of much use to me. You should know that the bad nature of your bloodline is not qualified to refuse when you are called by the bloodline of a superior. You could escape once. Destiny is just that those in power are too busy to take care of themselves. You who escaped from the battlefield are insignificant to the general situation, so I have never come to trouble you." The emperor played with his ballpoint pen and looked at Shao Nanyin who was unable to move in his seat. "Capture him. Your little pet just wants to make you miserable in front of him, so that he will feel more guilty when he kills you, but at the same time, it also makes him a little too high in humanity and so low in humanity. A little, after all, if you get used to killing people, you will always cross that line unknowingly."

"I'm not dead?" Shao Nanyin suddenly raised his head.

"Ah? You thought you were dead?" The emperor also raised his head and looked at Shao Nanyin in astonishment, then nodded and said, "Oh, you thought you were half cocooned, and now it's just your spiritual energy talking to me. No. Lin Nian let you go again before you died."

"." Shao Nanyin fell silent.

"Oh, by the way, if you now dare to think that if he lets you off the hook, you will be a slave to him in the next life, Shao Nanqin's fate will be more than just being eaten alive by a dead waiter." The emperor scratched his head with a ballpoint pen. Eyebrow.

Shao Nanyin glanced at the emperor, and the emperor glanced at her and said, "So many dragons of more than one generation cannot understand what your fellow descendants of inferior blood are thinking about every day. How can you, as a dragon, Is there such a ridiculous thing as 'love' for despicable humans? Only dragons with brain problems will have such ridiculous human plots. Even if it does happen, it won't be what you think of as 'love', it's just Pure 'possessiveness', the greed factor engraved in every dragon bloodline is at work, including the 'family affection' you think you have for your little pet."

Shao Nanyin remained silent, and the emperor suddenly smiled, "Like humans, in human parlance, this weird hobby should be called 'Furry control', right? That kind of niche group is rare even among humans. It is quite a heresy and is looked down upon by many people. Anyway, I will not allow this situation to occur in the Dragon Clan."

Shao Nanyin suddenly understood why the emperor said that Shao Nanqin was not important and yet put Shao Nanqin in such a cruel and dangerous situation.

"Then again, I'm actually quite surprised that Lin Nian didn't eat you up. The construction of 'Yewei' in the final stage will definitely require quite pure dragon genes to repair it, so I put it in You're stuck at the bottom of the barrier. The temptation of 'jealousy', the rules of the maze, the construction of 'Yewei', coupled with the fact that you are not very lovable and have deceived him, so many factors combined failed to make him make up his mind. Eat you. Even I have no doubts about how to make him a little more like a dragon."

Shao Nanyin looked at the emperor sighing and suddenly said coldly, "He is clearly a human being. Even if his bloodline is extremely abnormal, he is still a human being. I hope he will think like a dragon. Have you set the wrong training policy?"

"When adults are talking, children should not interrupt." The emperor glanced at Shao Nanyin and said.

Shao Nanyin's seat disintegrated in an instant, as if she was hit by an invisible heavy hammer. She was like a rag doll and was blown into a ball of blood mist and hit the white wall. Red blood was sprinkled all over it. The pristine walls are eye-catching. With her whole body torn apart, she was pressed against the wall by the invisible force, unable to move. The scales, muscles, bones, and even microscopic cells on her body were being dragged in all directions bit by bit, as if to slow her down. Slowly tear into countless pieces.

Shao Nanyin screamed, but no sound came out of her throat. Her roar was "silenced" in this space.

The emperor's expression did not change while he was sitting at his desk, and he was still spinning his ballpoint pen. "How can I train him? It's not your turn to interrupt. Pay attention to where you kneel, and then think about what you should say."

People who can chat calmly with the emperor are always "qualified" people. Obviously, Shao Nanyin does not have this qualification.

"Lin Nian doesn't kill you, which makes me very dissatisfied, but it is also what I expected. In the many futures I have seen, in the general trend of development, your life and death are not very important to the development of the story. That's the icing on the cake." The emperor said, "Since you are not dead, you should continue to play some role for me. Shao Nanqin can survive, and I can even let her go, but on the other hand, I want you to work well for me."

"Since he has you as a burden with him now, then do what you can to ensure that he gets what I want him to get in the next levels." The emperor repeatedly pressed the ballpoint pen. The button made a "click" sound, "He still has too much humanity. What if in the next level I design for him, because of these useless things, he doesn't reach the height I want before reaching the bottom of the level?" , then the situation is troublesome, and this is something I cannot tolerate happening - so do you know what you should do?"

The bloody Shao Nanyin's chest was wide open, and the bones and internal organs inside were pulled outwards by the invisible force. A large number of blood vessels and nerves spread towards the corners of the white wall like vines. The pain was like that of a dragon. Also crazy about it.

She couldn't answer the emperor's questions, but the emperor could understand what she was trying to express.

"Just understand." The emperor nodded with satisfaction, smiled and encouraged Shao Nanyin as he looked at Shao Nanyin who was slowly being disintegrated by invisible forces, "Although you have a low bloodline, your brain is barely adequate. This is one of the few things I have said to you. I agree, many dragons with noble bloodline have more or less problems with their heads. Cooperating with them will always make me lose a lot of brain cells. I hope you can make me worry less."

The Shao Nanyin on the wall fell down, and what fell on the snow-white ground now was not so much Shao Nanyin as a pool of bloody filth named Shao Nanyin.

But this space was strange. Even though it had become like this, she still did not die. The golden eyes covered in blood and connected to the nerves in the split head looked at the emperor, filled with fear.

"That's it. Finish your work and I'll leave first. Alas, the owner of the Nibelungen is also a hands-off shopkeeper, which makes me really busy." The emperor complained and stood up from behind the desk. He got up, walked to the pool of filth named Shao Nanyin on the ground, tilted his head and looked at the bloody golden eyes, suddenly smiled evilly, raised his foot and stepped on it with his high heel!


The severe pain made Shao Nanyin roar. She reflexively raised her hand to cover her bloodshot golden eyes and leaned back, but she hit the hard back of the chair.

She found herself sitting in darkness, an endless expanse of darkness in which nothing could be seen.

Are you blind? She touched her pupils and found that her face seemed to have returned to its original state, including the body that was torn into a puddle of filth in the pure white space and was now intact.

Why did you appear here? Where is this place?

Shao Nanyin raised her right hand to support herself to stand up, but in an instant a hand stretched out from the darkness and grabbed Shao Nanyin's wrist. She wanted to break free but found that the force holding her was unimaginable, which made her immediately turn around. She turned her head to her side and saw Lin Nian, who was also sitting on a chair in the darkness. His pair of molten red golden eyes stared at her and signaled her not to make any move.

"Shh-" Lin Nian put a finger in front of his lips.

He signaled Shao Nanqin to be silent, and Shao Nanyin gradually discovered that there were countless pairs of eyes hidden in the darkness behind them. They were all lit up golden pupils, like fireflies gathering in the forest. They were all hybrids, sitting together. There are chairs hidden in this darkness.

Based on where they were sitting, it was not difficult for Shao Nanyin to guess that these seats were arranged in an orderly manner, forming a huge circle in the darkness.

Shao Nanyin was about to speak, but then a round of strong music sounded in his ears, which seemed to be an old English song, followed by violent applause like a sea wave, drums, electric guitar and saxophone playing. The non-existent "ceiling" was blown away!

Shao Nanyin had an expression of discomfort on his face, while Lin Nian on the side looked forward silently. Both of them recognized the origin of the music. It was one of the representative works of the American disco band The Village People, which was recorded in 1980. The most popular song "Y.M.C.A." from the released album "Cant Stop the Music".

Shao Nanyin turned his head and looked forward in the direction Lin Nian was looking. In this dark space of unknown size, a bright spotlight hit the powerful music in the darkness with a "swish" sound, illuminating a There is a circular stage. The floor of the stage is covered with LED lights and a screen constantly plays brilliant blue waves. In the center of the stage is a V-shaped double chair facing each other.

A figure walked into the spotlight from the darkness, and what appeared in front of everyone in the darkness was

Morgan Freeman?

ps: Morgan Freeman, born on June 1, 1937 in Tennessee, USA, is an American actor, director, and producer. His representative works include "The Shawshank Redemption", "The Impostor", "Million Dollar Baby", "The Bucket List", etc. He is a professional who plays God in American Hollywood movies.

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